I sent this message to RFK Jr. through Twitter and Facebook:

Message to RFK, Jr.: Your August 23 speech gave me goosebumps. Your deep love of our country, and your willingness to be subjected to what is sure to come - even from your own family - to protect all of us as Americans, is so inspirational. I have found great respect for you, and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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I concur 100%

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I absolutely agree with you, & RFK, Jr. Dealing with so much within our Country & the World, all of the division between political parties, many divisions between race & the corruption caused by, & within the White House & the puppeteers behind the curtain continuing to destroy our historical past, I was truly happy to hear RFK, Jr. willing to move forward on a different path! He gave me hope that we can stand stronger & more united, coming together to protect America!

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So agree! What a courageous hero! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Yes - an astonishing speech — in its depth and breadth — cogent, thoughtful, without cheap slogans, comprehensive logic and — extreme 1000% focus on US chronic disease catastrophe, corporate and government corruption and endless wars.

Now - to the victory 🔥

And - a place for the incredible Nicole Shanahan and Elon Musk !!

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And as soon as I heard it, I said, "He better watch his back - the vicious attacks are coming!" And, sure enough - his family has chimed in condemning him, and demoncrat talking heads are piling on one after the other.

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That is sad, & probably hard for RFK, Jr. to accept; but, eventually he will realize he made a good decision!

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Eventually? I’m sure he gave it adequate thought, and is fully prepared for consequences, aware he has made the correct decision.

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Yes, he probably was prepared, but in the beginning for him to make his decision & confront his family, & switch to an Independent, then join Trump, that must have been a tough process for him.

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So what? Cheryl is afraid of what her Hollywood friends will say to her, and/or how they will now ostracized her.

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I read what she is saying to respond. She is recognizing the strength of what he wants to accomplish and that the path he is taking is the only hope of getting there. Very courageous of her too IMO.

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"Recognizing" is NOT being COURAGEOUS.

"Recognizing" is acknowledging.

Maybe over time Cheryl will find courage within her, to support Bobby more than she's doing right now in changing the health of American children.

Don't forget, Hollywood "What can you do for me?"

Bobby is asking, "What can I do for my country?"

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I ended up with my own showdown this year over project 2025. A 'friend' basically confronted me. Revile it or ... Replied I'm for it as a contribution for consideration. Her exit from my life wasn't crucial. My impression is that in sunny Cal show business relationships are crucial. Being ostracized is existence threatening. Certainly could be business threatening. Her relationship with her husband not withstanding, I think her stance in this situation is quite brave.

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I'm glad to see the Musk recognition in there. Far too often, at least among my social circles, he gets a bad rap. But I'll always be a fan.

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Yes - people like Musk happen once in a century. Rockets, electric car, Grok Ai, etc. and purchase of Tweeter which broke censorship and oppression wall of criminal DNC+CIA cabal

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and Tulsi Gabbard and perhaps Joe Manchin, maybe, just maybe, Ro Khanna.

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I hope you didn't throw in some 'sleepers' at the last minute Boris.

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When developing opposition to a great adversary, team building is important, and it's imperative to remember Voltaire's admonition: "Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien." The best is the enemy of the good. Don't expect to have 100% agreement among the members. And to keep that idea safe, Ronald Reagan had a quote he liked to use: "Trust but verify."

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And then there was Mike Pence.

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Yep. I think somebody forgot the 'verify' part.

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And I can list a dozen others starting with Barr, Pompeo, Kelly, Mattis, Wray, Rosestein, Comey, . . .

Some in the old guard still hanging tight just in case. Others already playing nice, like Musk whose revenue is mostly generated by USG purchases. He is like Bobby, believes the climate change hoax. (At least in public. He is too smart to really believe it.)

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I think Bobby recognizes that the indiscriminate polluting of large corporations that has been allowed by bureaucrats is the prime culprit. The climate is always changing and the Atlantic Ocean has just cooled very quickly. The sun is definitely getting hotter in the last 60 years. Electric Cars will not solve this problem, in fact they will create more environmental problems than gas burning cars. There is some merit to the assertion that the hydro electric dams that have been created in the far northern zones in Russia and Canada are having negative effects on the ocean currents thus the storms we are experiencing. This far more complex of a discussion and I think Bobby would be far more adept to tackle it than Trump.RFK is a straight shooter and does not make half baked assertions, read his Real Anthony Fauci, my God I learned so much.

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I'm not talking about pollution, or the changes to the climate that aren't caused by the USG dumping particles in the atmosphere and using their systems to manipulate the weather. I was referring to the WEF/Gore/Kerry climate change fear-porn over the last 30 years.

