Feb 1·edited Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most altruistic thing a person can do in life is teach someone the truth, If a person goes through life, and is successful but goes to the grave without sharing and teaching their knowledge to others, they are like a genetically modified piece of fruit that has its seeds genetically taken from it. Without those seeds that normally would continue the growth of new fruit the life of the plant is over. That’s why teaching all of us is so important. That’s why censorship is so dangerous. You are planting the seeds of knowledge into all of us and we do our best to spread the knowledge to others, thank you Dr. Malone. J.Goodrich

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thank you, James

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Well said James. Many thanks to Dr. Malone and all the chums commenting, much learning going on here. Cheers from Canada, no snow so far, a dusting now and again, great!

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see also Dr Jordan Peterson and the risk of living in hell if you lie (Jonahs story)

Re the rabid jab, I got one when they first came out, since I am an old fat asthmatic, with high BP.

None since.

Unlike my idiot democrat friends, I did my own risk analysis (helped to be a nurse for 40 years) and realized, after catching the kung flu 6 months after the vax, and very little symptoms, I was good.

Caught it again a couple of weeks ago, and dear God, paxlovid is great stuff. Normally I have the "Carolina crud" for a month after a cold, but not today!

I have tried to get my democrat wife to stop getting the jab (she finally stopped wearing a mask) and I think she is finally done.

Hopefully, my 20 year old son will never get another one till he is older than me. (rabid democrat bastards required it for his college)

Its a simple risk and benefit analysis, but tragically so many brain dead idiots in the cult will never even bother to question their massa

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Paxlovid has been proven to be toxic. (not as bad as Remdesivir but still very toxic) and contraindicated to the human body....In the future, I would do more research before taking it - Liver, kidneys, intestines and other major organs impacted by this Rx and also may contain covid as many of the 'side effects' indicate loss of taste, metallic taste in mouth, and other bodily side effects.

Just basic logic / critical thinking here (not rocket science) - Why would we ever 'trust' big pharma with any new drugs after they put out the vax????? If the same monsters tried to kill humanity, why would we trust them to produce anything but poisons????

Another to consider is that even Ivermectin and other 'good' meds have now been tainted with toxins.

Help me understand logically why I should ever consider trusting ANY Rx (over the counter or otherwise) after big pharma launched a death assault on humanity killing millions (17 million+ vax deaths just in India alone in 2021 per Ed Dowd's hard data facts)....just sayin....

Paxlovid is not recommended by many good/honest physicians and health practitioners.

To make matters even more obvious, "The Atlantic" (cabal/globalist owned magazine) put out article specifically discrediting MDs who put down Paxlovid ....it's at the top of the google search engine results when you put in Paxlovid dangers....Why would they care.....Smoking gun??????????

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what you say may be true, but it worked great for me, and as an old fat asthmatic with hypertension, its about MY risk and benefit

ditto with the kung flu jab,

not recommending you trust anyone, just do your own risk analysis,

like I did mine

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Yes, Health care choices are very personal (as we have all learned with our families choosing deadly options that we beg them not to)...I have had several loved ones choose western med. options that ended their lives immediately or shortly afterwards.

I've also learned that everyone at the end of the day has to make their own choices. I absolutely respect your choice as it is yours to make to decide what is best for you (and also my own family members who choose options I would never choose.) I respect them even when they chose the jab....their body....their choice.

For me, I'm still blown away that people choose to believe in the 21st century version of blood-letting called 'chemotherapy.' Statistically...over 90% die and yet the cabal 'Machine' continues making trillions as people insist on trusting the Machine....walking in sick...walking out half dead, losing their hair and saying to everyone 'well I didn't feel much nausea today'........

My mother died in a few short months after opting for chemo for her lung cancer and her final months of life were pure hell. The neighbor down the street who was also diagnosed with lung cancer decided to do nothing and just live her life....she lived 6 more full years of quality life. Another neighbor was diagnosed with breast cancer. She also opted to do nothing and just live her life. She lived 7 more years (till 86 years old and even out-lived her husband.)

Still...Thousands of alternatives for healing cancer exist and yet the cabal Machine is the number one option for 'curing' cancer....very sad.

In fact, one guru I work with who does reverse-aging shared that 100% of all his clients with cancer also happen to have severe systemic fungal infections.

