Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is detective work of the highest caliber, like unwinding a tangled, twisted ball of spiked wire -electrical fence. I am stunned by the complexity and impressed by the unwinders. WOW, and thanks for the veracity it takes to do this.

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nice metaphor. Particularly as we have some horse fence that needs mending at the moment.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The issue is one of sociopaths, that 5% of humanity, have worked themselves into every power position of every intelligence, health, educational, financial and NGO govt-influencing group you have identified. Robert Hare's Psychopathology Check List is recommended for average citizens to train themselves to recognize these people and then not support them.

Great insight with this piece and other commentaries. We as a society are fortunate to have individuals such as yourself who are have such a unique mix of critical thinking and ability to articulate connecting the dots.

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I prefer to call them psychopaths, as "sociopath" has a slightly different meaning.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, one of your best yet, Dr. Malone. I feel like I should download your recent substack posts - I fear they might all disappear one of these days. Hopefully enough of this stuff is being uncovered that the light is shining bright from all directions on this mess and the perpetrators.

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I share your fear

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Hopefully you will ask the Internet Archive to archive your site. I don't think they archive SubStack unless requested. That doesn't ensure that the Wayback Machine won't get scrubbed because certain things have been removed. And you can mirror your posts on a private server that you can rent.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The light has been brightly shined on these perpetrators continuously. They are protected by our marxist justice system and have no fear of accountability. Should these traitors ever come to true justice, I pray I am still alive to see it.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for speaking the truth! JFK wanted to break the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds! We now have two dynamic institutions pushing for the control of humanity DOD and the CIA arm and Big Pharma who wants to inject all of humanity plus our farm animals with RNA injections for maximizing profits for their shareholders! The risk of exterminating life on earth and the great harm that has been done and will be done is ignored! The eugenicists and the globalists are tagging along! The challenge is to stop this march to annihilation! When will we have leadership to stop this? RFK Jr. Is the only one with the guts to speak to this issue!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The secret handshake club, they have stolen my arm and everything that’s connected with it. Reading through this I feel like one of those Japanese prisoners on which they vivisect alive afterwards. Great courage and really informative to bring this in the open, thank you Dr. Malone

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This is one of the most frightening and far ranging pieces you have produced, Dr. Malone. I mean. Is there any hope for humankind with this level of debauchery existing in these organizations? I cannot see how any of these people, clearly so protected by the system at large, will ever be removed from their positions, let alone prosecuted for obvious crimes against humanity. I'm a bit sick to my stomach at this point.

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Our hope lies in the Creator of the universe. If you are a believer, PLEASE join me in CRYING out to ALMIGHTY GOD for His wisdom, guidance and strength to do our parts in helping to end this EVIL....

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But no questions and no mention of the vaccines here?

I have held to the thesis for nearly 2 years now: “It was never about the virus. It was always about the vaccine”. It was always about an injectable pathogen.

Tell me if this is incorrect, because looking back nothing else makes sense. So the issue would be the relationship between SARS-Cov2 and the vaccines(countermeasures), particularly from a timeline standpoint. It is the timelines that are most revealing when they are fully unpacked. What was the DOD/CIA involvement in vaccine development and what was the intent(depopulation?).Was operation Warpspeed really Warpspeed, or was it just Fakespeed? What was the timeline of GOF as it relates to the virus and vaccine development taken together from the earliest history of what occurred? Also the fact that numerous coronaviruses, including SARS-Cov1 and others have existed for a long time. Was SARS-Cov2 a modified SARS-Cov1 vaccine? The timeline of all of this goes back decades, does it not?

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Yes, decades and decades and decades and so do life insurance companies. David E. Martin has a most interesting presentation in Rumble on following the money...

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Did you notice this was part 1? Could be the gene jab will be covered next. He already discussed what you want on July 27 at the White Coats talk. Watch it here, it's 30 minutes. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/dr-robert-malone-covid-jabs-were-a-cia-operation-to-depopulate-the-world/

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Thank you. I did not notice this was Part 1 until after I posted. I’m sure he will cover the vaccines subsequently. I continue to believe that the timing of the appearance of Covid had a great deal to do with defeating Donald Trump. So perhaps “It was always about the vaccines” should be modified to say “it was always about a public health emergency” which included a vaccine). It was the public health emergency that allowed the lockdowns, masking, social distancing, which further allowed the electioneering via mail-in ballots, etc. etc. The people that did this play Chess. Everything is planned out and scripted, and all the pieces fit together and have a purpose.

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Chess is what they do. If it wasn't the main purpose (Trump) it was one of them. Their strategy has always been a long game and perhaps they moved up in time this preplanned health emergency to make the citizens compliant and muster a citizen's passport after introducing the gene 'therapy' jab.

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And the vaccine is just one junction in the mass depopulation road map. That it was not universally embraced speaks to the power of Truth. I sincerely hope that these globalists are suffering many many sleepless nights, and are looking over their shoulders everywhere, reviled by citizens the world over. I don't want them dead (that's up to the reaper) but I would love them to have an attack of conscience.

Now, how many people are we able to rescue from the damnable abyss, should the iceberg have penetrated the democratic hull beyond our capacity to right the ship?

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Brien, If you want more info on vaccines, go to The Midwestern Doctor's latest writing. There is so much info there, it will take a bit of time to read!

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He writes one of the best SSs put there. He's what we would all want for our family doctor.

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Linden, AMD has not revealed the He/Her status. I always hear a female voice when I read the SS and I do believe she mentioned having a husband in one article.

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Thx. I am female, and I'll keep it in mind to check it out next read.

