Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Could not agree more with MTG's assessments. I am 75 and this group of Democrat criminals are the worst I've seen since I have existed. Makes the 60s-80s look like fun time at the park.

WHEN Reps take over again, a WHOLE LOT of this "ongoing investiagition" crap needs to be REWRITTEN!

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Sorry, I really hate this… but Republicans, for the most part, just keep the status quo. They just aren’t as serious about returning us to a functioning Constitutional and Representative Republic as the socialists behind this color revolution are about their plans to utterly destroy it.

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Sad to say, you are right LDT.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

I was involved in Republican politics for most of my adult life… to say I am ‘disappointed' would be an understatement. Corruption and cowardice are equal opportunity. God has really helped me get some clarity on putting my hopes in Him, not man, these last 18 or so years.

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I’d still vote for Rand Paul any day though.

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Except for the few like green who deserve all the support that we can give them. I admire them so much.

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Green has brass, I’ll give her that. Her uncritical eye regarding President Trump is a blindspot, in my opinion. I am not saying that what is being done to him is ‘Just’, far from it. Her devotion is unswerving, I wish she could or would see that it is rarely justified..

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Line them all up and Trump is the only one who knows how to talk to China, how to talk to Putin, was trying to stop the illegal flow across the southern border, and showed everybody loud and clear what fake news is, what drain the swamp means, and his bluster showed everybody he was too half cocked to be controlled opposition. Rand Paul is a hero to me for his stand against Fauci and Big Pharma, but IMO he doesn't have the charisma or power to get NATO countries to pay their dues, stare down China, and shake Putin's hand then come home to the US and "drill baby drill". Ronald Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers, and the world saw Jimmy Carter was no longer President. America's at a make or break point, but probably already too late. Time for a Hail Mary... but I could be wrong. Sorry to be snippy LDT. You are a very smart person, I can tell.

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I agree with much of what you have said here. However, we need to move past Pres. Trump. It is never wise to put all your hopes in one individual, aside from being shortsighted, it is a type of idolatry. The ‘state’ (MIC and IC), will never work with him. His narcissism has led to poor staffing choices, although I understand that many of the names put forward were against him, he just didn’t know the system was already in opposition to him. There were policy decisions that I respected, especially the first two years. His brashness and 'circus ring-master' style, I thought unprofessional and petty. My only issue with DeSantis, from what I can see is the typical over emphasis on military expansionism. I understand the need to have a strong military, but I was wholeheartedly against Clark's ‘Seven countries in Five years’ war plan.

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DS is bought and paid for. He is told what to say and when. That is why his campaign is faltering. Many Americans can now see the "strings on the marionette." They know he is not authentic.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

When the don stiffed all those made guys in Atlantic City, I thought for sure he was going to get fitted for cement shoes, but it looks like he took out a marker. He is just like John B Anderson and Ross Perot, there to destroy the libertarian movement.

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That’s because they have been compromised and no longer represent their constituents!

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Most Senators and Congressmen end up representing special interests or corporations. They ought to have to wear their ‘sponsors’ all over the suits.

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Yea! They should have to wear the logo pins and they would weigh them down!

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I saw a meme just like that - race care drivers where sponsor emblems all over their jackets.

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Yep! Our DC elected officials keep them in a drawer!

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Term limits would cure a lot.

Most people want to be honest but are corrupted little by little until they are out and out completely bought by special interests. Term limits, if nothing else, would limit the ability to corrupt our legislators.

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Seems obvious that the majority of politicians at all levels of government, are much more concerned with saving "face" than saving America. Protecting their seat on the tax payer funded "gravy train" is paramount. Lying, cheating, and corrupt cronyism is the excepted strategy.

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Their "gravy-train” is only a prestige and entre to the cash-cow that comes from the seat for what I can see appears to be insider-trading and probably significant kickbacks. Most have to have personal or family money to get elected and then they spend a large proportion of their time raising money to get re-elected.

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You are "spot on".

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What do you expect when they are almost all lawyers?

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Excellent point and observation. This so-called "profession" has carte blanche to run amuck and make billions doing it with no concern for the law or justice.

This "is" the breeding ground for corrupt politicians.

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The most recent Trump indictment makes this crystal clear. Trump was impeached for a crime that he didn’t commit — incitement of an insurrection — and now is being prosecuted for political offenses that don’t break any laws. Republicans have only one play: Cut off funding for the DOJ/FBI.


