Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Never thought I'd live long enough to see a US administration so feckless that its arch nemesis is Joe Rogan, not Putin or Xi. It's kinda sad and hilarious at the same time.

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Agreed. And it’s only distracting Rogan artificial drama because they dare not go toe-to-toe with Drs. Malone, McCullough, et Al.

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Great point.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Creepy scary

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Guess that's what happens when its own people become the No. 1 Nemesis.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

if i might simplify the DOD's response: "let's just lie."

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

“But Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, told PolitiFact by email that "in response to concerns mentioned in news reports" the division reviewed data in the DMED "and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020."

In the next paragraph: "The 2021 numbers, however, were up-to-date, giving the "appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020," Graves said."

I'm an amateur at this stuff. But the obvious question - what changed in 2021, that was different from the preceding 5 years? Asked another way, why was the data incorrect for 5 years, and then suddenly, for no apparent reason, it was correct for one year? What changed?

And, what changed that somehow went unnoticed? Went unnoticed until someone pointed out an anomaly is the data?

If this were a one-of-a-kind anomaly, that's one thing. But it's not. It's one more in a string of anomalies.

Take your choice: a. They're inept. b. They're corrupt. c. They're lying. d. All of the above.

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

So hard to choose one...

“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”

Elena Gorokhova, A Mountain of Crumbs

Thank goodness for fearless individuals like Dr. Malone, hopefully enough are waking up so we can all stop pretending.

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hope this isn't greedy, but i'll take two of letter c. lying and a letter d. all of the above. thank you.

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I hear you. I tend to summarize this crap they feed us by...their ineptitude is either intentional, or incompetence. Either deserve firing at the least.

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A question: Where is the evidence of under reporting? Show it. I am so tired of the "We say A, so it is a fact. Question A and you are a racist, Russian loving, homophobe."

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

That is a great point. The imaginary under reporting error across so many years sounds pretty much like it would have to be a “systemic” error (poor data definition, data collection, data analysis algorithms, etc) that repeated. Yeah — so what happened that this year the system error ceased to be?? Because if it didn’t cease to be, then we would expect this year is greatly under reported too. And, they have some explaining to do for switching things up in the middle of a pandemic without publishing their new methods and standards to the field ahead of time and taking out a giant billboard saying —

E R R A T U M! WE HAVE SCREWED UP FOR YEARS! Maybe time to hear from the old guard data analysts about their “screw up” in court? Is this a case that can go to court? Who has standing to bring an action here?

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My final answer is "d."

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The narrative of the propaganda.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone is right. This is not just about vaccines. It’s about totalitarianism. The attacks on him, Dr. Cole and others are attacks on free speech for all of us.


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It’s about power and narcissism. Same as it ever was, but now with amped-up tools.

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation -- either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

I think sometimes we can be horrified by the evil men do. It’s hard to face mass murder and it’s enablers, the stench of lies and evil can be confounding. This data manipulation fable is just another obvious and wicked falsehood. MLK faced this as did so many heroes before him.

I salute you for writing all this staggering data out. Really the numbers, which are consonant with the insurance death claims rise for 2021, make me cry. These numbers are also consonant with the outcomes over time that one would expect understanding the pathophysiology of the jabs and the autopsies Dr Bhakdi has published. [Side note- I would suggest that any major rises (2021 compared to 2020) in accidents or Dx codes not easily attributable to the vax be highlighted anyway in a category of suspiciousness because of the neurological and hidden disabling features of the vax].

