Jun 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm a surgery resident working in a large medical center in Texas. Over the last six months, I have personally treated six patients who had major clotting episodes within 1-3 weeks following either dose of the Pfizer vaccine or after the booster. Not a single event was reported to VAERS. The few times I tried to register with VAERS I lost the patients to follow up (these were patients who were either too poor to afford reliable phone access or homeless).

The most egregious was a patient I operated on for a carotid endarterectomy. A few days before I was looking through his chart and noticed he was on life-long blood thinners. It turns out a year earlier he had a massive PE after his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The PE was large enough that he required ECMO. Luckily he recovered.

Even though the patient had developed the clot within 24 hours of the vaccine, the PE was determined to be "spontaneous," meaning it had not occurred after an inciting event. Inciting events are anything out of the ordinary that is a known risk factor for clotting (for example trauma, prolonged flights or car rides with little walking, and yes, even vaccines). I was absolutely dumbfounded when I saw the original Hematology note. It stated "the etiology of PE likely not related to to Pfizer vaccine since published studies show low incidence of blood clotting after vaccination."

For the non-medical people, the logic of saying this PE was not related to vaccine even though it occurred 24 hours after the vaccination is like saying a car accident involving a drunk driver is not related to the alcohol because all the previous times the driver had driven drunk he had not been involved in a car accident. A observation period (duration the course of the study) was used to examine for the potential adverse event. Once that study was over any future adverse events were discounted.

Even worse is that once the clot was determined to be spontaneous the patient is prescribed life-long anticoagulation. This significantly increases his risk for future life-threatening intracranial bleeding events. Especially since this guy is a sickly vasculopath and prone to falls.

This is all to say that in my limited experience I have encountered six patients in six months who suffered adverse events that were not reported to VAERS. If you estimate the average number of patients I see on a monthly basis, it becomes frightening to think that in this relatively short period of time I encountered six patients who had major clotting events very soon after the vaccine/booster. This makes me very suspicious the extent of this problem is monumentally more severe that even Dr. Malone is estimating.

What is most frightening is how many of my colleagues are unwilling to even ask the question. They will see the vaccination occurred within a few days of the PE or stroke. Not a single one thought of bringing up this as a possible cause. Instead they let that patient believe these clotting events were spontaneous events. Of course many of these people went on to get boosted for a second or third time.

We are truly living in crazy times. I am thankful for those of us who are willing to speak truth. G-d Bless.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Words of unsolicited advice from an old doc (University of TN, 1974) who has seen it all... Get out of this medical system. Use your talents to help others outside of the US (as it will be impossible here) - leave the country - go where you are needed....

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I started something back up the last few weeks which I tried before but got a bunch of shit from my program. I began not wearing masks in the hospital. No mask in the cafeteria, no mask in the lobby, non in the patient rooms, no where. The way I see it, the mask is a tool used to grind us down. It is a way for them to compel us to partake in their kabuki theater of lies and deception. Every time we give in we strengthen their hand while denigrating our own. This is how they grind us down.

Each week I began to see more and more naked faces. More masks were being pulled down to the chin. Whenever I would speak to someone who was masked, the absurdity of the situation would compel them to take it off or at least pull it down.

The best reactions always come from the patients. They always feel compelled to wear a mask as a sign of deference to hospital staff. The first thing I would do is take their mask off and shake their hand. You could see on their faces what this means. As a patient I could not image being treated by a bunch of faceless strangers. It is as if they are being treated as an individual for the first time.

What I am getting at is that the state of medicine is in a very bad place. But to be able to pursue what is right and just during a time where this is in short supply is the greatest privilege I could imagine. I would argue that now is the time for people like us to dig in our heels and not give an inch.

The bigger the dragon the bigger the reward...am I right?

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bless you for doing this! If more of us resisted these masks, perhaps the powers that be would have to give up on that particular project to dehumanize and control us. My longtime hairdresser asked me to wear a mask, and I told her, regretfully, that I would not be able to go to her any more. So she backed off. I canceled my dental appointment because the dentist requires masks, and he made an exception for me. We don’t have to be unpleasant about it. Quiet refusal works wonders.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are correct about the Dentist being corrupt, but so are the Medical Doctors. I told one who supports the information from the NIH to F*** off. This is not like me to ever use that word, I was so enraged about his false beliefs that I could not restrain myself it just came out. These doctors are being led by their Boards I have to believe. It's either that or you lose your license. I would have not gone along with the narrative, and most likely would have lost my ability to practice. Which I would have quit with lies being pushed one me anyway, if you don't have the ability to teach your medicine in a way you believe in, then what good is it!

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Well Doc, You are not alone in that.

Last year AFTER I got the two pfizer jabs I figured Menards would no longer be forcing customers to wear masks in their home / lumber store

I told the assistant manager the exact same thing: Fuxx Off! and walked out when he acted overbearing and insistent about the damn masks. I have never said that EVER in a store for any reason.

I now shop exclusively at Home Depot after spends 10's of thousands at Menards over the last 30 years. Interesting how one's LIBERTY means so much!

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Dentists don’t always have a choice. Orange County CA the dentists have been told to continue to require masks. This has caused my pediatric dentist daughter to lose patients.

What is one to do?

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Your question makes me think of a quote from a Michael Anton article...

"It is this ability to wield power without the need for accountability that is the status quo they fight so hard to maintain. We should all take solace in the knowledge that despite their control of the greatest military in human history, their greatest fear is not that of the enemy nation but rather the citizen who has the audacity to question their right to power."

Another lesson I picked up from his work is something along the lines of "wisdom is to know what is right and wrong, prudence is to know when to act."

This really helped me understand how to approach those types of conflicts where I will come head-to-head with people who will force me to do something I believe is wrong. The conclusion I came to is I would approach every conflict like a mini battle in a long war. I know there are some I will win and some I will definitely lose. I wouldn't approach each conflict all jacked up, ready to go full jihad. I would approach each conflict like an opportunity to introduce doubt within the other person while also attempting to gain their trust.

Let me provide an example. Some devotee of the COVID faith - who happens to have authority over my employment (i.e. an attending, department chief, etc)- asks me to put on a mask. I will politely ask them why. They undoubtedly say "because it is hospital policy." I know this to be true because I have experienced it dozens of times. These COVID people won't say masks are for the protection of patients because they know it is complete malarkey.

