Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was a very mind bending speech in some ways. In other ways it’s a feeling deep inside that I have had, and I’m sure most people watching this Video feel. Things have not been the same for the past three years. But when you think about it it’s more like 60 years as truths surface. A couple of weeks ago I started thinking of trying to live in this country through complete alternative means. Mainly day to day health care, dealing with doctors that think along how I think. Try bartering with people for things I can provide and they provide me with a service. Deal with local farms for meat and produce, in general try in some ways to disconnect from the oppressive system that is trying to control all of us. I think we need to network with people that we trust and create an alternative community. J.Goodrich

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Pilgrim and the Patriot, now must walk together as one, in new found unity.

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What do we call this movement? Common Sense?

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Common sense and the great awakening.

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Whatever it is called it should have "great" in the naming, because it will be big!

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I just threw a quick dart off the top of my head as the question rose up.

I didn't want the "GREAT" Reck/Rena, as the Trumps wore out that word.

And I didn't want the word like Revolution when people fight to win.

I'd prefer to have peaceful Renaissance, when folks gather intelligently.

But i certainly agree there should be a name in which to reference this. The Black Hills of S Dakota has Monumental stone face carvings

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This is a serious question. Naming and propagating an idea for a movement that captures the will and resolve of folks from many camps as a counter force to the superentity waging the 5GenWarfare. Mass Formation and 5th Gen Warfare were good picks Dr. Malone, so I hope your Substack, Twitter, and world communities can help find the next one. Common Sense the right idea but needs some uniqueness and inspiration in the verbiage. Maybe a snippet from some quote in history or a poem or classic piece of music.

I asked my husband this question-- what comes to mind for a new movement name that captures the gravity, enormity, history, eyes wide open focus on the real enemy that we face? Being a marketing professor, a Grateful Dead fan, who has been rereading his history books from college days while I consume Substacks, he suggested a song "Franklin's Tower." Ben Franklin's new method of casting called "rolling away the dew" is captured as the core refrain in the song. Steam was used in the casting of the Liberty Bell and they had to roll away the dew from the bell as part of the manufacture. The technique or size of the bell may have been somewhat untested and thus the large crack. But we have come to love and treasure the cracked bell for all its deep meaning. Historians debate the origin of the crack. Critics of Franklin told him at the time this wouldn't work, and he responded if you get confused listen to the music play.

It is a story from US history about inventiveness, determination, manufacturing something new and symbolically important. A story involving iconic figure Benjamin Franklin and a sacred object representing liberty in our newly formed country. The song as conceived and performed by The Grateful Dead brings to mind great earlier eras in American spirit and music. It is an America story but frankly I hear voices around the world expecting us to make this right. We have the U.S. Constitution to prevail in the respected opinion of the UK geopolitics duo The Duran. Our U.S. deep state is clearly part of the hidden superentity.



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Liberty and Necessity.

A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain (1725),

Ben Franklin in his earliest dissertations/observations from London about America.

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"Common Sense" - hm - the name of a pamphlet written in January 1776, published in February 1776 - and five months later - great things happened...!

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It was a persuasion piece before independence established, written by Thomas Paine. 500,000 copies published. Perhaps parallels to Malone and colleagues. History Channel background states: "Although little used today, pamphlets were an important medium for the spread of ideas in the 16th through 19th centuries." Substack the new pamphlet.


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Sometimes we must move back farther....

to get a better run at things,

to incentivize some pen point direct velocity,

of getting things forwardly moving. RS

"Objectives in motion tends to stay in motion unless an external force acts upon it."

Newtons first laws of motion.

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Incredible talk, thank you so much, however I'm not sure Mikki Willis is correct that all we need to know is that we believe in freedom. I think more discussion is needed as to what constitutes reasonable freedom and what constitutes reasonable restrictions on freedom, so the movement takes good positions on issues such as whether stores should be allowed to set their own policies regarding who they will serve and who they won't. I think it should be illegal to hurt people, of course, but legal to withhold services and favors based on one's personal preferences. To criminalize such is authoritarian trampling on reasonable freedom of commerce and property, imo.