The resulting cancer is just a 'symptom'...the underlying cause is fungus/parasites....Kill the fungus and myriad of other parasites and you address the root of almost every disease...macular degeneration, ALS, COPD on and on.....why not just call the disease "bugs"?

I recently was diagnosed with skin cancer by a dermatologist. I used a detox diet, flooded my body with pre-digested, nutrient dense foods, did O2, red light sauna, colonics, and used a native american remedy that I took internally to kill the fungus. I then applied it topically to the open, bloody non-healing sore, put a bandaid on it...few days later pulled the bandaid off and with it came all the cancer leaving a small hole on my nose which then quickly closed, healed....no scar...cannot even tell anything was ever there (dermatologist wanted to remove a large section of my nose.....NOT).

A friend of mine said to me, "Yeah but maybe you didn't get all of it out...like a dermatologist would. I replied, "So what you are saying is that you believe your dermatologist would do a better job removing all the cancer markers...better than the wisdom of my own body?" (LOL) My friend has had gigantic chunks of flesh taken out of her arms that look like she survived a major shark attack as the MDs were 'removing all the markers'.......Most people don't realize that skin cancer is an 'inside' job. Heal the fungus inside the body and the skin heals.

Kill the bugs, the disease goes away after you flood the body with nutrition, follow with hyperbaric O2, sauna, and colonics.....Boom....health and wellness Happy.

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My best friend I ever had one night had back pain severe enough I took her to Faulkner Hospital in Jamaica Plain in Boston. The doctor in the ER found she had an irregular heart beat. After many tests they found she had several blockages in her heart and needed triple bypass surgery. She ended up at Lahey Clinic in Burlington Ma. for open heart surgery. They cut her from her ankle to her neck, cracked her chest etc.. Weeks went by and I would walk with my best friend around the block. She told me something was wrong. She said something was still wrong. A week or two more went by and I took my friend in to the hospital to get a ct scan. They found she had pancreatic cancer. Her back pain was caused by the cancer and they misdiagnosed her. By then we had received the bill for the heart surgery. The Lahey Clinic was paid in full. At the time if I remember right it was 350,000 dollars. Within about three more weeks my mother died. They butchered her for nothing. She probably would have survived a longer happier life if she had just been left alone. So I agree that you must advocate for yourself. I think of my best friend every day.

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I am very sorry for your loss.

It scares me sometimes that I don't know much about medicine and the medical profession can make such serious mistakes that I won't pick up on in advance. My wife had a seizure two months ago and luckily the hospital treatment was great. She and I were lucky. I have heard too many horror stories like yours where serious medical mistakes were made and it creates pain and costs lives. The Jab Plandemic is a prime example of medicine advancing from medical mistakes to malfeasance.

I hope you have support to help you through this time.

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now thats the way you do it

I had to "educate" my doctor, while it is true he may know a lot more about an illness than me, I know WAY more about that disease and how it effects me. everyone is different

Good job on the CA, i gave my bro in law some pot, when CA (stage 4 colon CA, 4 inch mass, mets to the liver) and chemo/rad was killing him, and he made a full recovery.

I have been adding "rituals" to my health efforts.

Humans have been doing "rituals" for thousands of years.

Apparently, they seem to work.

For my old L3 injury, that turned real chronic a few years ago, all I have to do is walk, 15 to 30 minutes a day, doing a 40 meter mosey. NO pain. WOW, who knew.

I was getting a little carpal, and carrying a weight (like a human would walk with a spear) seems to be fixing my carpal.

Keep up the good work.

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That's AWESOME Pat!!! I love hearing stories like that!!! And yes, humans have been doing these rituals for thousands of years....so true.

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Beautifully put James!

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“We own the scientists” - fixed it for them 🤨

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, most scientists are owned, and so are most employee health care practitioners, to varying extents.

That little zinger, "We own the science", from UN's Melissa Fleming teaches us: We have to build entirely new, from the ground up.

"Sharing is caring"

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You provide me here an opportunity I have been looking for, i.e., to discuss what is a scientist. When folks study atoms and how they do their thing, they are scientists expanding the human knowledge base. When theyuse that knowledge to incinerate cities they, at the kindest, can be called technocrats. By the same token, the application of knowledge however gained into medical treatment is more properly called translational medicine and not, as fauci likes to say, science. So as one who considers himself a scientist, tho retired, I feel the need to point out this distinction

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Fauci = Carpet Bagger in "The Outlaw Josey Wales". He still needs to be prosecuted.

