Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Trusting big pharma is like trusting Google to not read through your Gmail account

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

Sad to say, but if a drug is on-patent, its probably dangerous. We can thank the FDA for that.

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It is like trusting Yuval that he will not turn you into a mindless drone, if he gets the chance...

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That was always true... just that now it became deadly.

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Related to Theranos not publishing data, I found this scary in light of what's become of Theranos: a 2016 article in Nature accused Theranos AND Moderna of producing “research not fit to print.”

A different article from 2017 with Moderna employee interviews saying that previous mRNA-based treatment failures due to safety problems would mean they'll have to undertake the "less-profitable" vaccine development route:

“Unable to press forward with that technology, Moderna has had to focus instead on developing a handful of vaccines, turning to a less lucrative field that might not justify the company’s nearly $5 billion valuation."

“It’s all vaccines right now, and vaccines are a loss-leader,” said one former Moderna manager. “Moderna right now is a multibillion-dollar vaccines company, and I don’t see how that holds up.”

I wish I believed in luck or coincidences...



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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have gotten to the point where I just assume Big Pharma is trying to either kill me or make me a sickly, life-time buyer. MANY things can be cured or dramatically reduced by serious dietary changes, sleep and exercise.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

Anyone who tells us that several million illegal aliens entering the country, many covid positive, and then flown to communities across the nation have no need for a covid vaccine, but jabs are mandatory every six months for citizens, cannot and should not be trusted. You'd think BP would want their $ for jabbing illegals on entry and then every six months thereafter...but oddly they aren't raising the issue.

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I’ve considered that too. Perhaps because it would DISCOURAGE them from coming?

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I heard it's because they don't fall under the immunity deal the pharm companies have from liability since they're not citizens by coming here illegally. So pharm companies could be sued by the illegal aliens for injuries.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Edward Dowd ( a fan of yours Dr. Malone as am I ) + Robert Kennedy https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/chd-tv-rfk-jr-defender-blackrock-edward-dowd-fda-cover-up/

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I was about to recommend that interview, as well.

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Thanks for the link! Epic summary: Best Dowd interview I've seen.

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Saw it a couple hours before I saw your recommendation here and I second it.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Manipulated medical research for profit and not good health outcomes is rampant in the United States!

It’s time for congress to vote for criminal prosecution of chief executives of pharmaceutical companies that cook the books for profit and kill patients! Pfizer’s manipulated MRNA faulty research is a good place to start ! There are over 500 prescription drugs still on the market with a Black Box Warning which is a red flag that the drug can cause death. Vioxx is too potent and has too large of a side effect profile to ever be considered returning to the marketplace! Death by Medicine is a reality!

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If Congress wasn’t in on the grift they might act like they represent “we the people” and do the right thing.

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PAC money is their life blood!

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Thank you for this comment. I was prescribed Reglan this week and was going to look it up anyway before I picked it up and whaddya know? It has a Black Box warning! https://www.drugwatch.com/reglan/ I took this drug many years ago and will not be taking it now. I've had nausea and headaches for weeks that I'm still trying to figure out the cause of and the last thing I need is tardive dyskinesia in addition to more headaches and nausea!!

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Physicians in general don’t have the time to check out the drugs side effects and depend on getting the correct info from the detail persons who only recite the upside!

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Oh, it gets worse! This was an ER physician who didn't bother to check my medication list, which I always carry and which no one asked for. Bupropion is listed in the drug interactions group with Reglan. Oops! I learned MANY years ago not to put any trust in pharma products physicians prescribe and always ask a pharmacist or do my own research. Physicians only know what the pharma reps tell them, or these days, what the computer in front of them tells them.

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The drug interaction computer programs are not all created equal.

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Kind of difficult to find interactions (in the above example) when you don't know what the person is taking!

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They have the time, they just ant to see as many "units" as possible for billing purposes.

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It amazes me that even after all this shit there are still people looking to the criminals who committed the crime to solve it! SMFH!

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Congress is on their team.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know that Dr. Malone has said something to this effect before, but it's worth repeating. The damage to the trust in pharmaceuticals is incalculable.

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That may be a good thing.

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Hear hear!

Though I am amazed at the high level of “trust in pharmaceuticals” that exist in the first place.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

John Ioannidis is awesome. I haven't heard much from him lately...

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

Watched recent a video interview: Loannidis and Battacharya. Dr. L commented that HCQ administered in high doses (> LD50...duh?) to late stage COVID hospitalized patients with comorbidities was dangerous and a mistake and lethal. Not sure how one could sort out the etiology of response in such patients. That said, medications have indications, contraindications, LD50s, etc. For example taking Tamiflu 3 days or later after onset of influenza symptoms is worthless; however taking it within the first couple days of symptoms is effective in reducing severity and duration of flu related symptoms. So do we throw the baby out with the bath water or determine whether low cost meds with a long history of use have utility when administered under certain indications (early COVID, Prophylaxis, etc.) have a place in the armamentaria for treating COVID?

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A gentle man, so he gets crushed.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great piece by Dr. Malone (no surprise there.)

