This is one of the most important lectures I’ve ever heard regarding our freedoms: medical, personal, religious, political and psychological.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! I read the latest Off-Guardian and they recommended the John Carpenter film "They Live". It's the source of the awesome meme of Roddy Piper and the sunglasses that show him how the world really is. The Mouth of Madness is on my to watch list as it's a story about how people can't distinguish fantasy from reality. There's "Escape From New York" from Carpenter as well - a giant open air prison.

These are films from the 80's and are non-Woke. LOL.

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Excellent, kind sir. Thank you for your dedication to that subject.

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Thank you for this. I'll be listening again. It was a good review of the information and insights you've been providing for us. One new point - new followers. I've got several new joiners. I've wondered how they pick me up since I mainly just comment. A couple 'news services' and random young people. I almost never follow back. I'll pay more attention. I'm supposedly view people I'm following. A few 'strangers' show up. All very curious. Likely orchestrated?


Full content in Off Topic Comment added last night with your last essay. Briefly - Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments Missouri v Biden. early Nov, re the need for an injunction limiting Gov Media contacts. DeSousa interview today - he notes wouldn't prevent Media continuing the practice on their own. But they could still be liable for their violations, I would think.

The other notable was Pfizer closing 2 plants with further cuts under consideration - due to shortfalls of covid line. Due to 'big anti vaxer efforts' per Bourla. One of the tricks to give us good feelings?

I will be eagerly looking forward to your book, documentary and ? Rework. You folks are incredible!

Much success, pleasures and safe travels. Bestest and more♡♡♡

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In times like these, simplicity takes on a special beauty.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What you first talked about, suspending all you knew to be true and re-evaluate these "truths" is what has to happen to leave a "cult" or mass formation. It is an exacting and exhausting examination of beliefs from the past ( that somehow needed questioning) to the now to reformulate and update your vision of the present circumstances. We need to do this re-examination on a regular basis. Only the wake, not woke, survive. (I heard James Bond music)

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

Thank you for this important talk. Even if one is already familiar with the information you provide, one can't be reminded enough of how we are all being psychologically manipulated. I don't have a TV nor do I use social media and I don't feel that I'm missing out on a thing. I think that's largely behind my skepticism about the severity of the covid infections, the efficacy of the facemasks, social distancing and the "safe and effective" covid pseudovaccines all along. Also, for the life of me I don't get why being called an anti vaxxer is such a bad thing.

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We need to put you, Dr. Malone and the FLCC, in charge of revamping or axing the health system in America with RFK Jr in charge of prosecutions. Get rid of the Overton over the top window. Get Schellenberger and Taibbi to help on this front and Tucker to bring it all to the public forum.

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"When war is declared, truth is the first casualty." Author Unknown

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Excellent presentation Dr. Malone. Thank you and Jill for all you do and are doing to bring truth and awareness to the masses. My best to both of you.

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Good talk, however you are pointing at a black wall for reference. Can that be fixed?

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My slides were up above (out of the video) and I didn't have a lecturn or prompter. So I had to look up.

I did a similar lecture - more details in Pittsburgh. It also was on a black background. They will be sending me that video and Jill plans to cut the two into each other.

So the final version will be longer ( or part 1 and II) and the audience won't see me looking up.

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This talk was given at the Rochester Summit for Truth and Wellness on Oct. 21. I did an edit of the full talk which includes some (but not all) of the slides he is reading from and all of the videos he showed (some of which are not included here.)

My version is 1 hour and 14 minutes and has much less of his back! It can be found on Rumble here:


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Check out our small book Mindless War Two. On Amazon in paper and as an eBook.

Most of what we read, hear, and watch today is propaganda. Obama made that legal.


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Wonderful tutorial, and thanks! Did you see that tweet by Elon Musk a couple days ago where he offered Jimmy Wales one billion dollars to change the name of Wikipedia to Dickipedia?

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You and Jill continue to do the most important work in uncovering the truth about the current state of affairs. Every time I see or hear more of your discoveries I am reminded that staying away from social media is the best option but I find that very hard to do. The best I can do is to keep from being angry and triggered. I’m still making progress one day at a time. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping all of us who are battling against this evil. God bless you both.

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Wow, what a stunning lecture. It was like walking out of the fog and seeing clearly once again. Just having the truth explained in this manner is such a sigh of relief. At least now I know my enemy and can better prepare myself. Thank you so much Dr. Malone and Jill for the price you are no doubt paying on our behalf.

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Great talk and exposition of what's going on. Glad you didn't "stay in your lane". Thank you!

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