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Back in academia I heard the terms pure science and applied science, but ya, there's a difference. Funding for that research which can't be attached to an application is often hard to come by.

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Pure science almost extinct. To keep jobs need grants. Grant directed science rarely if ever pure science

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I understood a long time ago that MDs are always "practicing".

If they make it to retirement without actively killing people, they win.

I have been "practicing" as a nurse for 40 years,

like the population, about ten percent of us, and docs, are idiot quacks who take forever to lose their license.

and man, the democrat docs have joined the democrats cults ranks, and just harm their patients.

During covid, I never met a democrat doc that would speak negatively of the democrats gestapo violating the rights of so many citizens.

Every repub doc said it was evil.

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Well said, Brother Michael

Just like Brother James

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is precisely how every print article, news story, speech and/or commercial should be methodically taken apart & analyzed. Well done & thank you.

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thank you, Thea

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is my fave paper you wrote. I have a file where I keep such articles for historic purposes, as well as to reference when a shallow conversation requires some legitimate expert opinions behind it. All your life training and career training (and your wife too) has so equipped you as a spokesperson to help the general populace who are at the mercy of science jargon. There can be more than one root to a problem, conflict of interest is one root cause that has degraded every sphere, and calling out the actors and their specific special interests is crucial to stop it. It is the advice given to women in abusive relationships, you need to expose the bully publicly, they don't like that. So, additionally you organized in an easy to grasp way the dangers of the technology that were overlooked or minimized. You also, pointed out the futility of the trajectory these guys want to pursue, which seems like producing safer and more effective mRNA products. It doesn't seem like these tools will ever be safe or effective enough to ethically bring to market. Yet, there are drugs in existence, that are not overly toxic, that can alleviate symptoms, not enough money in those though. So, the goal essentially by the pharma scientists is to fool the public, charge the public and risk public health with mRNA products to try and stop infectious disease despite the adverse negative health consequences. Without doctors and scientists like the Malones, the manipulation would not be spotted by most and that is what these bad actors are counting on. We have to be relentless in the exposure and do it in a way that is understandable to the average person.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you are at a bit of a loss where to begin, imagine where the rest of us are! I see and hear your frustration and angst at the way the system of medical journals are failing. This process of examining a field that you are an expert in, and then seeing the manipulation of facts and figures presented must be maddening, to say the least! Please don't pull out that beautiful head of hair you have, the hairdresser in me would grieve...

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kind, thank you. I am still reeling from the recent substack post of a former colleague who is calling for me to be hung by the neck until dead because of my discoveries when I was in my late 20s.

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Did the work of Dr. Arthur B Hayes Bio Warfare Army doctor who worked with glycinate chemicals at Fort Dettrick give you direction? Not being critical, but pointing out that as science develops, one researchers' discoveries becomes the building block to the next level and the future of how the discoveries are used is out of the hands of the researcher.

In this case, the growth of Biowarfare technology has been the driving force. When experts protest and wave red flags, they are impeding the direction of development and need to be marginalized. Sad state of affairs to say the least. They discredited Luc Montagnier early on when he declared it was gain of function. They discredit HCQ with two phony Lancet articles. They discredited Ivermectin. The list is long of those who are fighting for their right to tell the truth of what is transpiring. Dr. Malone.....you are not alone. I'm sure they are working hard to destroy a unified voice to stop the injections and creating conflict between the truth tellers is ongoing.

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So well said Thomas. They are in protection mode and according to them the science is on 'their' side.

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No science involved…just competition with zyklon B

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Medicine Man's ego is in charge, and they believe they can improve on God's design.

The movie "The Island of Dr. Moreau" told us where we are headed.

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Was first a book by H. G. Wells. So he was on board very early on.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

the irrational hate boggles my mind, it is an observational trait in the wounded psyche.

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In my experience, this type of response/behavior suggests fear/incompetence, jealousy and/or [I think you call it] “bad jacketing.” Regardless, it isn’t pleasant & I’m sorry it continues.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

In view of the enhancements and compromises implemented since your involvement, IMO, this person (whomever) exposes themselves as remarkably blindly and having ineffectively reviewed the course of events in these matters. Hopefully their incompetence or malice will be recognized!

