I have a little background in marketing, which makes me see this stuff EVERYWHERE. Sometimes I feel like Roddy Piper with his 'all-seeing' sunglasses. No matter how charming a car commercial, all I see is "CONSUME". No matter how serious the guy in a lab coat looks, all I see is "OBEY".

I shudder for those who have no ability to see through the BS and see the propaganda underneath, because IT IS EVERYWHERE.

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For those who have not seen the whole 3-hour Rogan interview with RFK, Jr., I wrote an article that highlights some of the topics that jumped out at me. That is, the short segments I found on Twitter did not capture everything that’s important and very interesting.


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All in on Kennedy.

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Well, yes. Heck yeah. I don't think that advertising and marketing are mind-control. There are methods and means to coerce. We as consumers can and will at some time be "duped". We learn, sometimes, and move on. The hideousness of what we all see taking place outside the free-market in our national narrative, is subversion.

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Ed Dowd is one of my heroes, but he was wrong on one of his major predictions about “excess deaths.” There’s no way this scandal could ever be “exposed.” Put it this way, in 16-plus months, no mainstream news organizations has run a major story on war-type death numbers.


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Sounds like the heated conversation I had with my cardiologist in fall of '21 when he asked me if I had gotten my COVID vaccine. Said no. Asked why. I said 'cause I don't want to die that there are treatments using off-label meds. That's when he blew and said he'd put his IQ up there with anyone in the field - there are no treatments for it. Haven't been back since.

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Good job! I hope your heart is better without this heartless and mindless cardiologist.

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I took my daughter to a cardiologist she was having irregular heart beats. The dr ordered an ultra sound. Well of course they asked if she a jab and I told her no. She said “ Don’t you know Covid can give you myocarditis “. I said So do the jabs” she didn’t comment.

My daughter didn’t have myocarditis . She has an electrical problem the same as I do , my mother had and my oldest daughter.

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Super detailed and careful.

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Too many "educated" people lack common sense. They become what they are taught.

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GP has laid off any talk of boosters other than offering it. Was low key about the jab. He is smarter than most I am lucky

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Dr. Malone and others were instrumental in my decision NOT to take the jab. Wish all of my friends and family would have listened to sound reason and not reacted to fear.

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Good for you. I did the same with my doctor, who is part of a large system, regarding remdesivir and the hospitals. I loudly called it medical murder and tyranny to his face and asked him what the heck was going on. He very quietly said his system stopped using it four months prior. So happy lawyers are going after the hospitals NOW! Look up Mullhulland and Assoc. They need help and are encouraging lawyers to seek out this type of business. Will be lucrative and Pfizer and the rest deserve the absolute takedown. A $3 Trillion takedown! Watch Mullhulland on Epoch Times.

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Thank you so much for correcting the spelling! Yes- that’s him! I think this was his second interview on Epoch Times. I might be wrong about that.

Watching this and his last are beginning to bring me hope and diminishes the dark darkness of what is happening.

Putting legal advertising out there on legacy TV like they have for other drugs and car accidents might wake many millions up.

How do such things happen?

Thanks again!!

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Congrats, you are a Screamer, too!

We are few but banding together!

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My GP "reminded" me at my recent annual physical to get my flu shot and Covid booster.

"Yeah that's not happening."

He just shrugged. Good guy but he needs to lose 30 pounds. Parroting the party line is safe but not based on science.

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At least he's shrugging and no longer telling you that you're going to kill your family with your reckless decision..........

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I've had five cardiologists, or is that six, since 2018. All of them wanted me on different pharma...except for statins which was universal. Today, I'm on none of the pharma's these experts wanted me on...and doing just fine.

I left the last one in 2021 when the practice said they wanted my vax status...wouldn't see me without. Sent a message to the cardiologist that politely told him and his org to pound sand.

My PC on the other hand...is what a doctor should be. Between him and my own research, I'm much better off than I was five, ten maybe even fifteen years ago.

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Going way off-track of Dr. Malone's article, but...

