Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant I would note that the Federal Reserve is a government created banking cartel that controls the currency and credit of the US and, indirectly, the world. How many people make those decisions that affect all commerce and finance ? Is the Federal Reserve not the agent of Oligarchs?

The Rule by Regulation by the Bureaucracies of the Administrative Agencies would be the envy of the Bolsheviks. What institution restrains the power of these Administrative Bureaucracies? Where are "checks and balances' ' of thies power that affects everything we do?

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Amen to your on-point comment. Envy of the Bolsheviks, indeed. Central banking like the Fed, is the 5th Plank of Communism from Marx’s The Communist Manifesto. It’s wonderful to see the issue of the Fed addressed.

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Good point about the Communist Manifesto. I had forgotten it was key to totalitarian rule. If the State Collective can totally control your finances and totally control the economy, it can totally control you. Along with Cheka -NKVD-KGB and other State mechanisms of control. Including control of the culture.

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Absolutely! You provide excellent context. And you reminded me of the critical necessity of fighting CBDC. That’s another story we absolutely must tell, and fight for.

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Ron Paul has said for 50 years! Audit the Fed! Our clowns in DC just go along to get along and enjoy the spoils!

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This is a Must-Do action on the road to achieving a 'greater reset'.

Reset the resetters!

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Bullseye, Robert. One of your best essays.

Time for every person to think about how they will assist dismantling all you refer to, rather than thinking someone else will do it for them. As we are seeing in the middle east at the moment, there is only so long you can dehumanize people and break their bonds of civilization before those same people have nothing to loose and strike back with the animal instincts they have been ascribed to have.

History has shown, that rebound isn't a matter of if, but only a matter of when.

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Here I sit, ready and waiting, bated breath fogging up my computer screen

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Let us not forget the so-called "Federal Reserve" was created by (DEMOCRAT) president Woodrow Wilson and a Democrat majority House and Senate in 1913; and at that time Wilson also instituted the IRS; and the DIRECT election of US Senators which stripped individual states of that all important right they (had) to RECALL wayward Senators at will.

Woodrow Wilson made NO bones about his hatred of the limitations placed upon the federal government - and began the unraveling of the Constitution and advancement of the administrative state bureaucracy - a fatal cancer that ALWAYS destroys freedom of individuals that has expanded under BOTH Democrat and Republican administrations to this day, with multi-thousands of Un-elected and Un-accountable federal bureaucrat EMPLOYEES (unconstitutionally) making and enforcing their LAWS upon the productive American people.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolute descriptive home run as to the state of America. Unfortunately the majority of Americans are completely unaware. Whenever I complain to my brother about politics, he’s the smart sibling in my family, WPI Grad, he has for years told me the federal reserve controls America and our collapse or sustainability. All of the other issues are just window dressings. I don’t know how bad things will get, but I have felt for a long time America is living on its history in a world with lots of enemies that are catching up. Our government has not only allowed this, they have helped foster it. It seems the powers that you have so descriptively put in plain view have brought us all to the edge of a cliff, far more in depth than people like Cloward and Piven ever could have imagined, and now we wait for them to decide when the end of these remnants of what many of us remember as America will finally come to its end. J.Goodrich

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Cloward and Piven were unabashed socialists and that alone should raise hackles. As you say, the masses are blissfully unaware…but…socialism is beginning to acquire some tarnish and it may only require the accurate application of the socialist name to these programs to initiate some populist response. Maybe an avalanche?

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I’ve been trying to stay positive as of late Dr. Nash so I think you have something there!!!!😉

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Hope some optimism there James. Oh, and just plain ol’ Mike here.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Biden Cabal has already spent $6.13 trillion in fiscal year 2023. 36% of that is spent on Social Security and Medicare, which are ostensibly "self funding." Interest on the $32.7 trillion of national debt is now almost equal to what we spend on defense. And with debt maturing, replacement debt will be at the higher interest rates. Our government is in the hands of maniacs, incompetents and lunatics. If you even consider voting for a Democrat you are complicit in the destruction of the United States. Sure, Republicans aren't much better but getting rid of the one-world, socialist party should be the first order of business to recovering our national sanity.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I was reading this stunning overview, I kept remembering the incredible force of Mother Earth. As a living Being, the power of nature is unpredictable and unstoppable. As humanity tips toward destruction, the balance of forces of nature, tip too. Your apt analogy of earthquakes and fault lines is more a prediction than you might know. I also kept seeing the addiction of those in positions of power, to money and cruel rule. Addiction never ends well until there is death or intervention, usually when there is nothing left but pain and suffering. We (humanity) are in for a fall of massive proportions, and only the strong survive. The song is accurate.