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How about The Constitutional Contagion…I hear it’s catching 😉

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I had to look that one up:) From what I can see quickly, a cardinal tenet of agorism is "counter-economics," which is also new to me and I have no opinion on. I'm simply talking about getting the government to stop mandating that we do things we don't want to do - except pay taxes to fund the services it should be providing to citizens (via a proportional asset tax, to eliminate the huge disparity between rich and poor) and not corporations which benefit from captured politicians and agencies.

P.S. Sorry, I thought you were responding to my post below.

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How I wish it were that simple. We vote for people who promise to eliminate the disparity between the rich and poor, who say they will make corporations pay their fair share of taxes, will take "dark" money out of politics, etc., but it hasn't happened and it never will because they lie to get elected then do whatever their puppet masters tell them to do.

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Sorry for not defining agorism. I'm studying "How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State" by Derrick Broze and just picked that term up myself.

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Another group I like is Foster Gamble's "ThriveOn". He and his wife have produced two awesome videos, "Thrive I" and "Thrive II". You'll find lots of like-minded souls there too.

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The "division" tactic is working very well, isn't it? I think there are many "on the fence". Our mission is to help them decide and to support one another as we build the new. Are you familiar with The Freedom Cell? You'll find many like-minded souls there.

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Your mention of an alternate way of doing things runs through my mind almost daily.

I spent many years getting a rare glimps inside the Hutterite Colonies of Southern Alberta.

I developed a relationship with them while providing them the building materials for their fast growing colonies.

Everything on the colony is done with the utmost attention to efficiency and cost savings.

The houses are built as small attached bungalows and designed so that a new one can be added onto the end at any time as the colony grows. Only three walls needed to add on a new home this way...efficiency.

The homes are tiny because they need nothing but bedrooms, a bathroom, a visiting room, and a small kitchenette.

There are no need for kitchens when everyone eats together in a dining hall with a commercial kitchen.

The women all take turns with kitchen duty, daycare/schooling, gardening, and farmers markets.

The men work the fields, run the carpenter shop, butcher shop, build the homes, furniture, and anything else they can build themselves.

Entirely self sufficient and live to barter.

The security by no means comes without sacrifice.

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In 2005 my wife and I bought a small ranch house on a small lake in NH. I’ve run a construction company in Ma for decades and it’s hard to leave. But the last 3 years have started to change my thoughts . NH has many key neighbors that I could work with in a barter type system. There also is a good size farm very close that sell meats etc.. it makes me really think to get off the race track and try living a less oppressive life.

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I made that exact decision 6 years ago at 36 and I'll never look bad.

Sold my company and moved back to the lake in Nova Scotia. Off the beaten path.

I'm raising Mangalitsa pork in my forest pasture. The Kobe beef of pork. Extremely healthy.

Raise my own grass fed chickens and free-ranged hens for eggs.

Cut wood for heat...

More physical work than owning lumber yards but way more satisfying.

I've never enjoyed life more with less expectations.

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Does the word "commune" ring any bells?

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Not alone in this thought. I'd contribute as I can to any alternate system. And for the few who may remain after the nukes are deployed.. well it is a start. Just make sure you aren't around a military base and you are in a location the Russian will take versus Chinese. you DEFINITELY want the Russians rather than the Chinese. Orthodox Christians vs Atheist Godless beings...

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The Russians are less church-going than Americans, have annexed portions of other countries continually, committed democide upon themselves and their neighbors, and have no interest in freedom. Other than that, they are great neighbors.

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Still gonna take my chances there where the word GOD is not banned than with the Chinese Godless no God but the State and you worship that kind of people...

