Our own medical system weaponized against we the patients….forcing us to lose our jobs, stay at home, grovel for food and pay thru the nose, take a vac or else you are an enemy of the sState, a desire to keep vac complications to include death secret for 75 yrs, OB doctors telling pregnant women the vac was safe when it was never tested …
Our own medical system weaponized against we the patients….forcing us to lose our jobs, stay at home, grovel for food and pay thru the nose, take a vac or else you are an enemy of the sState, a desire to keep vac complications to include death secret for 75 yrs, OB doctors telling pregnant women the vac was safe when it was never tested for such, CDC just making rules up without a shred of evidence..mask wear/6 ft rule/safety when NOT……on and on and on…whether you like Trump or not he is the ONLY person who can stop this insanity!
Our own medical system weaponized against we the patients….forcing us to lose our jobs, stay at home, grovel for food and pay thru the nose, take a vac or else you are an enemy of the sState, a desire to keep vac complications to include death secret for 75 yrs, OB doctors telling pregnant women the vac was safe when it was never tested for such, CDC just making rules up without a shred of evidence..mask wear/6 ft rule/safety when NOT……on and on and on…whether you like Trump or not he is the ONLY person who can stop this insanity!
Trumpennedy is the only person who can stop this insanity. Vote Human. Join The Human Party.
It's Trumpennedy or bust.
We pray Heaven pull in tight to surround them.