Dec 24, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for all the hard work you have done to make the world a better place for the majority of people. merry christmas

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I wish I could be there. I will be in spirit, and joining any similar marches in my country. I read your wife's account of your treatment and was appalled. I did not need convincing. I have witnessed the raw avarice and intellectual depravity that stalks the corridors of universities. You will be vindicated. Thank you for the stand you are taking for us all, and especially for the children.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas, Dr. Malone. I'm choosing my battles as wisely as I can.

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I will try to organize a protest in Chicago, hopefully around January 8. I am definitely inspired by your blog. I have a few thousand subscribers, so hopefully there would be some local people to join.

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Where is the best place to stay in Chicago. I am going to get out of this town! Fuaci banks on isolation.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I could not even watch the whole thing. I signed up to go to NYC on April the 7th, 2020. I was just like any other nurse. I wanted to help. My friend, 'K,' told me not to come. She told me they were killing people. She said that nurses were sitting in hotel rooms for 3 weeks without getting assigned to hospitals. I was frustrated and heartbroken. I was helpless. I told one of my friend's that lives here, "They are killing people." She told me I was nut's. Wear a mask. Don't be selfish, etc.,etc. My friend and I are not close anymore because I know that Cuomo had issued orders to EMT's to refrain from starting CPR on unwitnessed heart attacks. They had placed people still infected by COVID back into the same nursing homes that they came from instead of using the ship or Samaritan's Purse hospital beds. Those beds sat empty. The nurses skilled in dialysis were sent to maintain vents (no training) and those nurses that had expertise in vents were sent to do dialysis (again no training). Most nurses kept there mouths shut because they were afraid and they have bills to pay or they lacked the experience in when to recognize BS. God help us. I am watching the remainder of this video after Christmas because I have to believe that God is with us and will deliver us from the evil one. Thank you, Dr. Malone. You have really put yourself, your wife and kids in jeopardy for our sake. Because of that video and the people willing to stick their neck's out, the rest of us will stand up the best we can. When I was a kid, (a very poor kid) I was never unhappy because even though we didn't have material things, we had freedom.

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I should have said 'their' instead of there. I was very upset when I was typing. Since time has passed let us pray Francis Collins retires along with Fauci. We need replacements that are beyond corruption.

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021

Dr. Robert Malone, i have been injured by the vaccine here in Canada, the doctors up here are terrified to say or do anything. I'm exhausted with any physical exertion, I have ALT post vax of the low 200s, and post vax aortic root dilation of 4.8cm 0.7cm more than pre vax, i have chronic hives post 2nd shot, my cardiologist said i should have gotten an exemption after shot 1, but my doctor is not allowed to give an exemption unless the provincial medical officer says its ok, they said it wasn't ok. Despite my pre vax bloodwork and tests show everything normal and post vax show everything all messed up the doctors are terrified to try and help me and say anything negative about the vax. Do you know anyone or anywhere in US or Canada that might be able to help me recover? I'm trying NAC, but i'm at wits end trying to find somewhere or someone up here to help me. Thank you in advance. I know i'm only at 5$ a month supporter but I don't know where or who else to turn too. Merry Christmas and thank you for doing Gods work.

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021Author

Go to the FLCCC website, you should be able to track some of these good doctors through it - Dr. Richard Urso (Texas), Dr. Pierre Kory (WI) and Dr. Bruce Patterson ( a specialist in long COVID/post vaccine injury) are all good people.

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Thank You! I might have to move down to the US, socialized medicine isn’t what’s it’s cracked up to be!

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Make sure you are not on any medication that suppresses normal liver. Function including acetaminophen (Tylenol)!.

Also have a physician order a nutrient blood test fromwww.spectracell.com.

Fauci’s antiviral plus acetaminophen and ventilators is a deadly combination for Covid patients. Have blood value of Vit D above 50 ng’s.

May help along with NAC I wish you well! My thoughts.

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Thank You!! At least it gives me somewhere to start. I’m 39 and was relatively healthy, I had a kidney stone once, but that was pretty much it and now I’m living at the doctors office and being told that medical intervention might be in my future. It’s so disappointing. Again thank you!

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What an exhilarating and inspiring message, Dr. Malone!

I have been focusing much of my writing on exposing the diabolical propaganda techniques; fraud masquerading as “science”; Covidian cult catechisms; democidal policies; totalitarianism; and other dark aspects of this mass deception/persuasion campaign.

I believe it is vital to continue unmasking this global corruption, but I also feel *positive* examples of heroism like yours, Dr. Malone, may be even more persuasive to those teetering on the brink of awareness, hence my new “Profiles in Courage” series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie/).

As I write in the introduction of that series:

“[I]f people on the side of the resistance don’t even realize how many noble truth warriors we have fighting beside us, how can we expect normies to?

“Thus was born Profiles in Courage, a new series celebrating whistleblowers; truth-tellers; and all who choose facts, scientific evidence, reality, human beings, and love over propaganda, disinformation, illusion, GloboCap, and fearful loathing.”

(Speaking of, Dr. Malone, did you receive my email the other day for sharing with Dr. Lawrie? No pressure, just making sure it reached you safely.)

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Thank you - try again at info@rwmalonemd.com or rwmalonemd@gmail.com. I have so many emails come in that I can't read them all.

