This is the best distillation of the past four and a half years I have read to date. I will be using it as a reference going forward to wake up friends and family who are still asleep. Thanks Dr. Malone!

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I am enjoying the ability to listen to your delivery of your article. I can follow along reading the text or do some work while I listen. I also appreciate that I can select the speed the recording plays.

Psychological terrorism, be it bio or financial, is the world we live in now. I can't go on ANY mainstream media TV, radio or Newspapers and get anything but propaganda. So many head fakes!

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Excellent information. Absolutely astounding how "Psychological Bioterrorism" is the real threat.

Thank you.

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The Spanish flu was a great example, but a lot of these “viral” pandemics may actually be “psychological” in nature. This is information that government officials have known: psychological impact can affect the body physically: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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Very interesting. I wish more people would at least try to understand things before they "follow the science" and panic.

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Another reason to shutdown NIAID which is the generator for the current push to keep humans in a state of fear! They are 100% committed to pushing more RNA injections and have the support of Big Pharma, the money men such as Gates and the military bio gurus! And others that benefit!

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not to nitpick, but it is NIAID.

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Thanks! Glad

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The hyped death toll from Spanish flu was not only from pneumonia but malnutrition. Post WW I europe was devastated. People were starving and susceptible not only to flu but also T.B. Rinse, spit, repeat. Much of that repeated post-WW II. Erich Remarque wrote a fantastic series of novels about life in Germany during and after those wars.

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My father was in France in WWI came down with the flu and taken to a field hospital with 21 other comrades. Next morning he was the only one alive.

Of German descent and NIH scientists believe that those who survived the black plague are blessed with a double immunity gene. Passed on to future generations? Covid laid me low for 21 days. No Rx drugs administered! Only O2

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This type of bioterrorism astounds me- these "groups" (governments/big Pharma, & internal gov't agencies), just keep-on-trucking their agendas, don't they? Ever since I can remember growing up, & in my young adult life, I do remember the "flu emergencies" our health officials told the general population of, & "make sure you get YOUR flu shot"! I always ignored the warnings; my common sense & "inner-gut-feeling" was "do not get a flu shot"! Thank you for the "Psychological Bioterrorism" warnings- I so appreciate this information! Maybe more & more of the general, sleepy population will wake up to this nonsense that continues in our World, & realize we are being taken on a very long ride the next few months, at least until after the November, 2024 election? We shall see! Have a wonderful Father's Day weekend everyone, & Keep the Faith!

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thank you. I had forgotten it is Father's day. Jill and I are in Austin today for the premiere of Mikki Willis' "Plandemic, the Musical" film.

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Yes, Happy Father's Day! Sounds like a wonderful time in Austin! Enjoy!

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I can’t wait to see this movie! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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The Roma ad, can't read Italian even though I had two years of Latin in HS, appears to say you will be there tomorrow. Are you two going to Italy after Austin to talk about this SS article?

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Hope it is enjoyable. Please let us know if you recommend seeing it.

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Perhaps some good new of late, we'll see. A court decision has declared that prior Supreme Court rulings for vaccine mandates are inapplicable to the Covid shot for simple reasons: it is not truly sterilizing and therefore not protective of public health. Leslie Manookian explains the case, the decision, and the implications. She is interviewed by Jeffrey Tucker here: https://brownstone.org/video-podcast/finally-a-curbing-of-jacobson/

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Thank you for the above link, I will watch this!

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About time people are waking up to being played

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An interesting example was carried out by the OSS during WWII. A famous German viral immunologist recalls as a vetenarian he was on the Russian front when the OSS leaked a report that the allies were going to engage in biological warfare attacking German farming with rinderpest. As he was a specialist in that field he was recalled home to help fight this threat. Just days later his former unit was overrun by the Russians. He credited the CIA (OSS) for saving his life.

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Great story! Thank you.

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or Seligman's "Learned Helplessness" study and the depression in humans attributed to the the principle?

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Are only certain people predisposed to "Learned Helplessness"?

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I was going to make a comment on the horrible effects that all of this psychological warfare has on children. Quickly; when I was a kid my mother always told me to beware of strangers people can be dangerous etc.. my wife was told if you are lost or need something open your mouth say something. To this day I tend to never ask for help by a stranger or even people I know. I like to live incognito. My wife always says why don’t you say something, or ask for help, or directions??? I swear it goes all the way back to childhood???

