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Thanks for again reminding us that "fascism" is really "a modern euphemism for corporatism" sold as the wonders of a "public-private partnership", not the far-right bogeyman the antifas of the world would have us believe. Put that in the blender with "the fusion of the federal bureaucracy and the intelligence community" and what's left to say but, "Houston, we have a problem."

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Somehow We've got to sink the Censorship Industrial Complex.

Facebook reaches the most people so if we're going to change some bogus narratives that's the ocean we need to fish in. But as the "Facebook Files" reveal, this is easier said than done.


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Do they still kick anyone of who goes against the agenda Dr. MALONE just described?

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My growing nagging question is, can we find a road out of this or are we destine to go the way of great civilization before us?

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Tony, you make a good point.

It feels like we are riding on a huge unstoppable wheel of fate, one that has operated throughout human history and is not about to stop now.

Civilizations rise and flourish for a while, then they mature into stability and then eventually they disintegrate from internally generated forces that nobody seems to see or understand or stop.

Hint: greed is the source of all evil.

Those who understand where we are in this cycle can make the best choices for themselves but we are not able to change the overarching course the of human history. If we can somehow manage the current crisis effectively another one will be manufactured to keep us in a perpetual state of turmoil and fear.

A parallel to consider: Since the beginning of the 20th century, how many years of peace on earth have there been? More succinctly, how many years in that timeframe has the US military not been engaged in some level of military action somewhere in the world?

Yeah, hmmm.

Including clandestine operations there are few if any years that have gone by in the last 123 years without our military being sent somewhere to accomplish some mission against some enemy that we supposedly have, whether we were aware of them or not. And we just go along for the ride because..., ??? WeтАЩve been trained to not ask questions.

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It is indeed hard to see how we move forward in a way that can defeat what is going on. At this point I refuse to believe that we are helpless to do anything. For the sake of those following behind us we must fight, just as our forefathers fought for us. I am a person of faith and I believe that sometimes more can be accomplished than we ever dreamed was possible. In my view this country itself is testimony to that truth.

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I agree. We must do our part, to contribute what we can. Otherwise we are passively complicit in our own downfall.

At times there are moments of human brilliance and when those times happen we, those who hold fast to hope, are the ones who make it possible. But we must never become delusional enough to believe we have made some permanent difference in human nature. Major social and political movements have always started with high ideals but over time (centuries) these movements become corrupted.

The beginnings of our own nation, the USA, were marked by all manner of high ideals and enlightened thinking to set us on a path of righteous self government without the need for monarchy and the religious institutions that support the royal order. But at the same time our beginnings were also marked by the open acceptance of institutionalized slavery as normal business practice along with the some vague notion that it was OK to expropriate the lands of the native peoples to provide "open lands" for European immigrants.

We need to do our part to make a difference in our lifetime. That is our duty as conscious cognizant responsible citizens, the validation of our existence, our role to play, our mission in life. But we shouldn't extrapolate from that experience that somehow we can permanently change human nature so that corruption can no longer have a hold on our social order. That's unrealistic. We can take pride in doing what is possible for us to do within our lifetimes and leave it at that.

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It is true that human nature does not change across time. We can accept this fact and make allowances for it. I believe there is such a thing as тАЬspiritual enlightenmentтАЭ where human nature is elevated to a degree that separates us from pure self interest. We should all strive for this.

In spite of all our faults and shortcomings as a nation or a culture, the documents produced by our founding fathers have worked for 250 years. We have been a shining city on a hill. There is a reason 1 out of every 7 people on the planed want to come to the U. S.

Perhaps we can accomplish something in our lifetime that will extend into the future well beyond our lifespan. In my world view I look to the Creator for guidance in this mission, accepting the fact that, as His/Her hands and feet, we must do the work.

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I don't think they'll pull it off, at best reduce the World to one giant failed state/Road Warrior. What our controllers have forgotten in their hubris is that when all the zeroes and ones on the electronic banking system go away, when all the courts of law that say which scrap of paper tells who owns what are gone- our "rulers" have no value. They'll all be liquidated by their security.

Problem is these evil bastards are soul dread and nihilist enough to destroy themselves along with civil society.

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