Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

From the bottom of my heart I offer thanks to you and your wife for all you do, I can't imagine how the two of you have been able to keep it together. Both of you are heroes.

It is my hope that some state attorneys general will soon sue federal officials for colluding with legacy media. IMO, the fact that organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NY Times, Wash Post continue to spew propangaanda is the #1 reason so many people are still in the dark about what is going on.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I teach medical students, residents and fellows in my work as a consultant to the Caron Foundation, an addiction treatment center. I observe that on the whole the people I train are more mechanistic in their approach to medicine and have very little interest in questioning the orthodoxy that they are taught as compared to when I went to medical school. There are exceptions though.

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IMHO, I am starting to believe large scale pathological narcissistic behaviors, as the source of this issue. That like then attracts like, and the meme propagates. There is no capacity to empathize and understand the impact of what they do in their work.

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I believe you are correct, narcissism plays a big part, Fauci comes across as very narcissistic, but there are many who are not narcissistic who get caught up as the meme propagates as well. These movements always disguise their destructiveness as for some common good and people are blinded by this, and, as you say, lose their empathy and insight.

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For many years, Ty and Charlene Bollinger have been diligently working to expose pharmaceutical harms and restore the respect for natural healing modalities. I look forward to watching their new series!

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Americans have a very short memory. Lara Logan was booted from both Fox and Newsmax for hammering proven truths. The left wrongly , indiscriminately and casually invokes the Holocaust, Nazism and fascism as the go to describing its political opposition. Yet when an independent award winning, once revered journalist cites facts, she is marginalized and ostracized across the spectrum.

Lara Logan compared Fauci to Mengele.She brought up Operation Paperclip and the US engagement of both funding Nazi eugenicists and the horrific , torturous, murderous experiments perpetrated and funneling said Nazis into the US, using their research for “ science” and profit.

The same figureheads and institutes that funded and abetted the Nazi horrors today fund the Democrats, bureaucracy and globalist UN, WHO,DAVOS “ Great Reset” and global chaos.

Carnegie, Henry Ford,Rockefeller,AP,Getty,IBM,Coca-Cola, J.P. Morgan, Siemens, CIA Allen Dulles,Kodak,GE,Bayer( breakaway from Farben- created Zyklon B), Federal Treasury Dept, NYT, Soros

Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford and Thomas ( owner of IBM) were proponents of eugenics. So much they traveled to the Kaiser Wilhelm institute where they were introduced to rising star, Josef Mengele. They funded his “ Research and Medical Facility” at Auschwitz. IBM provided the technology used to create the census identifying Jews and other “ undesirables destined for extermination.Kodak provided the film used for Nazi propaganda, Leni Riefenstahl was quite appreciative. Ford went so far as to provide materials and engineering plans for the Gestapo and SS vehicles.The NYT and AP buried any and all coverage of the Nazi atrocities. The AP, do-gooders incarnate fired any and all Jewish employees.

As per Lara’s Fauci comparison, she was absolutely correct. Fauci epitomizes everything Mengele. Between his torturous human Guinea pig experimentation using toxic, failed medications and vaccines on “ lesser beings”, he deserves nothing less than being hauled before The Hague , prosecution for the commission of Crimes Against Humanity along with every co-conspirator, enabler and abetted. If all of them were deemed Guilty and given the Death Penalty, their grandiose dream of reducing the global population would become a self fulfilling prophecy.

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I hope that along with the video we'll get a transcript, with citations and links (where available) to sources.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't even know what to say anymore. The rot is complete.

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This is nothing new. On sharing his discoveries that the earth was not flat and not the center of the universe, Galileo Galilei was tried by the Inquisition, found "vehemently suspect of heresy", and forced to recant. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

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You are correct, this type of behavior is at least as old as civilization, but how do we understand it, and how do we fight it?

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I think books and movies are great teaching tools to open up people's minds. When the pandemic first started, and the lies and deception began, I borrowed from the library books like the "Emperor's New Clothes" to read to my son, encouraging him to make the connections for himself. I also felt a need to watch movies like the original "The Matrix" and "Divergent" and re-read "1984" to help me not fall under the hypnotic spell. Movies like "Dopesick" on Netflix and "Monopoly: Who Owns the World" can help give people insight into the fraudulence and corruption in Big Pharma and the government. There are so many powerful documentaries coming out like "The Real Anthony Fauci" and of course, I'm very much looking forward to "Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED]".

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Here are a couple of music videos of mine you might be interested in:

1984 IS HERE. The famous novel becomes a metaphor for the current dilemma we find ourselves in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRivqggeAbI

THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES. Fanatic governors who have instituted draconian mandates and lockdown measures, are likened to the famous children’s story


SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. The people graduate “with honors” at mass conformity Sheeple University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPt5jtIMqnQ&t=3s

Watch all Turfseer's music videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU&list=PLvrDA-UtzN9zSEsaUJ5mvG-zfekakATKJ

Subscribe to my new Substack newsletter where you can listen to more songs and music videos along with bonus material including ezines and blogs. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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Thanks Turfseer. I will definitely check these out.

