Sep 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Deep bows Robert. Once again I am being reminded of the war being waged on our minds and souls. Easy to become washed in the day to day slow drip of marketing and propaganda, as I do my best to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open through the chaos...I hope for the best of my country, community and neighbors and prepare for the worst that I can image, which may not be enough, but it's the best I can do. I do this while praying for peace, not living in the fear of the day, empowering myself with healthy readings (such as this) and getting dirt under my fingernails. Creator God help us.

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Amen Jared. 🙏🙏🙏

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Love your neighbor and behave, right? Let's pray that's sufficient.

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Yes, maybe. Sufficient enough, I hope so? Will it work I do not know...

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Ultimately and unfortunately, I think not. We can’t save the world, but we can try to be the best versions of ourselves and maybe save what matters in the grand scheme. Kind of a nihilistic optimism: the world will go to hell in a handbasket, but what’s Godly will endure and win in the end. Still praying about that!

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Good, keep it up!

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Amen! Love this Jared!

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It's one hell of a fence to build around 330 million sheep.

But they are relentless buggers.

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"Buggers"??? "330 million sheep"???

Lets call a spade a spade: "It" is a vast Socialist, Communist (and FASCST) conspiracy hell-bent on building an escape proof "fence" around the entire planet. ...For the common good.

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For their common good. The rest if us can rot in the hell they have made for us. Not bright enough to figure out autocrats always need peons

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Some suitably programable transhumans less the useless eaters?

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Generationally - "educationally" speaking, some things never change...on purpose.

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They think half a Billion or so peons is about right

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Doubt they are smart enough to make that calculation. Most hedonists rarely consider the outcomes of them feeding their hedonistic tendencies

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Just two letters changes the mantra you always hear to the truth. I and R. The to their.

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I agree. Anyone who has studied revolutions and communism can see exactly what is going on in the USA these days. But we have a dumbed down population and youth are not taught that Marx was a monstrous person and youth are not taught about what really occurred in France in the 1780s and 1790s and in so many other places. Malone's article is terrific but the masses only see what the near demonic corporate media puts out every day.

28 Republican senators have said they will vote to give more aid to the Ukraine in a war that the USA actually started. Many of these senators will hide this.

Many have learned not to believe the MM and that the truth is almost always the opposite of what they tell the country and world.

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Right-on! the deliberate dis-education of American children and students has been happening for at least a half century - emanating initially from (American) "teachers colleges" - and continuing throughout - with very few exceptions - the entirety of public education and academia.

There is NO realistic way to 'fix' this huge problem in time to save (what remains) of our Republic.

I truly fear for my kids, grand children and great grand children - and what they will face throughout their lifetimes.

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We are all alike in that we worry about the kids . I see a lot of men in their teens through their 30s who see through the lies. Perhaps they will fight. If I am still around I will fight. It seems you bring your kids up properly. Truth will stay in their minds.

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"in a war that the USA actually started" - A bit of half truth in that statement. As if we asked Putin to take over Ukraine.

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But of course....only for the common good.

Own nothing....be HAPPY.....WooooWoooooDoooDoooo....Be HAPPY.

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Yes!! Eat crickets!

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Fence where? The whole planet is their Auschwitz lab playground, free entrance.

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They have destroyed many countries and their innocent people. I hope and pray they all swim together in the lake of fire, perhaps many lakes for all these evil, corrupt peoplekind!! Castro was on to something when he came out with that word. Thanks Drs. Malone for all you do. Have a fantastic, blessed week-end. God Bless!!

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What a surprise it will be one fine day when the fences erected to keep the outsiders out turn out to be fortified by the outsiders to keep the insiders in. No soup for you!

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Randall S. please do some reading about the survivors of Auschwitz and other concentration camps. Many were mentally broken and completely exhausted in such a way, that at the moment of their liberation they didn’t want I to leave the camps, and felt more at ease in their deplorable situation than to take the step in their freedom. Hell can look more soothing than the unknown. Soup in Auschwitz was what they got every day, nauseous or not they took it.