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Perhaps the next ice age and/or a flipping of the poles. Anything and everything is possible if not probable.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Satan's minions do not know they are minions and believe they are right and justified to accomplish their goals by any means necessary. The standards of ethics, honesty and integrity are bottomed out and no longer needed for the control of civilization. Well, except when laws apply to the unwashed masses but not those behind the curtain pulling the levers and pushing the buttons. It comes down to two things really, the delusion of the elites who absolutely believe they are actually gods who must have control, and that we are at war with dark principalities.

What I see as the planned result of crashing fiat money is digitized money. We found out recently that our long time bank is participating in the beta testing of the digital dollar. I don't see a place to escape to though. I do know this, humans always find work arounds in small groups based on the survival instinct. Bartering has always been a fall back.

My spidey senses are tingling and I do believe 2024 is going to be a turning point in human history and it is likely to get way worse before it gets better. I don't think 'they' will allow us to have an election even thought they know how to cheat. I would say, based on decades of dumbing down and softening up a very small percentage of Americans are skilled at survival.

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Don't forget that nasty thorn in their side called the 2A. Lock and load.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant analysis, Robert, of the runaway train that is speeding inexorably down the mountain of ambition towards its date with destiny that lies below. Regrettably, the entire country and possibly the entire world are passengers on this accelerating iron horse built on human hubris, and the conductor has been defenestrated. The question seems to be not whether the disastrous denouement can be avoided, but when will it occur, and how devastating will it be? One thing we can be sure of is that when times are tough, people will not be turning to the bureaucrats and politicians for solutions. They will come to realize how their trust has been abused and they will be turning to those with integrity, vision, and leadership. Now those of us in the health freedom movement who are presently being sidelined will become the cavalry that will rescue this nation from the perils that lie ahead. I can't tell you how much your perspective, spoken from a former denizen of the belly of the beast is appreciated by most of us who care about truth and decency. This country will survive because of people like you.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hhaha, the Burdizzo affect in full exposure. Wonderful writeup. I know and have worked with folks who use banding rather than those pliers.

One of the things I will always remember is how the 2008 ripoff went down. With much of the USA's manufacturing base sent away, our country has become a service/consumer driven economy. With the $trillions printed to satiate the 2008 debacle, those monies were distributed to those who caused the problem and not to us consumers who we were told the economy relies upon.

I see a whole bunch of contradictions in the same way with the Covid thing. Therapeutics and treatments were censored in favor of waiting for a dangerous experiment that made your own body produce the very disease the shot was purportedly stop.

I'm wondering if the rampant runaway printing of fiat value is purposeful in some way, but you, Dr. Malone, describe a much more dangerous scenario; a misguided self-serving ruling caste that will create the earthquake.

Dr. Malone's relentless sharing of insights is priceless.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The War on Truth exists for a reason. Those who execute it are not your friends.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo! This is an incredible urgent on-point article. Indeed, the Federal Reserve is the proximate cause of the majority of ills plaguing the US. This ties back to last week’s excellent article on the death of “liberalism.” I don’t mean to be off-putting by re-posting this, but for the purposes of time, I’ll post-away these two comments from the “liberalism” article, as the story of Sound Money and the Fed must be told and re-told. “ Outstanding essay, and urgently outstanding question: “did liberalism fail”? “Are we there yet?” No, but it’s poignantly clear that liberalism is in the process of failing. Cutting to the quick, the proximate cause is the Federal Reserve. The Fed is inherently rigged to destroy liberalism, and any notion of freedom and free people, because the Fed controls (and destroys) our money. It is the Fed, and the things that only the Fed can fund – things that could not exist without the Fed’s funding -- which destroys the economic mechanisms liberalism is necessarily dependent upon.