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Great for the individual who can do it but not really practical for the 300+ million of us. We have a workable Constitution left us to utilize and we can do that perhaps in a state by state progression. That is my particular mantra--state by state

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And the best place to plant the good seeds of knowledge. Your own back yard.

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Remember when that aberration in our White House '08-'16 decided he would essentially ban home gardening and I think seed availability or lack there of was on his evil little mind?

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Yes. I remember that and at the same time, remember there was a huge campaign to focus on the new WH garden ... 🧐

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In NH many of my neighbors do different things that I could use. I do repairs on a house across the street and he plows my driveway so when I come up I can pull off the street. Another neighbor has chickens and I’ve got eggs from him many times. Some have machines (excavators) etc.. I think it’s a matter of making deals which I have done on a small scale.

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I absolutely agree. If you were my neighbor I would see you for medical advice every day of the week Dr. Nash.

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Appreciate the vote of confidence. However my advice to friends and family is to avoid medical treatment from anyone purporting to be a scientist (which I really was). You really do not want to be treated the way we treat lab animals. Does not generally work out well for them

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Well but. An alternate thought here about that: empirical medical advice is not so bad. i.e. Ivermectin works, we don't know why (of course we do NOW) but it works, so lets use what works. Apply that thinking to the low sub microbial doxycycline for arthritis (now we know that it is an MMP inhibitor of one of the enzymes and soaks up excess enzyme that destroys cart'. in the joints)...Dr. McPherson Brown knew it worked but not why, and lo it does work for mild to moderate disease. But it is not for any bacterial type infection that might be causing arthritis as he thought, instead it was modulating something in the body... or take the smallpox 'cure' of the American Indians.. using tincture/extract of the pitcher plant.. it seemed to be very effective. A chemist and pharma guy looked into it 2 or 3 years ago, and lo and behold, there's a chemical in there that impacts the reproduction of the smallpox family of virus... all I am saying is, that when proof of something working occurs, but you don't know why, why not use the treatment anyway if it isn't going to kill you? This approach, along with the laying on of hands and listening to the patient seems to completely have left medicine for humans let alone animals. I mean even the new young DVMs are all on about 'going by the book'. I don't always have to know why something works, to use it, is all I am saying. I just need to see it working.

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Nothing wrong with emperical approach. What I am opposed to is docs so hung up on their idea of what constitutes scientific methodology. You want to have one stick you in a "placebo group" to test some hairbrained theory of his? Do you ever want to be placed in a placebo group? Conscientious docs, like one my wife worked for would not participate in one. To withhold treatments from cancer patients to test a new drug is evil and yet they do it.

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Cancer cure - read Joe Tippens. Alot of clues in there...and no, it isn't based off 'cancer' drugs that are so toxic in side effects no one wants to take them!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I intuitively knew what you’ve just written about. There are a few new names out there trying to smear you & Dr Cole on most of the Substacks I subscribe to. And I know what they’re trying to do. It won’t work with me & I hope it doesn’t work on others. I know a pure heart when I hear one, & you & Dr Cole are in that boat. Thank you for all that you do

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And even here on your substack they’re trying to distract & change the subject. 😂 lol. So easy to read

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Sounds a bit paranoid to me. People express themselves in various ways and forms. People may disagree with Dr. Malone in certain points. It's called discussion. Please point out specific posts that concern you so people can respond, discuss and clarify. Or is this a "follow and agree only substack?" Vage accusations are poisonous for the spirit of a group imo.

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There absolutely are professional chaos agents working to divide us. That is undeniable. And there are also a group that are driven by the green eyed monster of jealousy.

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I totally believe that and I can't really imagine how nerve wrecking it must be to be so exposed, never knowing from where the next attack will come from. You are pissing off a lot of powerful people. You are a very brave man. Its amazing how you so naturally grew into that role. A born leader. Its understandable and necessary to be very alert and suspicious. But its a small step from there to paranoia which could eat the group from inside out and stifle open honest conversations. Difficult to get the right balance. Trust your intuition and your friends here, even when they sometimes disagree or see things differently. That's just operational. The cause is still the same. Tap into the wisdom of the group with your heart. Only the mind gets paranoid. There will always be the occassional betrayal, of course, but if the fear of that undermines the trust into the group, what is worse?