Not sure there is a logic behind the benefits of statins. Except those of a now largely discredited 'cholesterol/saturated fats' hypothesis (don't worry so much, if at all, about cholesterol), Big Pharma and captured agencies and NGO's (like AMA etc).

Dr Malone has written about on his substack I believe

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick has written extensively (https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/)

Mary Anne Demasi has a history reporting about, and being censored...she has a substack too - https://maryannedemasi.substack.com/

Start there...there's more.

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Also, check out the webinars on the FLCCC website. I'm nearly positive Dr. Marik has said statins are worthless, maybe in last week's webinar, Why Fat is Not the Enemy. https://covid19criticalcare.com/category/weekly-webinars/

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Good for you! More need to speak up. Thankfully all my Drs offices stopped the mandates

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This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you for sticking to your guns and unmasking the stupidity.

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I’d have loved to watch! Lol

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This made me laugh out loud! 🤣 (sorry!) glad he’s better! 😁

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I’ve mentioned this story before, so if you have read it please ignore. Many years ago, a night in 1994, my mother was experiencing back pain so I took her to Faulkner hospital in Boston. The ER Doc listened to her heart and noticed my mother had an irregular heart beat, which she had for years. One thing lead to another and she ended up at a cardiologist at Lahey Clinic in Burlington Mass. for triple bi- pass surgery. Well they cut my mother from her an ankle to her thigh, and from her stomach right up to her neck cracked her chest etc. She made it home finally and while taking a walk with her around the block she said to me something wasn’t right, she still didn’t feel good. After a few weeks of not feeling better we went back to the Faulkner hospital and she got a ct scan. They found she had pancreatic cancer. Within 2 months of the ct scan, after they butchered my poor wonderful mother she passed away. The Lahey clinic and the cardiologist were paid in full. At the time the bills were over 180 thousand dollars. So for the hospital it was a great success. My mother would have lived a longer life if they had just left her alone. I’ll never forget, I was young then and she was recovering in the hospital from her heart surgery. It happened to be Mother’s Day and I had called a florist and said to bring her the biggest mums (planted flowers) they had. Well they certainly did. It was a huge planted mum and that night in her room the cricket in the plant started chirping. Funny things that happen and you remember in life. It did give her a laugh.

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It truly is.I’m sorry for you brother.

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My ophthalmologist's office still have their masks on. Told them I'd be glad when I can see their faces again. It could relate to insurance or specialty board guidelines.

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Not yet. I don't wear a mask. At one point they allowed fully vaxed patients didn't have to wear masks. With natural Immunity, I figured that was good enough. My DO is part of a practice, so it may be the true believers running the practice that are calling the shots.

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Mine had one. It was a choice, wear or not!

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“The truth is that our government has become a master at information control and propaganda”

It was so, so naive of us to assume this would only be used overseas and not on us. Now everything is a psyop!

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By a CIA that is legally prohibited from operating domestically.

Where's Congress?

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might as well ask: "Where's Waldo?"

Meanwhile, this is an excellent synopsis---the rot in under 1000 words:


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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I started studying NLP almost 40 years ago. It encompases some very effective techniques, and is very illuminating on how manipulable are humans. It is a powerful tool for helping people overcome the negative programming and beliefs that all of us were subjected to just in the process of growing up in this very "unenlightened" world, including help releasing deep-seated trauma.

But in the hands of nefarious operatives such as within the government, look out! The best strategy is to LEARN more! Knowledge is power, and to be resistant to manipulation, one needs to understand how it works!

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Yes! Years ago when some close friends became Marxists and came at us with a struggle session, we stopped relating to them. We read Robert Lifton's book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism

Our "first aid kit" to resist manipulation became: Privacy, Choice, and Expression. Protect your PC&E and respect others' PC&E. Learning to identify manipulations requires a distinction: Persuasion = Fair influence with a level playing field. Manipulation = Taking advantage of. The Marxist group self-destructed but it took 5 years. Brainwashing may be effective but it is not sustainable, it takes ongoing enforcement. They apologized and told us they had been drawn into it because they wanted power to change themselves and others that was stronger than psychology or religion.

