Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I pray there is enough integrity in our legal system for justice here.

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Me too.

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An unpopular opinion: Our legal system is atrociously corrupt. Praying will not change that.

There is no integrity whatsoever because integrity equals blind justice for all.

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we have to be critical of which judge sees this, if it goes to that. Obama, Clinton, and Soros played the long game and put in judges that were leftist friendly, and bought many others. that's why so many rulings over the last few years make absolutely no sense when seen from an unbiased, legal perspective. Now, I am well aware there are republican judges that are biased too, but look at all the DAs in progressive cities where crime rates have skyrocketed over the last few years. There is a reason for that.

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Attorney Steven Donziger would politely differ and serve as a prime exemplar to those prayers.

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Thank you for pointing out that outrageous and deplorable conspiracy between the criminals-billionaires and their bootlickers – corrupt courts.

“Known as the “Amazon Chernobyl,” the case against Chevron was brought about after the flooding of Ecuador’s ecosystem with deadly amounts of oil and toxic waste by the corporation Texaco, now owned by Chevron. Billions of gallons of oil and cancerous waste dumped and spilled in Ecuador years ago left thousands displaced, sick, and dying. Chevron admitted to Texaco’s dumping of 16 billion gallons of toxic waste into waterways, a regular practice for them to keep waste pits from overflowing, however, they refuse to take any legal responsibility for their actions.”


What those criminals did to the wonderful indigenous people and farmers of the Amazon and Steven Donziger who stood up for their rights is simply beyond outrageous. Note that neither of the “judges”-criminals have been impeached or removed and still being addressed as “Honorable.” What a gasser.

I am not sure how Steven Donziger would “serve as a prime exemplar to [the] prayers.” In this tragic and outrageous case whichever minuscule victories have been secured is entirely due to PUBLIC AWARENESS and advocacy of so many influential people – one source says that 68 Nobel laureates demanded that Biden’s administration and other authorities review the case.

Another source details that “Dozens of legal organizations around the world representing more than 500,000 lawyers along with over 200 individual lawyers…submitted a judicial complaint documenting a series of shocking violations of the judicial code of conduct by [the judge-criminal] targeting human rights lawyer Steven Donziger after he helped Indigenous peoples win a historic judgment against Chevron in Ecuador to clean up the pollution caused by decades of oil drilling with no environmental controls.” https://iadllaw.org/2020/09/more-than-200-lawyers-file-judicial-complaint-against-judge-lewis-a-kaplan-over-abusive-targeting-of-human-rights-advocate-steven-donziger/

Also, “The highest legal body on human rights in the world—the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights” (from the first link above) ruled that Steven Donziger has been persecuted by the corrupt corporation and public officials.

And there has been other enormous support and advocacy but still remarkably modest results. That is what helped – up to a point – Steven Donziger: involvement of so many people, including the influential ones.

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 9, 2022

Steve serves as an exemplar to the OP's 'prayer that there is enough integrity' . . . . in 'the system' . . . . . people really oughta wake the Fs@k up and disabuse themselves of any notion that there is (by and large) any integrity in any meaningful measure in the insane asylum we are living in.

A corporation (Chevron), guilty of murder, Jury Tampering, Witness Tampering, Conspiracy to Commit Perjury, Bribery, and environmental destruction, prosecuting a citizen of the United States at the behest of thoroughly corrupt Federal Judges (Kaplan & Preska) . . . . . . . . . . What The Actual Fs@k . . . . . the anesthetized beer swilling can't keep it in their lane on their best day drivers who don't know Jack Shyte but they're gonna vote anyway people of the U.S. are without a Clue and Vanna is all outta vowels.

Incidentally, one of the law firms on Chevron's payroll is also on the NYT's payroll. Because . . . . . R.I.C.O.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Go, Dr. Malone! Posting this to twitter and FB. Blessings.

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I'm guessing you aren't going to settle with them when they ask? LOL!

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I have posted Dr. Malone's medical papers to FB and it goes to the space where no one reads it on my page and a little tag comes up about covid misinformation. FB continues to censor.

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Previous scholars responding to TEDx talk censorship (e.g. Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock) dubbed this nether space "The Naughty Corner."

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I became a paid supporter because I wanted so much to post my support. You are a hero.

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I did as well! I SO appreciate Dr. Malone as he is one of our hero’s in this fight. I feel bad for him and Jill, though, how much evil they are being subjected to.

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Glad they have each other!

