Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The NYT has no credibility left and no thinking person relies on it as a source of valid investigatory journalism. They are an embarrassment to the generations of actual journalists that proceeded them. The National Enquirer, circa 1976, is a more viable source of facts.

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But the problem is that many people do rely on on the NYT as if it is a legitimate source. They’re certainly not thinking people, as you would say, but the do think the NYT is legit. The lying leftist media is the biggest problem we have.

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My sister-in-law told me to listen to unbiased media, like the New York Times. I wanted to scream.

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One of my best friends said the same thing about NPR. Yes. I was gnashing my teeth so hard I thought they’d break

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So much teeth grinding, which is a real phenomenon, nighttime bruxism. Definitely on the increase.

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Of course, this NPR program is brought to you by Pfizer, or is the BMGF?

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But, a caterpillar will eventually turn into a beautiful butterfly... spoiler alert - your sister in law will not :P...

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I disagree. I believe those that choose to live in a fantasy world are forced into an ever-increasing doom loop of madness. Alternative media has exploded and made outlets like the NYT irrelevant. In the war of ideas, the NYT is armed with the equivalent of a potato gun. This is why they lie about, obfuscate and fabricate information. They have nothing else. Mindless drones that go along with the craziness of the day don't determine history.

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Its is indeed remarkable the number of video platform alternatives that have have sprung up in response to YT's excessive and enigmatic censorship algorithms. Over a year ago, I dropped mainstream media sources completely. No regrets!

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Ok, I hear what you’re saying. But I would argue that few actually choose to live in a fantasy world. They don’t even realize they are living a fantasy. Sure, they’re fools, but I don’t think it should be ok to lie to people just because they are foolish. Just my opinion though.

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I agree with you. I guess what I am saying is that an educated, experienced, thoughtful, morally right Robert Malone can spend 3 hours on Joe Rogan's show and completely blow up their entire world. No article printed by any of the woke morons at the NYT will achieve the same result .. not even 2% of that result. Watching them snipe at someone like Dr. Malone is like watching a 3 year old throw a tantrum.

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And yet, despite our victories, their army keeps marching apace.

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Consciously or unconsciously they've made a choice.

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

Yes! Soon they will be obsolete, irrelevant and ineffective- like advertising on the back of a toilet stall door! I won’t even click on a MSM news link, I will search out an alternative source on the same article. I don’t want them to have the metric. The harnessing of everyone’s opinions and habits have reached a breaking point. It has become common in corporate America as well. And because I’m genetically predisposed to be a sh$t, I either refuse to answering surveys my company sends out or skew the results by straight up lying!!!!

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Have you cashed out your 401k yet?

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😂🤣 nope! What fire me for being honest about how I feel about them using me? Lying is the message. And I’m not being paid to be a part of the company’s focus group. My opinions are valuable - and I’m not paid enough for the company to get my opinions.

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Agree. Excellent observation.

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You spoke correctly. Most people "choose to live in a fantasy world." Facing reality is much too difficult. Much easier to escape reality.

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

They may not creatively "determine history", but they do contribute mass to the wave of deceit pouring over our heads. They are the "useful idiots"; and here let us pay attention to the adjective, which is seldom done by anyone, save Lenin. Without them the truly evil would find themselves without foot soldiers, really without an army. Maybe their stupidity is their power, a measure of their utility. It guaranties their loyalty to 'the cause.' And, as we pull our hair lamenting their dimly lit world (as in some of the above comments), we lose focus from usefully combatting the enemy.

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You’re exactly right. Unfortunately, NYT is not irrelevant.

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But we can make it irrelevant. Don’t buy it don’t read it.

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Where were they educated? Some liberal universities?

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The quality of education has been abysmal for decades. Most people, the product of this substandard education, wouldn't know how to research or vet information if they were given a lifetime access subscription to PUBMED and face-planted in the OED.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

What are you going to do? Make a list of all the things NYT has been wrong about over the last few years? It wouldn't make any difference to those people.

Some of my liberal relatives have a deep abiding faith in anything published by NYT. Anytime I point out a couple of the things NYT's been so wrong about, they ignore me, pretending like they didn't hear what I said.

The one thing they NEVER do is to argue, to rebut, to explain how I'm wrong. They just shut out what I'm saying, and go on.

It's not a cult, but it's like one. They are heavily invested through their social circles. They are afraid, if any of their friends hear them question or doubt NYT, their friends won't like them anymore. That's something they can't allow.