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To even begin retaliation with a thought, of what in the world would promt such dire hate crime, does in fact illustrate the cold hearts and mind of certain people.

To offer a rational response no doubt futile. Repeating an old expression that the juice, is not worth the squeeze. 🍋🤏

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Indeed. Dr. Malone has much nicer hair than Castro jr. Hey the campaign ads for his first, our beginning of destruction in 2015 said blah blah, and his has nice hair. No competition Dr. Malone, you may not be in Castro's place, but you have it all brains, beauty and nice hair. Way to go kind Sir, thank you!

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I cannot claim any medical, biological or pharmaceutical sophistication other than the observation of materials shared by experts like Dr. Malone. However, anecdotal evidence provided by historical unfolding is overwhelming and I maintain incontrovertible. The continued support for and promotion of these COVID "vaccines" is illogical. It is the benefit of injecting these toxins that escapes me. What is to be gained ? Is there any benefit other than the possibility of mitigating symptoms ? Much of our medical system would have us inject these drugs and risk the horrific known adverse reactions only for the possibility of lessening symptoms ? This is very obviously a negative risk/reward ratio. If there is any COVID "vaccine" benefit other than symptom mitigation, I desire to learn of it.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It drives me cuckoo when I hear the shots advertised on the radio. Also, yesterday they were on the radio blaming vaccine hesitancy for the measles outbreaks. I live in California, the percentage drop in uptake of childhood vaccines is miniscule. So, more lies on the radio with the added fear of the dangers of measles, which really applies to third world countries. Natural immunity is best. The propaganda is repeated over and over, and it works.

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Kill one person and you're a murderer. Kill millions and your a pharmaceutical company, a "philanthropic" Foundation or a "World" organization, ( WHO, WEF, etc. ). Those complicit in the inject, inject, inject food chain are simply money whores.

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Power mongers also. Amazing the depth and breadth of harm perpetrated on the globe by Fauci and his ilk, and yet the jails are full of women who became addicted to opioids for pain, and other drugs for other sad reasons, lost everything, entered prostitution to pay for their habit and are punished. The chasm of injustice seems too large to bridge.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It all seems so simple to me: Intramuscular Transfection of ANY pseudouridine nanolipid encased mRNA into a healthy adult is absolutely, ludicrously, monumentally STUPID. (not to mention a battery (INTENTIONAL) committed upon the recipient in every sense of the word). And I'm not even getting to the DNA trash that's also floating around in this toxic goo.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this insight Dr. Robert. A lot of what I read was kind of over my head, but your last two paragraphs are most important. Do not trust without investigation and study and testing pharma or those associated financially with them.

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yeah, sorry about the fancy words Robert. Sometimes it is hard for me to speak about these things without resorting to what is essentially "insider" language. This was in part written for a more technical audience, and I need to give them the proper words to use when speaking with others in their professional arena

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Its hard. In ROTC had to give a talk about radiation injury and (this was 1961) found myself having to explain pH to the instructor. Difficult to know the knowledge base of a mixed audience

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I have the World Wide Web, I can look up new words and gain even more knowledge 🤷

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That may change given knowledge is for 'them' not for 'thee'. It surely will be hard to tell truth from fiction. AI will use the Howard Zinn method and distort everything.

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Hearing it has a liberal bent my personal reaction is to seek information elsewhere.

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Same here but I enjoyed reading this.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clearly, the purpose of this "scientific bias medical propaganda piece" is to promote the continued development of RNA molecules to reprogram cellular function for treating disease states. The key statement in the paper that is a false hood is as follows.:

“The rapid design of safe and efficient vaccines against COVID-19 was an inflexion point in biotherapeutics. Although mRNA therapeutics had been decades in the making, the successful COVID-19 vaccines from BioNTech–Pfizer and Moderna illustrated the efficiency of the platform.

I'm sure all the administrative assistants to the Congressman in Washington DC will be provided with a copy of this paper by lobbyists working for the Biotech Industry to perpetuate this medical technology. In turn they will counsel their bosses to support these efforts! Billions and billions are being invested and a return on the investment must be accomplished.

The laundry list of harm caused by the spike proteins is long and many many deaths have occurred, which is being ignored and hidden from the general public.