So, you also have the costly and terrible honor of being a leader of humanity’s movement toward truth, compassion, and MLK’s positive creative force. Your work bringing “mass formation psychosis” (Dr. Mattias Desmet model) forward to a broad audience has planted seeds of peace and compassion because it gives us a way of understanding the frightening irrationality of our fellows without coldly objectifying them as pure destructive zombies trying to kill us. This one contribution reduces polarization among common people and is peacemaking. My view of elite actors is more cynical, but I find this mass formation explanation is helpful in terms of regular folks and even some befuddled officials. You have also often been clear to observe areas of real malfeasance, which is not just mass formation. So this is helpful. Your calm, clear, and resolute delivery of the Covid medicine facts has brought a number of doubting Thomas kin of mine to the table to hear more. This has saved lives from added jabs and it is the result of you using the voice God gave you. Your interview with Joe Rogan consolidated and elevated the understanding of many millions with the effect of saving lives and strengthening our movement. Joe has been professional, distinguished, and elegant in every communication that I have heard since he has been attacked. Nothing can undo the work that God did through the two of you. Nothing. I feel you have come to the place as a warrior of the Light of God, where you will stand — “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Always remember, Dr Robert what you already know: the fight is the Lord’s just as the slaying of Goliath was in the purview of the Lord of Hosts.

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Thank you for your kind words.

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I absolutely love this comment on taking up the Full Armor of God! Godlessness equals HOPELESSNESS and that is exactly what we are dealing with.

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AMEN! #TruthToPower I pray daily for Dr. Malone, McCullough and all the other courageous leaders that are standing strong against evil in attempt to save humanity. We will never forget the HEROS that God brought forth to help us.

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Excellent response, 100% spot on!!

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pretty soon we’ll start seeing the tv commercials by major personal injury lawyers: “have you or your loved one been harmed by the Covid vaccine…” call 1-800

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It is scary that the “Ambulance Chasers” ain’t doing too much chasing - especially since they can chase entire hospitals and medical institutions. Should be a feeding frenzy.

Why is a regular guy attorney from Ohio - Thomas Renz - the only attorney on offense?

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Wait until the insurance companies start failing due to unexpected, vax-caused death and disability claims. They’ll target big Pharma with lawsuits. Will be interesting to watch one money grabber go after the other. If fraud is proven, the class action suits for peoples’ vax injuries will pile on.

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deletedFeb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022
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Unless they also can find or use already established evidence of intent/malfeasance, of which I think there will be plenty to select from…

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i think i see weak signals in this direction.

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You won't see that because the PREP Act gives full immunity from civil liability lawsuits - including medical malpractice - to all makers and providers of the vaccines: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10443 and in the UK and Commonwealth countries, including Canada - https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/distributing-vaccines-and-treatments-for-covid-19-and-flu/outcome/government-response-consultation-on-changes-to-the-human-medicines-regulations-to-support-the-rollout-of-covid-19-vaccines

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Thank you for these links. My question is whether their indemnity has holes in it for malfeasance, deception, withholding, performance errors, etc. I mean do they have a get out of jail card for every activity just because they made a vax? Their culture is so arrogant that they must have errors all over.

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"Immunity from liability under the PREP Act is not available for death or serious physical injury caused by willful misconduct. A “serious physical injury” is one that is life-threatening, or results in or requires medical or surgical intervention to preclude permanent impairment of a body function or results in permanent damage to a body structure. Willful misconduct is misconduct that is greater than any form of recklessness or negligence. It is defined in the PREP Act as an act or failure to act that is taken:

intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose;

knowingly without legal or factual justification; *and*

in disregard of a known or obvious risk that is so great as to make it highly probable that the harm will outweigh the benefit. All three of these conditions must be proven with clear and convincing evidence.

Willful misconduct cannot be found against:

A manufacturer or distributor for actions regulated by HHS under the Public Health Service Act or the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, if HHS chooses not to take an enforcement action against the manufacturer or distributor, *or if HHS terminates or settles an enforcement action without imposing a criminal, civil, or administrative penalty*; or

A program planner or qualified person who acts in accordance with applicable directions, guidelines, or recommendations issued by the HHS regarding administration and use of a countermeasure as long as HHS or the State or local health authority is notified about the serious injury or death within seven days of its discovery." https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/prepact/Pages/prepqa.aspx#immune3

Essentially, HHS can stop actions for willful misconduct if it "terminates or settles an enforcement action without imposing a criminal, civil, or administrative penalty" so it's really airtight - essentially there will be no recourse in law for people injured or killed by the "vaccines". At some point, perhaps in the case of popular uprising, they may wish that they had held out some avenues for legal redress, but that's not the case now.