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Keep in mind many of the very founding fathers we all hold so high were also Masons.

George Washington, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Chief Justice John Marshall who helped shape the Supreme Court.

Nine of the fifty-six men that signed the Declaration of Independence were masons, thirteen of the thirty-nine (33%) who signed the US Constitutions were also masons.

It eventually became a social phenomenon to join. Men of good character, men seeking to rise in society, men in the colonial, all walks of life. The fraternity early on attracted high aristocracy and even members of the royal family, which in turn attracted more and more men.

I myself have held the chair in the East. I've met many great men in my lodge and made many friendships. The whole idea around it's secrecy puts many people off and then ends up attracting negative attention.

So mote it be

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It appears you contradict yourself a little here. First, you write "Tolerance of differing view is needed" to which I fully agree. Then you made your stand and opinion towards Russel Brand very clear. I don't share your views here because I am simply not interested enough in him to find out more. But I support that you can express whatever you think of him as long it is respectfull and reasonable. Freedom of speech. Hurra. And some agree with you which always feels validating. But then you express what seems to be a disapproval that his videos are still posted here. That's censorship in my book. You can't have it both ways. Apologies if I misunderstood your statement.

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It is worse than what you are describing Ma Mu. Professional trolling, chaos agents are on the rise, and taking a different form. I suspect some of them are now AI generated Substack scraping bots, maybe taking advantage of ChatGPT type tools to generate text. They track the targeted authors, go after the commenters who are frequent or helpful, use certain keywords, or who follow multiple Substacks. AI forms a model of successful attacks using metrics like reduced engagement or ability to sidetrack commentary on a post to something frivolous. For now they are somewhat easy to track as it those posts seem manic or like non sequitur gibberish that attacks. Substack developers need to wake up to the assault and to develop its own detection, immune system and counter measures. Substack itself will find itself under attack. Readers need to avoid feeding it.

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Correction of below: I just checked again it is the right amount so it is only a time lack, thanksfully.

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Interesting. Do you think they manipulate "likes" and mess with subsriber status? I noticed that only about half of "likes" for my more poular comments are shown at the bottom of the comment. The summary of "likes" in my dashboard is doubleof what is shown under the comment. Or is that maybe just a time lack and I am getting paranoid? I also had several occassions where I couldn't comment at all. As soon I tried to type a window pops up telling me that only "paid subscribers" can comment. I am one. Just wondering.

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Those are questions for Substack.

Suggest creating a forum of Substack authors who work these things out and send feedback to Substack support.

Substacks with comments open to free subscribers are much more affected with negativity. If there were a budget tier for $1 a month that allowed comments it might throw off a lot of trolls, bots, chaos drivers, advertisers.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated, and scorned.

When his cause succeeds, the timid join him for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain

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Steer clear of Team Regrettable. As passiveness has never climbed that cold mountain.

And never will, but celebrate as though they did.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Bible

Predicts all of this.

The people I know who are awake are all

Devoted Christians. Our eyes are open.

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Great to hear. My eyes are open too without being a devoteded Christian. There are many spiritual frameworks and methods awakening people. Some of them much older than Christianity. Not everyone relates or understands the Bible. It helps some people, others need a different approach. Christianity has a history of intolerance and spiritual entitlement only matched by Muslims and Jews. No wonder they clashed for thousands of years aand started so many religious wars amongst each other. However, all these religions, if you eliminate the doctrine, have deeply spiritual mystics, methods and cermonies of great value. I am happy it works for you.