In addition to pointing out Pfizer's criminal nature, I would like to add that Jimmy Dore did an excellent piece on the Pfizer's ceo's lack of confidence in his own comapny's product.

Jimmy did miss one portion of the Pfizer's ceo's interview that caught my attention, which is the portion wherein he said something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "we presenting out data that shows how effective a 4th shot will be to the FDA, and we'll have to wait and see what outside experts say about it." Since when does Pfizer give a crap about objective reviews of their products? He's basically admitting that the data they are submitting to the FDA is crap and no one seems to care. Its maddening!

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pharmaceutical advertising should be banned. That revenue loss may have additional benefits in news programming.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

Absolutely!! There was a time when exploiting the naivete of patients through advertising medications was not allowed. Doing so was considered unethical and immoral. This was true for doctors and applies to big pharma as well. In the case of both doctors and (by association) big pharma, the layperson is highly susceptible to the 3 "As" in making medical decisions: availability, accessibility, and affability. A lot has changed, and not for the better. When I received my doctorate the best advice I received came from our Dean..."Just remember, your first name isn't Doctor."

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I remember when advertising for pharmaceuticals, doctors and attorneys was abhorred.

The only form of Ethics practiced today is situational.

Your Dean gave precious advice. No doubt your patients benefitted.

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Malone is a medical hero

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep sounding the alarm good Doctor!

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The CDC is back to statistical chicanery in their efforts to get those jabs into 5+ year olds. The authors of Bad cattitude Substack wrote an excellent piece explaining what the CDC is doing. I will link it:https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-cdc-analysis-on-pediatric-vaccines?s=r

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Gato Malo is a damned fine Catistician! He makes the numbers meaningful better than most people can.

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Since 95% of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) are now manufactured in China and the FDA is prevented from inspecting those Chinese factories , our situation regarding pharmaceuticals is frightening. All to save a few dollars.

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My question: Why does anyone in their right mind take ANYTHING prescribed by pharma?

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While opium has more pleasurable side effects, Dilaudid is a potent and effective pain killer.

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So very much agree with your statement. It works immediately on the excruciating pain of kidney stones.

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For all the widely reported shortcomings of legal narcotics, there is nothing so wonderful as finally getting an hour of sleep after chronic pain has kept you awake throughout a night.

Following a terrible auto accident, six back surgeries, and thirteen years on prescribed narcotics, I was able to taper off my daily dose of Opana and Dilaudid in thirty days. I had no withdrawal symptoms.

There are many junkies in America, sad wretches who spend their lives avoiding reality. They become addicts. Many post on websites especially designed as forums for drug addicts to share their stories and to connect with dealers.

We are living through the Caligula stage of American society. We are all likely to see the end of it.

As a dedicated libertarian, I follow the simple rule that my freedom ends where my fist touches your nose. All drugs should be legalized and at least we can be anaesthetized when the World Economic Forum or China officially takes control of the USA.

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Believe it or not, Goodman & Gilman's "Pharmacologic basis of Therapeutics" was my favorite text in school. Nevertheless it has been obvious to me that the most necrotic change in my profession during a 40 year career has been the swallowing of medical practice and medical education by the Pharm industry. Who is most to blame? The gullible public? Or my cowardly colleagues? Or the connivers engineering the scheme? Hard to make up my mind.

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People used to look at doctors as Gods.

Not any more.

As a Registered Nurse licensed in four states (graduated Ohio University in 1973), my vote goes 100% to your “cowardly colleagues” as being most to blame.

With a few exceptions, like the signers of The Barrington Declaration, and doctors Kory, Marik, Atlas, Reisch etc.

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I agree with you, but RN's once had more balls than they do now. In NYS in 2009 the nurses union smacked down the DOH's H1N1 swine flu jab mandate . (with no help from MDs.) Today the media holds sway, nurses love their pay just like docs, and they're nearly all rolling up their sleeves for some mRNA.

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Most could not afford to lose their jobs!

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In this latest Covid skirmish the Big Brother feds seem to be playing a major role. Moneys to promote the "vaccines." Collins enlisting the media and others to cut off and paint ugly images of any source questioning or criticizing their party line. Carrots and whips for hospitals to follow The protocols dictated. Lotsa bucks to fall in line. Then lack of full information to doctors re the ramifications of the "vaccines" along with threats they could loose their licenses sending their patients likely into the hands of other docs who did fall in line. This serves as an extremely ugly precedent in my book.

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I choose all of them

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow. Thank you for the history lesson. I like being informed.

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I'm guessing it was another ignored "tell" that Professor Ioannidis wasn't given more credence. I also think the cancer immunotherapy drugs have also been rushed, it feels like we're part of an ongoing research trial in which they bill us 45k per infusion. I think I read somewhere (probably from you Dr. Malone) that the FDA laws changed for drugs to hit the market faster. You also showed us how peer reviewed studies are often just fishing into the data sets to arrive at your desired conclusion. Depressing but at least forewarned is forearmed.

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