I think it’s absolutely, critically important that great leaders on medical and freedom issues, such as Dr. Malone, begin introducing the Fed and “sound money” into the conversation of not only “medical freedom,” but every conversation of Freedom. We will never have any meaningful, sustainable notion of Freedom or liberalism, as long as the Fed exists and operates as it has the last 110 years. We will never be free, as long as central banks like the Fed control our money. This issue may sound complicated, but it’s not. The concepts of money and the Fed are very simple concepts, once we begin wrapping our heads around them, and though certainly not easy, a transition to “honest” and “sound” money will not be nearly as difficult as one might think, if “the story” (to use Toby Rogers’ term) is simply and properly told. Rogers is correct. It's all about the story. "Those who tell the story rule society." This quote has attributed to Plato, but also, as a Native American proverb. Whatever the case, the quote couldn't be more true. This should be glaringly evident to every American, especially since 2020.

Toby Rogers begins by mentioning the “limitations and contradictions” in liberalism. He's correct. It's important to understand that in economic matters, there's rarely solutions, but rather tradeoffs. But the greater point is that true liberalism – Freedom -- is the only way toward at least the promise and pursuit of the greatest amount of meaning and happiness for the greatest amount of people. Freedom is the only way. And true liberalism must include sound money. We simply can’t have liberalism – freedom – without sound money.

Americans told a great story in the late 18th century, leading to and through the American Revolution. They told their story of “liberty and justice for all” in the face of insurmountable odds. The story included all of the mechanisms for liberty Toby Rogers identifies in this essay posted by Dr. Malone. But as we can see, the story told by the founders during the American Revolution also included the economic mechanism of sound money. We must remember the arguments of the founders over the First and Second Banks of the United States. We must remember the warnings about central banks like the Fed, from men like Thomas Paine. Here’s Paine in “Common Sense”: 

“As to the assumed authority of any assembly in making paper money, or paper of any kind, a legal tender, or in other language, a compulsive payment, it is a most presumptuous attempt at arbitrary power. There can be no such power in a republican government: the people have no freedom – and property no security – where this practice can be added.”

Thomas Paine was right. With the Fed, essentially, "the people have no freedom." The evidence is all around us. Fast forward from Paine’s warning, to another from the mid 20th century, by F.A. Hayek, best known for his “The Road to Serfdom.” Hayek addresses the dangerous ills central banks like the Fed, which pump paper money (and now, digital money) created out of thin air, into the economy:

“I doubt it has ever done any good except to the rulers and their favorites… money is certainly too dangerous an instrument to leave to the fortuitous expediency of politicians.”

Our Road to Serfdom is indeed paved with the Fed’s dollars, printed out of thin air by scheming politicians and politicized bankers.

In short, the story and script to attain and sustain liberalism and Freedom is already written. We just have to keep re-telling it anywhere and everywhere, over and over, BUT, with the inclusion of the economic mechanism which is sound money. All of the other economic mechanisms Toby Rogers cites in his essay hinge on sound money – ALL of them: free speech. freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, rule of law, fair elections, free trade, markets, private property, and entrepreneurship. Again, the things which kill these economic mechanisms would not exist, or at least would not be as powerfully effective, if not for the Fed, which funds them. We would not have a $33 trillion-plus national debt, with some $100 trillion-plus in unfunded liabilities, without the Fed.  We would not have had the Great Depression, nor the financial collapse of 2008. (It’s important to note that the article blames “economic liberalism” for boom busts. But it’s central banks like the Fed which cause boom/busts-- more on this shortly, and in the links at the end of this comment).