In response to their answer, I will ask "where does that hospital policy come from?" At this point there arises some variability. Some will squirm, give up, and walk away, in which case you have won the battle. In the majority of cases, however, they will respond with righteous indignation and cite the CDC, or Fauci, or any other the other ghouls who have occupied the deep swamps of DC for the past four dozen years.

In this case, I will say the following "you and I both know masks do nothing and that there are mountains of evidence showing as much. I will follow your orders because you have asked." I will not be overtly rude. But I will be noticeably non-confrontational and deferential. I try to strike this tone in order to score points with the other person, no matter how much of a piece of garbage they are. I have found that small interactions like this will work to grind down even the most devoted of COVID followers. By necessity they live their lives in an atmosphere of fear and hate. When they experience genuine human kindness over the course of months they will eventually respond. All you gotta do is play the long game.

But the real problem with your daughter is that she is living in California lol. That is a no-brainer. She may as well live in Shanghai with the plastic suit people. Tell her to get to a free state, buy some guns, and raise their children like normal people.

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I had a situation similar to that which you describe. I went to the ER and a nurse said masks were mandated. They are not mandated in the state of Wisconsin, so I asked who mandated them? She could not tell me, so walked out of the room and slammed the door

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Agreed! You are correct that the biggest issue is CA! I stay for my grandkids and nothing more. My daughter is at an age that starting over would be very difficult. I won’t wear a mask and will walk out of any business that requires one. Of course the hospitals and medical offices still “require” them. CA is run by imbeciles. No argument there. Those who vote them in are to blame.

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Friggin' awesome. Please be Desantis' VP!

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I do not go to traditional dentists anymore. I have discovered that dentistry is as corrupt, if not more so, than traditional medicine. I only see biologic dentists. I hope your daughter takes an honest look at the harm dentistry is doing to innocent people

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My daughter is pediatrics and cares for her patients as much as she does her own children. Nothing unnecessary is ever done. She has many kids with autism and has included a sensory room in her practice. Not al dentists are the same. I still have faith.

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never knew there was such a thing. . . located one nearby thanks to you Deborah. thanks.

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Quick answer: She needs to be brave, tell any patient who objects that exceptions will be made. . . mention anxiety, breathing concerns. Have the admins that can be trusted alert her directly if someone has a mask objection. Don't write it down and don't advertise the policy that is not quite "policy".

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In this case masks aren’t mandated. The receptionist told me they were, but I could find nothing on line to confirm what she said. When I called back and told her that, she put me through to the manager, who admitted there was no mandate, but the dentist followed ADA guidance, based on CDC advice. So he had a choice. When there are mandates, dentists have no choice, and I would cut them some slack—or find a dentist in a neighboring county without mandates. Your daughter is in a tough position.

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Orange County maybe? It’s very hard when half your patients want masks and half don’t. Nobody wins. The people that believe masks work obviously haven’t done their due diligence on research.

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way to go Kay. A few weeks ago my dentist texted me to remind about an appointment with some BS about social distancing and wearing a mask. . .

I just texted back that I would consider an appointment when they came to their senses.

Not a peep back.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have never worn a mask. Early on, as long as I would hold a face diaper to my face in public areas everyone would be happy. Then, about August 1, 2021 suddenly doctors began refusing to see me unless I put a mask around my ears. I stopped going to EOMMO's (employees of monopolized medical organizations) at that time. I stopped taking all the poison prescribed to treat symptoms, and found a functional doctor I could comfortably work with.

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I haven’t seen a doctor since having retinal surgery following an eye bleed just after lockdown in 2020. I don’t trust them. I take a lot of supplements and pray. Thank God nothing of consequence has occurred since then.

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You are doing the correct things.

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Thank you doctor

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Robert, if I ever begin addressing you as 'doctor' you can begin to question your medical motives. Currently, I do not consider the title 'doctor' complimentary. This is unfortunate. It took me a long time and much unnecessary suffering to recognize the reality of the situation. I was raised to respect doctors. At that time they had small offices outside of any hospital or clinic. Their income was not dependent on a medical organization. They came to our home when we were ill, and personally checked on us. This made such a huge impact on me that it took me decades to realize that people no longer attended medical school because they wanted to help people, but because it is profitable. Once again I'll refer to Matthew 6:24

"24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.".

God rests my case

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Yes, the mask is nothing more than saying that "I'm afraid, and I am submissive to the "One World Order"

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Eithx.. I don’t wear mine either. Yes the peeps I pass in the hallway take it off too!!!Then big brother makes an announcement on the loudspeaker that to please wear your mask.

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You are right Eithz. It feels good to yank his tail too.

I did the same from the patient-side:

Saw my doc for physical and did not wear it in reception area; she asked that I wear it and I simply said "No, but thanks for doing your job", and smiled. She let it go

Waited there with everyone(!) else diapered up. They called me back and the nurse had hers on, but not a peep of resistance. Later the doc came in all masked up tight as can be. He blubbered through the thing trying to converse and I she smiled back and talked freely; he also said nary a syllable of complaint.

Keep pushin' back. Hope they choke on it.

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Yes. You could not be more right! God bless you!

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Yes you are correct! I'm in there with you!

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You are such a breath of fresh air! Thank you for what you do!!

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A big boot!

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I was wondering the same thing. If I saw this kind of stuff in my clinical work when young and doctors looking the other way, wouldn't I just pick up and leave? And where would I go? I think it is good advice for older doctors and older academics to give to younger professionals--look around and consider other ways to use your skills without participating in the big lie, so you can live with yourself for years to come.

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from the "other" side, patient, it seems scary to hear this from two long-time docs. We folks under the knife, so to speak, sure would like ya'll to consider staying. . . maybe building a parallel economy platform like the Naturopaths, Integrated medicine docs, chiros, and accupressure folks have had to do for the last century.

Please figure a way to make this work. I, and many others, will pay without insurance backing for your REAL care.

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The present Med System will crush any physicians who dare to dissent. There can be no "parallel" system as long as TPTB sit in their ivory towers, corporate board rooms, and government offices and agencies.

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They should head for politics and start working on pushing back and system reform.

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Sadly, there is no political solution to this. We are decades past the time when this could have been resolved at the ballot box.

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I'm glad I'm retired! I didn't have to face that situation.

