Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your schedule of activities and appearances continues to blow my mind. Your energy and stamina are amazing, as is your dedication. I am personally grateful for all you're doing. You and Jill are true Super Heroes.

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Is it wise to announce your schedule??? We know the "other team" will stop at nothing to silence the messengers of truth. May God protect you and your family.

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Oftentimes he doesn't ... these are public events and anyone and everyone knows of these. If Dr. Malone was afraid of the consequences of his mission, he would have stopped long ago. And he is careful...(IMO)

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May God "continue" to protect Dr. Malone and his family.

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Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You and Jill are so selfless to share your thoughts and knowledge to so many people through conferences, writings and postings. I have learned a great deal by following you! Just this morning I watched The Great Awakening on Rumble and was pleased to see you in the documentary. This was an amazing film and I am sending it to many of my friends and acquaintances.

Good luck in all your travels. I so wish I could attend the Rescue the Republic meeting. It will be fabulous, I’m sure! Happy Labor Day and enjoy all your new little foals on the farm!

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Dear Dr. Malone, Thanks for your continued efforts to expose the issues in medicine that are corrupting the medical model. The latest is that Lilly is going to tele push their weight loss drug directly to the consumer, and that Pfizer has announced similar efforts. In addition, Amazon is pushing statin drugs directly to the consumer. All by passing the traditional Physician, Pharmacist Patient model. I am interested in knowing if AAPS will be addressing this issue? If pharmacists are by passed, is the physician next and AI will determine drug treatment based on numbers? Important issues that needs to be examined now. Having been in a pharmacist for over 60 years, I have never seen a Rx weight loss product that has worked or not done great harm. the latest's being pushed have a reported side effect of causing inflammation of the the retinal cells and the potential for loss of eye sight. Now Lilly is by passing all safe guards. Drug Marketing has trumped good medicine for decades and the Covid con was their best effort and they are not slowing down. After WWII Medical costs were at 10% of GDP, today they are at 20% GDP and headed for 25%! Ill health now affects more than 50% of the US population and growing and only RFK Jr. has has the guts to speak the truth about the issue and mainstream media ignores this real crisis that is bankrupting the nation. Other industrialized nations have gone to socialized medicine as a capping mechanism, with limited success. Root cause are ignored. My view.

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I am so glad Kennedy is now supporting Trump. He needs to be at a higher level so that he can be heard by all. I agree with his concerns regarding vaccines, and toxic chemicals in food processing. Every time I hear him speak I can't help but recognize he is a smart and knowledgeable man.

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I respect his dedication that is not being recognized by the controlled mass media. They know who is buttering their bread. Sadly.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

This is interesting in that I've been reading suggestions that major actors, such as Amazon, are developing medical care operations that entail reduced physician involvement. There have been suggestions that pharmacists and AI will assume impactful roles. For the sake of the support of such as the AAPS approaches, I'm hoping someone is keeping track of the directions being promoted and initiated. So we can better encourage productive efforts and inform of dehumanizing, counter productive directions.

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Yup. AI is at best a double edged sword.

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I, Terry Oldberg, of Los Altos Hills, California am a scientist and member of the resistance, In retirement, I do public policy research pro bono, In this research I have validated the finding of the statistician and professor of clinical psychology Mattias Desmet that for a large group of the citizens of a given country to mistake "complex" physical systems for "non-complex" physical systems in the construction of the models of these systems that are used by politicians in making decisions on public policies is a precursor to totalitarian rule over people of this country, Desmet presents this finding in the book that is entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism. This phenomenon is currently observable in the United States of America where the pertinent politicians are those of the Democratic Party

I can be reached at 1-650-518-6636 (mobile) or terry_oldberg@yahoo.com (email).

Cordially, Terry Oldberg

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"Democrat" party? That "party" has been overrun by out and out Socialists and Communists aka MARXISTS.

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Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so glad to see some of the familiar faces at these events. The stamina and continuous focusing on the diverse issues is so necessary for these times. I support you energetically, as I watch and listen, to pray for the effect of all of the blood, sweat and tears shed to be realized in a mass awakening. Blessings to all.

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Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I hope you're not planning to travel to the UK, the EU or Brazil over the next few months! You are needed in the USA as a strong voice until after the election is over. Don't put yourself at risk of being thrown in jail and silenced.

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Along these lines

AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton won a nationwide stay that blocks the Biden Administration from forcing federally-funded healthcare providers to conduct “gender transition” surgeries. Previously, Texas won a stay of agency action that blocked the rule from enforcement in the plaintiff States, Texas and Montana. Applying the same logic, Texas then argued for nationwide relief, and the court has expanded the relief to the entire country.

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Question Authority.

You never know when you're next on the list to be eliminated.

Ask Elon.

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Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I started an "X" account today just to support Musk.

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I'm reflecting about that. In my case in support if our good Dr's Malone.

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In 2019, the Malones were unaware that they would soon become crusaders, spending most of their years nearing retirement opposing the Powers That Be, gathering and educating many diverse people and becoming a tour de force with many like-minded professionals around the world.

I think their dedicated to utilizing so many avenues of resistance certainly make them today’s heroes.

Clearly a thorn in the side of the PTB - keep your antenna active at all times.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Thanks for all you do, Dr. Malone. It helps to know that if they come for us that we have a brother/sister-hood that is with us. And your efforts and those of others is strengthening determination in many.

To use the words of Paul (which are true of humans independent of world-view),

"And many ..., waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak ... without fear."

And Peter,

"resist ..., knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world."