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

Thank you very much for this comprehensive comment. Much to think about and I am greatful to you. Some questions. Are all aspects of distribution and instances of marketing toward vax implementation shielded? Is there a process or activity down line from manufacturing that is not covered? In the same vein, I’m wondering if the HHS has unlimited power to block redress of willful harms it has itself directed or follow from its violation of the 10th amendment? So the Fed lost recently when it usurped state powers regarding mandates —can the Fed shield a vax maker in an area where it has no business interfering? I believe Pharma executives are on the record for misinformation (sorry to use the term) and what might be called terrorizing advocacy. Is it possible that Pharma has shot its mouth off regarding matters beyond manufacturing and in collusion w the feds — to have created other zones of legal jeopardy? Finally, are we signatories to any treaties around human rights that supersede this Prep Act?

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As to your first and second questions, I'm pretty sure they are - the vaccines could be contaminated by accident, or lack of monitoring of processing (negligence), or just a devil-may-care attitude (recklessness). If they were to knowingly contaminate the vaccines with poison, fully knowing the effects, and this could be proven with clear and convincing evidence, and HHS chose to follow up with real enforcement - in that agency's sole and absolute discretion - then something might happen. It does appear to have the power to block such redress, as the PREP Act was passed by Congress and signed into law, and that enlarges the scope of the powers delegated to that agency.

As to your 10th Amendment example, this does not be an example of commandeering, as set out in Printz. Of course, the existence of HHS and most of the rest of the Administrative State falls outside of the ambit of the 10th Amendment, see https://scholarship.law.nd.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1243&context=ndlr - at least in my mostly Antifederalist opinion. Advocates of Double Government, specifically the National Security State, might view the matter differently - https://fletcher.tufts.edu/sites/default/files/pubs_glennon-michael-national-security-double-government.pdf I think most of our present trouble lies in the existence of this Double Government. As to pharma advertising, that's covered by the First Amendment under the doctrine of corporate personhood, which could be remedied by legislative action, to reversion to status quo ante, see https://reclaimdemocracy.org/corporate-accountability-history-corporations-us/ Since these corporations effectively own the government(s) - and a consortium of corporations are trying to do the same for global governance via "stakeholder capitalism", "public-private patrnerships", and other such flotsam and jetsam floated by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum - some changes which would strike at the root of this would have to occur...

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note the word consultations

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also there is a great common law element-- fraud-- if fraud is proven it changes everything

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See above, as to "willful misconduct" and agency action. All avenues for legal redress are potentially shut off, at agency discretion, for those injured or killed by the "vaccines".

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw the quick "explanation" for the apparent uptick in disease numbers and my immediate thought was...they are just trying to cover their asses. Thanks for "covering" this a bit more fairly.

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Whoever came up with that quick CYA deserves to be paid as much as Fauci.

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It’s actually a pretty good one. I definitely didn’t expect them to cast doubt on their baseline. Pretty brilliant.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So, in just a few days the Defense Health Surveillance Division reviewed five years of data in the DMED and came to that conclusion? Wow. Impressive.