Now, by “honest” and “sound” money, I mean, in part, non-inflatable money backed by something of real value -- gold or silver, for example. Money which cannot be tampered with and inflated by politicians bent on scheming ways to fund all of the unsustainable bureaucracies and agencies which are used to destroy liberty as mechanisms of the unsustainable welfare/warfare state. If not for the Fed’s inflationary, debt-financing, monetary expansion and artificial rigging of interest rates, our politicians wouldn’t be able to fund the absolutely catastrophic wars of choice we’ve been engaged in for the past half-century, nor the millions sent around the globe by men like Anthony Fauci for coronavirus “research,” nor the bureaucracies and agencies like the FBI and NSA and the rest of the “technocratic state,” which are used to harass, spy-on, censor, and cancel American citizens, and destroy our civil liberties. Sound money would have largely prevented the federal government’s catastrophically destructive reaction to the 2020 covid outbreak. We would also not have the boom/bust economic cycles and recessions Rogers mentions in his essay, which destroy the poor and middle class while redistributing wealth and power to the already wealthy and powerful (the Fed is responsible for all of the recessions over the last 110 years). Furthermore, we wouldn’t have the inflation of the money supply, which results in rising prices of goods and services across the economy, destroying the purchasing power of the dollar, which of course, hurts the poor, middle class, and the vulnerable like those with fixed incomes, the most.

"Those who tell the story rule society." The story above might be the most important story to tell today, for the cause of freedom, and so individual liberty can rule society -- liberalism. Below are some links to a handful of brief introductions speaking to the necessity of sound money.

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Thank you for this post. It is always important to note that those that came before (even in the B.C. era) understood the pitfalls of certain practices and wrote extensively about them. It has always been such a pity that of all the wise sayings we quote, none has brought the wisdom necessary throughout the generations to maintain our freedoms.

We have the Federal Reserve because the world’s financial founding families needed it to operate at maximum profit and to mold the world to their satisfaction. As America grew, they made it their golden egg. The mid-19th century opened the age of reason (and research) which hurriedly went about erasing the foundation of a free people by questioning everything anew. It was brought to us by the German-taught professors that laid waste our higher education system and brought us the likes of Wilson and the Administrative State and, of course the Feds. It also steadily eroded the existence of a Creator and succeeded, for the most part, in stripping the New Testament (so aptly named) of a savior. There can be no higher power than the State they so diligently molded through power and greed.

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Thank you so much for commenting. Amen to all the wisdom in the past, which we ignore at our own peril. It’s all there. The story is written. “The Ethics of Money Production” goes deep on this point, yet it’s clear and very concise. You hit on some other great points about the age of reason. Yes, positive in many ways but also a lot of negatives came from the period. Hence Nietsche warning “God is dead.” Truly, we can’t separate God from science. They go hand in hand. Universities grow out of monasteries, and the greatest advances in science arguably arose because of Christianity. Because of Western Civilization and Logos, as embodied by Christ. And really, we can see this truth whether one chooses to believe in the literal Christ, or simply the story. Either way, it represents a threat to the state, to power. I agree too on education, and the Prussian industrial model, on the goal of creating obedient workers, not entrepreneurial critical thinking. Keep discussing. We’ve got to keep telling the story to all who will listen. There’s plenty of reasons for hope.

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Thank you for your post, I appreciate all of these informative posts concerning the financial crisis in our nation!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Below are the links mentioned in my comment below. Again, Sound Money and the Fed are the stories which must be told. “ The Mises Institute is perhaps the very best on the issue. These videos are short and very easy to understand: "Why Study Money?" https://youtu.be/qIQg6TdJsgo?si=0DhW72Ac8WCxgdqt

This is another outstanding introduction: "What has government done to our money?" https://mises.org/library/what-has-government-done-our-money

Whatever we feel about politics, or libertarianism, this book is perhaps the best, most concise introduction to why we need to End the Fed: End the Fed https://mises.org/library/end-fed-1

or https://www.amazon.com/End-Fed-Ron-Paul/dp/0446549177/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GU0CI5UEEHPM&keywords=end+the+fed&qid=1699190644&sprefix=end+the+%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-1