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Christianity is what this nation was founded upon. The freedoms written into the constitution are thoroughly Biblical. The positive global impact of the American experiment is unprecedented in the advancement of freedom and all that comes with it. Prosperity peace and quality of life.

Of course the purity of its origins has been corrupted. Now and in the past. To interpret the religion based upon the corruption of it is to not see how this is a repetition of history as described in the Bible. It is the story of the depraved nature of mankind seeking to be his own master and our need of redemption and forgiveness attainable only by faith in the person of Jesus Christ who paid the the price for us.

The battle is spiritual. I am certain the enemy we cannot see is clearly identified for us in the Bible. His methods are cunning and crafty. He is the Prince of the Air currently ruling in this world.

We win now by securing our eternal future by faith in Christ. Even when the material world becomes a place of suffering we are sustained by a peace that passes all understanding. We have joy in the midst of suffering. Nothing compares. It cannot be taken from us.

We win as a nation if we humble ourselves and look to the God who established the nation and has the power to overcome any enemy. This is the power George Washington credited for his victories against overwhelming odds.

We embrace those who do not share this faith in love. We do not hate even our enemies knowing they are merely deceived captives of the enemy in need of the miracle that provides vision to see the truth that sets men free.

He came to set the captives free. He is the way the truth and the life. This is way to freedom.

Today this sounds like religious nonsense to many. But it was the belief of most of the founders of the nation and the majority of the people who elected them. That it seems like nonsense now is why we are failing as a nation. We are no longer one nation under God.

Satan is the great practitioner of fifth generation warfare. It is nothing new. Did that statement just resonate somewhere deep inside where truth registers? It is really first generation warfare in the battle for souls. It was used by the serpent in the garden.

This is how such global coordination has been possible. Selfish humans driven by ego so prone to infighting are not capable of this.

I pray for a great awakening of faith. It is our only hope.

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Interesting to see 5G as spiritual warfare and at the same time have so much in common with those who don’t see it that way. We’re all in the same danger, need to set aside some of our differences, and build our team. Ironically, much of our common ground IS spiritual—or at least based on abstractions—such as concepts of what is good versus what is evil. One doesn’t need Biblical indoctrination to embrace a Classical framework of Virtue and Vice or understand that proof of the tree is the fruit it bears. Maybe we can focus on analyzing the world through that framework, recognizing motives and movements, avoid some snares, and ultimately refuse to play the game with those focused on division. For example, regardless of where one stands on race and gender, can we agree that selfish Pride is a vice? What motivates those who put Pride above Humility?

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Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

There is a lot that Christians and those who don’t share the faith can agree upon and we can work together, respecting our differences.

No true Christian will ever try to force belief on anyone. What we will do is boldly state our beliefs for a number of reasons.

Some are pragmatic. One is to set the record straight. Understanding how we got here, and why we are losing ground seems important.

Faith can also be seen as a pragmatic motivator. Someone said there are only three things that change a man’s behavior. Opportunity for sex, a profound religious experience, and death. If true the classical framework may not be enough.

Then there is the question of battling actual spiritual entities. Can we win without God?

Ultimately the reason is love and concern for people and their souls. For those who truly believe we are eternal beings, and the gospel message, this will take priority over the fate of the nation.

I believe saving the nation and saving souls go hand in hand.

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🎯 Irie

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Kyrie Eleison down the road that I must travel...Kyrie Eleison through the darkness of the night, Kyrie Eleison on a highway in the light... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DESeq1QY4Vg Mr. Mister got it right... Kyrie Eleison for humanity... and their sins...Kyrie Eleison = Lord have Mercy. And this world needs Mercy from the Lord very badly.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have been watching the interview with EPOCH News and now this! I soo appreciate the ability you have to talk clear, straightforward and of concisely detailed information! Kudos to you and Jill!

Love the "Every living thing is in communication."

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Very powerful and helpful. Slowly getting it. Humility. Realizing how we totally overestimate ourselves. It links perfectly with my spiritual practise of self-enquiry, non-duality, Adveita Vendata.

