Dr. Malone, and Jill, we are behind you 100%. Remember that the ‘system’ is dong EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to divide and conquer.

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Re-typed from one of your admirers in the many positive well wishes to you in the posts that follow below, “ Who wrote a short poem as to why Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone has so much value”

Jill's Value

Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone, A treasure beyond compare, Her knowledge and expertise, With compassion she does share.

Her heart is full of empathy, Her mind a vast array, Of wisdom, skill, and insight, That brightens up our day.

With every patient she meets, Her kindness truly shines, And those who seek her care, Find solace in her lines.

So let us honor Dr. Jill, For all the good she's done, For she brings so much value, To each and everyone.”

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Greetings All, and our dear Doctors too! One way to help us keep our troubles in perspective, is to be reminded of what our really serious troubles, on the not-so-distant-horizon are. And here they are, right on cue, from Mr. Ed Dowd himself.


Hug those you love and keep them close. We are in for a ride.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Doc, I am so sorry for the abuse you take, and I feel compelled to communicate empathy with you. I too, have experienced slander/libel, and it is indeed traumatizing...but mine is trivial compared to the mountain you have been experiencing. I say to you, cling to the truth, your reward is great in Heaven. You have been a blessing to us by revealing the liars for what they are, and I must say, you are saving countless lives by telling the truth. Thank you both for your sacrifice, it is not in vain. God bless you both. I wish I had some horses at this point. With love to both of you, David Kukkee

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David, thank you. My sentiments exactly.

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Exactly my thoughts and feelings; thank you David. Dr. Malone and Jill, I truly hope and pray you have some sense of the impact you and your work is making on the personal level (your friends, family and followers) and on the world stage. You are so greatly needed and thank you forever for answering the call. Each of you is in my prayers and daily gratitude practice. So much love to you both........ Your work is not in vain.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I will just mention one fact that may hopefully re-assure you about the dirt that is flying around:

A recent epdisode of Glenn Greenwald's "system update" reported that despite all the propaganda, and all the censorship, some 80% of the US population now believe that sars-cov2 came out of a lab and is not "natural". Falsehoods have a short lifetime. No matter what.


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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

But wait - raccoon dogs!

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They are cute! (and look nothing like Peter Daszak)

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Or Baric

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And I’ve never seen a raccoon dog in Chapel Hill :)

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And - pangolin kissed turtle....

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LOL Can it get any stupider? Apparently it can. 🤦‍♀️

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For what it's worth, I've watched you with great respect since the original "Dark Horse" podcast and have found you to be completely genuine, measured and respectful at all times. Additionally, when I research what you say, I invariably confirm your veracity as well.

As a result, when I encounter defamatory remarks about you I'm able to easily brush them off as misinformed at best or slanderous at worst---but my confidence in your character and trustworthiness never falters, because I've done enough research to know better.

I also know the old adage that a lie can make it halfway around the world before the truth even gets its boots on. Lies are quick to tell and spread because accuracy doesn't matter. The truth takes much longer, because accuracy and details DO matter, and your explanatory posts are perfect examples of this.

In short, never doubt that those of us paying attention (and in possession of critical thinking skills) are behind you 100% (even if we're only 15% of the population), and we appreciate the burden you've shouldered to spread truth regardless of personal cost. I know from bitter experience that standing on principle can be extraordinarily expensive, but I've always found it worth it in the end (even if only years later).

P.S.: Your posts are among the most thought-provoking of anyone I've read, incidentally; your post on "Enabling a Decentralized World" *still* has me thinking. It's both a tough question and an important one, and I'm glad you asked it. Not sure I'm anywhere near smart enough to come up with an answer, but I'll let you know if I do...

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very well said Brian!

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What Brian said, in spades!

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I was just thinking that Bret, Steve and Robert should do a reunion video!

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Blessings for you and Jill to be sustained during the storm.

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Not sure what’s going on with the Breggins but I sure wish you, McCullough and Risch would get in a closed room and sort this out. We need all of you to unify. Our liberties, long term health and western civilization depends on it.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Author

What makes you think I have a problem with McCullough or Risch? I spent all day at a retreat with Harvey (Risch) two weeks ago. We had lots of good discussions. Why are you believing rumors coming from people other than me, McCullough or Risch?

Have you read or heard something from either McCullough or Risch (in the first person) to support this statement?

I have seen a ton of defamatory statements coming from third parties about how I have "attacked" them ( McCullough and Risch) but show me one piece evidence that there is truth in those assertions.

In fact, the person who spreads these rumors most often literally writes an attack piece almost DAILY about me.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Total misinterpretation of what you wrote on my part as the other reply suggested. Thank goodness. Thank you for clarifying my wrong assumption. And no I’ve not read or heard anything from them that is derogatory.

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I interpreted it the same, John….and no, I have not heard any “dirt” at all, except from the very obvious anti-truthers. Malone, McCullough, Risch and others are all heroes. Wounded warriors who keep on fighting!

