Robert, Sorry to hear about this. My friend at LinkedIn who got you restored the last time no longer responds to my emails. De-platforming you has no credible justification. But there is no accountability here. All we can do is stop using these platforms.

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I deleted my LinkedIn after they deplatformed Robert the first time. Bye bye Bill Gates and Microsoft.

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Microsoft is where promising technology goes to die. (Like Skype.)

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

All of Big Tech is about banker-types surveilling and controlling us digitally. They control all of the largest companies and buy up the small fry as needed.

The same people also control the intelligence community, so they can perform real-time data mining on the data from your Apple watch, Constitution-free.

People agreed to this, without so much as a shrug, so the logical next step is, why not get everyone injected and control their bodies?

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Indeed, they buy it to eliminate its relevance and let it die, for obscure reasons not obvious until later

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Good idea. I will do that as well.

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It's time to build a new professional networking platform to facilitate a mass exodus from LinkedIn. I"m seriously investigating what's needed to do it.

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This is a good thing. My suggestion is to follow the words of Stephen Johnson:

"If you think the internet is not working in its current incarnation, you can’t change the system through think-pieces and F.C.C. regulations alone. YOU NEED NEW CODE."


The platforms are making it easier for this change. Thank-you Covid-19, we need NEW CODE :)

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New code is a good thing. But better uses of internet spaces should be publicly controlled in the city, county, or state.

The only way I know of to achieve that end is to establish publicly owned, Public Banks that take the taxes we pay and multiply them 10x or more in a bank owned by the local community. Unfortunately, the present Tax Allocation System is designed to finance the designs of the owners of capital (money/credit), the "money creators" of this centralized economy, the privately owned Wall St banks that provide $$$$$$ to private monopoly corporations. And they do this because 66% of all the taxes we pay to the government furthest removed from the "governed" are deposited (aka 'loaned') into these private banks. It's a vicious circle designed to confuse ... this monetary maze created to confound and obscure the most basic questions about money and credit:

How is it created?

Created by whom?

Created for whose benefit (a private concern? a public concern?).

Viva la Banko de Publica, por la Pueblo!

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I saw the video you put out about Google censoring mass formation psychosis. Well done. Must mean your group is having a strong effect.

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Montgomery Bus Boycott. Stop feeding the Tapeworm.

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This has to stop. The government needs to eminent these companies as many times as it takes until the C-suite finally gets the message.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The federal government is outsourcing tyranny to all these platforms. Actually, it's the national security state doing all this.

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Twitter is only worth $35 billion. The Federal government can easily buy them out. No premium needed. Just fair, just compensation. No board of directors vote needed.

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Socialism never works.

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Agreed. But not socialism. Utility. Similarly, antitrust is not socialism.

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Government ownership is the traditional definition of socialism. Anti trust is a fundamental duty of government, but wecalways need to be careful about the natural instinct for bureaucrats to seek power. The best solution is we the people. We made twit a monopoly, we should make it a failure. Unlike most monopolies, they don't control any tangible assets that protect their monopoly. Altering mind share isn't appropriate government.

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I agree, but my point is to make the government ownership fleeting... merely temporary. Uncle Sam buys Twitter for $35B and sells it to someone who promises to run it without political censorship. If they do so, great. If they don't, Uncle Sam buys it again and repeats the process. In perpetuity.

Finally, Uncle Sam could just buy Twitter and mothball the whole thing. Tell Silicon Valley to start from scratch and we'll continue mothballing your social media companies until you get the point. The billions would be a small price to pay.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Yes, both sides are corrupted.

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It is captured and a product of Silicon Valley staff. These companies have no fear. Nationalize one of them and this will stop.

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I TOTALLLLLLY AGREE!!! Big Tech is feeding on data from their users. If they do not have any host, they will die, or not be so powerful as they are now.

This has gone to far when engaged people like you guys get de-platformed for telling the truth.

This has to start somewhere. All of us, the "awoken ones" have the responsibility also to support the persons on the front-line. It may not be easy for some of you to disconnect from Twitter & Co, but the life and freedom of many of us is worth the price.

For a period of 3 weeks, take a daily dose of 'Big Tech Detoxmectin 1000 mg', available anywhere without prescription. You will feel and make the difference in our world and the one for the next generation. :D

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Dan Bongino says to watch for the 2nd person who gets up to dance. It's happening. Gab and Gettr didn't exist. Rumble is challenging YouTube. Substack is growing. You are the general at the head of a vanguard but you are not alone. I have no voice and rely on you, and so many others. The list is growing. I am proud of you. Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book is a best seller. Alex Berenson's book is a best seller. The Big Tech and Big Media people tried to shut them down but word got out and people like me bought their books. People like me subscribe to Substack to hear from courageous voices like your own. Stay strong and speak on all platforms you can. We need you.

