In the end--in the beginning!--it's all about wealth and power. When we look at the history of humankind, those are the main drivers of activity.
But the oppression never lasts. Eventually people wise up and resist and, when necessary, revolt.
And then the cycle starts again.
And that's what we need to consider. As the truth about Covid and the vaccines becomes unavoidable, people will demand change. And what kind of change? If we look at what happened in Europe after WWI, we can see the underpinnings of the rise of fascism in the peace agreement. And then the Great Depression happened and people were looking for any alternative to the capitalism that had wrecked their lives. And those alternatives were fascism, socialism, and Russian Communism.
It's essential to get the truth out. But then we need to look ahead to how we're going to rebuild. Rage is extremely dangerous, and since the Democrats are going to be hit the hardest, since they were militant about the vaccines, they're going to demand change. And they're so used to the current despotism that they could well look for another leader to give them the same.
So what are the alternatives? How do we disband the current fascist state without re-creating another one in its place?
And, most importantly, how do we take care of all the people who are going to be suffering from the vax? What do we do about our health care system? How do we take care of our own Americans? And how do the other countries take care of their own?
If we don't want to fall back into another version of what we have now, or into an echo of what happened in the 1930's, then we need to start thinking about what we can do to create something different.
EXCUSE ME!!!??? "Capitalism - that had wrecked their lives"! TRY the so-called FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM - which suddenly and arbitrarily SQUEEZED the MONEY SUPPLY in conjunction with changes in the way the stock market operated to abruptly END the so-called "Roaring 20s"; and was DIRECTLY the cause of the "Great Depression" and IMPLOSION of living standards for the great masses of Americans for almost a DECADE ( except for the families of the Federal Reserve Bankers).
NOTE: The so-called "Federal Reserve" was foisted upon the American people in 1913 by the DEMOCRAT "president" - Woodrow Wilson - and his Democrat controlled House and Senate; and was SOLD to the American people as the means to NEVER have banking bubbles and bursts as in the past - and to provide (a) SUSTAINABLE economic structure, HAH!
The Federal RESERVE FAILED to do THEN what it was CREATED to do - and even NOW, circa 2023, the "Fed" - with CFR members Janet Yellen (now CFR member (president) Joe Biden's treasury secretary), Jerome Powell, Glenn Hutchins, Richard Clarida (and) Lael Brained heading the Federal Reserve Regional Banks are doing the EXACT same BOOM/BUST scenario of CAUSING inflation and then causing DEFLATION to "fight" INFLATION. WHAT A RACKET!!... And just think, EACH new generation of rank and file Americans (read SUCKERS) are born to be FLEECED once (or more times) AGAIN!
Closing all bank accounts and using cash as much as possible. Barter, for everything, when possible.
I understand that the banksters do have the power and possession of 'cash' as their exclusive domain, but by throwing all the digital payments systems to the curb we will at least slow down the rush to the satanic CBDC system that they are maneuvering us towards.
It is an abyss that will result, immediately, in global disharmony and protest. Then the big guns can come out and they can 'justifiably' start shooting.
I wish I could do that, but we're too tied into the banking system.
I don't think people will allow themselves to be herded into the CBDC system, though. A lot of folks with different audiences are writing about how evil it is. And--fortunately, for a change--the feds are too incompetent to set it up. Look what happened with Obamacare. Plus right now a lot of the banks, including the massives, are having trouble with their servers and websites. The Chinese have been able to do it because all their banking is controlled by the government. But our system is too widespread.
As regards Obama care, Americans are required to have health insurance (I refuse, but being a veteran it is a moot point) which has caused the exponential cost of health care and health insurance.
How could everyone have been so duped into accepting such an idiotic concept as 'universal health care'? Never has more idiotic a promise been clung-to, that proved to be so demonstrably false. And though it continues to fail and falter, no one seems to be calling for it's end.
In the end--in the beginning!--it's all about wealth and power. When we look at the history of humankind, those are the main drivers of activity.