Everything has to be questioned. I realized over the last few years how indoctrinated and manipulated I was all my life without even knowing it.

It's a shock many try to avoid. It's very unpleasant. It's like the carpet of a false reality is pulled from under your feet. Which initially feels very unsettling despite getting rid of the false because I am forced to think for myself now. I can't trust anyone by default anymore - not even Dr. Malone and his colleagues.

The trust has to be renewed every single time they talk again. Every word has to be scrutinized each time. It is exhausting. It takes practice. But slowly it creates a truly independent warrior that shares values and truths with other independent warriors. A living network of truth where each nod independently verifies her/his own truth.

No believing and copying of leaders anymore. Power corrupts. Leaders can turn. Leaders can fall. The message is way more important than the messenger.

Ultimately this is a spiritual fight and it is no surprise that various people find frameworks and guidance from a range of spiritual traditions. Awakening is a spiritual term.

Spiritual practise always has been about understanding yourself and your mind and evolve into something in charge of that. When that is achieved, fear and desire can't touch us anymore. Only then our minds can become our weapons and serve us.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Ma MU/ IMO, Eckhart Tolle recommends getting out of your mind... psychology is the understanding part. I do hear you though.

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Thank you for your comment. I don't understand what you exactly mean but that is notoriously common when we talk about spirituality. Its semantics. Language is based on duality and logic and will always fail to articulate non-duality. My personal understanding is that the difference lies in the identification with "my" mind vs an awareness of "this mind operating and functioning" as it does from moment to moment. I once had a "no mind" moment in a meditation where I literally left my mind into nothingness. A powerful peak experience. However, life can't be lived like that. Without mind, there is no experience of this world and ourselves possible imo. As mystics we have to have a foot in both worlds. Thank you for hearing me.

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Letting go of ego is part of it Ma Mu , part of humbleness and humility , let go of self part of Eckert Tolle philosophy and others .

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Tell me about it lol. Trying for decades. One of the hardest and most mysterious things to do. To let go of ego (in the deeper spiritual sense of the word) we first must fully understand what ego really is. What my personal journey, so far, taught me is this; Ego is the sense of "I am this or that....A person, a body, a mind, a man, a bundle of beliefs and opinions, a bundle of sensations and emotions.....and much more. It is almost always present, 99.99999% of my waking g time. Only when I experienced a momentary egoless state I came to realize that I am in a ego state all the time.

My understanding is always dual. My mind understand through opposites. Ask yourself: Does a fish that lives 500m below the surface far away from land knows what land is? Most people would say no. Does the fish know what water is though? Again, the answer is no, assuming the fish thinks and learns like us. The moment the fish sees land he has a contrast to water and understands both.

The same is true for ego states. Everyone lives permanently in an ego state without even knowing what that actually means until they experience the opposite: a no ego state. This is a first awakening that often changes everything. For me, it put me on a spiritual path that was not based on believing something anymore. Believing is an ego state. Now I k new what I truly am: That what sees the ego coming and going. Instead of "I am this or that" it is just a "I amness". Both states come and go or be present parallel. It depends on how much awake I am at a given moment.

I do t think we can consciously let go of our ego. If you could you would be a blessed man. But there are many reports from many people of all cultures going back thousands of years that a permanent ego loss has happened.

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Happy I made you lol. So healthy to lol.

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DD I was thinking similar thing

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You're right about scrutinizing every word, every time being exhausting. Dr. Malone's message was well written but I now have so much more research to do. He brought up things I don't know anything about.

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What I meant was scrutinizing it with my intuition, actually, because I don't trust the relative truth system the scientific mind based system uses. An example was my spontaneous intuitive refusal to take this vaccine from day one. I didn't need to read up on it. To vaccinate the whole world with an untested product based on a new untested delivery system was madness to me. Full stop. Some call it common sense.

