Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Feels a lot like the books they banned from schools. I had my 14 yr old read George Orwell's '1984' and 'Animal Farm' last year.


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I’ve been re-reading all my “formative years” literature, like Huxley, Orwell, Burgess, Soviet authors who smuggled their work out or defected. I was born and raised in a time (GenX) where horrors of totalitarianism was the historical shadow. The Holocaust was fully dissected, autopsied, xray, and splayed out so school kids could study it. We knew what governments were capable of. Not to omit equally abhorrent regimes, the Eurofascists club, as well as the Soviet and South American/Caribbean communists, the African warlords, etc. Spain’s Gen. Franco was prominent in my development, since I was raised by Basques who fled to the US during the Civil War. Its shocking that in a mere 2 generations, all that collective wisdom was lost. What we, youth in the 80s, took for GRANTED, was forgotten to the degree that we are here, having to talk under the fold about what’s going on, because the powers that be captured everything above the fold, “for your own good”. And people complied. It boggles the mind.

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Much of the US public, even well educated people, have little working knowledge of great works which used to be requisite for a liberal arts education.

I called in yesterday to WNYC and wanted to bring up George Kennan in a segment where Gary Kasparov was being interviewed on the Ukraine situation. The screener had no idea who Kennan was. Ron Paul has a good article today quoting Robert Taft; a generation ago most Ivy League and lesser college graduates would have known these names and what they stood for.

Hardly anyone today has a working knowledge of the Adler-Van Doren book list. Critical thinking is seen as too negative. Those writing policy are almost invariably "nice" people with good "social skills", with charm, animal magnetism and other desirable skills, which are fine, but without ethics, soul and conscience they are worthless.

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Fahrenheit 451 is another excellent vision into the "Hell of Good Intentions."

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That is so funny! I became a member of my local library to check what books they have. Well, no George Orwell or even Karl Marx. The children's section was even more surprising. All the books promote helplessness, obedience and gender fluidity! No Huckleberry Finn for the new generation...

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Great books! They were required reading when I was in high school. 😊

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I'd highly recommend reading Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury- my kids enjoyed it and received the message.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"If one day the situation were reversed and the fate of the vanquished lay in my hands, then I would let all the ordinary folk go and even some of the leaders, who might perhaps after all have had honorable intentions and not know what they were doing. But I would have all the intellectuals strung up, and the professors three feet higher than the rest; they would be left hanging from the lampposts for as long as was compatible with hygiene."

"I Will Bear Witness, Volume 1: A Diary of the Nazi Years: 1933-1941" by Victor Klemperer

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That’s so compelling in our current situation. After a fair trial of course.

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Thank you for your tireless efforts and the WEF names!!! This might be a chapter in your book, but it should be published in brownstone, federalist and anywhere else willing to tell the truth. They want us to think we're on different sides (red v blue, vax v novax, fox v cnn) when WEF tentacles are in BOTH camps, be alert people! Don't let them divide us.

This section of your Thesis describes conversations in my family:

"-Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.

-Give only one side of the argument.

-Continuously criticize your opponents.

-Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification."

as soon as I mention your name or a study, "psyops" and "fascist" are thrown at me. Families are fractured or fragile because this propaganda propagates, it is all emotion and impossible to have rational conversation. Meanwhile vaxxed friends are suffering Covid and migraines, but "at least I'm not in the hospital so it worked". I'm angry and I'm sad but there is always Hope. Thank you Dr Robert and Jill for all your diligence in educating the world and by uncovering the schemes of the evil one.

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Same problem in my very very small family-my sister who is tripled vaxxed doesn't understand segregation based on vax passports. Having pointed it out to her, she refuses to see the discrimination in these passports. I had to be straight with her, that she is part of the problem if she accepts it as 'normal'. So sad. Another family separated

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Maybe she will wake up someday. God's speed.

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Thank you

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First They Told Me

With special credit to Pastor Martin Niemöller.

First they told me to shelter in place

and I did not speak out

because they said it would pass;

Then they forced me to wear a mask

and I did not speak out

because they said it would make us safer;

Then they banned prayer in the house of God

and I did not speak out because they said singing

and congregating indoors was bad;

Then they told me and my wife and my children

to get in line for the jab, or you can no longer work,

go to school or be included in civic life;

And I did nothing

because they said it would end the virus

and we all could have our lives back.