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Yeah, it’s pretty pathetic if you ask me.

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Sounds like a cult to me!

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It seems to be tied to our core security instinct. We all learn early on, certainly before age 10 (by diffusion, usually), who is the enemy and who the good guys. The Times has been for many the Bible since at least the 1930's for generations of believers. One doesn't forsake the trusted sources, the 'Scripture', except under the duress of some rending trauma. To reject the glue that binds one to one's family and closest friends is an act of betrayal. The fear, even when inchoate and unconscious, of ostracism from the warm collective is all powerful. Logic, the rational parsing of inaccuracy and contradiction in the 'sacred source', just cannot happen. It is off limits and impervious to these merely glancing blows.

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Sounds like they’ve been Alinsky-ed.

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As for a deep abiding faith in the NYT, I know there are exceptions to the faithful, the readers on this stack are proof. Unfortunately it seems there are a great many more who have become (or perhaps always were) mentally lazy.

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The blue pill is so much easier to swallow.

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Sounds like privileged guilt. You know white people who are empathetic because they have the luxury to be an empath. And use it to remain abreast and current so they can contribute at cocktail party conversations.

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Many thinking people can no longer think for themselves. Some of the people I always regarded as among the most intelligent I know, have fallen hook, line and sinker for the homilies of the COVID false consciousness.

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You just described my twin brothers. 73. Two of the most (once) brilliant men I know. It’s confounding and heartbreaking. We no longer speak. I never thought ANYTHING could come between us.

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That is sad. I’ve lost many friends in the same way.

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Dude, my sister would like to purchase the Sunday edition for the crossword puzzle. I’ve forbidden her from wasting her money on that liberal rag. It didn’t take long for her to see my point.

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Just wait. Time will tell if that advice pays off. Some of the consequences may take time to ripen.

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"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974

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Casey didn't count on the internet. Watching the censors attempt to curb free speech is like watching the boy with his thumb in the dike. Plug 1 hole and 50 more appear.

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

"The war today is in the enemy's mind." Ion Pacepa recalling the words of Yuri Andropov in 1986.

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Wordsmiths who have a preplanned agenda which is prepaid by Big Pharma/CDC or their surrogates (NYT etc) is nothing new. Character assassination is a fine art form by those wordsmiths who don't have a conscience and are amoral, just like their masters.

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All the News that Fits.

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NYT went downhill as soon as it introduced color to its printed pages in 1997.

I won’t even subscribe to the dumbed-down and woke NYT Crossword Puzzle. I bet Eugene T. Maleska is turning in his grave.

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Mzlizzi - don’t even read the fashion magazines et al anymore because I can’t take the liberal toned and themed articles!

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What another waste of your already scarce time, Dr. Malone. Takeaways:

1. Never trust a mainstream media outlet. Period. This was clearly designed to be a hit piece from the outset, and journalists like this are trained in psychological manipulation tactics to extract precisely what they need to complete their mission.

2. Always do your research before agreeing to an interview with someone. You’re too big of a target to implicitly trust a journalist to make a good-faith effort.

Although tedious, these followup debunkings are necessary to preserve your credibility as well as to expose the malicious propaganda machine for what it is. Thank you and Jill for your continued diligence on behalf of the truth.

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These people have to destroy those speaking the truth in an effort to control the narrative. We can’t just blame the writers because the editors also play a big part in the finished product. My sister in law used to write articles for the New York Times and told me that everything she wrote that was pro conservative was edited out.

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You’re right, Hugh. The editors and everyone on up the line to the top of these organizations is culpable for lies, corruption, and psychological terrorizing tactics on behalf of their BigPharma/Big Brother owners.

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Just start writing the book/screenplay for your life now... you will prevail and go down in history as a legend! And I can't wait to read/watch the book/movie. You inspire us all, more than you can know.

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Haha, am remembering years ago an ‘off the record’ telephone interview where the business where I worked and my position there was described in such detail that my name was not necessary for identification of the source. Lesson learned. NEVER trust any of them. Keep your trusted circle tight.

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Good, honest people are often slightly nieve

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When my father died in 1999 my mother let us go through his library of books (in my eyes my dad was and is one of the smartest men I knew) and take what we wanted. I remember he had a book of quotes that I took. One that I remember the most was from an 87 year old man that said, “when people are talking you down. Live your life so no one believes them”. Sir you are doing that everyday and you live in their heads rent free. Keep up the good work cause you will be remembered in the history books. Appreciate every sacrifice you and others make for our country.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A message to our current Patriot Dr. Malone from a past Patriot

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." ― John Adams,

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bad advice for you to talk to NYT reporters. Their readers and their own employees will only allow leftest woke propaganda published. No matter what you said or even what is actually true, NYT will change those words.