Now, for CHRISTIANS, it’s vital to note that there is a Biblical mandate for sound money. Think of the possibilities, if Christians across the US understood and internalized what the Bible says about sound money. Here are two excellent books on the subject: "The Ethics of Money Production" https://mises.org/library/ethics-money-production (here's podcast on the book: https://mises.org/library/guido-hulsmann-ethics-money-production )

"Honest Money": https://mises.org/library/honest-money

Here’s an excellent, entertaining and humorous approach, in a 7 minute rap video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk

In addition, it’s important to note that Karl Marx noted that central banks like the Fed are necessary for communism. Central banks are the 5th plank of communism in “The Communist Manifesto.” Read that again, and ask yourself: how many planks of communism already exist in the US’s federal government?   These planks are the problem, not liberty or liberalism.

Lastly, speaking of communism, we must remember the warnings from the architect of Western economies, J.M. Keynes. Keynes is responsible for much of the economic ills we suffer through today. But he was correct when he wrote the following. The Fed’s inflation not only impoverishes us and destroys our money and liberty, but it also negatively alters our micro, individual choices and behavior. Let this quote sink-in, and think through the implications. Keynes is describing what we see all around us, today:

“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security but [also] at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth.

Those to whom the system brings windfalls, beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires, become "profiteers," who are the object of the hatred of the bourgeoisie, whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of the proletariat. As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.

Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.

In the latter stages of the war all the belligerent governments practiced, from necessity or incompetence, what a Bolshevist might have done from design. Even now, when the war is over, most of them continue out of weakness the same malpractices. But further, the governments of Europe, being many of them at this moment reckless in their methods as well as weak, seek to direct on to a class known as "profiteers" the popular indignation against the more obvious consequences of their vicious methods.

These "profiteers" are, broadly speaking, the entrepreneur class of capitalists, that is to say, the active and constructive element in the whole capitalist society, who in a period of rapidly rising prices cannot but get rich quick whether they wish it or desire it or not. If prices are continually rising, every trader who has purchased for stock or owns property and plant inevitably makes profits. By directing hatred against this class, therefore, the European governments are carrying a step further the fatal process which the subtle mind of Lenin had consciously conceived. The profiteers are a consequence and not a cause of rising prices. By combining a popular hatred of the class of entrepreneurs with the blow already given to social security by the violent and arbitrary disturbance of contract and of the established equilibrium of wealth which is the inevitable result of inflation, these governments are fast rendering impossible a continuance of the social and economic order of the 19th century. But they have no plan for replacing it....”

Read the rest: Commanding Heights : https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/ess_inflation.html

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My reccomendation to my city-dwelling family on the East Coast, since the beginning on this death blow to these United States of America, has been "move to a property next door to the Amish!"

As to what is actually happening, well, there was no bungling of a health problem.

Sars-cov-2 is a laboratory creation, as is the ModRNA, Spike Protien producing genetic code wrapped neatly in Lipid Nano Particles which cross every membrane in the human body, including the brain, and bio-accumulate in our vital organs, including the ovaries!

And unlike men, who's sex cells, sperm, are manufactured continuously, every day, and have very short life spans, women have all of their sex cells, eggs, before birth.

These are long lived, obviously, and any artificial genetic material forced into their ovaries, (and now we know those nasty little vials of gene therapies, not "vaccines" were also contaminated with Plasmid DNA & SV40 promoters as well!) will very possibly, or definitely?, cause mutations in their children born from those now damaged ovaries.

It's interesting, isn't it, that Bill Gates & the Sociopathic war class of men developing bio-weapons, (whoops I meant vaccines!) now have developed high level cloning techniques, artificial wombs, artificial breast milk and Silicon Valley is deep into the Transhumanism Cult Activities, as well?

No more organic, natural, healthy humans, I wonder?!

Personally I'm much more concerned today about the mad scientists in our midst than even that Leviathan, the Bureaucracatic State, which is saying something!

Yes, the United States may implode from it's idiocracy: endless wars, ruination of the middle class, destruction of human health by pumping endless neurotoxins into infants, and a mountain of unpayable debt.

But, we are just one nation among many.

If we are idiots with all the wealth and knowledge and freedom this Nation was endowed with, and we STILL destroy ourselves, oh well.

