Dr. Malone nails it like usual, and I think it's fairly obvious that the people tantamount -- the Constitution wasn't written to restrain the people, it was written to restrain the GOVERNMENT! Although the term that I like to use is that government should be the REFEREES, ensuring that everybody gets a fair shake. https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/politicians-are-the-referees-of-america

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I think what people fail to realize is that the powers that be took over Government a long time ago. Few people know the story of General Smedly Butler, the most decorated Marine at his time, and he tells us know there are people who ARE ABOVE THE GOVERNMENT who THEN USE THE GOVERNMENT to control the people:


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Robert, I think it is a 'simple matter' to reign this in, and it is within the power of the congress to do so in a short timeframe, through the budget approval process.

Section 8 provides for the federal government to raise taxes, but it is the congress that approves how much can be raised. So long as the congress approves amounts surplus to providing for the common defence and general welfare, our representatives are fuelling federal overreach.

If our reps required tighter and fully transparent budgetary expenditures with no blackbox items, federal intervention into non-authorized areas and other subterfugions would quickly atrophy. If the jingoistic psyopts levelled at our representatives and their constituents was dispelled, the reps, aside from those who are implicitly corrupt, would be able to wield this power preserved for them by the wise Founders.

For example, No money raised from citizens from federal taxes budgeted for education, means no ideological financial clout on local school systems. No blackbox taxes for domestic spying, means the return of freedom of thought and expression. No excess federal taxes in general, reserves that wealth within the States for the States and the citizens empowerment, rather than the intelligence communities criminal empowerment.

Our congressional representatives are in their roles to contain and influence federal power through the constitutional authorities preserved to them. Their congress is a body of the States that is embedded in the Federal structure. I think decades of jingoistic psyopts propaganda targeting them (and us) has biased them to swim in the Federal and Intelligence swamps. Help free Their minds, and we citizens will get freed in the bargain.

(I suggest reading as a primer: ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’ by Whitney Webb)

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As the United States goes so goes the world. When this document was introduced to other countries a shock wave of freedom swept through the world. If you read this document it’s really miraculous that the group,our founders, were all put in this place at this time in history. I really think God had a hand in it. I pray that God will again reach his hand out and with his greatness put our country back into his good graces. If ever this world needed a miracle it’s now. J.Goodrich

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And then we had that female justice (who died a couple years ago - have a problem with names of folks I don't like) who went around telling other countries not to use it).

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

James, Dannion Brinkley, in 1975, was told by the Beings of Light with him, to "Watch the Soviet Union. How the Russian people go, so goes the world. What happens to Russia is the basis for everything that will happen to the economy of the free world." I know I have mentioned this before, I think it still has relevance. I trust Dannion and the information he was given, 117 events, and most have come to pass. And he was told that these events are not cast in stone...

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James, Quite the insightful take on this multi-level overview. And yes, I too believe in God's hand in all of this and this alone gives me comfort.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I cannot believe there is anyone in America of sound mind that does not understand what Dr Malone has written in this essay. However, we have two problems. The first is that elected leaders and non-elected actors today ignore both the constitution and the bill of rights. They simply do not care. The second problem is that we have a large number of citizens, especially younger folks, that do not want the responsibility of self rule and therefore are open to the nanny state. These problems have to be addressed to turn this ship around.

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A massive part of the problem is that most people on the street have no idea about any of this. There is a reason it isn't taught in government schools and its because they don't want people to know any of this stuff...

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Government schools of indoctrination. You did well, but went only part way.

Because both words and phrases are crucial.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The best inroad I have had with people is the corruption angle. I just start with that, try to create a formula in their mind, and then try and transpose that formula onto specific events.

Most people understand the system is rotten, that is a very wide common overlap. And then hone down from there, to the specifics.

There will be some that will not respect the Constitution, but most do, even if just atmospherically, it is a hook that can be drawn into the specific.

I have been learning to change my tone and mode of transmitting information, start simple, just staty simple, and then overlay that into current events.