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Wow, Dr. Malone, I am honored and grateful you took the time to respond and share your contact info—and on Christmas, no less!

I have sent a message to both addresses to be safe :-) Please let me know if you have trouble finding them.

THANK YOU, Dr. Malone, and I wish you, Jill, and the rest of your lovely family a luminous Christmas and a restorative, liberating new year to come! 🤗

P.S. You may wish to edit your message to remove your email addresses if you don’t want those floating around :-)

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bullets #5 and #6. As long as people are threatened with freedom by implementation of mandates, the vax pushers have the upper hand. Without that threat hanging over our heads, we will be able to organize opposition much more efficiently. Bottom line… STOP ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MANDATES IMMEDIATELY!!! But how do we do it?Supreme Court? Hopefully, I am wrong, but the best odds I give that group of supporting freedom is 50-50. A residual mandate ANYWHERE in our society is unacceptable! If “winning” is getting mandates overturned a year, or two or three years from now, that is not winning. That is enabling the vax pushers to cement their policies even more.

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Driving from Portlandistan across country for this event! Hotel two nights-reservations made a week ago. T needs to stay away, far away.

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I agree. I believe that "camps" are the end goal (see: Australia). But if we wait until then, it will be far too late - they'll pick us off, group by group. So - now is the time. We must unite against tyranny and (medical) fascism, before the "camps" stage arrives.

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“The growing pharmaceutical industries of India and China have cost and performance advantages relative to the United States, UK and Europe, and will now be able to legitimately claim equivalence or superiority in quality and safety.“


I wouldn’t try to debate Dr. Malone on anything having to do with science or medicine in the event I didn’t agree with his analyses of all of the discrepancies in those areas.

But this is economics, and he is making the common “fatal conceit” mistake of seeing a problem, but then proposing more of the same as a solution. If India & China end up with equivalency to the US, it won’t be because they have a superior model - they are a disaster (there’s an entire book on the ongoing horror of India’s “generics” industry). It will be because US Pharma has completed the transition to those countries’ top down, statist destruction of all remnants of an actual free market and we’ve sunk to their level. Maybe we have. The monetization, convergence, and profit maximization that even the least aware are starting to wake up to is NOT because of actual capitalism or market competition. It’s because the government actively prevents competition.

It’s not a good system gone bad. It’s the natural progression of the Leviathan State as it metastasizes. Corruption is not a function of “bad actors” or the wrong Party or incompetent or mistaken bureaucrats. It’s soley a function of size. The “elites” know this and use it. The uninformed beg for more.

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I am a new subscriber after reading about the Twitter ban today. Thank you Dr. Malone for standing up for what is right and good even at the expense of your career and reputation. I am praying for the Lord to overwhelm you with His blessings, safety and strength as you stand on the front lines for so many people. A million thanks!!

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021

I'm on the brink of despair. I live in Washington State, and it's like everyone around me is in some sort of covid fear trance. However, lately, at the grocery store, I am seeing more and more people without masks on. Maybe there is hope here yet. Our Governor, just keeps renewing his emergency powers and the legislator doesn't seem to have the will to do anything about it. I'm actively searching for a new area to live. I can't go to the March for financial reasons. I would give anything to go. Hoping there will be a livestream. Real America's Voice or OANN hopefully. #RESIST! Thank you for everything. Merry Christmas!

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I relate to what Dr. Malone said - to heal we need to stop fighting, stop hating, start listening, lead by example. That is true wisdom. It is certainly the high road. The challenge, at least my challenge, is to deeply, deeply trust and embody that wisdom. You, Dr. Malone, absolutely do lead by example.

I had not seen Dr. Tapper before this, and do appreciate his voice. His testimony before the city council early in the film was also a good example of how difficult it is to hear someone when they are coming from anger and frustration. No blame, just good example.

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Vote everyone out of political office that says follow Fauci’s science which is corrupt!

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Love this post except for the moralism, which may be the one thing you and Biden/Fauci have in common. Calling actions immoral is just name calling, bragging, an ad hominem and unscientific argument which is counterproductive, imo, in that it makes the opposition defensive and thus a compromise solution more difficult.

It may result in more followers and increased donations as people try to escape from the sense of guilt society imbues them with by being part of a movement they are convinced is the moral one. But there are no absolute moral principles, only different opinions as to where we should draw the line between legal and illegal selfishness.

Is it moral to eat meat? If so, which animals? Who is going to decide? As the late philosopher Alan Watts said, "Deciding to live is deciding to kill." Every time you drive a vehicle you contribute to the incidence of children being hit when they run out from between parked cars.

So instead of calling the opposition immoral, which is to claim that God is on our side or we represent some Divine principle, it is better, imo, to simply say, "We hate what you are doing and will fight you if you don't stop." I think that's a better way to proceed.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The reluctance, resistance, or denial of morality, I.e., right and wrong, is such a huge part of what afflicts our culture and country. Objectively, at least in my world, to knowingly do harm to children, is immoral. Whether that means lying and obscuring science and data to claim something dangerous is safe or holding a gun to children’s heads and firing it. Your driving analogy is ridiculous and as for Watts, what a crock. We are born into this world and every breath we take is not a decision. My breathing doesn’t steal your next breath. The lack of any instinct to protect the innocent and vulnerable is a barren place to live.

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