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My dad served in the Army with Paton's Tank Brigade in WW2 in France and then Germany.

I have seen movies such as Schindler's list. I am 3/4 Austrian and 1/4 Polish of family tree.

Bad Bad Bad time to be anywhere in Europe back then. What if it took root like that here?

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A forgotten side of history, there were also echelons of Spanish, French, Dutch, Belgian both sides, Danish, Polish incorporated in the German army fighting against Russia during WWII. My dad fought in an area near Sebastopol with the German Army against the Bolshevik army, when he got back after the war he was sent to prison for desertion for 2 years and lost all his civilian rights. When he should go now and join the Ukr. army fighting against the Russians he would be considered as defending democracy, things can change by the years and let me tell you this, I don’t go with the narrative, the almost imperative coercion to hate Russians, cuz Russians love their children too…..

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As Gordon Sumner has melodiously stated in a song he wrote. Talented Guy that Sting.

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I hope more Americans go against the narrative. I would not have wanted to be in Russia in the winter as your father was.

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The globalists don't give a damn about the veterans of WW2, Korea, Cold War and so on. My dad and his brothers all served in the ETO slaughterhouse. History does not matter to communists. History must be erased.

Today I see Russia as the good guy. The media hated our US forces in Vietnam and loved the Soviet Union. The USSR gives up communism and the big media hates a Christian Russia.

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Treating others like disposable sheep in a dog eat dog world does not speak well for America.

Our global integrity and compassion of others is all theatrical stages with written scripts.

Look at this open southern border invasion as planned well executed to diminish USA.

But the play on the stage has been running too long. A New Frontier on another stage is appearing with actors we have little familiarity in common with .

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change,

Joseph Campbell

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I often wonder how US citizens would feel if all of a sudden there were communist clad "troops" on the streets of their big cities and towns. Look how the Cambodians felt in 1975 when the Khmer Rouge got off trucks and herded the people. It was very bad in Phnom Penh.

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Now that made Me laugh!!! “No Sheep in My Circle”. Very Best, Ed

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9. Are you tempted to self-censor to avoid social punishment?

I think this is the biggest reason why we are where we are right now. (In a living nightmare)

My friends who know the truth behave this way. I don’t. And because of that, they no longer want to be around me. 😢

Thank God I have new friends who DON’T behave this way.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

If you have new friends that don't behave that way you are fortunate. But it is tough to leave friends behind that you've spent a lifetime developing. Or having those friends, but you purposefully avoid "touchy" subjects. It's depressing, and lonely, for we know the depth of feeling, or love for another, is often a function of time.

The capitulations in the House and Senate today leave me very depressed. It's so far beyond kicking the can down the road, of again taking in $5 trillion while spending $7 trillion. And bitching online is not any solace, not like have a life long friend to discuss it with. "But we can' t shut the government down." Baloney, it's about the last thing, given the propaganda, mandates, one sided media, stolen elections, that we can do to begin reclaiming our republic.

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I share your experience being surrounded by those who I love and respect but cannot tolerate honest conversation. The depth of relationship suffers.

I do not feel depressed over the stepwise destruction of the nation by the swamp creatures. I have long since accepted it as something accomplished. The nation is in its death throes.

My peace and rest and joy are founded on the rock of ages. Not the shifting sand of politics.

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For some of us there could be fighting in the streets and the forests.

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I agree. Considering what is at stake this would be natural.

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I think...In many cases we are shown that many of those we respected we only knew on their surface - until the storms at sea showed us the real, true, and formerly hidden, heart of the person. God separates the wheat from the chaff in hundreds of ways and has been doing so the last few years in a big big way... to open the eyes of His own, I think.