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Well being a doctor, you should know. However, I am just hoping and praying docs like yourself will realize there is a real market for this product-- doctors unlinked to the HMO's. A second thing I can envision is a secondary(parallel) health insurance system available for such.

Perhaps I just don't understand something you know all too well-- exactly how the ivory towers of HMO's etc can stop independent docs from "organizing"?

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The USG and its Corporatist partners in crime have historically attacked any attempts by physicians to organize/unionize using anti-trust regs as the excuse. There are on-going cases in this area as I type. The hospital, insurance. multi-specialty clinic area is completely owned by the corporatists and the USG (via regulation and Medicare/Medicaid funding).

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I will too! I am grateful to have the resources.

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What I believe is going on, is that there are few doctors that have their own practice as I did. So who ever they work for calls the shots, as I'm sure they are paying for their education as well as their salary. I'm sure they feel that their hands are tied. The doctors I go to now, know better to walk in the room with a mask, much less bring up me getting the jab. I do occasionally send them must read articles, but I have yet to hear back about any of them.

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About 75% reported to be under big hospital and university systems. That changed with advent of Obamacare.

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I am a Maxillofacial surgeon, practiced in Missouri for 40 years. Trained at Barnes Hospital, Washington University (1981). I retired August of 2019, just six months prior to the Pandemic. I count my blessings for that timely retirement as I would have been with Dr. Malone, or stripped of my license for "inappropriate" treatment. Now I'm faced with the current problems, but at least I don't have to engage these Medical Boards and bureaucrats to be able to practice as I would have. I have considered moving out of the Country, just too much family to let it all go, so I'll fight it out with the rest of us.

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My doctor retired on January 1st 2020. You and he must have had premonitions

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Better you work with the Frontline Dr’s in their new endeavor! We need great doctors to step away from the old insurance system. Eithz it may be worth checking out!

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In case you don't remember from Human Anatomy & Physiology, the walls of the circulatory system are lined with the cells that the mRNA is incorporated into and these same cells are expressing the spike on their surfaces. These cells are then attacked and this is leading to damage and clotting. In the microvessels, i.e. capillaries, the spike expressed on the surface also causes clots and then the clot spreads. In the capillaries the spike causes the red blood cells to get hung up within the capillaries leading to a clot. The reports from the Pfizer testing in Japan reported clotting after the jab. Since it was in Japanese it took a while before it was widely known but Pfizer knew it before they got the EUA.

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There are a couple of inconsistencies or confusing things you mention.

-- the long, grayish elastic deposits pulled from cadavers (autopsies and embalming) are supposed to be of proteinacious(sp) build. It is not obvious [to an engineer!] that these are clots, which per Dr J. Rose resembles red current jelly in a cadaver. Maybe this stuff is a clot but not a traditional one!

-- it has been 14 months since I got the two jabs-- only. No clots, heart is good after significant testing when over normal D dimers test showed up. Same with wife only she was not tested for D dimers. The point: still alive no basic effects from the vax. However, 2nd point here is that it could be the vax lots or that and combo of our lacking comorbidities. So, it is NOT happening to everyone. Why? Of course, it may be just a matter of time. . . another 10 months and I will be pushing up daisies?!

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My husband got the first 2 Pfizer jabs. No real problems so far that we can tell - except I did notice a few weeks after the 2nd that he had some Belles Palsy. The left side of his face still isn't quite right (I just posted the other day that it was normal now - but noticed yesterday on some recent photos it's still slightly crooked! It's not noticeable to the eye but it IS noticable in a photo). This to say- we don't really know what's going on slowly in jabbed people and only time will tell.

In our family's case, the unjabbed prayed hard for family who wouldn't listen and got the shot anyway, praying that every bad and evil thing in it would be killed and cause no harm. Yes, God still does that kind of thing.... He's our best hope now and always.

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Some people theorize the reason why it hits some people and not others is the degree with which the mRNA gets into the bloodstream. Infuriating that the powers that be declared to NOT aspirate to check to see if you are in a blood vessel before injecting the vaccine into the arm. I believe those with immediate effects may have had it more directly get into the bloodstream, those with a slight delay had a smaller vessel taking up a smaller amount.

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I think maybe you've answered your own question. Clots don't happen to everyone because people vary so widely in their vulnerability to this disease and its effects.

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Old clots are different than fresh. Fibrous tissue grows into the clots making them firm, not jelly like, and tough.

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I believe you need to see the videos and images out there that SHOW the long, elastic gray, filaments-- feet long-- coming from veins of cadavers and compare that to your own image of red current jelly. Not REMOTELY similar. Regardless, this comment is to any pathologist out there like Dr Ryan Cole as a means to elucidate this conundrum. Unless YOU are one of those!

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Thanks for your comments. I recalled the meaning of PE (Pulmonary Embolism), but I had to look up the definition of ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation). Hopefully, Dr. Malone will respond to you soon. Maybe you can have a discussion with him privately regarding your suspicion that "...the extent of this problem is monumentally more severe that even Dr. Malone is estimating."

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yeah, Eithz could be a bit more explanatory to the physiological-term challenged listening in! . . . a great post just the same!

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Thank you for being a doc who notices; cares; and is trying to make a difference.

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Eithz!!! Bless you, finally a resident speaking out!!! Please pass the word around as much as you can. 👍🏼😉

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You are using medical jargon that many are not familiar with. I know it is a PITA, but it would be appropriate to spell out the jargon.

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I am a guilty of one of my own pet-peeves: the use of abbreviations in settings where the meaning is obviously unfamiliar. My apologies. We get so used to writing these abbreviations that we forget that it's just a bunch of jargon lol.

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Thank you for speaking the truth!

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Thank you for sharing that. It is happening extensively and being ignored. We will never know the real incidence of adverse events caused by the mRNA vaccines.

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you point out a critical point. One day this may be used to indict these creeps for purposely crippling the input data so as to minimize blowback and accountability.

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Many doctors, particularly younger ones, are stuck with still having major educationally debts plus families and young kids to support. So I understand some going along with what their big corporate heads require and the risks of not doing so. But I pray their conscience continues to rise and overshadow their self-preservation. It is our doctors and medical scientists, pharmacists, etc today who have the most to lose in this battle for right and truth - and I want you each to know we see, we hear, we know - and our appreciation is beyond what we can effectively express. God bless every single one of you. The Lord will provide if you trust Him. You have millions praying for you. 🙏🏻

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Sheila Secrist thank you, that was beautiful and perfectly said.

