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At what cost? Worse than the disease, many survive in a way worse than the disease and not to mention the quality of life that is left for the time being....I know personally in my environment of a kid from a friend of mine taking more than 30 AB sessions for a complicated ear infection, I know of a woman having more than dozens of chemo, they even advised her to stop them, useless. We have come to a point and it’s not exaggerating that the overdose of meds are now the cause of disease, no longer the disease itself. Pharma industry dies not add to the quality and longevity of life, you only suffer longer.....in silence.

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Guido, I agree. Big pharma is not here to help you heal from disease, it is here to help you "manage" disease, a far more profitable venture than providing cures.

Aside: Some time ago I started seeing a new doctor. The first thing she asked was for a list of medications that I was taking. When I told her that I wasn't taking any medications she about fell off her chair. Apparently nobody my age walks into her door who is healthy by means of their own efforts and self education. She was sure I was lying.

I was sure that she was a short term doctor for me until I could find someone who actually practiced honest doctoring for the benefit of the patient.

There's not many of them out there any more.

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I had to sleep over your comment thank you. You use the word manage, management and it goes far deeper than that, taking pills is a way of life, it was the old normal and it will be the new normal in some form. Even more than a way of life, it’s a religion, a cult, a whole culture who you have to identify with, and if not you’re out. Not only a culture but also a commerce, an industry and a whole army of scientists, influencers, protectors and a real army too. I really believe in medical freedom, all kinds of medicine even those I do not agree with, but shouldn’t freedom also include the freedom of not taking pills? Strange logic in my family some have taken 5 C19 vaccines and I have none, in the beginning I told them there were dangers to it and nothing certain was known about these vaccines, now they have averse feelings against me because they don’t feel normal as was promised. As a result I feel like some prisoner of war, not only in my family but the suspicion and the enmity in this pill & vaccine culture is tangible. Why my being in Substack? I have to report on this, knowing that among the younger generation someone might read it and think about pills, the real meaning of getting sick and getting cured, the dependence on pills for a lifetime, and is it normal as a way of life or is the belonging into a human society only a matter of…did you take your pill today? And that it we have come to a point that almost all believe, life comes out of a pill.

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Guido - WOW!! Just wow!

What you have described in detail has been my life experience, especially these last three years.

Being ostracized from friends and family because I chose to handle my health issues on my own while they chose to get “vaccinated” has been a revelation of human nature.

As problems begin to mount in “vaccinated” people, some are beginning to wake up to what they have exposed themselves to while others (most people) double down on their bets and then become truly aggravated by those who suggest they got it wrong. They want to identify themselves as the vaccinated, the pure among us, a special sort of club of the like minded souls. Outsiders are a lesser breed of people, not worthy of consideration.

We all want to belong to a tribe or a club or a guild based on common interests. When a new element is brought into play we then find out how solid (or not) the foundations of our real human relationships really are.

It is surprising and sad how few people are able to look outside of their box for real answers to difficult questions. They don’t want to research difficult questions themselves. They want to be told what to do. Once they have been told what to do they want everybody else to do the same. That way the tribe / club / guild remains untouched and can continue to be a source of comfort for those who need that sense of solidarity the most.

So yeah. If you stepped out of the box I don’t doubt that you were hurt. Most people live unconsciously, wandering inside a cult without realizing that they are in fact living in a cult.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your insights. They give me something to contemplate. I guess I’m not alone after all.

Take care.

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