I agree - the world isn't falling apart it's falling into place. But even knowing this we also know we aren't to sit back and do nothing, we are instructed to occupy, to lead and to pray. I hope many of those you love and respect come to wonder, and seek, the reason for your joy and peace in the midst of all this chaos.

The Rock is unmovable and unchanging, thank God! I honestly don't know how anyone can make it through each day without His anchor...

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This poignant comment by Dr. Mark Brody expresses well how I feel. "This is the trauma I wanted to talk about today. . . I see it in my practice . . . I have to go and talk to my friends and my relatives and pretend as if we're not at war, when there's a war going on, a war which is trying to silently exterminate a portion of the population, or disable them, or render them infertile, and I have to say, "What was on Netflix last night?"

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Oh Anne. Heartbreaking. It can be excruciating, can’t it?! 😢

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Yes, and this doctor doesn't have faith in Christ to sustain him, just a vague faith in whatever truth he can conjure up. He lost his job because he wouldn't go along with the narrative, but his own wife and daughter disagree with his views. CHD is traveling the country in a bus, or motorhome, and collecting video stories of vaccine injuries, hospital protocol deaths, etc. His interview was a different take on the situation; the trauma of having to watch it all happening and not being able to change it.

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Anne - I cannot imagine. My heart goes out to this man. My faith is the only thing that sustains me.

I was at the CHD bus in Marysville, OH a few weeks ago. So many heartbreaking stores.

Do you have a link to his interview?

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Laura, you will appreciate this. Our church's senior citizens are on a trip. The pastor who traveled with them, who is most likely vaccine injured but will not accept it, told the group there will be no talk about politics. I'm sure he puts covid and vaccines in that category. I'm glad we chose not to go.

Did you see the link I posted for Dr. Brody's interview?

I feel as though we are friends.

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Anne - yes! I listened to it on the way home from church today. Thank you for the link! I kept thinking if only I could bring him to my church where we study the Bible. My heart aches for him and what he said truly resonated with me. I just can no longer endure being with people who refuse to wake up to the lies - because now it is just willful blindness. I can’t continue the bullshit shallow conversations. I liken it to them ignoring the elephant bouncing on a trampoline and every time he hits it, he farts! 😂😂😩😩😩. I gotta laugh or I’ll cry!

My friend has made this entire issue political, just like your pastor.

I am grateful to have a pastor who tells our congregation that the shots are killing people.

I too, feel as tho we are friends. It’s easy isn’t it, when you find a kindred spirit?!

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True Laura, I understand your sentiment, however, we're only on this platform and totally isolated from each other. If we needed to unite, we wouldn't be able to get in touch so that we could unite. We need to find a way to meet and organize beyond an online platform that could very easily be taken away!

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Ana - the new friends I’ve made are not virtual. I’ve found a local church and a patriot group. I’ve made far more friends than I’ve lost. We are like-minded and have much more meaningful conversations. I see/touch/hug them weekly! I am truly blessed.

Are you familiar with Pam Popper and her MAFA groups?

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Oh Laura.. that is wonderful! How did you find these truth seekers? I live in a very woke city and it feels like no one is seeing this evil all around... 😟

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My primary support is also via church. Our pastor is very forthright in addressing all the warfare we are subjected to. The entire church community is very aware.

You can tune in online if you like.

Candlelight Christian Fellowship in Coeur D’Alene Idaho.

People are flocking to this church. We are up to four services each Sunday morning. People are hungry for the truth.

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Thank you Arlie! I will check them out!

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Chris - I was told about this church by three different people not connected in any way. In others words - God found me because I was lost and in desperate need of His word and promises.

My heart goes out to you.

I found the Ohio Freedom Fighters through a friend. They have also been a way to keep me sane.

There are MAFA groups all over the place. MAKE AMERICANS FREE AGAIN - Pam Popper spearheaded this effort. She is near Columbus, OH.

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Thank you Laura! I will see if there is a chapter nearby.