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I too interpreted it that way. I am so happy that is NOT the case. You are great allies and have saved so many lives with your brave truth telling - Thank You Dr. Malone.

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I also interpreted it the same. I’m glad Dr. Malone cleared that up. I haven’t heard anything negative either.

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I understood it the same way.

Here's the part I misunderstood (because I have not read anything that's against you, I didn't know the full story):

" I have never threatened or taken any legal action in any way against Drs. Harvey Risch or Peter McCullough. I have not “attacked” or demeaned either. I did once disclose their financial entanglements with a company that sells vitamins and nutritional supplements called “The Wellness Company” (which remains the case), but deleted that essay due to objections from their supporters."

Thank God it was a misunderstanding!

My now deceased Vietnam war pilot Father-in-law used to say, "Don't let the piss ants get you down!"

Go forth and do the same Dr. and Mrs. M. You shall prevail. Refuse to let them steal your joy. We will be praying for you.

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I thought the same thing as well. So glad that’s not the case!

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

some may have confused your statement "1. I have never threatened or taken any legal action in any way against Drs. Harvey Risch or Peter McCullough" some could jump to the wrong conclusion that they the ones spreading lies about you, when it is probably a 3rd party...

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Yep. Because I have been accused by a third party again and again, then it is picked up as truth by a fourth party and a fifth party and a 100th party.

It is bat-shat crazy and it never ends.

"Have you stopped beating your wife?"

There is no right answer, no proof that will convince these people.

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Great reason to avoid arguing with idiots.

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deletedMar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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True that. Some of them just keep on coming.

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I am glad to hear you , Jill, Ritsch, McCullough, and Alexander are all on the same page of sorts. I questioned this in your informative article too. Thanks for this clarification. Most likely the attackers are just unhappy with their own lives and they make up for this by attacking others they envy. You and Jill have helped so many of us. Focus on this if you can and we thank God for your voices of truth. Take less trips and enjoy your farm. Because of you two many of us are using our voices on line and around our homes to stand against the corruption that has come to the front of our nation. The evil is depraved and sickening, but the God who designed the strong chest of your horse, feeds the birds of the air and keeps the stars and moons in the skies is for us. Don’t be sad. Once when I was sad and probably depressed, I was reading exodus 14 (and we were exiled in a sense far away from home) I was reminded by Moses a valuable point. His people were on the other side of the Jordan terrified and crying, and the pharaoh and his army were charging head on toward them. Moses answered the people’s fears by telling them they would see the Lord’s deliverance. And his last point to them before the Jordan swallowed their terrorists in 14:14 was this: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Our job is simply to believe and be still. That for you and Jill has been I am sure hard. This malice and corruption is so beyond us. But stand firm, continue to love as you have others, and simply tell the truth. This is the Lord’s fight and He is in control.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have cancelled my subscription to a certain phd on Substack because I got tired of all the bashing written in said Substack.

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Ditto. Hopefully more have done the same. I’m appalled by the people attacking the Malones.

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So did I. Unfortunately that person still gets our money, but never again.

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I still keep getting emails even though I unsubscribed and cancelled my paid subscription. 🙁

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Wow. So far I haven't gotten any. Try it again or maybe you'll have to contact Substack. Good luck. I couldn't stand the 10/12 emails a day I got. It's like, get a life dude.

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I just checked my email and there it was. So I unsubscribed again. I may be mistaken, but I don't think I actually unsubscribed at the bottom of the page, where it says... Unsubscribe, so I hit that and came up, Sorry to See You Go. We shall see.

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Just got a email, that said I was unsubscribed.

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If I wanted to know who this certain Ph.D is, how might I search? 😉

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Dr. Malone ignore those govna that spew more govna. I watched a video again from the late Dr. Zelenko and he praised you in it. Love your work. God Bless you and Dr. Jill.!

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I was just telling my husband that I hadn't seen anything to suggest that there was really a problem after he told me about your essay.

So sorry that you & Jill have to put up with this aggravation, thank you both for your continued work.

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In your piece above you defend the fact that you never attacked McCullough or Risch. This leads some to wonder even if they never heard of the accusation. So, one starts to look for clues. I think it would be helpful to just say I am still friends with both.


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I think people assumed Dr. McCullough was angry with you (I wasn't sure as I said) You were just clarifying something.

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I don't know what McCullough thinks or doesn't think.

We don't talk - and we don't attack each other either.

I do know that Harvey and I still email each other on occasion.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think people just misinterpreted your clarification points at the bottom. I'm sure they have it now.

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This was such a clear response! Whispers and rumors of so-and-so and you-know-whos is incredibly effective. The heart will let doubt creep in even when the brain doesn’t want to let it. Many of us hold so much admiration and respect for you and Jill and the Drs mentioned above and having the idea (even if unproven) that there could be this huge in-fighting behind the scenes so to speak is just, well it eats at you a little bit and ends up causing doubt. I’ve been following you since nearly the beginning (of you speaking out) and so I know when most chaos agents are either lying or don’t know what they are talking about and even I had the vaguest of vague doubts about this alleged in-fighting situation with McCullough and Rich. Although I have never perpetuated it in any way anywhere. I have kept my mouth and typing fingers shut on this matter (just to be clear;). I guess this is part of this 5G warfare. We all have more to learn about how to fortify ourselves against it. God be with you Dr. Malone and I hope Jill feels better soon!