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Gosh I have to get off this page.. YES. I know.. the goal is to be on all OTC meds so one is not trapped into the Pharma industry.. w/regard the anticoagulants:

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There is too much regulation and too much mark up in the Pharma industry. This has received minimal attention in the US.

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Thank you for relaying your experience, it is your account and the intel from those with your direct experience at the center of the Covid story that matter most. What actually happened here is the most valuable information that we can have. It saddens me that the FDA and CDC are authorizing this injection to the scared and vulnerable parents who are believing that the "Health Professionals" and the US government have their best interests at heart. It really seems that the "Mass Cull" that the conspiracy theorists warned of, is real. That is the only sense I can make of their determination to inoculate every living soul.

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The preplanned Covid crisis is only a conduit to controlling the medical narrative for the next 100 years. Delivering nano drugs via injection to reprogram cellular function is proprietary, profitable and patentable. About 200 drug companies worldwide are all involved in this push to control healthcare for profit and not the health of the patient. Prevention and reversal of disease states is ignored as well as the central role of the immune system in maintaining good health. My view.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

I am very curious to know if Nephrotic Syndrome has increased since the vaccine rollout. I know someone diagnosed with double PE and Nephrotic syndrome after a 3rd shot - first booster. It would make sense to me that this diagnosis would have increased in the time period since the vaccines but only a small number of studies based on 1-2 patients newly diagnosed with it have been published in the literature. Of course, they call for additional investigation but none have been published to date that I am aware of. All it would take is someone in an insurance company to do a quick and easy analysis of ICD-10 (now ICD-11 codes since 2022).

Doctors tell this patient that the nephrotic syndrome caused the PEs; never mention the vaccine as a possibility. I have to wonder if the vaccine caused both.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Yes until proven otherwise. The spike proteins concentrate in kidney and liver systems (and, everywhere, for that matter).

"Third booster"? - what is wrong with people?

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Now 4th.

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" If you estimate the average number of patients I see on a monthly basis..." So, how many patients might you see in a month?

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During those months I was at a busy county hospital so on a weekly basis it would usually be anywhere from 100-150. We would usually have around 70-80 people on the trauma service and then we would get usually 10-15 consults per day, sometimes more sometimes less.

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Thank you for the important work you do caring for the sick, and for sharing your personal experience. God bless you.

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deletedJun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022
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We have the most educated doctors yet they are also the most willing to suspend their most basic responsibilities. We have the greatest access to information yet we forgo any critical thought that may guide our decision making. Has there ever been a time in human history where so many adopted an ideology that so obviously violated the most basic rules of common sense? And has there ever been a time where such a divergent ideology been adopted so quickly and with such little evidence to back it up? Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought these things would happen.

I was fortunate enough to have maintained a shred of skepticism in the beginning. This allowed me to keep my eyes open. I saw how my colleagues would praise themselves as heroes for letting patients die alone without their family - because of course they were doing it to "stop the spread." They would integrate the words "spontaneous" and "acute decompensation on unknown etiology" in places where answers were obvious but inconvenient.

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Retired prof here (business school). Instead of educated, use credentialed; much more accurate.

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Pure untainted gold right there.

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Yes, I believe there have been times in human history where large numbers of people adopted an ideology that obviously violated the most basic rules of common sense. For example, one such time resulted in the Holocaust.

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YES. and perhaps more apropos would be the entire city of Leicester in Victorian England that opposed the smallpox vaccine and proved the vaccinator mania wrong. The NEW YORK TIMES predicted, reliably(!), that they would be wiped out. No one ever points out their huge failure there. So, I will!

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

I can explain what you are having difficulty understanding in one word...M-O-N-E-Y!

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Eithx.. please listen to Brett Weinstein and Dr.Vanden Bossche most recent podcast. Enlightening.

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Big fan of them. If you want to have your socks blown off watch the original documentary of Evergreen State University by Benjamin Boyce. It's the best documentary out there about Evergreen and Brett Weinstein. In many ways the story of Evergreen is the story of what happened to our world...as is often quoted "we all live on campus now."

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Eithx .. listen to Vanden Bossche description of the end terminal and dendrites onward to the next phase , it all makes sense. Also the children and babies especially don’t have a chance. It will be survival of the fittest . Higher and earlier antivirals will be needed in the next phase.

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Excellent advice. Note that Geert talks about the need for a mass distribution of antivirals to stop transmission within the population. Unfortunately, that won't happen. But a similar strategy could be a life saver on an individual basis. Find an effective prophylactic regimen and an early treatment protocol such as those offered by the FLCCC and arm yourself and your family now with all of the "ingredients". I think it's the best we can do at this point to protect against the more virulent strain(s) that Geert expects in the not-too-distant future.

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Most recent Brett & Geert ~Wayback to deny Youtube more page views and censorship power over content. :~)


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I read that but did not "get" it. Please elucidate decompensaton on unknown etiology. . . thanks!

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deletedJun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022
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Ha! OK, I got it now. . . SOL is more at my level!

plus I like the tangential reference to "Red's" most loved address to his son Eric. I use that a lot!

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I think maybe "what's in the water" is the phenomenon of Mass Formation as described by Mattias Desmet. An annoyingly large group of people have become hypnotically captured by the official narrative.

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Praying that parents love their kids more than they love 'obedience to authority' or worshiping 'The Science'. Thank you for continuing to put out the message so clearly and persistently, Dr. Malone.

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The tragedy -- tragedy in the classic sense -- is most of the parents who will vaccinate their very young children do love them and believe they are doing exactly the right thing.

I am mystified how they can think this way, but I am well aware they are mystified how I can disagree.

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“The time is now to just say no.”

You said it right there. We all knew the pharma-owned FDA and CDC were going to lie down on command and green-light these unsafe and ineffective injectables. These agencies have failed us and will continue to do so until they are obliterated.

So it’s time for the people to stand up. It’s time for all of us to shout, “NO!”—now and forevermore.

BigPharma can manufacture them. The regulatory-captured agencies can approve them. Governments can try to mandate them. But that doesn’t mean we or our children have to accept them. And the only way this stops is when we get a critical mass of noncompliance, and all those unwanted products will wind up in the incinerator of history.