I have to keep telling myself that not everyone is born a cynic. It doesn't come natural to everyone. Some people are born "yeah yeah give me more" and others are born "hey, wait a minute".

And we share the same families.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant sir! Our government politicians have lost all integrity. Money and power is their motivation. They are self-servents.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

True… but Congress has voluntarily abdicated its authority to the agencies…administrative and otherwise. The parties are whores and sock-puppets. Whenever the 3 letter blobs want take something that rightly belongs to the citizen (like privacy and to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, especially electronic), they pearl-clutch and state ’National Security’! ‘Wokeism’ is Marxism…which the same as Communism and the flag of surrender and compliance is the alphabet-mafia’s. We are being ‘colonized’ by the formerly-colonized at our border with young, able-bodied men. There is no political will to stop any of it. I am a Constitutionalist.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We the people, for the people, by the people! Have we forgotten that the people come first and not special interest? When Congress voted to give corporations the same rights as individuals and it was pushed by the Republicans, it is said that that was the turning point in the destruction that we are now seeing.!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"These unlawful breaches have resulted in imposition of physical, psychological, and financial harms to the Citizens of the United States. Furthermore, I assert that these unlawful activities of the Federal Government and its agents constitute actions which have deprived the Citizens of the United States of life, liberty, property, and have included the unlawful seizure of private property (our minds) for public use."


Dr. Malone, thanks for calling this out, but to be fair, Etienne De La Boetie2 (https://substack.com/@artofliberty) was the one who opened my eyes to the illegitimacy of government MANY YEARS ago. I recommend everyone check out his work!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And they say WE need re-education camps.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone

Send this to our Supreme Court judges!

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Perhaps I already did. Hard to tell.

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I'm sure you sent it thru the IC anyway. Anytime the word "sovereign" and "citizen" are in the same sentence they have a collective pavlovian response.

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Send it addressed to their clerks, too. They do a lot of work there.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My answer is all of the above but in the service of the people. The government needs to protect and serve the people but at times they need to shape the way the country grows. For example the early railroads were co-financed by and the land provided by state and US government. I am sure there was opposition at the time but the government is supposed to look ahead and ensure the countries needs in the future are not compromised by decisions of today. Another example is the ushering in of the computing and internet age. To some extent the government takes on the role of ruler for justice situations and to promote required programs that my be unpopular but necessary for the future security of the country.

The problem comes up when these efforts go rogue and the requirement to serve the citizens is not being met. We are at that point now and a rebuild of those agencies is required.

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"to promote required programs that my be unpopular but necessary for the future security of the country" is in the eye of the beholder. This is what needs to stop. This is overreach.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My intent is that the government's obligation is serve and protect the people is paramount and any programs instituted by the government must meet this requirement. Obvious to me is that the vaccine mandates did not fulfill this requirement and never should have been implimented as an example.

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I agree 👍.

In view of the current "Missing Speaker" situation, we keep hearing that we can't send any money to Israel without a "Speaker."

Can someone please 🙏 show me where in the Constitution, does it say that our country is supposed to send funds to both of the countries in conflict?

Figuratively speaking, you either support the Weight-loss company or you support the Donut 🍩 company. You support the company that aligns with your convictions.

Does our country have any convictions?!?!

Also, while we're talking about funding different conflicts, why are we funding conflict resolution in other countries?

IMHO, it's a losing 📉 proposition. We will never satisfy all of the sympathizers. We need to stop ALL GOVERNMENT FUNDING & have individuals fund (out of their own pocket) the side that they support.

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Also stop all government funding of schools and health care. There is no other way people will get back control of their lives. If some are too poor then let their neighbours help them. That's how a Christian society works. If you let the government take over your responsibilities to each other, you are doomed to become slaves of the government.

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Absolutely 💯 right!

We wouldn't have our fiscal budget out of control if we didn't have all of these excessive funding of conflict resolution.

Our country has become (by their design) very diverse and we have our tax dollars being used to fund ideology that we don't support.

We don't want our money going to fund Iran, yet it is.

We don't want our money going to fund abortions yet it is. At first it was directly and now indirectly!