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The spike protien vax goes back to 1990 and one developed for dogs and pigs, I believe.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just now opened the email on this article so have not listened or read yet. I just want to thank you for giving JBS this opportunity to discuss the USG with you. JBS 1958 founder Robert Welch understood the dynamics of government and the public oversight that was required to keep it from becoming a tyrant. Even with the blow back directed at it early on from William F. Buckley Jr. and his National Review est. 1955, which claimed to be the mantel of conservatism, JBS has stood firm for 65 years.

If even a small percent of your SS followers would join JBS it could help change the course of history. It offers state by state and federal scores of elected official’s votes on matters most affecting the public. It alerts members to pending state and fed legislation so you can contact your representatives. And, you get the New American Mag! It especially hopes members will form community groups to fight back.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

***The Intelligence State Rules***

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Right? These weasels finally perfected it: The perfect worst government. Figures they'd have global ambitions.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this additional contribution to the insights you've been providing. I've been supplementing the SS details with the additional perspectives you've been including on GETTR. For those on other media, I access DrMs profile and it includes his postings. Catching up with his interviews is a little more challenging. I'm ever appreciative that our good Dr's M elected to look into this. If we want/need to take action it's vital to have as comprehensive an understanding as can be gleaned. As we go along the path has been having twists, turns, new avenues.

Today's details are very helpful.My own take is in the end we are apt to find all or at least the most of the instigators while pursuing their own ends are watching for and taking advantage of opportunities others nefarious doings open up. For any way to deal with it, it's good to know as much as possible. You are doing an outstanding job offering it.

I would note, all this would surely make a 'can't put down' best seller. On the other hand it's like poking at an active volcano. One can't be sure there won't be an eruption and burning hot lava for the lot of us. No matter. Greatly appreciate getting to be here with you. Take the best of care!

Bestest Ever and Always

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Thank you Dr. Malone putting the Wuhan lab's role in the context of a dual-use biowarfare program. I used to work for the University of California's Office of the President tracking research funding across the entire UC system. I also have a background in biophysics and know how to read a mRNA sequence, which I was also doing in January of 2020. When the controversy about NIAID funding of work in Wuhan via EcoHealth erupted, I started looking at my own UC sponsored funding database and at on-line databases of federal funding.

I quickly discovered both DTRA funding that matched NIAID funding and USAID funding of a collaborative research agreement ("PREDICT") led by a UC Davis researcher that included EcoHealth and Metabiota as partners (Metabiota is also noted for refurbishing biowarfare labs in Ukraine and for having a round of funding by an investment firm connected to a certain notoriously corrupt family from Delaware, a family that just coincidentally had close ties to USAID according to emails found on a mislaid laptop). PREDICT funding was crucially important because it in involved another phase of dual-use research, namely a worldwide hunt for dangerous viruses. The discovery of the bat coronavirus later used to construct most of the sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was published in _Nature_ in 2013.

I began to strongly suspect from looking at these funding streams that EcoHealth, Metabiota, and several academic researchers were being used as cut-outs for funding covert biowarfare research under a dual-use cover. I then read a book (_The Truth about Wuhan_) written by a whistleblower from EcoHealth, Andrew Huff, naming IARPA (the intelligence community's counterpart to DARPA) as being behind the PREDICT collaboration. Now in the article Dr. Malone cited above we learn that DARPA was involved in yet another phase of this, defending against the viruses being bioengineered.

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1962-1963: Bay of Pigs, assassinations of Ngo Dinh Diem and JFK. Countless episodes, known and unknown since. What have we wrought, this CIA?

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Please see Ignatius Press book about Diem called The Lost Mandate of Heaven. Bannon has talked much about this rise of CIA. And then there is Mark Shaw and his exhaustive evidence of connection between Marilyn, JFK, and Dorothy Kilgallen. Unreal but he has the research.

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Thank you! I wasn't aware there was a connection with Dorothy Kilgallen. I do remember that the official story was that she was an alcoholic and went over the edge - it's pretty hazy, but somehow it didn't resonate either, after seeing her, and sort of getting to know her, on "What's My Line?" She was an old-fashioned reporter and might have stumbled upon more info than she was allowed to have.

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Dorothy was at the center of investigation into Jack Ruby. It was because of that and her upcoming book in 1965 exposing his murder and more. She was a media star in her day, even at that trial. Mark Shaw has many YouTube videos talking about his books and research on the nexus. Watch them.

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The evidence is clear, using bioweapons to achieve political control of the world. Millions of us appreciate your expertise and courage Dr. Malone. It is vital to reveal to others these truths, that there exists an organized evil that generated this attack on humanity and wishes to control our lives and destroy our freedoms. God help us all.

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To boil this down, governments the world over have cow-towed to the idea that it is governments job to cull the population and bring it under absolute growth control. Everyone of those involved in this schema have to bend a knee to someone else, more powerful, up the nasty little food chain from the petty fiefdom.

It will be amazing when the curtain is drawn back and the real malevolence behind the visible sock-puppet-politicians and technocrats is finally able visible.

That moment, the greatest reveal in history, will leave a global population finally aware of how valuable their life could have been if they'd lifted their heads above the feeding trough and looked around.

It's not too late to embrace the straight path.

Why not enjoy a little Godly mischief along the way?

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Thank you for this incredible work, Dr. Malone. Also, thanks for the transcript, which I always love to have along with the video for easy reference.

You have got to be the absolute best author of the best Substack articles on an incredibly consistent basis! Thank you for your heroic leadership, for going to bat for the people each and every day.

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Pretty scary stuff, but very believable

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