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Fantastic work. Just on your YouTube channel and, wow, the one about the church really hits home for me. Thank you for sharing.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

That's a great question. I wish there was an easy answer. I believe the solution lies in our children: teaching them critical thinking, identifying confirmation bias, encouraging innovation, and learning to respect differences of opinion. However, these skills can be developed at any age. A friend of mine has started an important project that focuses on these very issues: https://consilienceproject.org/ Daniel was also interviewed about this topic on Jo Rogan: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LNwwgJqOMKHOqdvwmLxqd

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Yes, the key is in how we raise our children. What you are doing for your son is wonderful. I would add that emotional health and development is as important as the development of critical thinking.

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We owe you all a debt of gratitude for your courage and selfless pursuit of the Truth. God Bless You All. As Churchill said during the Battle of Britain, " When the dark comes down, the stars shine."

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This was a great series. I recommend highly supporting their work. Thanks for featuring it Dr. Malone.

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Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your tireless effort for truth. What a great blessing you are to the world. Some of those drugs mentioned have been offered or supplied by my dr. I refused to take them. Lyrica was one.

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You will go down in history as truthsayers, defenders of the original freedom fighters, and so much more. This valiant effort will not be forgotten in the fabric of time. Thank you.

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As a physician, I saw how the pharmaceutical representatives would buy lunches to get doctors to listen to their sales promotions. Often times this occurred in a group practice setting of several doctors. Then, if the group as a whole, liked what the representative said about the brand-name drugs and began to prescribe them regularly, then occasionally there would be off-site meetings at popular restaurants and all of the doctors of that group would be invited to join. When a pharmaceutical company launched a new medication, or needed to promote a new medication, sometimes they would offer a group practice the chance to attend a conference and pay "consulting" fees to the physicians to get their ideas about the medication. However, in defense of the doctors, most would not prescribe a medication, which they did not feel would be superior to what they were already using, or would not continue to prescribe it, if they did not feel it was effective or disliked the side effects they saw in their patients.

The laws changed a few years ago, limiting these practices, and limits what the representatives are allowed to say about their medications. For instance, they cannot refer to off-label use of their medications.

Currently, if a physician receives a free lunch from a pharmaceutical representative, he or she must be listed as having received this gift. I suggest we extend this law to our Federal regulators in the medical bureaucracy and make laws that if the regulator receives gifts from a pharmaceutical company, the regulator cannot vote on a panel determining approval of a specific drug.

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No longer the casual observer. You are now an eye witness of the well organized bribery.

1986 was a turning point for the "patient", with Doc/Nurse hovering over, injection completed.

Huh...wonder how well this stuff really works? Oh well.....cha-ching....

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Thank you for all you both have done for so many. I am a poll watcher in Lee County Florida and today I found out that our tabulators are connected to the internet, even though all who are Poll Workers do not think that they are vulnerable by being connected to our main office tabulating in real time. It is like a gut punch. No one in our government wants to even discuss the reality of possibilities of fraud. Kinda like the "Emperor has no cloths" syndrome. Darkness abounds. Praying for all to see the light. God bless you all.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Kimberley, There should be a poll watchers "hotline" given to you by your local GOP people, where you can report election problems to an elections attorney, in real time. I have poll watched many times, and there was always such a hotline.

This MUST BE REPORTED immediately to your local Supe of Elections, and Secretary of State.

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I voted yesterday in the Cape...

...I asked why I needed a license or signature 🤣

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Thank you for exposing the drug reps/ companies that came in and out of doctors’ offices peddling their goods . Next exposure should examine end stage capitalism, with private practice doctors selling their businesses to large corporations. (Dermatology, radiology, oncology, radiation oncology, ophthalmology... where does it end ?... when every doctor is employed by corporations. Goodbye to private practice, where doctors can be doctors and their behaviors are not dictated by the corporations and contracts they sign. Many doctors cannot afford to start up their own business anymore due to the debt that occurred going to medical school and the mere “cost of doing business”. From overhead costs , to malpractice premiums, license costs, cme costs, employees, rent , computer compliance... it never ends. The cost of healthcare has escalated beyond belief , many factors are involved... time to expose it all.

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End stage capitalism...physicians will eventually all be employed. Wake up !! Look where this is all going . This is part of the problem, doctors will be dictated what type of care to give . https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/disruptors/walgreens-villagemd-nears-9b-deal-to-combine-with-summit-health.html?origin=BHRE&utm_source=BHRE&utm_medium=email&utm_content=newsletter&oly_enc_id=4335H6772601I4Y

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I can’t wait to see this anticipated awakening to reveal the PROPAGANDA. Thank you for sharing this amazing information Dr. Robert Malone.

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Have you considered the possibility that there may be a large population of individuals that exhibit serious narcissistic behavioral issues which contribute to our inability to move humanity forward? This may explain their persistent, resilient and ongoing inability to self-regulate, in view if more logical and structured constructive thinking patterns? That such individuals simply don’t have the capacity to understand, empathize, and move us all forward to a better place, while stunting the growth of those of us that do, sadly? I am starting to believe this as the model tainting us all on this beautiful but mentally damaged planet.

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In my opinion, most of the moneyed elites in high office are sociopaths or psychopaths. Judging by their actions, they couldn't care less what happens to the unwashed masses. All they care about is their endless pursuit of wealth and power. No empathy for others; no guilt; no remorse over the harms they have caused. The very definition of psychopathy and sociopathy.

Research has shown that people with power actually tend to develop anew, or sink deeper into, those traits over time. My personal belief is that they likely reached their lofty positions of power in part by not caring who they had to run over to get there.

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