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Yes! 😊

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I just upgraded my annual subscription to founding member. This is another key moment in history.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They have indeed crossed a line. Dr. Malone, in standing up for yourself and your reputation, you are continuing to stand up for all of us -- hang in there!

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I realize too with all the activity here, the upgraded subscriptions, that this is a turning point for Substack as a publishing and social media platform. I hope they take notice and up their game even further for being a beacon of free speech.

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Because I'm a substack writer, I get official posts in my feed to the general writer community, and I'm constantly reminded that the skeptic/ dissent community is its own little corner of substack- my feed is inundated with woke- themed food blogs and woke themed travel blogs and the occasional sanitized women's thing about fashion or home & garden.

I do genuinely wonder, as our market share of substack grows, if our neighbors will become unhappy with being associated with a platform that gives us oxygen ("you're on SUBSTACK? Isn't that, like, where the antivaxxers and Trump people go, like Rumbl? Eww.") and begin to pressure 'Stack to become less (classically) liberal in their community policy.

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Agreed! When I read the first post, I was hoping he’d sue. Hopefully he gets a decent Judge!

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just signed up for a one year paid subscription. Support the Doc. He is fighting for everyone.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Me too!

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Double Same!!

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Another new subscriber here. Fight for truth. In every corner.

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One year subscription paid last week!

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Finally signed up earlier this week.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would expect the NYT will do nothing. They feel they can print whatever they want. Hit them in the wallet.

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James O’K forces them to print retractions all the time. It’s coming!

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In this case, a retraction is not enough. I hope he drains their coffers!

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I’m with you. I don’t think a retraction is enough.

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I'm reading O'Keefe's book "American Muckraker." It's a good read.

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I tried to find the NY Times retraction, "forced" by Project Veritas (or any retraction for that matter) but was unable to locate any. Could you name a few or provide a link?

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All those links are to the Veritas website. I have not found any publicly issued retractions by the NY Times. Have you?

The first link says that Business Insider corrected its article when Veritas reached out to it.

The second link says that the NY Times did a small correction from “sometimes trafficked in misinformation under the guise of satire” to “a right leaning satirical site.” There is no actual retraction or publicly delivered apology.

The third link says that the NY Times “got the age wrong of one of our undercover reporters and they promptly issued a retraction within 28 minutes of us requesting it.” And the so-called “retraction” which is actually a minor, inconsequential correction was that the paper “misstated the age of [a Verita’s] operative. She is 25, not 23.”

Some small unimportant corrections are presented as major victories.

As for “PV has never lost a court case yet” – I would love to examine the actual documents. Did they get some courts to “grant” some small inconsequential “relief” or did they secure multimillion dollar verdicts?

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If you go to their website there are hundreds. You can research each one. They aren't all minor even if perhaps NYT might be. I'm not sure a retraction would come up in a general search without knowing at least some words from the actual retraction. People don't generally pay lawyers to sue for minor errors. Obviously there aren't as many lawsuits as retractions. Many (maybe most?) of the cases they've won were suits against them not the other way around. I'm sure they would be happy to provide you detailed information if you asked them. What is your purpose? To defame them or learn from them? Or is it just to show NYT never or rarely suffers for their crimes? That answer will likely affect what PV will want to provide you. They are currently involved in big lawsuit with CNN.

This was against NYT


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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So happy to see you taking these people to task. May you end up owning the New York Times.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are behind you!!!

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You have risked everything for us doctor! Let us know what you need! Malone's army!

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Exactly. It is our turn to help. Fired up. I was fuming since I saw this last post about the NYT article, and relieved to see the quick action today.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Go get ‘em, Dr. Malone! These snakes need to be accountable for their criminal actions.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so glad you have taken this action, Dr. Malone. Thank you for your extensive work and commitment to truth. And thank you to your wife, Jill.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perfect. Many blessings. The truth is like a lion!

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unleash Hell.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That made my night Dr. Malone.

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I hope you get two truckloads of cash from these scum.

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Only two truckloads? Two hundred truckloads would not make up for what Dr. Malone and his family have been through.

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They should settle early, otherwise it will be 20 truckloads due to the inflation they cheered on.

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Yes!! A whole truckers convoys worth!!

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Maybe when Dr. Malone wins, the Trucker Convoy can circle the Virginia farm in a victory lap. Maybe there is a place nearby for a rally, one of Woodstock era epic scale.

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

There ought to be a smoldering financial crater (bordering on becoming a Black Hole) where the NYT used to reside.

The pathway leading to the crater could feature statues of Judith Miller and Jayson Blair.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Go get 'em doc.

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