Once again, I point to my second essay, which reveals Étienne de La Boétie’s secret to overturning tyranny:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

“You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

—Étienne de La Boétie

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WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!! Never again!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

Your beginning quote remind me of the commercials during the 90’s against drug use. I think there needs to be some ads now with a diff. Twist. I was thinking yesterday, how so much money is poured into medical research for cures and what not - mostly taxpayer dollars and donations and yet there are few to none - just more drugs by big Pharm that mostly just give you some other health problem but they get rich! The one good thing that’s come to light in all this is we now know how poorly many of these clinical studies are done or screwed up data reporting is. I hope more people start finally seeing this crap.

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Mattias Desmet, expert in the phenomenon of Mass Formation who also has an advanced degree in statistics, researched the reliability of academic studies at one point in his career and found that most contain serious flaws. In the medical field the percentage of research reports with flaws was an amazing 85%.

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yep, that quote was from Nancy Reagan's slogan: "Just say no to drugs." MAA hit it.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The great Colossus seems on the verge of tumbling and breaking apart on many fronts.

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UnFortunately it only the minority of humans that understand the real issues that are taking us down the wrong road in medicine

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I appreciate more doctors, nurses, or those working in any medical profession, for speaking truth about their cases, & the after effects from so many patients. My family & I have refused any jabs or alleged "vaccines" , from the very beginning, & all of us are still healthy & did not get this flu virus. We have all been blessed with natural immunity & will continue to tell the "big pharma, CDC, WHO, or any other government official", NO, PERIOD! I refuse to put my life in danger, or my grand children either. My Daughter & Son-in-Law did not follow mask mandates for their girls, or any shots either! Any parent that allows their children to get these unnecessary shots, need to have their heads examined. Thank you Dr. Malone for keeping us in the medical loop! God Bless all!

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I have a document where I save excerpts of great pieces of writing I come across. I've been doing it for the past three years. You are now on there too. Absolute brilliance.

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Aww, I am honored, Eithz, and thank you so much for letting me know!

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Jeffrey Jaxen reported on TheHighwire's #270, Acts of Malice,(at 23mins), June 2, how pediatricians are seeing already how parents are Not wanting any more jabs for their kids. Even if they've been ok with kid jabs previously, they are saying No more.

States with Informed governors - parents will be better informed.- those kid citizens will be the lucky ones.

States with crazy stupid governors - those kids will be jabbed and jabbed and jabbed.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

The kids will be jabbed until they are dead. This is Nazi Germany all over again.

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Worse than the Nazi. We are head into communism, see the 8 Rules of Alinsky. America is falling faster than I ever thought possible.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Pfizer & Co.'s next proposal would be vaccinating the yet unborn child.

Announcing the CDC's decision today, Biden said: "“For parents all over the country, this is a day of relief and celebration .............My administration is offering safe and highly effective mRNA vaccines for all children as young as six months old”. On the grounds that we're still pretending to be a civilized advanced society. one wonders how he can justify in his own mind his collusion in this criminal enterprise? Ignorance? Was he misinformed? Or does he believe that presidents have always been able to get away with disregarding the "casualties of war", this being a war declared on Covid?

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I think you are incorrect. If their intentions go as planned, unborn children will be terminated, therefore no reason to vaccinate them.

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Only in our case people don't need a bunch of guards. They hurry each other onto cattle cars and into gas chambers. And curse or laugh at anyone who questions or hesitates.

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How come GOP will not fight CDC?

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

Because they are bought and paid for just like the cdc. Repeat after me, RINO. If you need an example look at that scum Mitt Romney

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Look at Mitch McConnell bought by the CCP.

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Oh yes, he's ON the list.

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It may be that Trump was also bought by Big Pharma with a sizable donation to his future election fund.

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Trump repeatedly urges everyone to get their "Trump shots." People on both sides of the political aisle get angry when I point this out to them. Lefties love the shots too much to want to associate them with "orange man." The Q-Anon types keep insisting he doesn't mean it and is just playing 4 D chess. The other right wingers try to ignore his constant praise of these shots. "But he doesn't mandate them!"

Easy not to mandate when he's not in office. Now he can play good president.

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I have never heard DJT use the term "Trump shots", and I have watched every rally and public appearance he has done. Please provide a link to one where he says this.

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AND like a Swiss clock, read the clones below. They are no different than Obama clones, they just have a different leader.

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I stopped following DJT so I have no idea what he is saying now. I only know what he did and was saying after his election was stolen. He Trumpeted his vaccine long after he left office and he got duped into it in the first place, it may have been along the lines of the elderly and vulnerable, I can't recall. He did promote alternative treatments, much to the chagrin of Fauci and others. I believe he speaks in response to the polls and his marketing crew only. When we turn the tide he will say new things so he is not completely hopeless but he was also a glad attendee at Davos so I prefer someone new and no, you can't have Desantis. He is ours. Any other candidate ideas would be welcome. I might cross the aisle to Gabbard, also a Davos tourist, but she sure doesn't sound like one.

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Voting for Gun Control These pieces of shit. They aren't republicans.

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Mitt Romney is the obvious example. Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Mike McCarthy, Ted Cruz, etc. etc. etc. The list of honest, forthright Republican politicians is very small. They are all in it for personal gain, not doing what they were elected for, protecting the rights of citizens that trusted to put them in office. If we do not start determining what candidates represent prior to going to the polls, the situation will not ever get better, in fact, it will get much worse.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

Who owns Ted Cruz? I thought it was strange when he said that Biden will not be impeached. I wonder though if Kamala Harris can be president. When she was born neither of her parents were US citizens.

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I found I had been disillusioned with Ted Cruz at this point:


I do not think anyone attacked a police officer on January 6. He is trying desperately to save his ass in the video I provided the link to above. If this doesn't indicate that Senator Cruz is more interested in siding with the majority, whomever that may be, I don't know what more you need to see.

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Deborah I reviewed that again-- forgot about it somehow on Tucker's show. I recall again being pretty pissed at that time.

That being said, if what he said is actually true: that he has used "terrorist" for years to describe anyone who assaults a cop. . . and supposedly it out of habit, then I can look past it -- for now. I will keep Cruz on the probation list though.

