Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Redfield is bad like the others, despite his faux disagreement now with Fauci about the origin of the virus. I simply can’t forget Redfield testifying to Congress that if only people would mask up the virus would disappear like magic. He was lying. He knew at the time masks wouldn’t stop the virus, and that claiming public masking would be helpful was contrary to decades of RCTs conducted after the Spanish flu and after the original SARS. Arguing in favor of public masking also was directly contrary to all official pandemic policies around the world that concluded public masking did more harm than good for numerous reasons, including that members of the public do not know how properly to wear masks without contaminating themselves and contaminated masks become vectors for disease transmission. I don’t know what game Redfield is playing now by disagreeing with Fauci, but Redfield was in league with the others when in government and was complicit in promoting deadly policies that wreaked worldwide havoc.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Redfield's comments might best be interpreted as a rat abandoning a sinking ship...he may sense the whole coverup is about to collapse.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Like elgatomalo pointed out, they are turning over because they know the writing is on the wall and they need a scapegoat.

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... or a scapepig - in this case...

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Thank you Greg Pilcher. I've seen some of Redfield's interviews, and admit, I was fooled into thinking he was one of the good guys.

Reminder to self: Never trust a single source for anything.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The administrative state is clearly the single most significant threat to the health, wealth, freedom & prosperity of our children & grandchildren. Those of us who are able should do everything we can to counter their lies and, ultimately, to deconstruct the monstrous parasite that prior generations allowed to be put into place & grow unchecked.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very nice article thank you!

If only Scott Atlas had as much influence as the report wants us to believe. Where was Pence in all of this? He was running a dysfunctional covid task force. He should not have allowed them to derail the real science and data and ignore public health policy concerns, and put out contradictory messaging that was misaligned with good public health policy and the potus.

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Pence was inept. He's a politician. He was in way over his head, and didn't have the skills to work through conflicting opinions to make conclusions and decisions based on facts and reason.

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Key points. A real leader must have those skills.

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Pence may be a nice guy, but he isn't exceptionally intelligent.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Goodness me! What a mess the minds of Birx et al are in. They are confused and remain ignorant about elementary scientific issues. Their area of expertise is Deep State politics. Trump had the right instinct when he trusted Scott Atlas but he was no match for the entrenched bureaucracy.

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Trump shares a great deal of blame for this. He trusted Pence and Jared Kushner, whose concerns for reelection overrode any concern for public health and economic security. It should have been obvious to anyone who was not an economic illiterate that locking down the economy would have long term devastating effects on the country that would far outweigh any possible benefit.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The probability that TWO distinct animal to human jumps would occur within weeks to produce SARS COV 2 lineages is similar to the probability that Joe Biden received 17% more votes for POTUS than Barack Obama ever did, which in turn is similar to the probability that our solar system will be sucked into a black hole this afternoon...

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You’re probably not going to believe this, but my parakeet gave birth to a camel last week!

You should believe this as much as we should believe the “naturally occurring” species jumping theories. I used to think “they” were smart and counting on us to be stupid, but now I think they’re just ignorant, delusional con-men/women. This is an intentional and premeditated crime.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr. Malone, thank you for all your work to bring light to a deeply corrupt federal government. I'm quite convinced that this situation with HHS is just one of hundreds of corruptions that we are subjected to as citizens. The denizens of DC serve themselves first and foremost. I tend to the cynical as relates to our federal government and am quite convinced that resolution will not be found in the ballot box regrettably but rather collapse. The biggest corruption of all is what has been done to our currency, the US Dollar, which on the heals of endless borrowing and "money printing" is now losing purchasing power at an astonishing rate... in the range of 20% lower over the course of the last 2-years. Situational awareness is the only advantage we can have against a powerful and corrupt government so that we can stay clear as it thrashes around destructively and your excellent work offers us that in the health arena. I pray for those who have been harmed as a result of taking HHS prescribed vaccines. The damage cannot be hidden no matter how much propaganda. Your a good man sir and I wish there were a lot more like you.

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The Science article about "market origin" discusses "dots" representing first cases, overlaid on a map showing the Wuhan wet market.

What the map conveniently leaves out is the locations of Wuhan biolabs. When placed on the map, everything becomes obvious!


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of course. Because this is propaganda, not science

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Perhaps I am misremembering but isn’t there sequencing data demonstrating that the virus was manipulated rather than some evolutionary process that enabled it to infect humans?

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I specifically remember discussions about a particular amino acid code that was found in this virus but had never been found in nature. That dropped off the radar rather quickly so do not know what the final conclusion was

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Where were the Wuhan War games played?

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Excellent. I can’t take credit for these pearls, but they sure hit the nail on the head: Medicine is no longer an art, it’s paint by number. If you want to follow the science, follow the silenced.