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Also ETV - Phillips tonight called to our attention that they have a special they put together from a major new J6 video release supporting what he described as a wholly different picture

He also noted a Tucker Carlson release of an interview with the ex-DC Police Chief)

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Getting lots of news now, like everyone is in panic mode. BTW Sund is ex Chief of Police for the Capitol not DC which it the Metropolitan Police Dept. I think MPD was in on it to start with.

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Metro PD was in on it. Page 24 you can see the bracelets the undercovers wore out in the crowd. And if you think Metro PD had undercovers in the crowd but the FBI didn't................


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Sorry, not paying enough attention to detail. The Tucker interview said to indicate that.

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I'm pretty sure these bastards would show up to work for free, their hatred runs that deep.

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Having witnessed the machinations and skulduggery in American "politics"- for over eight and one half DECADES now, in my view BOTH the so-called "Democrats" (AND) so-called "Republicans" are basically doing the EXACT SAME thing and have the EXACT same END GAME - that being morphing this Republic into a SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY their "collective" goal - ALWAYS with the rubric of the "common good" as the front for their deception.

When in power, the (D)dimwits SPRINT towards the finish line (meaning "finishing" America as a viable Republic); and when they (temporarily) hand off the power baton to the (R)reprobates, (they) continue on running in the SAME DIRECTION with the SAME 'game plan' - but just at a slower pace.

With DAMN few exceptions - such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Chip Roy, Byron Donalds, and Matt Gatez - "we" the people are being "led' by a TOTALLY CORRUPT UNIPARTY - who (collectively) are a cabal of Liberals, Progressives, Socialists and Communists who don't give a whit about ANYTHING BUT THEMSELVES!

Anyone wanna BET that the (R)reprobates will BLOW their TWO years of "power" in the House, without really accomplishing ANYTHING meaningful - like DE FUNDING MOST of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL agencies, bureaus and departments - and ESPECIALLY the ROGUE "justice" FBI and state department - and ROGUE 'federal' "judges as well!

They will WASTE PRECIOUS time trying to impeach Biden - which will ENSURE their defeat in 2024...which is FAST approaching...NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This old dog has watched the EXACT SAME scenario emanating from the halls of Congress over and over and over AGAIN! Like GROUND HOG DAY 24/7/365 YEAR AFTER YEAR!

Unless the American "system" is DE-RIGGED - from election FRAUD, and un-elected and un-accountable (lifetime) non-productive BUREAUCRATS - either brought to heel or FIRED ; and the TREACHEROUS teachers "unions" OUTLAWED, "we", our families, our children, grand children and GREAT grand children will NEVER know the meaning of individual liberty and freedom - just the never ending drudgery of "collective equality".

As a final reminder, Article IV., Section 4. of the US Constitution sez: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them from Invasion; and on application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence".

"WE" Pledge our Allegiance to Our Flag and the "REPUBLIC" for which it stands for - NOT the "democracy" for which it stands... Further, the word "democracy" (small or big D) are NO WHERE to be found in ANY Article OR Section of the US Constitution - nor Bill of Rights.

WHO knew?

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What makes anyone think the R's will ever be in power again. That would be assuming we have fair elections. We don't!

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I've been advocating for the states to assume more responsibility in government, by passing a Convention of States resolution to call for a convention of states to convene. It won't fix all of our problems but once a convention is called, the federal government will understand that they are not the only player in governance. A Convention of States is constitutional and it's American. Washington will not self-regulate.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That is the kind of reaction we need...

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AMEN 🎯🎯🎯

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Thank you Representative Greene. Now make it happen. And while your at it, impeach that fraudulent vice president Karmella, or whatever her name is. Back in 2020, she incited violence in this country by proclaiming the riots should continue, long past the election, and helped bail out some of those marauders. Remember that?

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I like to refer to the veep as Kamalamadingdong...

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MTG is SPOT ON!! This is so obviously a cover up and a scam! Wake up Republicans and play for keeps- our country depends on it! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Next they will say "We can't comment on an ongoing investigation".............

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But they can take out a 75 year old man at his residence in Utah for posting threats about guns and Biden. Don't expect to hear any truth about what went down either. They are getting bolder every week. They truly have become a gestapo. Not just at Ruby Ridge, Waco and poor Art Bell.

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That guy was a tough one. 65 agents for a guy in a wheelchair!

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Still counts as a comment....

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"We've already commented about this investigation, just now."

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

What is sorely needed is for Republican Attorney Generals to take the ball and run with it, like previous with MO and LA Nothing will come out of DC.