His big mistake in that interview was simply failing to say it was a wrong use of the word in the past and is wrong today and he will find another. (He better.) I still believe Cruz is a patriot. I felt strongly enough about him in 2016 that I wrote in his name for Pres. instead of Trumps!

You are NOT a terrorist if you assault a cop.

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Old guy (by thinking of yourself as old, you are old) read "Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton PhD. Anyway, I have looked to see if I could find Ted Cruz ever calling an individual that assaulted a cop a terrorist and have had no success, yet. At this point I think he just said that to cover his ass, and I have not seen any footage of the capitol on January 6, 2021 that shows anyone assaulting a police officer. I have seen capitol police testifying in the sham hearings saying they were assaulted, but they provided no documented evidence of such. So, Ted Cruz's persecution of the January 6 attendees must be solely based on the testimony of those capitol police, who I should add, cried during their testimony for added drama.

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yeah,Deborah's comment caught me off guard. I have always thought Cruz was "real"; read his book. He sounds authentic. Maybe with the statement about Biden not being impeached he simply meant it "ain't in the cards" of politics this time around.

Seems right to me. What would the end game be? Kamala as president??!

Surely a waste of time to repeat the foolish games Dems played impeaching Trump only to fail in the Senate-- twice.

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I also read his book on the Supreme Court, "One Vote Away: How a Single Supreme Court Seat Can Change History". Ted Cruz is extremely knowledgeable regarding the Supreme Court due to his clerking experience. President Trump actually offered him a seat on the court, and he declined. I am currently reading Mike Lee's book "Saving Nine: The Fight Against the Left's Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty", and I personally feel it is more well written. After Cruz calling those who attended the election protest on January 6 terrorists, I began to delve into his prior political positions and my opinion of him changed. Keep in mind, it is only my opinion, and opinions are a dime a dozen.

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Becoming ever more obvious with every passing day. Our captured legislators.

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Right now on Fox News 80 yr old Bernie Sanders is debaing Lindsay Graham. Missed why the debate. Surely Sanders isn't running for president. Talk about old goat! And LG is not too much beter!

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

I grew up in SC. I follow Graham almost as closely as my own senators (Cruz and Cornyn).

Graham is slime. He does a lot behind the scenes that the people who voted for him would never approve of. Of course I can't prove it, but I'd bet my paycheck the Deep State has some dirt on him.

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They have dirt on every one of them. Here in Wisconsin where we actually have an honest senator, Ron Johnson, he is being maliciously attacked on a regular basis. They are trying desperately to get rid of him because they cannot control him.

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Question for you...when you realized Graham was a swamp monster? Like did you think this for years or is it relatively recently? I came to that realization about most Republicans over the last year and a half and Cruz only after his comments about J6. I'm curious because it seems that so much has been exposed since COVID started that it's only now that people are starting to wake up. I mean I legitimately thought people like Graham and Romney were solid Republicans.

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I caught on to Lindsay Graham's deception long ago because he is a regular guest of Sean Hannity. I watched Hannity until it became apparent that his motives were nefarious. The turning point was when he had Mike Pence on and he endorsed him after Pence illegally ratified the 2020 election. At this point, the only program I watch on regular television is Tucker Carlson. I recommend you check out BlazeTV. You can get a year for $89 if you use the promo code "Glenn".

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Hard to answer your question. I never much cared for him. Over time, I noticed, he talked a good game. But never did what he said he was going to do.

I'll bet he said it a million times- "We're going to get to the bottom of it." But he never got to the bottom of it. Hard to get to the bottom of it when you have a hearing only once every two months.

Agree with your comments. Especially about Cruz. I'm a constituent. Wrote his office an email after his comments about J6. He's disconnected from those who put him in office.

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I'd rather watch a debate between Rep. Hank Johnson and AOC concerning the hydrostatic stability of Guam.

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Funny!! Yes, I would as well! Two brainiacs (NOT!) if ever we saw/heard any!!

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Jimmy Dore had a great rant on this point on Tucker Carlson this week. Epic, worth the watch, one of the more satisfying and spectacular performances:


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Rand Paul has been doing his best to bring many of the issues related to the Fauci offenses to the public attention. I haven't been keeping a record in that regard but I seem to remember a couple recent bills.

This is an election season. Unfortunately they are soon to recess. On the other hand its an opportune time for constituents to focus candidates (ask for) attention on these issues to obtain support.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

Yes he is 🙏 I saw a couple clips of hearings. We need more like him. I agree with you about candidates - there’s no time like the present. Lots of tough questions to be asked and answered

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Good question?! I’d like to know also. But as RLM states, it’s probably why.

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When was the last time the GOP fought for anything but pay raises for themselves?

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

The GOP has no fight in them...at all. According to Steve Kirsch, Ron Johnson is the ONLY elected representative in congress who will even listen to him. We really need to raise this to a midterm election issue. I donated thousands to Trump's 2020 campaign. I now refuse to donate anything to any GOP candidate because only God knows how much of it will go to the rest of the useless GOP RINO slugs. Trump has been too quiet as well regarding the harm being caused by the jabs...not to mention the mandate-driven mass violations of the Nuremberg Code. I'm thoroughly disgusted with ALL of them except Ron Johnson and Rand Paul, and am now an Independent. Covid-19 has separated the wheat from the chaff and 99% of the GOP has been found wanting.

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Ron Johnson is running his own campaign, not affiliated with the GOP. I gave him a generous donation, even though I really couldn't afford to do so. I also gave to Kandiss Taylor in Georgia. She is trustworthy in my opinion. Rand Paul and MTG say what you want to hear, but underneath it all, and you have to look deep, their main purpose is their pocketbook.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

People areso fuxking gullible and misinformed its disgusting. WTF has everyone been? The USA medical system is a laughing stock. You'd get better treatment at a popup hospital in a 3rd world country out of the reach of the criminal usa medical system.. This place is a joke for healthcare but MORONS hang every word of these complete bought and paid for shills. Wake the fk up please before you fuck it up for me and those of us that are awake.

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Do as I do and stop using the term doctor to describe an EOMMO (employee of a monopolized medical organization)

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for another great article.

Question: Can you explain this quote from your article? “Now that omicron is here ….. with this mismatched product will continue to drive development of viral escape mutants that evade both monoclonal antibodies as well as vaccine-induced antibodies..”

If the current vax was properly matched to the current variant (Omicron), would you still have the same concern of viral escape mutants?