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I need to reread then. Because I missed that as well.

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We love what you and Jill are doing for the world.

May you be filled with loving kindness

May you be well

May you be peaceful and at ease

May you be happy

Just so you know you are both included in our daily meditation and blessing walk

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God speed and may God protect you and Jill...

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Dr. Malone, thank you for your lengthy explanation of the law, how Jill and you are doing, and summary of your positions. I appreciate your honesty and sharing.

We are certainly struggling as a society to understand and discuss truth. From the many podcasts of you who which I haves have listened and the many Substack articles of yours you have written, I have always detected your intent in being truthful. Ultimately, the only thing that matters is your own personal sense of being honest and truthful. I would expect that is 100% for both Jill and you. That makes you a man of integrity. There is no higher honor. What we think of ourselves is all matters.

Thank you for all you have given to our society and well being. I am praying for you and Jill.

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Ditto. You are loved, you are appreciated for your genuiness, honesty, and brilliance. Tell Jill we love her too.

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Ditto that. We can see your intent is truth and has no malice. You’re correct in that others are of different intent. They lose good will and subscribers. Peace be with you

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All the truth seekers should focus on the goal! STOP THE INJECTIONS! SAVE OUR

CHILDREN! All else about who did what when for what is narrative clutter that benefits no one except those who want to inject humanity with nano drug injections for profit and not good health!

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You can always identify a hater - they have that sign in front of their house that says hate doesn’t live there - why would you need that sign unless you felt guilty about it? Give them a wide berth.

…. and Martin Luther King, Jr. was right.

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Drs.Malone, since subscribing to your sub stack I have become aware of so many issues that I honestly probably never would have put a thought to. This is another issue that is much more far reaching in your life than in mine. I do understand the hardships you both must go through but may lack an understanding of the depths of them. I personally love being a subscriber to your sub stack and so appreciate the 1st amendment freedoms that go with it. Mostly I appreciate the freedom that has opened my mind to think and look at these issues with no censorship’s or blocks. To me it is truly my 1st amendment freedom. Thank you both for sharing your world with me. J.Goodrich

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We, your supporters, do not hate you. We just want to know what you named the February foal, please?

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Topazio (Topaz) for buckskin colt (looks fawn colored now). That is the one you are writing of.

Travertine (travers) for the big light bay colt

Thor for the one born Xmas day- bay/black (looks like he will be a grey)

The white one with blue eyes is unnamed.

The new little chestnut (red) filly is unnamed.

I will get photos up in a farm post this week, I think.

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Maybe a good name for the white would be Truth.

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Moonstone - specimens appear as a a cloud of blue floating within a milky white stone!

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I loved horses as a child. My father bought two on our small farm. One was a large Bay 16 hands and one was a small strong white quarter horse with blue eyes we named “pale breeze.” I never could afford much land or horses as an adult, however, I love hearing you talk about yours. Brings back good memories!

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

In gemology, we have lapis lazuli and sodalite — both typically variagated with white — (as well as many other blue materials such as benitoite…); in ornithology we have the lazuli bunting, a personal favorite. 😊

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How about simply "Blue Eyes". Beautiful, beautiful blue eyes. (mine are green, so nothing personal here)

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Made me think of Crosby, Stills, & Nash's Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, a play on Sweet Judy Blue Eyes.

Or maybe Blancazul, 'white-blue.'

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Wow, so many foals!! Congratulations!! What a wonderful blessing!! Love reading that you spend time with them as I believe they love you as much as we do!! Horses feel who is a good and caring person!! And that’s what you and Jill are!! Much love from Austria, Bettina

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Happy you finally have a filly too!

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Blue Sapphire my be a good name for the white baby

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Name the RED filly "PILL"

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm a huge codependent and want to fix this all for you. My heart literally hurts that you and your wife are going through this. You don't deserve it. All I can do is pray for you, which to some may seem

like nothing, but to me it is super important and super effective. So, as one of your true admirers, that's what I offer. My undying loyalty, and my sincere prayers.

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Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer, so it is clearly something worth doing.

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Very true, thank you!

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May speaking the truth be your healing.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

I couldn't even finish reading all this now, just having stumbled on one of the "Purveyors of Hate". This very long article (not yours, for clarity) read like the National Enquirer. Now I know more of what you talk of. I am dismayed and it is disheartening to see such twisted logic. All I can say is I listen to my gut and intuition to help me sort out this crap. This seems like it (deception) is getting more intense, please hold strong. Give Jill a big hug. ( I just read more of your response, your first two or so paragraphs say it all. Battery acid.)

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