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Well James, all women think that not asking for directions is a "man's" ego problem! For some, even asking for any kind of help can be a hit to self-esteem. Now me, I will take all the help one has to offer even if I did not ask for it. I get it all the time as my skinning little body with grey hair is struggling with a cart full of groceries, lifting cans of gas or diesel into my pick up or loading heavy horse feed into the pickup. Angels, all of them and that includes women who stop to help also!

You're not even 60 yet so you have a chance to outgrow your mom's warning, but beware of the shysters!

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See that it’s not ego it’s because I’m psychologically damaged!!

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Don't go putting words in my mouth James! You do know that one of the most rewarding experiences is simply being ask to help or helping even when not asked to. It makes people feel good. I'm sure you felt good when helping others.

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May depend on how one is brought up. Brought up with can do, well find a way vs we need to be hyper clean, hyper cautious. Hyper on guard. Snow flakes?

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Yes, that is where the 'learned' comes in. I just think that some are predisposed. Just as siblings are so different in many ways, part of their underlying psyche.

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Good point.

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I would guess so

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You may be getting your wish re: women conscription.


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Yeah, I have actually e-mailed him on this and was totally ignored. I keep saying if we can get 18 yr olds into an environment where instructed about what we are about by guys with purple hearts and maybe a few empty sleeves some attitude adjustment might occur.

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Do you think that the current military environment it worthy to see your goal through? Do you think that the elite family members would ever serve if they don't want to or be given conflict duty? Do you think that any conflict that would happen in the next decade will be planned to serve the interests of the US citizens?

It seems that all the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries were meant to bring about a consolidation of powers to manhandle the citizens of the world after ensuring many died. Notwithstanding the bravery and loss of life, wars produce death and misery for all but those that profit.

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What I think is that if we had truly universal conscription with no exceptions we would not have been embroiled in all that conflict. No exceptions means the kids of those elites. I do not think the freaks now in control should be there but as 44 showed us they can be replaced rather quickly. But I think putting 18 yr olds in a military regimen (discipline) would be beneficial (was for me) and being instructed in some civics by guys with a few battle scars would go far towards offsetting the damage the progressives have wrought in education a lot faster than the rebuilding of it from the ground up....which still would need doing.

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I'm sure it was good for my father also. 100% Registering is one thing but exceptions pop up when it comes to serving. My husband did not have to serve in Vietnam because married with child and one on the way and had a younger eligible brother who served point in the jungle. Committed suicide at 26.

I am not sure the current set of 18 yr olds could even make it through boot camp. The military is more likely to be used if it has an unlimited number of expendables on board. Must be some other way to make men out of perpetual infants.

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A point there about how much todays kids can take take. In my day even was seeing kids come up against. the word no for maybe the first time in their lives. Very traumatic. But the ones who survived that trauma came out better for it and those who did not were on the path for failure already. Until something better comes along we are stuck with a draft because however much we may not like it we are stuck with requiring a military and do not have much hope for a volunteer one based on available input today without there being in place a solid apparatus to turn the input into soldiers

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During the COVID pandemic, I think we all saw the extreme fear and panic with our friends and neighbors! I was ostracized and shunned because I differed in my views and refused the jab. Many of these folks are highly intelligent and yet fell into lockstep with the fear mongers! I have already seen more of this with the current Shingles propaganda. At a luncheon yesterday, many of my lady friends were discussing when and where to get their Shingles shot, along with their flu and pneumonia shots. And yes, someone mentioned the “scary bird flu” that is lingering on the horizon. I tried to gently insert my opinion but no one was interested. “But the dangers are already being talked about by our government and the news!” Sigh. I will keep trying but to these ladies it is just “oh there she goes again “.

Thank you Dr Malone for this excellent post. And thank you to my “friends” who offer excellent comments to all these posts.

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It is hard to talk to other's about all of the mis-information & lies we are being fed, & my own sister refuses to believe we have been lied to all these years (not just about cv-19). I gave up trying to talk to her.

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The best way to deal with that sort is to posit questions they cannot answer and leave them thinking about something they otherwise never would. The road to Damascus is out there, just needs sign posts.

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Micheal-with neon flashing lights!

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In re shingles. After my first episode (of 2) my Doctor suggested I take the vaccine. I asked him if it worked? He said he didn't know. On that basis I decided not to take it. There apparently is a successful early response treatment. In any event, even with a possible 3rd event possible, am taking my chances. It just isn't that much a threat.

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Oh yes Barbara I have been there too! Some ppl just don’t want to see the reality- much easier to be a sheeple! Ugh! 🐑🐑🐑

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Never underestimate the power of fear.