But the oppression never lasts. Eventually people wise up and resist and, when necessary, revolt.
And then the cycle starts again.
And that's what we need to consider. As the truth about Covid and the vaccines becomes unavoidable, people will demand change. And what kind of change? If we look at what happened in Europe after WWI, we can see the underpinnings of the rise of fascism in the peace agreement. And then the Great Depression happened and people were looking for any alternative to the capitalism that had wrecked their lives. And those alternatives were fascism, socialism, and Russian Communism.
It's essential to get the truth out. But then we need to look ahead to how we're going to rebuild. Rage is extremely dangerous, and since the Democrats are going to be hit the hardest, since they were militant about the vaccines, they're going to demand change. And they're so used to the current despotism that they could well look for another leader to give them the same.
So what are the alternatives? How do we disband the current fascist state without re-creating another one in its place?
And, most importantly, how do we take care of all the people who are going to be suffering from the vax? What do we do about our health care system? How do we take care of our own Americans? And how do the other countries take care of their own?
If we don't want to fall back into another version of what we have now, or into an echo of what happened in the 1930's, then we need to start thinking about what we can do to create something different.
EXCUSE ME!!!??? "Capitalism - that had wrecked their lives"! TRY the so-called FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM - which suddenly and arbitrarily SQUEEZED the MONEY SUPPLY in conjunction with changes in the way the stock market operated to abruptly END the so-called "Roaring 20s"; and was DIRECTLY the cause of the "Great Depression" and IMPLOSION of living standards for the great masses of Americans for almost a DECADE ( except for the families of the Federal Reserve Bankers).
NOTE: The so-called "Federal Reserve" was foisted upon the American people in 1913 by the DEMOCRAT "president" - Woodrow Wilson - and his Democrat controlled House and Senate; and was SOLD to the American people as the means to NEVER have banking bubbles and bursts as in the past - and to provide (a) SUSTAINABLE economic structure, HAH!
The Federal RESERVE FAILED to do THEN what it was CREATED to do - and even NOW, circa 2023, the "Fed" - with CFR members Janet Yellen (now CFR member (president) Joe Biden's treasury secretary), Jerome Powell, Glenn Hutchins, Richard Clarida (and) Lael Brained heading the Federal Reserve Regional Banks are doing the EXACT same BOOM/BUST scenario of CAUSING inflation and then causing DEFLATION to "fight" INFLATION. WHAT A RACKET!!... And just think, EACH new generation of rank and file Americans (read SUCKERS) are born to be FLEECED once (or more times) AGAIN!
In the final analysis it is banksters who have engineered each war. It is the Big Money Industrial Complex, the greedy weasels, who've sold us out.
Get your money out of the banksters hands.
Closing all bank accounts and using cash as much as possible. Barter, for everything, when possible.
I understand that the banksters do have the power and possession of 'cash' as their exclusive domain, but by throwing all the digital payments systems to the curb we will at least slow down the rush to the satanic CBDC system that they are maneuvering us towards.
It is an abyss that will result, immediately, in global disharmony and protest. Then the big guns can come out and they can 'justifiably' start shooting.
I wish I could do that, but we're too tied into the banking system.
I don't think people will allow themselves to be herded into the CBDC system, though. A lot of folks with different audiences are writing about how evil it is. And--fortunately, for a change--the feds are too incompetent to set it up. Look what happened with Obamacare. Plus right now a lot of the banks, including the massives, are having trouble with their servers and websites. The Chinese have been able to do it because all their banking is controlled by the government. But our system is too widespread.
I agree with you to a degree.
As regards Obama care, Americans are required to have health insurance (I refuse, but being a veteran it is a moot point) which has caused the exponential cost of health care and health insurance.
How could everyone have been so duped into accepting such an idiotic concept as 'universal health care'? Never has more idiotic a promise been clung-to, that proved to be so demonstrably false. And though it continues to fail and falter, no one seems to be calling for it's end.
Just to remind you, you are in my prayers/thoughts/talks with God.