How do we bring this down? De-funding must happen but ultimately I think Dr. Mike Yeadon is right: mass non-compliance. We have them out-numbered a million to one. The government and security forces in the Soviet Union tried to keep the people under control but the people found ways around them and eventually the whole system crumbled. T…
How do we bring this down? De-funding must happen but ultimately I think Dr. Mike Yeadon is right: mass non-compliance. We have them out-numbered a million to one. The government and security forces in the Soviet Union tried to keep the people under control but the people found ways around them and eventually the whole system crumbled. They're going to try and make our lives miserable but we have to be stubborn and go our own way. Set up parallel systems and weather this out. Human beings are inherently creative and brilliant. Think about the French Underground during WW2. We can create a lot of grief for them too!
Soviet Union like many Empires crumbled because to few to control so many. Russia had taken most of what they wanted. Not enough cash in sustaining it. USA different. We are fairly comfortable, more difficult to arowse the masses. Our young are glued to cell phones. I could believe that game consoles were part of the plan. Highly addictive.
I agree. It's going to be up to those of us who are older and remember how to do business with cash and without computers and cell phones to lead the charge and show the kids how it's done.
The 'security forces" do not exist in a vacuum. They live with and among us. As do their families. And so, they are very vulnerable. Despite their conceits to the contrary .
Somehow we have to stand together. “Mass non-compliance””. Being stubborn on our own will not get us very far. There has to be a movement of some kind that millions in the West are willing to support. This is, of course, dangerous stuff. Movements like this have have a way of being usurped by despots. What is our way forward?
Quietly start building a little group of like-minded individuals in your community, even if it's just to chat over coffee. When the time comes I think all the little groups will link and before you know it, we'll have functioning parallel communities. Socially I don't waste time on those who don't get what's going on. If they can't be "awakened" I move on. Those are the people who will be ensnared but it's not like we didn't warn them. I have accepted that there is a good portion of the community (30%?) that will never acknowledge the situation we are in.
I think that is good advice. There may be more than 30 percent who never get it. If people have other ideas it would be interesting to hear them. Thank you for your input.
How do we bring this down? De-funding must happen but ultimately I think Dr. Mike Yeadon is right: mass non-compliance. We have them out-numbered a million to one. The government and security forces in the Soviet Union tried to keep the people under control but the people found ways around them and eventually the whole system crumbled. They're going to try and make our lives miserable but we have to be stubborn and go our own way. Set up parallel systems and weather this out. Human beings are inherently creative and brilliant. Think about the French Underground during WW2. We can create a lot of grief for them too!
Soviet Union like many Empires crumbled because to few to control so many. Russia had taken most of what they wanted. Not enough cash in sustaining it. USA different. We are fairly comfortable, more difficult to arowse the masses. Our young are glued to cell phones. I could believe that game consoles were part of the plan. Highly addictive.
I agree. It's going to be up to those of us who are older and remember how to do business with cash and without computers and cell phones to lead the charge and show the kids how it's done.
Agree. Have you witnessed a young person when he cant find his phone charger?
Been doing that for ten years. Went to jail for 6 days for refusing to pay for registration. Got car towed, impounded three times
When I explain it to young people, they instantly 'get it' and agree that we have to stop complying with this awful California goverment.
California: The formerly idylic gulag.
If they will listen, in numbers.
The 'security forces" do not exist in a vacuum. They live with and among us. As do their families. And so, they are very vulnerable. Despite their conceits to the contrary .
Somehow we have to stand together. “Mass non-compliance””. Being stubborn on our own will not get us very far. There has to be a movement of some kind that millions in the West are willing to support. This is, of course, dangerous stuff. Movements like this have have a way of being usurped by despots. What is our way forward?
Quietly start building a little group of like-minded individuals in your community, even if it's just to chat over coffee. When the time comes I think all the little groups will link and before you know it, we'll have functioning parallel communities. Socially I don't waste time on those who don't get what's going on. If they can't be "awakened" I move on. Those are the people who will be ensnared but it's not like we didn't warn them. I have accepted that there is a good portion of the community (30%?) that will never acknowledge the situation we are in.
I think that is good advice. There may be more than 30 percent who never get it. If people have other ideas it would be interesting to hear them. Thank you for your input.