Thomas A Braun was commenting on the medical proffesion making numerous mistakes. I replied, one of the advantages of being born in a bombed country after WW2 was that my village had one Dr. No time to remove tonsils or appendics that were healthy. Although at age 5 i almost died abcess in my ear. Warm cod liver oil was supposed to cure it.
Thomas A Braun was commenting on the medical proffesion making numerous mistakes. I replied, one of the advantages of being born in a bombed country after WW2 was that my village had one Dr. No time to remove tonsils or appendics that were healthy. Although at age 5 i almost died abcess in my ear. Warm cod liver oil was supposed to cure it.
Thomas A Braun was commenting on the medical proffesion making numerous mistakes. I replied, one of the advantages of being born in a bombed country after WW2 was that my village had one Dr. No time to remove tonsils or appendics that were healthy. Although at age 5 i almost died abcess in my ear. Warm cod liver oil was supposed to cure it.