IMO, injections will be transformed into Band-Aid therapy which will be more compatible to the general public which will ensure that the medical police state will be the conduit to a one world government.


Total disregard for those who have suffered because of adverse reactions including death.

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Good comments. I think they never did have regard for the safety of the public - just conformity due to fear. I think of it as an experiment on the part of the WEF to test the public's international) willingness to submit to both fear and control. It was successful, to a large extent; however, some number of the hoodwinked have awakened. There are more and more sources of information that have appropriate credentials that are publishing in some manner. My greatest concern is for the souls who get their information from what is called the Mainstream Media. It's a shame that more of us don't require more from their sources of information.

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The lamestream media survives on the truth of the saying….ignorance is bliss.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you have taught us well. As soon as I read "The essay includes extensive speculation concerning how emerging new technologies . . . . They are intended to facilitate more efficient pharmaceutical development and toxicologic analysis of modified-mRNA drug and vaccine development technologies." I knew exactly what was going on. There will be no more need for these long drawn-out processes currently used to test for efficacy, safety and the like. New protocols that the 'mad scientist' invent will become the normal research to market process. Clinical (human/animal) trials be damned.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Even though some of this article was way over head , I still understand that all through the ages there has never been a viable product to prevent or cure the Covid or cold virus. Quite possibly there will never be a vaccine to prevent or cure the common cold

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stay away from people who are sneezing.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That’s right😀

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right, or just suck it up, take vit C & D, zinc so their sneeze will have minimal effect and enjoy life.

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this analysis! It was needed and helpful. Gates has advised he will be providing huge sums, well beyond his kickoff for a patch delivery system. The push to devise a 'vaccine' delivery system the masses will buy into is massive. When we couple this with the WEF WHO initiatives to silence truth tellers, the stench billows up. They have by various means accomplished such objectives with their covid schemes. Their solutions don't have to deliver any substantial benefit. The push for definite data before or after an implementation seems to have been defused.

What can we, the potentially harmed conclude? For myself, I conclude they are hell bent for achieving their goals, that have no real anchor in their targets well being.

You and your fellows, as noted with your upcoming Conference, are VITAL for our wellbeing. Your sharing with us in terms we can appreciate are incredibly beneficial. Surely with their monies, it's a David vs Goliath battle. Your insights and disseminations are helping multiply David's fellows. Hopefully your new avenues for sharing will be entirely successful! You are greatly appreciated!

Have a successful kickoff with Phillips tonight!

Bestest Plus n then some ♡♡♡

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is our limited hangout, un you vil like it!

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much Robert! Your unbiased expert analysis and commentary is absolutely invaluable for informing us (the general public). At the same time, it is a time of sadness for us - a time of disillusionment - as we have to accept that the entire scientific enterprise (probably not limited to medical science) has been deeply corrupted by corporate, government and deep state interests. We know since Covid that the barrel contains rotten apples. We can smell something bad. But we have no way of determing which specific apples are good and which are not fit for consumption.

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An apple a day……

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Feb 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this.. I have come to the conclusion the the brainwashing is so pervasive and longstanding that the WEF brainwashing recipients/acolytes are unlikely to ever be able to consider any other viewpoint. This may also be true of a large portion of young people whose personality was distorted and set in stone by the time they were 12 years old after having been subjected to intensive propaganda and brainwashing from age 3 to 12. I've forgotten the reference but I recall that in child personality development a moral compass is set by age 12, beyond that little lasting change is possible. The author of the Alex Delaware novels, Jonathan Kellerman, is/was also a clinical psychologist and served at USC's School of medicine in that capacity. He wrote a book called Savage Spawn: Reflections on Violent Children. A very interesting and enlightening read.

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Jean Piaget is a good resource for those developmental periods. Given the propaganda that has been forced on so many school children I am uncertain about the future, although I do see that there are strong parents willing to stand up to the teachers and administrators.

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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I share everything you teach us with my elderly parents and they have been amazed at the censorship that has been keeping truth away from them. Because of you, they have stopped with the "vaccines" and they are so grateful. And a totally irrelevant side note: my parents and I agree that you look JUST like my brother!

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must have Irish blood.

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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Irish in name only! He's actually Italian! Adopted by McFaddens!

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