The real wickedness of men, in my humble opinion, comes from those with the hubris to engineer a gene technology that can impact the seed cells for all women on Earth who are then coerced, manipulated, or forced into recieving it. That is evil indeed. Devilish, I may say.

And BTW, nothing that happened was an accident. Every single step had been practiced and gamed out over and over and over again. (Look at SPARS. We are being SPARRED.)

The controls to manufacture the identical response, a wholly destructive one, in every Formerly Free Nation on Earth:


Lies, (military war grade psychological operations wielded on civilian populations)

The Violent Destruction of ALL Early Treatments, and those who utilized them to save life.

Lethal Hospital Protocols, enforced, indemnified & incentivized.

Forced Face Masking, limiting oxygen & mental health.

all add up to what is

basically torture,

mental, emotional, financial & physical, in order to soften up the "marks" so to force inject them with this dangerous genetic mess, wrapped in dangerous LNPs, which in a normal world the vast majority would have said "hell no," to, well "planning" doesn't even begin to cover what went into this operation!

Read -Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, Sage Hana, & ICENI, all on Substack. Then spend some time with Naomi Wolf and all her team has discovered in the Pfizer documents ++++.

This is a war against the women of Earth, in my personal opinion, and against the next generations of humanity.

Watch "Infertility,

A Diabolical Agenda," by Children's Health Defense, on CHD TV.

The last line was chilling- after what was done to the women in Africa, the gentleman stated, "now they will come for you!"

(Or something similar.)

It's true.

Those mad scientists are always thinking they can destroy life, and somehow get something from doing so. But in the end they all wind up in the identical darkness.

If you look carefully, the entire plot (& all it's engineers,) becomes very, very clear!

Ladies- it's again, a war against women, mostly waged by men.

(I'm talking the planners, string pullers & mad scientists here, not their cat's paws who are fully mind-controlled & believe "vaccines" are harmless!)

And as the Bible says, "there's nothing new under the Sun."

"Death, Disease, War, & Lies."

Who's the Father of all that? Hmm.

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We suffer from China calls "Unrestricted War" and others call 5G War. Everything has been weaponized against America. We suffer 24/7 propaganda, open borders, bioweapons attacks and more. Americans are dying at the rates we saw in World War II and Vietnam. Covid and the jabs were the greatest genocide in the history of the world. It's past time for Nuremberg 2.0

Our books "Mind War Two" and "Invisible Treason in America" (#1 on Amazon) discuss this.

Wake up people! Election 2024 might be our last best chance for saving our freedoms.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Simply outstanding and beautifully said

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Actively fabricated false realities create a situation where current governmental solutions drift further and further from optimal.”

We are at the point where every false reality has a devastating solution. Child mutilation, reparations, critical race theory, CBDC, fake meat, lockdowns, jabs, nonexistent oil reserves, unaffordable home interest rates, opponent lawfare, jail of pro-life persons, destruction of food warehouses and processing plants, mega corps replacing M&Ps, rigging elections, hospital killing fields, no due process, porn in school libraries, and it goes on. As Rome burns SCOTUS fiddles and Congress plays with matchsticks.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The SES was Trump’s undoing…he thought he could effect change, but didn’t realize that they’d hamstrung him as soon as he started building his cabinet. Either that or perhaps he was the Trojan horse thrown in by some other body to avoid Hillary.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great assessment of the peril we face as Americans. For many years I have felt myself riding atop a giant wave enjoying the ride and view all the while knowing it will crash onto the rocks below. The ride has lasted longer than expected but like all waves it must break. Our status as modern day Roman’s has been obvious to me for decades. Debasement of coins, legalized gambling, sexual deviance, voting by the young and ignorant, massive incarceration including private prisons, career politicians/aristocrats and the newest trick up the authoritarian sleeve loss of anonymity through electronic surveillance. Try reading “Second Sleep” by Robert Harris for a fictional glimpse into our post modern collapse. Once the electricity stops a loss of diesel fuel will be minor compared to life in the new Middle Ages.

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