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Pearls indeed. As with any art, you first learn the rules of thumb and the basic skills. Paint by number medicine never gets beyond this. To actually practice the art of doctoring one needs to develop some level of confidence and be willing to treat the rules of thumb simply as initial suggestions; i.e., to devote some time in possibly going beyond them. Using experience and a developed "feel" for the art, one needs to be prepared to leave the standard rules behind in pursuit of superior results, all for the benefit of the patient. Concert pianists do more than read the music and plunk the keys. Real doctors do more than read the checklists and write the prescriptions. It's getting hard to find real doctors these days.

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I particularly like you calling it an art. Like any art form, aptitude (a word despised by progressives) is required for its successful application. Many holders of medical degrees lack this aptitude and those smart enough to realize this enroll in a MPH program and after a statistics course and a few seminar courses they are newly minted administrators

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great summation with "God help us all"!!

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Atlas was the only ray of light coming out of the White House in 2020. Dump DJT, but bring back Dr. Scott.

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That's why DeSantis. He brought in a real doctor, and listened to him. That's leadership!

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My position on SARS-CoV-2 from the beginning was: "If it can be man made, then it was until proven otherwise". I have the same feeling about new strains or variants which push the limits of probability. So I was VERY eager to read that first paper which "debunked" the lab leak theory because I couldn't believe that the debunking could really be done. I was not surprised to find that the paper did not do it's job.

I have no anti China bias so while I think the virus could have been released there, intentionally or not, I think there is reason to believe it was not and that it was released in multiple places world wide prior to arriving in China. I also think China had foreknowledge of the release(s) whether in China or not and whether China did it or not. The fact that China was the first to make info on the virus public does not mean that it originated there, and I think it is evidence of their foreknowledge. I think they were waiting for ti for whatever reason. I think there is (suppressed?) evidence for SARS-CoV-2 spread in other parts of the world prior to it's appearance in China.

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The Lions have grown restless, and know the intrusion of the jungle must be dealt with.

I for one have been growing stronger in mind and spirit. And glad to be non-jabbed always.

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Just a theory... anything Trump says at this point regarding the origin of COVID-19, decisions about testing, herd immunity, “vaccination”, Warp Speed, etc, threatens to focus the conversation in him and remove the pressure on the FJB administration and the establishment medicrats still $#@&ing up everything they touch. Trumps actions are a matter of public record so he does not need to reiterate the who, what, why and where. Flip-flopping on any of these issues is probably counterproductive to a re-election campaign at this point. I think that is why we haven’t seen him come out against the “vaccines”. What he should consider is coming out in favor of a Warp Speed-like effort from the government right now to mass produce and distribute early treatment kits. That would be an indirect way of stating the vaccines are crap without directly saying it and putting pressure on FJB administration to change course. Of course, FJB administration will never allow early treatment because it works and BigPharma will be knocking at his basement door if he does.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These people have unleashed hell on our country. I do hope there will be some accountability someday but when I read things about our govt doing crazy stuff decades ago, I fear that there is no accountability for people in our govt when there is a political agenda which is all the time. The US political arena is a snake pit.

It seeps out into other arms of our govt and they all protect the agenda.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The mask not mask debate is pointless since most have the wrong mask, don’t wear it properly, and don’t perform mask hygiene properly. If I am in a public space such as elevator (with many unknowns) I am using a K95+ mask. We don’t know the long term implications of contracting SC2 although the HIV insert that targets T-Cells is disturbing.

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Hello Dan,

As you appear to "know things"... SC2 is a blanket term for all the current mutated viruses, but many mutations occurred since 2019 to the spike (which is the one having the engineered "HIV insert" - as you call it). Did any of these changes affect the HIV part of the spike, or that is more stable?

If I had to bet, I'd say they did, this being the reason why they keep on pushing the original (but slightly modified for greater "goodness") spike in all multivalent hackcines...

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Thank you for the education Dr. Malone. Our only hope is our Vote. Dr. Atlas tried , just like his name in Greek mythology.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Too bad the WHO, CDC, etc are not elected officials, rather, self appointed elitists who believe they know best. My suggestion is that they all buy a big island, take a Hawaiian island, and live their lives there and leave us alone. What’s even more disturbing is how people actually believe their rhetoric.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

"Too bad the WHO, CDC, etc are not elected officials,"

Your president is demented Biden... and the alternative would have been Trump...

I'm sorry - I don't see how the "erections" would have changed anything. And - even if we would vote for such a position, how much you'd like to wager that Fauxi would STILL win the popular vote, in a landslide?

I guess limited terms would be a better choice; lifetime terms is what the deep state is all about...

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"Erections" sure have changed Hunter Biden's life.

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