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These are the same kinds of people who signed a propaganda letter declaring the Laptop from Hell was a Russian disinformation plot AFTER the FBI said it was genuine and it was introduced as evidence in Hunter’s gun trial. How can we trust anyone whose job is to lie? Not a single one has recanted when challenged with the facts. We need to withdraw from the WHO, the UN and NATO and take care of our own people , starting with closing our borders and helping our veterans. We should also cease and desist from any bio weapons research and prosecute Fauci and his fellow conspirators that brought us Covid. Cleaning out the halls of Congress with two fire hoses would also be helpful, starting with the pharma and armaments lobbyists. I hope and pray we can get started on this job after throwing off the tyranny of the progressive leftists and their minions like Katherine Maher and NPR et. al. TRUMP 2024!

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Yes they are, but pharma is also involved

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Yes! Absolutely agree with you! The lies have become "the Left's - or Demonrats" truths! I like your idea to grab the fire hose (or two, maybe three?), & begin to clean house on both sides of the isle!

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Unfortunately, fear mongering is effective. I'm recalling friends racing to join a very long line-up of cars for hours, awaiting the limited availability of COVID "vaccine" injections. More embarrassing was this wait was at that time for the first of two necessary injections. When it became known the injections either had no or limited durability against the targeted disease more injections called boosters were promoted. The jabs work; get two. The jabs don't work; get more. Retrospective observation, but this seems the very definition of insanity.

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Not seems Garry, 'is'.

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Total insanity! 🤯🤯🤯

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Solution; when a Gov comes up with a problem, always question every aspect of the problem and never, ever trust the Gov! Governments around the world have proven beyond any reasonable doubt, none are in the interest of the citizens.

Happy early Father's Day and as Allen West said in his substack, strive to be a dad, not just the father.

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I am not disagreeing in any way with your marvellously thorough and perceptive accurate observations of the most critical danger currently facing our civilization.

However, in my experience as a clinician (>45 years),in general, order to change the behaviour of an individual, one must correctly, and thoroughly, identify the reinforcers, provided by the outcome of the behaviour. The reinforcers may be conscious or unconscious, or a mixture of both. In the case of a rat in a Skinner Box, the food pellet is made a reinforcer by reducing the availability the primary food. (I paraphrase this as: push bar get food pellet).

My question is: What are the most basic low level psychologically based reinforcers for the behaviour of the individuals leading to this state? I understand money, fame power over others, but what are the psychological factors which make these (and others) so incredibly powerful and insatiable?

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How about pain....physical and psychological. In the Air Force saw rhesus monkeys strapped in chairs in an altitude chamber in front of a control panel. They were trained to respond to signals popping up on those panels. Do it right get a food pellet, wrong get a shock in the butt. They were dosed with Staph.enterotoxin, run to altitude and put to work. As they became sick they quickly ignored the food signal but not the pain advoidance signal. Pain advoidance is a strong motivator

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Oh how awful. Those poor animals.

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Like Fauci’s beagles.

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They were lucky--they survived. These were experiments carried out for SAC to determine how long function remained after a debilitating event. We got them from Wright Patterson where they got this training and where in their experiments they were given a lethal dose of radiation. Suspect it was info about these kinds of studies leaking back to India that convinced them to halt shipment of rhesus here. Of course by then we had breeder colonies established.

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Humans are cruel.

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Agree. Worked with mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and rhesus (up to 12 lbs and that is a handful). Actually hated what we did to the critters (maybe not so much the mice...well, maybe even them too).

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Perhaps a psychological inability to experience or relate to basic compassion for others – a ‘Cain’ individual. They can adapt only so much to hide themselves and they gravitate to their own kind. A basic screw is missing . . .

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Thank you Dr. for this treatise . It will be information we can all use going forward. My wife's mother graduated a nursing diploma school in 1918 in Iowa and was asked to go to Vermillion, S. Dakota to help with the Spanish flu. She went from farm to farm, house to house applying poltices and using other means to help treat patients. She never lost one. Medicine was rudimentary in those days but through old tried and true applications peoples lives were saved and they ended up healthier against other viruses for it.

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As I posted earlier malnutrition played a role in the flu's outcome and country folk were probably better off in that regard than city from dwellers because that war affected food supplies here as well. So yeah the old tried and true was the best treatment then available

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Humm...sounds a lot like what happened to us during the COVID-19 plandemic. Bastards! They will pay a high price at the on judgment day!

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Yes, I believe Judgement day for those involved in the covid-19 pandemic will pay- Amen!

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Such a crucial topic to discuss and share. I cannot wait for your new book!

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