Our budget needs to be streamlined to just the bare necessities and the rest should be relegated back to the individual!



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This is an excellent essay that most intelligent, open minded, people who have been actively watching what has transpired with our government can agree with. Dr Malone, you are again astute in your observations of problems in our wonderful country!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doing this on my phone. It's an issue I would better address on my computer. Long day here.

That said -

Your question is valid and our Constitution and Amendments should provide the answers. I am in full agreement with your issue and the answer you've developed.

I can only partially reflect on relevant considerations at this point.

Here you have considered the issue comparing it to Black Letter Law. In practice our federal courts have assumed the role of interpreting what the BLL means. Constitutional Experts like Lee, Levin, Cruz might help here but they are underwater dealing with other issues of the day.

Our Supreme Court has so many concerning issues, they are a worry in themselves. I can only pray that despite the Social Media Censorship

Texas/Florida Cases they've agreed to hear, they will take up our Missouri v Biden case (which comes far closer to the issues of our concern here). Then, I hope they will reach a (for our sake) viable opinion that will help us right our ship of state. FYI ET has an article today describing the case accepted as First to Watch This Session, with some particulars.

If you are considering this for inclusion in your book you may want to work it up a bit more. To consider the point of Black Letter Law vs as interpreted by the Federal Courts.

This is SO SORELY NEEDED! We surely need a way....

You are hugely appreciated! Fine job thus far! POWER PLUS to you!

Bestest Always and then some!♡♡♡

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

THANK you Dr. Malone for this crystal clear synopsis of some of the key passages within the U.S. Constitution. May I add one not included that is extremely pertinent vis-'a-vis our wide open border situation - specifically addressed in the short paragraph in Article IV., Section 4., - that reads immediately following "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" - "and shall protect each of them against invasion".

Clearly, the duty of the US federal government as written in Article IV., Section 4., to protect the Union against invasion is either totally ignored, OR, the elected or employed who "swear" to "uphold" the U.S. Constitution have NEVER READ that document.

To date, there is NO "test" of the (7) Articles; (24) Sections, nor (27) Amendments included in the U.S. Constitution. ALL that is "required" is that candidates for office (any) office up to and including the presidency is that one must be a natural born citizen and a certain age. That's it!

Outside of government, individual are tested on everything from drivers licenses to becoming a lawyer

without which, one cannot 'legally' drive a vehicle on public road, nor practice "law" without passing RIGOROUS "bar exams"..and yet there is NO requirement for anyone running for any federal office to have ANY notion of what is in that Document (and required of them) via their sworn oath to "protect" the U.S. Constitution.

One would think that individual knowledge of the U.S. Constitution would begin with PUBLIC education

but then an "educated" populace would demand the federal government "operate" WITHIN the purview ALLOWED for the executive, legislative and judicial - of this latter branch perhaps closest to the precepts written within the Constitution have either condoned or themselves done great damage to the constitution via "tenured" jurists who put ACTIVISM way before the Constitution.

It really isn't any wonder at the perilous situation extant here in the United States circa 2023 AD - nor any indication of a strong, positive force to overcome the long march by the Collective Left to take down the United States - and America - permanently.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doctor Malone, the unconstitutional acts are many!

What we need to do is to immediately find a way to stop these unconstitutional acts!

I'm tired of people saying that we can't do anything if we're not in control of all of the three branches of government.

We have had times when that was the case, but nothing was done to assure the constitutionality of certain laws.

Our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES DON'T KNOW the constitution and that is WHY we have so many of the LAWS being referred to the SCOTUS to determine their constitutionality.

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I fear that almost nobody in the government has the faintest clue what is in the constitution let alone why or what it might actually mean. Government is clearly out of control and is using new technology to make itself a dictator. The last thing it thinks about or cares about is some old bit of paper nobody reads or understands. I wish it were not so but fear that it is. Thanks for writing this. I wish you were in the government. Reading Durant on Rome I notice the best bits were when a secure and sensible King appointed wise people to get things done properly. Not much chance of that in the US the way things are now and absolutely none in the UK.

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