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And don't forget that Mark Levin's book American Marxism sold more copies last year than ANY OTHER book. Do not be discouraged, we are winning!

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A friend of mine finally received Dr. Scott Atlas’ book, “A Plague Upon Our House” used from Amazon.

It had a Nov. 7 release date then Dec. 7 then Jan. 7. I tried getting it at B&N Manhattan Beach months ago and up until a few days ago they said they cannot order it because there are no copies at the warehouse.

It seems there is something about Dr. Atlas’ account of his time at The White House on the Covid Task Force in the summer of 2020 that certain people simply do not want the public to know.

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True. Robert F. Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci," and Alex Berenson's book, "Pandemia" were denied advertising. But... interviews on conservative shows and podcasts got past the Big Media and Big Tech censorship. Hooray for our side. Kennedy's book is an eye opener. I bought Pandemia on Kindle but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I have a subscription of Alex's substack.

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I have Scott's book on Kindle and audio. It is really very good!

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Yes, that's right. Thank you. I hope we are winning.

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I don't believe Dan Bongino is corrupt. Anyone who puts videos up on Google and has a following can get funded unless they are deplatformed. Bongino has become a partner in Rumble.com. You should check it out. You are wrong about Bongino.

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If he’s corrupt, he’s my kind of corrupt.

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RemovedJan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022
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Chipping them???

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I have followed Dan Bongino for quite a while now. He's a good guy and is not corrupt. However, there is little point in discussing this with you as you appear to have made your mind up about him. Time will tell. Nothing stays hidden long in this world in spite of tech censorship.

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RemovedJan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022
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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

I'm sorry for your experience and suffering. His "disparaging remark" falls under the First Amendment and free speech. He is within his rights to voice his opinion just as you are within your rights to object. He may have blocked you due to the way in which you called him out. Some people object to being assaulted physically and/or verbally. I have blocked people who seemed to me to be unreasonable or nasty. I make no apologies for that. There is little point in engaging with people who want to bludgeon you rather than attempt to persuade you to take another look at or approach to their point of view. I seriously doubt Dan Bongino is knowingly engaged in human trafficking in any way, shape or form. You may have your opinion of Dan Bongino and I have mine. I think he is a warrior for the USA and the Constitution. I am so proud of him. While no one is perfect there are a few people who are unassailable in my opinion and are personal heroes of mine: Dan Bongino, Jordan Peterson, Dennis Prager, Douglas Murray.

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23&Me is owned by FB Zuckerberg's wife.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many thanks to you and all the doctors at FLCCC, Bird Group, World Council for Health, AFLDS, RFK Jr., Alex Barenson, Steve Kirsch, and any others who keep speaking truth to power! You are appreciated and prayed for!

I, too, have left Google and use ProtonMail. I try to NEVER use any of the oligarchy’s platforms. We are many and are growing, and we will not be silenced. Truth will out! Let’s leave them behind us.

Sounds like all these platforms might destroy themselves from within. It’ll be fun to watch.

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I have to get around to ditching gmail..... I use duckduck all the time though. It's like Amazon, hard to give up. I know i know....

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Trying to sign up! Thanks.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Moy's wife here - he's not a social media guy:) I have used Brave browser and Duck Duck Go for about a year. One other advantage is no ads pop up on YouTube to interrupt videos.

I believe much of the mass formation is part of the present meaning crisis which I also believe is connected to the fact that many no longer are part of an organized religion with deeply held beliefs. I have been greatly helped these past two years by living in a state with few restrictions and a group of dear friends in a Bible study group - the kind of connections Dr. Malone has said we need. Jordan Peterson has done many videos on the meaning crisis - made more interesting as he is rather publicly struggling with the place of religion in his own life. Bishop Barron (Roman Catholic) and Jonathan Pageau (Orthodox icon carver) are two of my favorite online, deeply religious people discussing these issues - sometimes with each other and sometimes with Jordan Peterson. (Matt Fradd at "Pints with Aquinas" is another) Unfortunately both are on YouTube though Jonathan Pageau expects to be kicked off and is setting up alternatives and Matt Fradd has set up a Rumble. I believe the Meaning Crisis underpins much of our current state, fueling the fear porn, drug use, suicide surge and the reason Mass Formations of such a large size have been occurring for the last 100 plus years. Anyway, if one wants to take a break from Covid talk, these are interesting guys with thought to ponder on.

Thanks to Dr. Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough and all the other docs for putting their careers in jeopardy to speak the truth!