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Agree wholeheartedly

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TX has filed more lawsuits since 2009 then I can count on both hands.

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Maybe why Paxton is missing in action

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Paxton would be filing lawsuits left and right. However, he has been relieved of his AG position pending an impeachment. He is also under fed investigation since Oct 2020 when is own people complained to the FBI. He's also facing state securities fraud charges that date back to 2015.

When you are very good at your job, when you get in the way too many times, and you are the top dog lawyer of the most coveted State in the Union with the 3rd highest elector count, the Socialist Deep State cannot let you continue.

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That's disgusting. Too much bad news today. Listen to what Carlline Wren had to say this morning, hard to sugar coat:


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I head about Arabella only four years ago. The Socialist have always figured out a way to buy whatever they want be it Congressional seats, Governors, Secretary of State, poll works, county clerks and their long game includes running GOP (sleeper Dems) candidates that becomes state speakers of the house and we wonder why GOP issues are never addressed in dark red states, even like my state. Phelan in TX is a great example of their long game.

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Garland is to law and order as Fauci is to safe and effective.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I 💯% concur‼️

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It’s fine about ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT impeachment, but something has to be done NOW!!! ... talk is cheap, we need action NOW!!! or we are done as a Nation...

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Right on! It can't wait!!! They/we need to take such armaments (laws/lawyers/elected officials/support) and strategies as we have and take action!

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Representative Greene, hello!

Question: what you are alleging is Weiss will be committing obstruction of justice. Are there laws to prosecute this?

Representative Greene, I recommend you find all the laws Weiss is breaking. Then, provide all of that information to President Trump after he is elected POTUS.

I'm hoping President Trump appoints a very educated & savvy AG on January 20th, 2025. Someone like Kash Patel who has the insider knowledge, and a set of nads that would make an elephant jealous. Kash would go after these criminals with a fervor!

If President Trump, in his second term, wants to truly leave a legacy of helping Americans, he needs to spend his 4 years in office sending a lot of Swamp Creatures to jail! Again, sign up Kash Patel as AG.

Finally, Representative Greene, thank you for being the strong & just advocate for righteousness that you are. I respect & admire your fight for what's right in The Swamp, the most corrupt federal government in the history of the United States (in my humble opinion!).

Godspeed, Representative Greene!

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I don't believe Trump will be president again. These corrupt tyrants will not allow it.

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That kind of election interference would be all that you need to lower the flag and turn out the lights; this experiment in democracy will formally have ended.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he got assassinated.

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You're right. Kash Patel would be a great pick for AG. The administrative state will resist.

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Of course the deep state would resist, but if Trump is elected POTUS, & the Senate majority is Republican, the Senate will have a difficult time not confirming Kash should Trump choose him.

What do you think about Mayor Suarez as a possible running mate with Trump for the GOP VPOTUS nomination?

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I'm praying that there is something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about; some kind of plan to take this regime down. God help us all.

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Its nice to know some elected officials actually have the cojones to stand up and speak the truth and the brains to figure out the strategy of the corrupt players.

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Since there is no real GOP--and only a bunch of UniParty puppets, the game is effectively over. Also there have been no changes to the corrupt and rigged voting system-so we can all look forward to the Marxist Democrats winning and wining big in 2024. Turn off the lights when you leave the building.

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From the moment MTG walked into Congress she was targeted by the Democraps as well as by a certain group of cowardly Republicans who don't like their comfy yachts rocked. Pelosi and friends trashed her non stop with the lamestream media choir backing them at every turn. They attempted to disqualify her from running again. She's been swatted multiple times. She's not intimidated by or afraid of this now rogue political party that pretends to be so passionate about saving our democracy and using their frequent battle cries of "because nobody is above the law" nonsense. This latest statement from MTG tells us everything we need to know about her and why the left hates her and continues to look for ways to destroy her. She can be controversial but we need more like her. MTG means what she says and says what she means, unapologetically.

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Special Counsel is Not supposed to be from the govt. It's in the regulations governing Special Counsels. But nobody will do anything about it. Congress needs to immediately cut the DOJ's funding in half for starters. But they won't do anything but talk. Can't comprehend millions of us just watching our system of govt. being destroyed.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have to agree with and thank this woman who has not exactly come across very well before now.

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Come across well, or been portrayed well?

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Probably a bit of both. She has made some errors in presentation of herself (although not as many as, say, John Fetterman), but her MSM portrayal has been appallingly skewed to portray her as a complete nut job, which she clearly is not.

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