Most people have lost that because they have been indoctrinated with our new religion: Science. Even very advanced science barely scratches on the surface to explain the kolossal intelligence and complexity of a human body, for example. Does science therefore has no place? Absolutely not. It has a place and is useful - but way way below where it is right now. Science shouldn't dictate how we relate to each other and how we organize our society. True spiritual leaders that speak from their heart with wisdom is what we are missing. There is no wisdom in science. It's totally over-rated, vastly mechanistic and will destroy us if left unchecked.

Science has to be demoted to where it belongs. It's a servant, not a master. Thats what the Covid crisis should teach everyone. And that's the silver lining of the crisis. People realize the danger of a science based power structure.

Granted, it was bad science. But even good science is not suited as a basis for power because it is based in relativity. There are absolute truths that withstand the intellectual up and downs of the scientific method. Certain people have access to absolute truths and they should be our leaders.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Superb! I will listen again and share widely. Proud to be walking this journey with you (but wish it weren’t necessary).

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are an Oracle for the common man, opening doors in our knowledge of the World around us. Further, the courage you display to be sharing these insights is remarkable. I cannot imagine the depth of thought; your mind must have travelled to have attained these insights. I can only thank you for your publication of this speech for all of us to finally know.... Yes, The Five Emperors now have no clothes!

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Thank you

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Big news on Thailand Royals..

See twitter..

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Thailand will "nullify" which is different, from my understanding...They want all their money back and will help all vaccine injured, from my understanding. This is close to my heart. I lived there when the King was a very young man - a Prince. These people are a gentle people. And they love their patriarchal family. This is going to make the entire country very upset - emotions we've demonstrated we lack as a unity, as a country - I don't understand. With Dr. Malone's speech - it's time to react to something. There are many choices. Pick one.

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Wow! That’s fantastic! The whole Thai government vs Pfizer! Yea!

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Or "Redacted" on Rumble.

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Language warning for that, however. It seems that applies to nearly everything now.

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Hi Anne, I'm not sure if you've ever seen the news program "Redacted", but the name of the show refers to all of the truths that have been redacted/sencored from We The People since the 50's, and probably earlier to present day - we the people who are supposed to be governing. It really doesn't have anything to do with language spoken on the program itself. It's quite clean actually. One of the reasons I like it a lot. If that is one of your concerns, which is definitely one of mine, I think you'll find you'd like it.

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Redacted News with Clayton Morris? That's what I was watching and there were two vulgarities, so I quit and looked elsewhere for the info I wanted. Maybe that's not usual for him, I haven't listened before.

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Hope you found it.

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ooops - s/b censored! I knew that didn't look right!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent presentation Dr. Malone. My son watched with me. If or when you do another presentation on 5G warfare perhaps include a section at the end that details the reasons why 5thG-W can be so successful and how to protect against it. Alert the audience to self-evaluate their soft spots and document, in writing, what their personal values and principles are and why each is held dear. Memorize them as shields against the psy-op barrage. These same shields maybe useful tools during persuasion-conversations with sleeping family members and friend.

Mind manipulation has been a tactic since the written word. “Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets…” Napoleon Bonaparte

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I intuitively knew what you’ve just written about. There are a few new names out there trying to smear you & Dr Cole on most of the Substacks I subscribe to. And I know what they’re trying to do. It won’t work with me & I hope it doesn’t work on others. I know a pure heart when I hear one, & you & Dr Cole are in that boat. Thank you for all that you do

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History shows that power is partial to those in control of information, but the internet's democratization of information radically shifted society's traditional power dynamics. Whereas before the internet, a scarcity of information ensured a scarcity of sources, and a scarcity of sources endowed those sources with authority, today people no longer have to rely on the state and the media telling them about the world. There's simply too much information and too many sources. This has robbed our traditional gatekeepers of power, and they've been trying to regain some of that power by employing 5G warfare.