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Yes, and only the tip of the iceberg. Keep on telling all that will listen.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Today the monetary motive is not king when it comes to media. Instead it is true believers in action. This is a cult, brainwashing on a large scale. The View ladies, Maddow, etc think--no BELIEVE-- in the righteousness of their actions/reporting/statements. They can rest in the knowledge that they are saving the world. That is far more dangerous than bribes. The cult must be broken.

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I completely agree.

This is why propaganda combined with fifth-gen warfare is so scary.

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This article was difficult to read because of the truths it contained. But read we must, to save ourselves. So thank you once again Dr. Malone, for these difficult writings. Oh how I wish many of my friends and colleagues would be willing to open their eyes to these truths!

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One of Freud's nephews is the father of propaganda- Edward Bernays or something like that. Freud was a cocaine addict and pretty much dealt with a well to do clientele. Over half of his stuff was junk especially the Oedipal Complex stuff that I think most students are taught in Psych 1010.

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It was only in recent years that I realized that so much of what he taught was junk. The psychotherapy that he pushed was of a whole different "thing". His writings and talks led to the psychotherapy movement in America. For many people this therapy made things worse.

It was just another cult. When I retired 12 years ago I could finally read more. I learned from others but above all I was able to connect patterns and figure things out.

Therapy is very helpful for many but not so much what he pushed. Like so much in America , cults are created. Communism is another cult. When the Khmer Rouge were killing over 1,850,000 Cambodians 1975-79 the deranged ignorant teenage murderers would mention the class distinction thing. Marx wrote so much trash as others call it yet it is taught in universities that he was a genius. If one reads his poems and his Communist Manifesto (which he wrote with Engels) one sees a very dark (demonic) side to all of it. The man is a cult on campuses just like the sociopath Che Guevara was in Cuba. Sociopaths and psychopaths run the show. Also, Communists love and worship money- despite what they say. Money has been all important to all socialist/communist movements.

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Dr. Malone - how do you find the time and effort to do all this writing and research, (which I always find very informative), finding and posting the "Funnies" (love them), travelling as much and as often as you and Jill do for speaking engagements, etc., looking after your beautiful farm animals and horses? You are an enigma of wonder! You and Jill are always in my prayers. You ARE the American dream.

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Your New Frontier starts yesterday.🙉🙈🙊

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I’m not saying as a child that propaganda didn’t sway me to love my country. I was more influenced by my parents love for country and love for their children. Now I don’t believe anything that the media or the government says. Can I still be swayed or has the media and governments constant disgraceful lies ruined the use of propaganda against me? Is this not what happened to the former Soviet Union?

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We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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Actually hard to say what role propaganda in the minds of soviet citizens because the govs was the only news allowed. Have known folks from iron country countries and got the impression they knew darned well they were being constantly lied to but had little recourse to do anything else but pretend belief.

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Very informative. I / we need this "booster" to protect ourselves from this previously non-existent monster called media / internet / apps / cell phones / news / fake news / propaganda / paid advertising / paid influencing, etc. A more than difficult path to navigate. I once considered NPR as a true / gospel / holistic information source and have disappointingly learned otherwise. Watch your backs and your sources. Vet both.

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Excerpts from the article that contain a common theme: the corruption, perhaps the complete loss of the language: 1) "Consider the constant use of the term phobia by today’s propagandists." and 2) ",,,the requirement that you adhere to pronoun protocols...”

Re 1: I never accepted the "word" "homophobia". I wasn't afraid of homosexuality;, my view was that that type of behavior was abhorrent and should not be publicly endorsed nor embraced. Neither do I accept or use the word "gay" in a sexual context. It used to be a perfectly descriptive word but is now hopelessly corrupted. The language didn’t need a new word; it already had one.

Re 2:

The pronoun controversy is another worthy of rejection; can we be really radical and agree that the issue is settled by biological birth? If you want to play a game with it, go ahead. I'm not playing. The integrity of the language is too important to mess with.