Then I surrendered my soul for a Vax Pass,

and a chip with a Social Credit Score;

and now no man, woman or child

knows what it means to be free.

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The first part of the below Thomas Sowell quote really struck me when going through all the phases of covid mass psychosis and the past few years. If we go back toward the beginning phases, it was used to ensure a popular president was not re-elected. Mail in voting, unable to go into your town hall, difficult to get answers, etc. What hit me hard personally was that I had never been eternally vigilant. I worked long hours, played a lot of sports and was always active in anything except what the government was doing. Why would I be eternally vigilant? I now clearly see why. Academia, elites, government, etc were able to implement a system over decades with little or no resistance because in general we were not being eternally vigilant. I second the end of this article: "Well, we are not going to let them “just move on” - they will pay for what they did." We must be eternally vigilant!

Thomas Sowell from dismantling America: "If eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, incessant distractions are the way that politicians take away our freedoms, in order to enhance their own power and longevity in office."

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Puts Ukraine in the proper light, doesn’t it? Hey look over here and forget about what we did to you for 2 years.

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Sowell has been my mentor since I saw him in the 1980's on Firing Line with Bill Buckley. The Vision of the anointed is my bible for understanding American and the West in general.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. Im glad more and more people are calling it what it is, which is totalitarianism, or at least an early stage of it. I think the late, great Hannah Arendt would be rightly impressed by your excellent post here today.. Sadly, I have been convinced for sometime now that the bad guys have studied her work very closely. It’s a relief to see that the good guys are doing so too.

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So much to say- great article- requires re-reading. I just want to highlight that Vanguard, Blackrock and State St effectively own the election machines and software. Clearcut ownership is complicated, hidden behind change of names, mergers, buyouts, etc., of the different yet limited machines/programs since they came on the scene, globally. However, these 3 companies hold the controlling interests in the current ones, which are simply like Russian dolls that contain the old ones going back to the original one, now infamously tied to Venezuela. No coincidences.

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Who owns Vanguard, Blackrock, and State St? Many institutional and private investors own their shares. The money in the Dutch government pension system is mostly invested through Blackrock.

It is very likely that you yourself are partly owner of Blackrock through a pension system.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone where do you get the time! You defy physics, seriously and im starting to believe that there are 72 hours in a day (conservative estimate may I add!). Thank you for a BRILLIANT paper. I will be sharing far and wide!!!!!!!! 🚙🚌🚒🚑🛴🛺🛵🛶🚁🛩🚀🚢✈️ 🏃🏻🏃🏽‍♀️

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Thank you for your kind words

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Humbled Dr Malone.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The war in Ukraine does divert attention from the failed COVID and vaccine narratives. The Evil Empire Strikes Back!:


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They used the same tactics against Trump. Today I heard Mitt Romney call Putin a "small evil feral eyed man," while acting like America has never invaded another country, in an interview a liberal writer in Minnesota called "aberrant reasonableness" in a Republican Party he considers to be treasonous for not being sufficiently ready to put boots on the ground in Ukraine, institute a no-fly zone and begin a process of regime change in Russia.

So much public support already and I am inclined to think the mass formation psychosis they are going for is a collective death wish.

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The bigger question is how are normal members of society that are not billionaires or millionaires but are just hard working people that love freedom and their families going to thwart the abuse, perversion and tyranny of WEF and the elites? Klaus Schwab is demented. All who follow him need to go off to China to live under that regime and leave America the Beautiful alone.

Thank you once again Dr. Malone for your thoughtful words, your education and for putting yourself out there for the greater good. You are an American hero.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another awesome article Dr Malone- thank you! I heard your speech from CPAC today on Red Voice Media - you nailed it!! I love the quote, “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself” - Saint Augustine.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can you post this on the door of every school and university in America?

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ok - this post deserves massive recognition!!! Dr. Malone just summed up the last 2 years - Who, Why, How,... thank you!!!

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone. I watched ONE thing from CPAC... the small panel you were part of. (Dr. Oz seems like he may be part of the problem.) Thank you for deciding that being quiet or less direct was no longer an option. God bless you and keep it coming.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sure. Now its easy to describe every hospital on the planet as a biolab and the doctors as members of the snake cult. If an increasing number of people die of the injection what else is there to blame?

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