I think part of recovering from being brainwashed involves learning to trust persuasion and fair discussion and debate again. So happy to see the healthy open discussions here in the comments! Dr. Malone is a free man and sets the tone for freedom.

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I never delved into Marxist techniques, but "struggle session" sounds very ominous . . . like something right out of Mao's China or Stalin's Russia. How insanely humans can behave with each other! That's what happens when connection with spirit/soul, and God/Source of All is taken out of the equation! Nothing left but empty ideology and confusion.

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Yes. Sadly they had all been Christians, but happily almost all returned to their faith when they came to their senses and saw that their leader was an oppressor. The struggle session was full of insults, false accusations, and even saying "You need to be born again our way!" And of course there was the offer of the fun and status of being a part of their group including money and sex of course. It was hard to give up arguing with them, it was hard to believe they were so irrational they could not entertain a fair disagreement. To us it was the accuser of the brethren and the father of lies at work.

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"When everything Americans belief is a lie, we will have accomplished our job" -William Casey, then head of the CIA, in a staff meeting with top level managers.

This has been verified by his then secretary (look it up, I've forgotten the details, but had the poster up for a long time).

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I can only think that this type of operation truly works on the low information voter types. As much success as they have had, there seems to be a change taking place that will get to an opposite reaction. Many people are beginning to figure out their deceptive practices and I don’t think they have enough jail cells to put us all behind bars. The wave is forming, will crest and sweep them away soon. J.Goodrich

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I think you might be right. I’m starting to see an awakening happening, but fear it’s not fast enough but for now it gives me some hope.

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Cheryl B, I’m typically negative when it comes to politics, but I’m starting to think things always happen for a reason. Even the liberal media is turning on Joe. Now I hear Biden had a phone that Hunter was paying for and they know the provider and number I guess. Things are really collapsing around him. Stay optimistic Cheryl B!!

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James, That is a favorite saying around here, "things happen for a reason" the reason usually shows up when least expected.

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DD sometimes even when bad things happen to good people, down the road you look back and are thankful. Maybe even because you had learned something.

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Thanks James! I’m trying! Interesting about the phone. I haven’t paid any attention to any news in a couple of weeks(not on purpose -in process of getting out of state of AZ!)

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Peter Schweizer was on Maria Bartiroma over the weekend and talked about Biden’s phone. He gave the info to house leaders. It seems every day something comes out. All it will take is 1 or 2 democrat senators to turn which is possible.

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In my experience, the govt narrative is most entrenched in those who take pride in being addicted to mainstream news content. In other words, the high information voter types. These are the types to are sure their doctor's diagnosis of long Covid can't possibly be vaccine injury. They're afraid to listen to anyone else besides their "trusted" news sources, but they pay close attention to those news sources.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My suggestion to anyone looking for a legit news source is always The Last American Vagabond. TLAV is consistently 4-6 months ahead of any other independent media.

The show runner, Ryan Christian, is the most objective journalist I've ever watched. He gives multiple perspectives for any story he covers, prioritiezs reporting on his own corrections and retractions (fully admits when he is wrong or falls short on journalistic standards,) and does not hesitate to call out his reporters, guests, or audience when they are falling into unjustified beliefs.

Bonus- he ends every episode of the Daily Wrap Up with the reminder to question everything including everything he says. Hell, i would trust him 100%, if it wasn't for his constant exhortations to never do such a stupid thing.

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Thanks for sharing. I’ve not heard of this one.

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Nice Robert. Yet another topic worth it's weight in gold to attempt a total understanding of.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. (Repeatedly.)

Joseph Campbell

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I am rapidly approaching a "turn it off" approach to every day life. Now I just need to encourage those around me to do the same.... No, I can't turn off all online activity, but I choose what I click on. Ad Blockers, VPNs and not using the msft or ggle browsers can each provide another degree of separation.

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The CIA and MSM should never be trusted , the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird...

Church Committee's Reports 94-755, it  has been said to constitute the most extensive review of intelligence  activities ever made available to the public. Much of the contents were classified, but over 50,000 pages were declassified in 1975. Not much has changed since then., if anything it has gotten worse over time.

The CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success. The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post). Wisner had taken Graham under his wing to direct the program code-named Operation Mockingbird and both have presumably committed suicide.

Media assets will eventually include NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens. The CIA had infiltrated the nation's ABC, of businesses, media, and universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950's. CIA Director Dulles had staffed the CIA almost exclusively with Ivy League graduates, especially from Yale with figures like George Herbert Walker Bush from the "Skull and Crossbones" Society.    

See original sources: Senate Report 94-755 - Operation Mockingbird

The Church Committee was the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Idaho Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975. A precursor to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee investigated intelligence gathering for illegality by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Senate Report 94-755 - Operation Mockingbird: This is why PBS and the MSM  are not trusted, they influence by deep state.

Source links:



Church Committee's Reports 94-755:Among the matters investigated were attempts to assassinate foreign leaders, including Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, the Deim brothers of Vietnam , Gen.Rene Schneider of Chile and C.I.A's plan  to use the Sicilian Mafia  to kill Fidel Castro of Cuba.Under recommendations and pressure by this committee, President Ford issued Executive Order 11905 (ultimately replaced in 1981 by President Reagan's Executive Order 12333) to ban U.S. sanctioned assassinations of foreign leaders.

Senate Report 94-755 - Operation Mockingbird

The Church Committee was the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Idaho Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975. A precursor to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee investigated intelligence gathering for illegality by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Senate Report 94-755 - Operation Mockingbird: This is why PBS and the MSM  are not trusted, they are influenced by the deep state.

Source links:





Despite these numerous challenges, the Church Committee investigated and identified a wide range of intelligence abuses by federal agencies, including the CIA, FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and National Security Agency. In the course of their work, investigators identified programs that had never before been known to the American public, including NSA’s Projects SHAMROCK and MINARET, programs which monitored wire communications to and from the United States and shared some of that data with other intelligence agencies. Committee staff researched the FBI’s long-running program of “covert action designed to disrupt and discredit the activities of groups and individuals deemed a threat to the social order,” known as COINTELPRO. The FBI included among the program’s many targets organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the anti-Vietnam War movement, and individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as local, state, and federal elected officials.

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His address to face "Face the Nation" in 1975, just prior to the final report released to congress, was a chilling prediction about where the country would be if the NSA et all, were not tightly reined in and monitored by uncompromised independent auditors with FULL access to it's committees. Looking at the current state of affairs, it is apparent that Washington legislators are part and parcel of the problem.

I mean, would you treat any of your neighbors the way our government treats our neighbors?

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The Intelligence Gathering Debate - www.NBCUniversalArchives.com

Senator Frank Church

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Do you have a link to that show, it would be interesting to watch? Thanks for the update.

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It was on YouTube, "Frank Church on Face the Nation". I have it downloaded on my internet-free server, not much good for non-neighbors/internet allies who cannot sit at the council fire and witness the evidence and wisdom.

Try 'Odysee.com' since they still curate much of what those vile Quislings at "YouTube" have censored.

The amount of warning that wise men have been telling us, for nearly a century, is now at hand and deflating.

I mean we're arriving to the battle ill equiped against flesh and blood.

However the powers and principalities in dark places are about to encounter a Holy Host of qualified opposition. And it shall be merciless, so let us rescue as many globalists as we can, since we shall be called to account for our actions on their behalf.

Christ did not call on heaven to destroy His enemies. Nor should we.

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"The amount of warning that wise men have been telling us, for nearly a century, is now at hand and deflating." Warnings are either never heeded or are isolated to a generation, otherwise, we never would have gotten this far down the rabbit hole. Ever since the written word surfaced, wise men have been prolific with their advice and warnings yet here we are ‘says every generation’ while looking the rear view mirror.

The worldly system of justice is lost in left field. What God has planned is not for us to say. It should always be our mission to save lost souls regardless of the outcome to self.

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God specifically lays out exactly what is to be like. It is outlined in the Love letter to us, the Bible.

Love your neighbor as yourself. Pretty straight forward actually.

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I took your "a Holy Host of qualified opposition. And it shall be merciless" as God's plan.