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Jonathan Pageau is great. The others are too, of course.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm using Qwant as a search engine; I think it gives better results than Duck Duck Go.

Ten years ago, the low-carb community, a hodge-podge of book authors, bloggers and podcasters, turned the tide against the government-ordained, big-ag approved Food Pyramid scheme/MyPlate of metabolic syndrome. State boards threatened low-carb coaches with fines and jail (look up Steve Cooksey). Doctors were sued by their respective governments. But we prevailed. Official advice hasn't changed much, but attitudes and conventional wisdom have.

I totally agree we need to get off of these few, single platforms where entire networks of people can be obliterated in a stroke. With Gab, Gettr, Parler, Substack, Locals, Rumble and Liberty Tree, it's not as easy as one-stop shopping, but it will be a lot harder to stop us.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is only one real reason not to break away from Google: laziness.

Dr Malone's article pushed me through that barrier. Bye-bye empire.

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Well, part of that is knowing how as well. If people are wondering, there are some good videos out there on a systematic approach to removing goggle from your life.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amazing days these are. Another American hero (besides the good doc), is Edward Snowden. I bought his book, and watched the movie on him. Although I deeply admire him, I always wondered why he thought personal privacy was so important that he would burn his life to the ground.

That was before Covidland. In these early days before "vaccine passports", it's gone WAY beyond privacy.

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Oh, I'm going to brag: From Feb. 8, 2021. https://billlawrenceonline.com/duckduckgo-proves-google-fails-users/

Yes, I was at least 11 months ahead of the curve.

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My greatest example of a successful revolution in medicine is the group La Leche League. In 1956 a group of seven mothers in suburban Chicago, started meeting in each others homes to share information about breastfeeding. Their doctors were not trained in human lactation and were unable to assist them. In fact the pediatricians were recommending formula feeding as "modern scientific nutrition for infants". There was no social media in those days. However, by word of mouth filling the vacuum for truth, they spread the facts of the superiority of breastfeeding around the world. Their message spread globally and led to the infamous Nestle Baby Formula Scandal in which formula-fed infants had died in Africa, South America, and South Asia.

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You mean it didn't take Mayor Bloomberg to tell them how to breastfeed...

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brave search is on the nail. Still in beta. I've been swapping between DDG & Startpage of late, mostly startpage as it has more filters.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

I use Brave almost all the time! Great tool.

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Switched a couple of years ago in a move to deGToogle. YouTube pretty much the only Google feature I use regularly. Google are, contrary to their motto, evil.

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If you have to have a motto to tell your people don’t be evil, then you’re pretty much confirming you are indeed evil.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those sons of bitches. I’m going to create a competitor.

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I agree completely. Stop feeding the Tech Tapeworm.

* Protonmail

* Signal


* Gab (vs facebook)

* Rumble/Bitchute. No Vimeo; they take down stuff too.

* ddg/startpage/bing (vs google). If you do a search, even on DDG, and there are no satisfactory results - cycle through the others. Note the differences. I sometimes search google to see what they're suppressing. "This information really scares them." That's useful to know too - a peek behind the curtain. A "tell", if you will.

* Have a different browser instance - no cookies - for search. That way all the search companies don't know your history. Don't save searches.

* Use a VPN. Proton has one. This prevents your ISP from selling your identified traffic to "whomever."

Being "somewhat more secure" is annoying. However - the more secure you are, the less "food" the tapeworm will get.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I use Brave as my internet browser and Duck Duck Go as my search engine

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Unbelievable. I loved your posts on LinkedIn. I agree about YouTube, everyone needs to dump it. Odyssey is also an amazing free speech video platform. It feels like YT in the old days. Keep it up Dr. Malone, you have the support of millions of people. These tyrants will lose.

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I live in Finland. Just joined this site. In Finnish media and talkshows there has always been two different opinions regarding the matter. For example hunting permits for wolfs. The authorities has given some permits to shoot wolfs which kill hundreds of raindeers. Wolf protectors are also asked an opinion regarding matter. This is just normal debate to have both sides on discussion. But this won't happen when talking about corona. Only certain politicians and doctor can say anything on tv, other opinions are banned. You don't find any news, which would make people to hesitate taking shots. This is sick and only few people say anything about this. I think everyone should be worried about this development.

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Indeed. As indicated in many comments above, the CENSORSHIP appears to be GLOBALLY ORCHESTRATED. The question remains. BY WHOM?

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I just cancelled my Linkedin. Under reasons I stated " Dr. Malone." I have two words for all these censorship people and they are not Happy Birthday or Mazel Tov.

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