Cannot really be surprised by collusion between c.i.a. and the chicoms. They are an offshoot of the o.s.s. which was orchestrated by f.d.r., at besr a protocommunist whose administration was found to be riddled with over 200 soviet agents. A former agent described the c.i.a. as a club of yale liberals. You cannot hardly expect anything e…
Cannot really be surprised by collusion between c.i.a. and the chicoms. They are an offshoot of the o.s.s. which was orchestrated by f.d.r., at besr a protocommunist whose administration was found to be riddled with over 200 soviet agents. A former agent described the c.i.a. as a club of yale liberals. You cannot hardly expect anything else from an agency with those antecedents. They pretty well showed their colors when they fed chinese assets to the chicom gov.killing machine.
Cannot really be surprised by collusion between c.i.a. and the chicoms. They are an offshoot of the o.s.s. which was orchestrated by f.d.r., at besr a protocommunist whose administration was found to be riddled with over 200 soviet agents. A former agent described the c.i.a. as a club of yale liberals. You cannot hardly expect anything else from an agency with those antecedents. They pretty well showed their colors when they fed chinese assets to the chicom gov.killing machine.
A friend of mine’s father was OSS and a psychiatrist… somehow his son ended up a Christian.
See? Miracles happen!