I addressed your rescue - as Father Strickland say's "the Gospel welcomes all to redemption and Sanctity, however, if there is no repentance the barriers to sanctity remain."

Our laws mirror God's laws. They must be followed. When they are not we have earthly consequences. We leave the rest in God's hands.

Loving your neighbor does not mean condoning their actions, making excuses for them or interfering in any punishment meted out.

I sincerely hope your prediction of 'qualified opposition' happens.

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Thanks form the update...

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Does the Orwellian Line include the most bizzaro situations whereby Non-Gay adults bring their toddler/preschool/middle school children to the " New and Improved" asshole series of The Gay Pride Festival Parades? Please tell me what "EXACTLY" is being celebrated? Wrong....just wrong!

This is the highest form of Immersion of a Dysfunctional mental disease, Group Participations.

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Clockwork Rainbow

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kcus kcoc Brainblows ! Jumble it.

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Until covid, there was perhaps no greater psyop than global warming-climate change- climate crisis..."The Science" was developed here, as an alternative to actual inquiry. The official story presented through thousands of astro turf outlets, the outright purchase of organs such as Sierra Club, magazines, developments of NGO's, the enlistment of "stakeholders," i.e. corporations that wish to conceal their pollution, etc. The capture of unaffiliated institutions like the military to laughably pretend that climate is a military enemy and threat. The list os comprehensive, lengthy, and totally, bullshit.

Here's another...starting in the 1990's it was determined that the American family needed to be undermined by the degradation of sex from procreative and associated with interpersonal obligation and love to frivolous exploitation of others as "love." The currents became a flood and now heteronormative living is ridiculed while even children are immersed in depraved and revolting theater of the grotesque distortions of the "pride" parades. Most young people think there is something narrow minded and even bigoted in normal sexual relations and the family is portrayed as dysfunctional, a source of horror and psychological torment, whereas only the deviant lifestyle is authentic or sustaining or emotionally healthy.

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But, of course, we knew that.

In a true and free democracy, there is no place for this garbage. That our gangster government is up to its ears in this perversion, speaks volumes. Is this the government we want? No sane person would say "yes."

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Well, they used to be better at it. The Emperor has no clothes - see straight thru it.

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One way of evaluating news stories is asking the questions that are not asked. The absence of those questions often tells you all you need to know. Example; the c.e.o. of that company that owned the deep sub recently lost made comments comparing his venue to aviation. Anyone in the know about aviation is familiar with stress effects and how it accumulates. You would think the same applies to something undergoing 5000 lb/square inch yet have not heard too many questions re how many dives that sub had made and what. kind of stress testing is done. What I have heard is beginning to sound like is a window may have failed. And no, it had not been properly tested????? So the questions not asked often tell us a lot

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Yes, fully Orwellian. The Federal bureaucracies are now fully weaponized to target political opponents. America under Globalists and the Marxist left has become almost an image of Stalin's Russia. Gulags, show trials, stolen elections, Ministry of Truth, and all.

We are running out of time to fix this. Trump and election 2024 is probably our last chance. January 6 was not an insurrection -- it was, most likely, a well planned coup with both parties going along. The rules were suspended, so there was no debate (and probably no records of attendance kept), but votes should have been recorded. To prove that we must release the videos and have Congressional hearings to find out what happened.


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Excellent article, thanks for that Dr M! Also a lot of wisdom in the comments, and thanks for that too.

I'll stick with Lincoln's classic about not being able to fool all of the people all of the time.

Everyone and every source carries some bias, in the nature of things. As GB Shaw said, one must allow for it as a marksman allows for the direction of the wind.

There is a lawsuit now in progress that addresses a few of the core issues raised by your article. Here is one summary of what it is about:

https://www.ntd.com/judge-dismisses-biden-admins-motion-to-dismiss-big-tech-collusion-case_908620.html/. It is slowly chugging its way through the court system. These AGs in Missouri and Louisiana are being quite thorough and patient and have compiled loads of "discovery" of facts re: what the current admin has been up to. Some of you may find it interesting. I have another cite but not sure I can add to this, will try to add separately.

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