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TV the early invite into manipulation, then your own private access to the world thru an internet. Only now to realize you are the product and your are being watched in secret.

Who is serving who right now at this moment? This is the New Frontier. Prepare accordingly

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Well observed, thank you. 5G is an attempt to control information and communication on the Internet.

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The internet is largely curated by the globalists. Without it, the 5G psyops would be hobbled.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is an awesome speech - the best I've heard in a long, long time. I'd put it on a par with JFK and with MLK, Jr. The information and vision is soooo important for us at this moment in time. I'm fully committed to unity and so glad I joined your very humble tribe. I pray that I will somehow help us all succeed in creating the world we want our children and grandchildren to live in. Thank you for your tremendous courage, determination, leadership, vision and effort on behalf of that shared goal. I'm again nominating you and RFK, Jr for the write-in ticket I'd like to see in 2024. How can we make that happen? God bless you and Jill, RFK, Jr, CHD, Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory, Joseph Mercola, Catherine Austin Fitts, Tess Lawrie, WCH, Vera Sharav, Whitney Webb, Edward Dowd, Naomi Wolff, Simone Gold, AFLDS, Truth for Health, Peter McCullough, Russel Brand, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Brownstone.org, Aaron Kheriaty, Arne Burkhardt, doctors4covidethics, Michael Palmer, Michael Yeadon, Dr. Noack, Dr. Zelensky, James Corbett, James Roguski, Steve Kirsch, all the brave whistle blowers, Eckhart Tolle, Paul Selig, everyone attending/watching this talk, and all of humanity. What an inspiring/powerful team! Let's elect our true leaders in 2024. (I'm done with voting for the candidates who aren't on this team.)

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Correction: Zelenko, not Zelensky. Apologies for the error!

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Just copied your list also. Will highlight the few unfamiliar names. Thank you.

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Great to hear. As with any list like this, it's incomplete, but glad to know it looks worthwhile.

Let me know if you want any further info. For example, WCH is worldcouncilforhealth.org not wch.org, and I think their spike protein detox guide is especially helpful. Anyway, happy to clarify anything in the list that might be unclear.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Robert, Thank you for inviting us along on this journey. Thrilling and often chilling, your words crafted into the depths of redeemable sentences. Each sentence organized to inspire new thoughts to bring forth the thirst of more understanding as we begin to see how badly we've been conned/mistreated and deemed unworthy of the very birthright instilled by fore fathers.

I can say this shared workshop was one of your finest ever to leave the confines of your mind/soul.

We are indeed in your gratitude to be graced by the fires that keep you awake at night.

There are special moments...then there are earth quakes into reality. This was truly all that and more. Wellness and blessings, on or off the farm.

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Here is some documentation for those interested in learning more about PSYOPS, or MISO (Military Information Support Operations).

This military Joint Publication on Psychological Operations claims that PSYOPS can be used domestically in cases of “emergency.”


“When authorized, PSYOP forces may be used domestically to assist lead federal agencies during disaster relief and crisis management by informing the domestic population.”

Here is additional documentation on the Psychological Operations Branch:


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"may be used domestically ... by informing the domestic population'. That is really, really rich. We know whatever the Dems accuse the GOP of doing is exactly what the Dems are doing. Now we know what the military informs us of, via whichever mechanisms they use, is certainly mostly false with a few gems of could-be-trues sprinkled in as Dr Malone pointed out.

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I'm glad someone else mentioned that you and Dr. Cole are being smeared on other substack forums. It's hard to believe anything or anyone anymore, as I'm sure you know. I've been intuitive all my life and have verbalized my thoughts about the deaths of JFK and Marilyn Monroe amongst many other deceptions, and I'm used to being called a conspiracy theorist. But I never wanted any of those thoughts to be true and I chose to live in blissful ignorance. Your words, the best way of winning is not to play, haunt me because that's what I'm going to do. I'm not playing their game. I'm not a victim. #Iamtheweapon

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