I am triple vaxxed and have Covid for the 1st time. It hit me pretty hard. Feeling a tad better after three doses of my horse dewormer. lol! You know I had to throw that in. :0)) Seriously though, it works!!! No more shots for me or following Big Pharma/CDC guidelines. They lost my trust. I follow Dr. Zelenko and the FLCCC protocols.

God bless you and your wife and all the good you both do for humanity.

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What that line means is that no antibodies made from the initial strain will recognize the mutated viral strains or form antibodies against them, hence why you became infected and likely will again and again for whoever knows how long. The shots you took were made using a computer model strain based on the original Covid strain, which is believed to be a mishmash of lab created parts from a variety of “viruses”. As for injecting anyone w a shot made from a current strain - let’s say omicron - would still do the same thing down the road AND poison the person from the LNP’s aka lipid nanoparticles and who knows what other toxic witches brew they threw in there.

Personally, I no longer ascribe to the theory of viruses. I believe we are being poisoned through various means and methods and what results is the body’s reaction to said poisons. Are scientists messing around w things that have been labeled “viral particles”? I believe so.

All vaccines are toxic witches brews of chemical cocktails, most of which are far from benign. They entirely bypass the body’s natural defense mechanisms like Trojan horses and it’s these that are largely causing the decline in health around the world. Toxic air, toxic water, toxic food and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are all contributing, as well, but by and large, they don’t bypass the natural mouth to anus processing and filtration system.

Additionally, whenever the body is under assault, it will use more nutrients more rapidly as it scrambles to repair itself, hence why people who are or who have been ill often have severe deficiencies. Nowadays, our bodies are always under assault, so people start off deficient when they’re born. One daily dose of a prenatal vitamin while pregnant isn’t enough to grow an infant in the body of a woman who has a lifetime of accumulated toxins and often multiple nutrient deficiencies from not taking care of herself. Even more likely in the last few generations, she was born deficient in something or several somethings from generations of toxic exposures of her forebears. Same goes for the baby daddy. Nutrient deficiencies are hereditary and IMO that is most often what is actually running in families that cause “genetic” or “hereditary” disease. Correct the deficiencies, correct the genetic line, though this will take several generations to correct in its entirety.

Ever notice the “healthcare” industry is all about toxic drugs, but avoids (usually out of ignorance from little to zero education) the obvious? Like how stupid can you be? To me this is simply Human 101. The human body is built using nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but let’s not look at the most obvious cause behind illness and disease, doc. The body only breaks down when it doesn’t have what it needs to repair itself, which it will always do when given what it needs.

It boggles my mind that anyone in science is researching to create drugs or that doctors are prescribing toxic cocktails of drugs when this is so patently obvious. Yes, I realize it’s most often about greed. What boggles my mind even more is that anyone listens to either of them. People really are stupid. This is just common sense stuff. Perhaps we do need a mass culling of the herd.

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yeah, after reading Virus Mania I was initially convinced of the same thing: "I no longer ascribe to the theory of viruses. I believe we are being poisoned through various means and methods" and, that whole concept of "no proof of virus" because there has been no photos from TEM's and chain of evidence connection. . .

However. I have put that on hold. Until folks like Malone, McCullough, Tyson, Jessica Rose, and on and on, start laying that down as a trump card I refuse to pick up that banner.

I believe those of us, including some doctors verbose on this subject, who are looking for clues are not clued-in ENOUGH, in areas of immunology, molecular biology, genome understanding, and mostly an understanding of the science of modeling proteins and viral particles KNOW what is going on to a level we can make a knowledgeable decision as to viral existentalism. We don't know what we don't know.

So my mantra for now is "hang fire". That being said, I am only an engineer!

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Kali, thank you for your kind help answering my question. I am clear now.

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Kali, thank you for your kind explanation with regards to my question to part of Dr. Malone’s text. If I understand you correctly, no “experimental” agent (vax) would ever have accomplished the goal to protect the Masses since each new strain would not be recognized by past antibodies of old strains.

Did I get that right?!

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Did you know Dr. Zelenko is very ill, perhaps on his death bed?

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I have been taking Dr. Zelenko's Z Sub Stack since last October, thank the Lord no sniffles have been doing good. I pray for Dr. Zelenko and would encourage all that have a heart and soul to do the same. Dr. Zelenko has saved many lives at the beginning of this plandemic, and yes he was ill himself at the time. I watched him give an interview while he was getting Chemo! Please Heavenly Father lay your hands on this good man and heal him, I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen Amin. I only read and trust Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and of course our Dr. Malone. God Bless them!

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Yes I know Dr. Zelenko is extremely ill. I hope and pray for a miracle cure for him. He is an incredible holy man of God, who has saved thousands upon thousands with his Covid protocols.

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May I ask you what, after being triple jabbed, made you open your eyes?

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Hi Bridget, thanks for your question. What opened my eyes were the following: alternate media, the fact so many I knew who were vaxxed, were getting ill, and ending up in the hospital, and no early treatment protocols. Glad to be awake now!

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So, Christina, you mention alt. media. Could you detail how long you had been utilizing it before you were red-pilled, so to speak? Sources of such media you trusted more or LESS so? Did you listen to MSM news normally before and . . . now?

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Truthfully I was always red. Once the insanity began, we turned off the MSM completely and focused 100% on Newsmax, OAN, and Epoch News, and info on Telegram etc. Today we do watch some of the MSM but only to see how bad they lie about everything (gas prices, inflation, supply, and the southern border etc.). My reason for getting the vax initially was to protect my elderly mother and to be sure we could spend time with her during such a scary time. Thank you God to this day, she remains healthy and strong, body and mind. I am blessed.

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Dr. Tess Lawrie : ¨We are not guinea pigs, we are human beings, and we will not tolerate your unsafe drugs. #NoMoreInjections. Period.¨

¨From all we have learnt through the Covid-19 experience, it is crystal clear that we can no longer trust the pharmaceutical manufacturers to tell us the truth about what is in their products, or trust them to test their products rigorously.

After much thought I have come to the conclusion that there is one campaign that will hurt Big Pharma: that is, No More Injections for healthy people. We have become so programmed to assume vaccines and contraceptives are safe that this may shock you. But that’s just it: it’s programming. Not truth, just propaganda.

