The only way I know how to respond to this, is with this declaration: Jesus in my county, my King, my Lord…my friend, my Savior. He is truth, He is justice, He is love, He is mercy, The 'gates of Hell' will not prevail against Him.
The only way I know how to respond to this, is with this declaration: Jesus in my county, my King, my Lord…my friend, my Savior. He is truth, He is justice, He is love, He is mercy, The 'gates of Hell' will not prevail against Him.
He was also good at turning over a few tables if they were operating where they shouldn't be. We have that happening for quite some time. It's time to do something about it.
He calls people differently, according to the gifts He has given you. I am former military, I have to play against type. He’s told me what He has called me to right now and how He’s equipped me for that. Sometimes our path looks nothing like when we were young, but He uses what we learned along the way and corrects the errors in it. Peace.
The only way I know how to respond to this, is with this declaration: Jesus in my county, my King, my Lord…my friend, my Savior. He is truth, He is justice, He is love, He is mercy, The 'gates of Hell' will not prevail against Him.
We are the hands and feet of Jesus. 🤔
We are, if we are His…and we must do as He would. So, pray…
He was also good at turning over a few tables if they were operating where they shouldn't be. We have that happening for quite some time. It's time to do something about it.
He calls people differently, according to the gifts He has given you. I am former military, I have to play against type. He’s told me what He has called me to right now and how He’s equipped me for that. Sometimes our path looks nothing like when we were young, but He uses what we learned along the way and corrects the errors in it. Peace.
Shabbos. A jew cannot touch money. The covenant demands that. Jesus was 13 brought to Jerusalem Synagoge for his BarMitzvah.
I always say i believe in God for me. Only place to turn when circumstances are this critical to our survival.
And my president, governor, and mayor.