Both of the above examples reflect not only a crisis of language, but a crisis of being able to identify religious dogma when it’s staring you in the face while it’s beating you over the head. The purveyors of 1) and 2) above, the Q+ movement, have succeeded in hiding the fact that their agenda is replete with religious doctrine, one that must be accepted lest the offender be guilty of homophobia or found to be anti-trans. It is anti-Christian at its core and has seen such success because it’s playing on an uneven field. It’s time to recognize that this religion has gone unchallenged long enough, and it’s promotion by actors in government is in fact a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

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Just a not so funny side note to your re #1 above. This past weekend my 6 year old granddaughter thought I said the word "gay" (I didn't) and proceeded to whisper I shouldn't say that because it's a bad word. So her mother and I explained it wasn't originally a bad word but people have made it so using it in a wrong way, that it really means "happy" - and told her my middle name is Gay. She looked very shocked, puzzled then thoughtful over that. It's really hard to explain to a 6 year old (the evils of) the world today. 😔

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Isn't it a pity? R.I.P. George. He said it 58 years ago in less than 30 lines.

I've got a word or two

To say about the things that you do

You're telling all those lies

About the good things that we can have if we close our eyes

Do what you want to do

And go where you're going to

Think for yourself 'cause I won't be there with you

I left you far behind

The ruins of the life that you have in mind

And though you still can't see

I know your mind's made up, you're gonna cause more misery

Do what you want to do

And go where you're going to

Think for yourself 'cause I won't be there with you

Although your mind's opaque

Try thinking more if just for your own sake

The future still looks good

And you've got time to rectify all the things that you should

Do what you want to do

And go where you're going to

Think for yourself 'cause I won't be there with you

Do what you want to do

And go where you're going to

Think for yourself 'cause I won't be there with you

Think for yourself 'cause I won't be there with you

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Back. It's been a busy and challenging couple days. Your essay here is valuable in finding what's being used to distract - defuse us. Your details of the particulars about propaganda are very helpful. I will be focusing on identifying Truth v Propoganda per the list. Your recommendation re gathering together to share what we've learned to better resist is excellent! Thank you.

OFF TOPIC Glimpes.

RFK Jr. Coverage was awful. Hard to understand - Mike Reverb. Such as I could catch - well received. Will be trying to catch more as it comes along. Couple thoughts (personally) would like to hear: Constitutional vs Democracy or at least a CD, that he would get us out of our Treaties, Totalitarian vs Facist for starters.

EPOCH had 2 presentations at about the same time.

Roman offered a panel as a follow up to his No Farmers - re Protecting Our Families against the Globalist Agenda. The part I caught was well done with implications ETV would be continuing efforts to inform and gather people together toward such ends.

Jan followed with a Bell interview going over an overview of Globalist goals, role of WHO and where to expect this will be leading.

Lastly think I've tracked down our Censorship case issues. First is our Murtha v Missouri and Louisiana. The last word I can find on it is that our guys asked for a full bench review by the 5th circuit. There are 2 other cases by Florida and Texas that also deal with censorship interpretation issues. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear these cases. I am very concerned that this will lead to our case with its issues of Preventing Gov Censorship never getting addressed. There was also note our case needs to include a ban on CISA censorship. Worrisome!!!

Thank you ever so much for helping us to define the issues and start gathering together to resist and counter the attempts against us!

Have a great Sunday getting a deep breath towards the weeks ahead

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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As always, a deep but very clear message that provokes and also chills. Stay vigilant - we can feel the malevolence and also the helplessness - this is the end result of mediocrity. Don’t participate and remain stalwart. Dark cannot drive out the Light. Thank you for your steadfast writing. It helps me.

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Keep up the AMAZING work you both are doing! You are so appreciated, respected and loved! God bless you both! ✝️🛐

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Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! Thanks for setting this truth free to defend itself like a lion! You’re both the best and I’m thankful we have this community so we aren’t isolated.

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