Let’s stop outsourcing our health to corrupt politicians, businessmen and dead, amoral entities. We are part of nature and nature is essential to our wellbeing, not injections. If we keep ourselves healthy, we do not need injections and neither do our children. As healthy people, we do not need Big Pharma’s dodgy injections to prevent disease or pregnancy. We do not need unnecessary injections. We do not need injections. Let’s send Big Pharma this message loud and clear:

We are not guinea pigs, we are human beings, and we will not tolerate your unsafe drugs. #NoMoreInjections. Period.¨ Read More https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/no-more-injections-for-healthy-people

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am also shocked at how naive people are. Listening to chit chat in restaurants etc continue to astound me. On the other hand, I drove from Kelowna to Osoyoos BC today. The first thing I saw in Osoyoos was a lady holding a very large poster with your picture taking up 50%. The rest was about vaccine injury. It made me smile. If you need another smile, the Okanagan region is known for its many wineries and also craft breweries, cideries and distilleries. There was a sign along the highway that read GAS IS EXPENSIVE. DRINK. DONT DRIVE. Two smiles in one day is a win. Hope you liked it too. Take care. Cheers Dr. Malone.

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I cannot comprehend why only one governor of fifty has the personal integrity to choose to protect the people that elected him, rather than bow to the neocons.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Amen!! Those who don't stand up need to be voted out. This should be a litmus test issue. That said, if they haven't stood up by now, their lack of integrity has already been revealed and should be voted out anyway. The biggest problem in the USA are the career politicians on both sides of the aisle.

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100% agreed!! Need to share this again and again!! I was shocked when I heard that a friend of mine had her 2.5 year old son vaccinated to be able to travel from Austria to US!!! Unbelievable!! And the new born son is vaccinated trough her being vaccinated during pregnancy!!! There are still too many misled parents, everywhere... It hurts so much how they torment their children and jeopardize life and health... How can a mother act like this - in times like this - when there is so much information available!

Did you see this substack article by Alex Berenson about Pfizer basing the efficacy figure only on 3% of all Sars-Cov-2 infections in the trial for 6 month to 4 yr old kids? https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-omg-the-pfizer-data-for-kids/comments

Thank you so much!! You are more than precious for the world and humanity!!

Much love, Bettina

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Right on! The real problem is the VAERS reporting system is vastly understating true harm! We need a parallel system not run by the FDA. A clearing house that can document the true rate of harm and the reporting document should be readily available via the internet for the families of the victims so that we will understand the truth and stop this madness!

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It’s become Munchausen by Proxy on a global scale - led by an FDA that thinks parents “need” (based on Twitter no less) this for their children along with pop tarts, juice boxes full of sugar, etc.

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Everyone might like to know how the unvaccinated are doing in all this medical BS.

Take a look.


Based upon evidence from countries with the most vaccinated or jabbed, it is the jabbed that are getting sick, being treated in the hospitals, and dying. These are not the unvaccinated. In fact it appears that the non-jabbed are the controls in all this and they aren't getting sick from anything.

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The irony is that those who die within the first two days of the first jab are classified as 'unvaccinated' distorting the statistics.

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Yes! On purpose and with foreknowledge! Not even considered vaxxed until at least two weeks, not two days, after the qualifying jab. The deceivers knew and planned it that way to exclude lots of deaths and disabilities and injuries. Damned statistics, indeed.

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It is very important to be objective here. A parallel study is needed that randomly selects UNvaccinated that can show similar results to bring up the confidence level. All these folks "self-selected" to be IN the control group, so they are reporting their own positive stories while those unvaccinated who had worse outcomes likely did not self select to be included. WE must be objective even though the "other" side refuses. Objectivity yields reliable CONCLUSIONS-- TRUTH.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your words of wisdom. The thought of anyone giving their baby one of these clot shots makes me crazy.

My 6 children from oldest to youngest are 26 years apart . The vaccines I gave my first babies compared to my last babies changed tremendously. When the pediatrician told me all the vaccines my baby would get at their first check up , I was in shock. I asked if this was safe and he said yes. My first babies got the DPT and polio to begin with. Then DPT I think was spaced out over several months. Then they got the MMR. I don’t remember anymore than that. Just boosters every 5-6 years. There was no chicken pox shot . The older 4 kids gave chicken pox to each other and I stayed home for 6 weeks waiting until the last one was over with them. The last 2 babies had soooo many vaccines I can’t remember them all.

If I had it to do all over I would have spread out the vaccines so as not to give them so close together. I would probably wouldn’t give them most the the vax. I think I would do more research into them. I was so trusting but not anymore. Big Pharmacy is only out to make big money.

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If I had it to do over, my children would have received ZERO vaccines. Other than, possibly tetanus, I cannot find reliable evidence that any vaccine is necessary

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I've joined the ranks of the vax-skeptical. RFK Jr has opened my eyes to the truth. Big Pharma is dead to me now.

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Did you see RFK Jr's interview with Tucker Carlson on FoxNation? It was very impressive

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Not yet. I will watch it tonight. RFK Jr has been such a hero through all of this. Thank you for the lead.

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Glad to do it. Substack has become almost family. It's encouraging to have somewhere to share what you know and not be criticized or belittled

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

Could you kindly post up a link to the RFK Jr Tucker segment on FoxNation? I can't readily find it. I generally don't watch any network programming or talking heads, so don't really know my way around that corner of the media.

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I am a physician and old enough to remember the thalidomide tragedy When I was a young man. I don’t think we’ve even seen half of the problems as a result of the vaccines yet.

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Doc, are you referring to only mRNA vaccines or . . . all?

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Oh, and I’m an old guy too. My wife and I just retired four years ago. I’m 75 years of age and was a board-certified neurologist for over four decades. I still keep up for the fun of it all. I’m also a combat Vietnam vet.

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Well. You ARE an old guy! I'm only(!) 71.

By the way, sir; THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE-- especially in 'Nam.

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Good question. I was only referring to m RNA vaccines for which much data is emerging; for example, just published today is confirmed that sperm count is reduced in men who have taken the messenger RNA vaccines. I have not followed or seen Much for The other vaccines yet. But I suspect they will be coming. Of course the danger with the messenger RNA for those who know genetics is the most troubling at this time.

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sperm count huh? hmmm.

Spooner, Wisconnie? Musky country. about 100 miles away. or maybe name related.

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