The more that have that courage, bolstered by that of others, the greater chance we have of forcing them to measures too draconian, which are therefore apt to back-fire, if it does, in fact, come to a


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It appears there is (some) pushback to the infestation of "DEI" throughout the bloodstream of the USA. No doubt, though, that many big business who do push back and actually fire incompetent DEI hires for cause, will face multi-million dollar lawsuits via the trial attorneys - based upon not only racism, but also sexism and gender.

The antidote to "DEI" is "MEI" = MERIT, EXCELLENCE and INTELLIGENCE.

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Note that another tool in their arsenal is to deny financing. Inability to get loans has been very useful in channeling medium and small operations to heel. May impact some large operations as well.

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Tightening the noose...

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One of the disgusting aspects of communism is that 'ordinary' individuals that have access to ANY level of power become petty tyrant commissars.

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Well, I don't think that's limited to communism, unfortunately.

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Yes, unfortunately, a very high percentage of bureaucrats in federal, state and even local levels - that are not up to their eyebrows in some hokey ideology - but have some 'power' over regular citizens can make life miserable for the citizenry - and do so - because they CAN - with virtually no repercussions to themselves. Being 'petty' and malicious seems to be the M.O. of many bureaucrats.

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A sad commentary on a negative aspect of human psychology. The trick seems to be how well we can extricate ourselves from the influence of such people.

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It is "influence" or domination? Being that bureaucracy and bureaucrats are endemic to both free and totalitarian societal structures, in totalitarian situations, the subjugated people are SOL! In "free" nations - such as the USA bureaucrats are "protected" from improper use of their inherent power via so-called "civil service" laws which de facto makes them untouchable from legal retribution for their acts of malice ( or plain incompetence ) for their actions against individuals in the so-called 'private sector'.

Short of out and out murder ( and possibly not even then) civil service "employees" who act in uncivil manners are immune from FIRING for cause.

Had President Donald Trump not been cheated out of his 2nd term, he intended to use something called "schedule-F" ( I believe is the correct term) to deal with the recalcitrant "permanent" U.S. bureaucracy who pretty much (do) what the hell ever they WANT to - no matter who or which political party was in power.

One particularly onerous aspect of the federal bureaucracy is they (collectively) produce NOTHING but red-tape ( make that BLUE tape), and unconstitutional (ever-changing) new and additional rules, regulations, edicts and FINES upon the people who actually produce (legitimate) goods and services that actually sustain life and living - such as energy, food, transportation, etc.

Added to the bureaucratic hegemony, the legions of non-productive LIFETIME "tenured" bureaucrats in some 304 agencies, bureaus and departments extant (MANY that are REDUNDANT)annual salaries benefits, bonuses and 'perks' average today close to six figures - almost DOUBLE that of private sector salaries or wages.

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Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looking forward to seeing and hearing you at AAPS! Non-physicians can be auxiliary members as well😀😀😀!!!

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The ethics of AAPS are exemplary, to my sincere appreciation. They should be the standard in all educational centers, ***get away from the cabal's all destructive venim***. DJT and RFK jr should be made aware of it, "hygiene" on all levels of society are a must to go forward and secure a CLEAN environment for all.

It is very early on that I discovered AAPS' advice against the *masquerade*, the hoax

of all hoaxes to depopulate the planet.

And remember, to me, all regimes are evil, inclusive of the Swiss Confederation which is going down hill, with El Salvador being the exception, and President Bukele possibly saving humanity from extinction. The world is waking up to the crude/cruel reality.

El Salvador possibly being the exception, President Bukele being a savior of humanity.

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"Rescue the Republic" is a follow-on to the defeat the mandates rallies. Years ago, I made a graphic to illustrate this issue. Since I can't post graphics directly to this comment thread, Here's a link to a photo of a stop sign with a mandates sticker stuck on it: https://nedb.substack.com/p/stop-mandates-stop-sign

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Nothing new under the sun: 1966 Buffalo Springfield

There's somethin' happenin' here

But what it is ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there

A-tellin' me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop

Children, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

There's battle lines being drawn

And nobody's right if everybody's wrong

Young people speakin' their minds

A-gettin' so much resistance from behind

I think it's time we stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

What a field day for the heat (ooh-ooh-ooh)

A thousand people in the street (ooh-ooh-ooh)

Singin' songs and a-carryin' signs (ooh-ooh-ooh)

Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (ooh-ooh-ooh)

It's time we stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life, it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

You step out of line

The man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

We better stop, hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

We better stop, now, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

We better stop, children, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down Writer/s: Stephen Stills

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I remember listening to that song, seems like a new anthem for the young is in order. Thanks for the memory Shelley!

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WOW! I finally understand the lyrics. So, WHAT has changed?

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Absolutely nothing Tom accept the 'gun' is now an arsenal of tool that require compliance.

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T.T.T. = Things Take Time.

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Only the "hippies" have changed and become "yuppies". Everything else is the same.

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Even worse, Dianne, the 60s hippies are now embedded and control the levers of power in academia, Big government and the FAKE NEWS media.

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Some of them, I'm sure! They give new meaning to the word "yuppies". They say "Yup! Yes sir, right away sir. My lips are sealed sir."

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How about a STOP COMMUNISM sequel?

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Wow. What a packed schedule! May God bless you and keep you healthy and able to handle the jetlag through all your travels and events.

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I do not like the DEI policy anywhere because it is abused. People not qualified for jobs are placed b/c of a quota that needs to be filled. You are correct it has no place in the medical profession, but should it not be true for all - if you are qualified, you get the job. If you are not qualified, you don't get the job. I think that is what we should be our goal.

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