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Amazing displays of unusual speed from these bureaucrats, on very rare occasion. Like 104 days it took FDA to approve the Pfizer jab and 75 years they want to make copies.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, A dear friend ended up in the ER with minor Bells Palsy and stroke-like symptoms, which turned out to be a reactivation of his chronic neurological Lyme, that had been in remission until after his second jab. It was with Dr. Kory's research and protocol that his Infectious Disease doctor took control over his care in the hospital, when they suggested he was 'depressed'. (He is literally a 'rocket scientist'... he knew something was terribly wrong.) It has taken about 10 months to get his brain functioning back to pre-injections. His specialist filed a VAERS report, my friend has the case number and he cannot find it. A young man of 20 in our church of only 200 people has developed myocarditis, he was an athlete in high school. A close friend's daughter now has heart issues at 28 after being a ballet dancer since early childhood after her second dose. Those are three people in my close knit world. Sometimes, "what it IS, is WHAT is does."

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone is right. This is about power and/or money. The battle against this virus is not being prosecuted with a focus on what’s good for humanity.

As far as the military whistleblowers go... that doesn’t happen in the military unless something is very amiss. The cost to benefit ratio is too heavy.

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Power, money...control of us is part of both, i.e. digital vax passports, medical records, currency...all things that are being watched, recorded, data data data...and controlled with the push of a button. The "Electronic Leash" that we wear...started with pagers ("I paged you...why didn't you return my call sooner?") then cell phones ("I called you. Why didn't you answer?"), then smart phones / computers...next are the implantable chips, already underway in some areas. The virus serves a purpose for bad people, but it's not the end game.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is very helpful clarification of Steve Kirsch’s recent publications. Thank you for this.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With the way they have come after joe Rogan... things are intensifying. It's so weird and a little scary what we are seeing with hypnotized right now.

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The powers that be have stuff on all those they consider influencers who are not under their sphere. They pull the stuff out when it is the most advantageous. Remember NY AG Elliot Spitzer? What do you think all the ruling elite were doing with Epstein--especially Bill Gates-- getting dirt on people. Bribery and extortion that is how they keep their power.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How about those great Congresscritters we’ve got, right? I’m so proud of them for immediately demanding to get to the bottom of this to protect the men and women who have signed up to save us.

Such bravery. Such honor. Oh, wait. They’re just sitting in a corner sucking their thumbs. Bastages.

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Petrified that the powers that control will come after them next-- everyone has skeletons and they know what they are.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Truth will prevail.

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While we pray for our military, please help Illinois that is facing a bill to force vaccinate and force isolate / seems like containment camps. Read and help: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=110&GA=102&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=4640&GAID=16&LegID=138635&SpecSess=&Session= Plus other bills to digitize medical records. Plus more!

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File a witness slip OPPOSING this. (they keep re-introducing the bill, trying hard to get it passed, hoping opponents fall asleep & get lazy)

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Thank you for this. Now it is time to tell 1 million others where it is and how to file. What groups are working on this. I feel that there must be groups out there.

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We are facing life changing legislation in Comminfornia as well. Two bills that will allow 12yr.+ no need for parental consent, and make the vax mandatory to attend school (public and private) k-12. (This will become law if it passes, in Jan/2023) This is all to get the mRNA vax on the childhood recommended vaccine schedule, which will give permanent indemnity to vax manufacturer. I have signed the letters of petition via Unity Project, as well as another platform and called both my state reps, but I fear our efforts are futile, and that we cannot stop this evil train in California. I ask God everyday for peace, comfort, acceptance and understanding. Each day I wake up I am still distraught, and cannot believe this all is really happening.

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My prayers are with California. Where is the Unity Project info and link??? Hoping they are helping Illinois.

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The https://unityprojectonline.com/purpose/ is specifically for California, I hope something similar has been started in your state, I have no knowledge of what is going on in Illinois. Prayers for you as well friend!

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I have contacted the UnityProjectOnline.com for help. Thank you.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There's the increasing business at the funeral homes, the losses at the life insurance companies, the 500% incidence at DoD, and - what's next? How about disability claims at SSA? I looked, but didn't see any smoking gun.

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I very much hope Joe Rogan has the courage to broadcast the currently shelved episode in which his guest was Maajid Nawaz. Free speech is further eroded every day it remains on the shelf.

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