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Roger that

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Does it make you question the intent of the person who suggested you meet with the NYT?

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That sounds just like Wikipedia. The NYT is basically Wikipedia now. Wow.

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Even one of Wiki’s FOUNDERS. says it is no longer reliable.

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I’m sorry you have to spend your time defending yourself from these clowns. Hopefully you’ll be able to sue for defamation. And hopefully Mr. Musk will get you back on Twitter!

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Waiting for that. I saw a few notable reinstatements today. How do we start a write in campaign for Doc Malone? Maybe Joe Rogan could speed dial the request to Elon Musk?

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Who? I'm genuinely curious

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But do we really want to all be back on Twitter despite Musk’s sure to be positive influence? I think it is more important to continue to forge a new way/medium. I see Twitter as more of a marketing tool.

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Agree except for' hopefully back on twitter'. I would suggest one might find they will encounter more like spirits and less baleful oversight with our Good Doctor and other Good Doctors on Gettr and Telegraph. Personally hope they don't take a chance on being diluted again.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thought it was common knowledge that Alex Berenson invented the vaccines.

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He is now a five-star general serving in Ukraine.

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Too funny

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😂 Yes, he’s also a brilliant scientist who knows virtually everything!

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Just "ass" him. Hahaaababaaa

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In addition to being so disingenuous, she writes rather badly. Always a red flag for someone whose profession requires clear expression.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not a question for me. They are trolls and that’s all.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Can you make sense out of this word salad?"

Raising possibilities that may turn out to be correct in the future, and are thus required information in order to provide true informed consent, is exploiting the scientific process to spread disinformation.

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It’s truly painful to read this disinformation ladened word salad -

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Meanwhile the government and the lying media are sticking with the safe and effective narrative. But the families of those killed by the shots know better. Here’s a review of just a few examples of death by injection:


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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was surprised of the lies and misinformation of The NYT, the woke culture that works over there has been detrimental in this newsletter. Definitely we have to doble check what they publish now and their veracity.

Thank you for clarifying this Article Dr. Malone.

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You've proved your trustworthiness time and time again. My wife and I spread the word as best we can to combat these lies amongst our family/friends. Keep up the good work! We need you in this fight!

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Lost another friend of over 30 years today, trying to spread the word. This is the hardest time of my life in 63 years.

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Sorry for your loss. Peace.

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You have found many more new friends among us. If you stand your ground your friend may eventually accept the truth and join us.

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Very sorry to hear that! These are truly sad times.

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I’m very sorry for your loss. ❤️

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I'd consider this a compliment if I were you. The fact that they want to try to discredit you shows that you are having an impact against their narrative. You are clearly a hero and I pray the day will come when all of the brave scientists like you who stood up to speak their truths are properly recognized and thanked. Thank you for the sacrifices that you make to help shine light on this very dark and corrupt system.

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Nuremburg 2.0 can't come soon enough.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone, I have been a free subscriber up until now. I just took out this subscription so I could make this comment.

The first time I saw you was when you were part of a discussion with Steve Kirsch and Brett Weinstein. I next saw you interviewed by Joe Rogan. I intended to only watch a bit of that interview because it was long but you were so interesting, I watched the entire show.

Although I sometimes make mistakes, I think I'm a fairly good judge of character and I've continued to follow you because you appear to be very pedantic, circumspect and truthful. Plus you know a lot and are able to communicate that knowledge in an understandable manner to those of us who are much less technical than you. Those are qualities I appreciate in someone who presents scientific information.

With regards to the NYT, I have come to realize, actually quite some years ago that there are people who know they're lying but they put it out there anyway because of their agenda. These people usually feel that they either will never have to face the consequences of their lies or they'll just deal with it later, kind of like an example of 'just do it and ask permission later'.

I wouldn't waste too much time justifying myself or trying to set the record straight after a hit piece. I also realized long ago that if I spend too much time worrying about what other people are thinking/doing, it takes too much time away from meaningful work. Plus it's no fun!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, your great spirt of openness and willingness to engage in ' all comers ' is a strength and a weakness. Many of these arrogant, agenda driven persons are, as you note, a waste of your precious time. Many of us out here are eternally grateful for your work and your efforts to communicate your experience and knowledge.

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