The planet takes care of itself, rejuvenates all life forms without our interference. Carbon credits, capturing carbon to bury it, all of this in nonsense. Does he understand the fear porn is to sequester all the natural resource for the future progeny of the wealthy family dynasties. I know he has talked with Dane Wigington about the Dimming but I don’t know if he believes any of it.

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I hope this sets the Marxist coup back a generation or hopefully a lot more. Unfortunately there are too many useful idiots Gaslighted like a bunch of junkies snorting crack. We are seeing the endgame of a 100 year long war that took a different direction into Cultural Marxism in the 20s and took off in the 60s. The moral/Spiritual degeneration is alive and well. “And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭

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Thank you for quoting Truth, which describes why we are where we are today. IF America is going to be great again, it must begin with individuals returning back to God, through His son Jesus—not turning to “religion” but rather having a personal relationship with Christ. Being a Post-Christian nation, means we have abandoned Truth, Law, and Righteousness, and are reaping what we have sown in accepting humanism and secularism in the place of God. Until we turn from those things and turn back to God, we will continue the slide into the abyss of a failing nation.

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Agree. Now, let everyone who can pray, pray for a return to righteousness. All religions believe in righteousness and it doesn’t matter how you approach the Divine as long as you approach!

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Yes, agree; moral and spiritual degeneration is thriving.....and all the more reason to be resolute..... "Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." II Thessalonians 2:15

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Right on!! Not one ad hominem in your post or in RFK JR’s speech as opposed to most of what I heard of the little I could stand at the DNC.

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Totally agree with you Howard. I haven’t watched MSM for five years, rather get my info from many trusted sources like Dr. Malone. However, I did watch the DNC , but could only stomach it in small portions. Then, the on-going media commentary about the DNC — by CNN — was — well there are no words 🤮.

Honestly it is proof positive of the propaganda brainwashing “of the people, by the people and for the people” at least for those who have been sucked into it, and thus loose their ability to think critically for themselves.

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I want someone to explain to me how people of average IQ, like myself, who live and function in the world, which requires critical thinking skills even if only to drive a car without crashing, can look at the same set of facts and draw WILDLY, BIZARRELY different conclusions. Take gender and sex as a small example. How do you explain the unmooring of rational thought? (My copy of PsyWars is still on its way.). If the key to this can be found, a “cure” could be implemented. The lunatics of the Democratic Party/One World Government/stakeholder blah blah HAVE their solution: censor free speech and douse everyone with enough propaganda to keep hell burning for a thousand years. However, it’s clearly not working 💯 %. Is it! But it does work, along with theft and stealing elections, well enough to place our God give freedoms in jeopardy ! I’m going to suggest that someone look at the guys benefitting most from this lunacy and find their motivation AND destroy it. If it’s money, then we (collectively) need to BUD Light them. If it’s power, then removing the funds that support that power might just disempower them. Getting to how is the big question! I think Kennedy has ideas. Keeping him alive long enough to shoot the Devil will be critical.

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I agree with everything you said except “loose the ability to think critically “, in favor of “lose the ability to think critically “ 😉… sorry 😞, I truly agree. 👍

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phone typo, I water


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I decided not to watch the DNC- I thought the hate & talking heads that were going to stand on stage, would be more negativity than I could tolerate. You at least gave it a “chance”!

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I pre-decided I couldn't stand it. However, I feel your pain, but only in a second-hand sort of way.

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Aug 24Edited

It is just as difficult for those of us who were the 'Reagan generation’. We were the politically active, pro-America, pro-military… we were always 'the good guys ‘ young adults. I was ‘dyed in the wool’… red, white and blue. I still love my country (the physical and the people), but I had made an idol out of idea of what we were. I still think the Constitution is the best human document for peaceful, joyful thriving… but have learned over the last 20 years, but especially since Barry took office, that we were kind of living the Truman Show. I still believe it is possible, but highly unlikely unless people turn back to (or come to know) the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob…. and the Messiah, Jesus. I think so much of what we are seeing is this lack. Peace.

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Remember the song, "Has anybody seen my old friend Abraham, John, Martin, and Bobby?

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I would prefer it if they meant Father Abraham, the Apostle John and Martin Luther (the reformer). Yes, it was a very turbulent era.

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Yes, when I first heard the song, I thought the Abraham referred to the biblical Abraham, too!

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I think we all have the habit of too often looking around us, when we ought to look up.

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Me too, LDT

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I can’t use the ‘like’ button, but ‘amen’.

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Yes, coasting in the good times, history illiterate given who writes it, and not seeing the future ramifications of decades of laws passed by a Democrat controlled Congress where the fate of the nation resides. Only noticing tax rates and interest rates - life, pretty simple.

Then the slow decay of the religious institutions with progressive infiltration. What could go wrong.

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Glad you understand that the progressive agenda infiltrated churches, who embraced it instead of standing on the solid truth of biblical doctrines. The Bible says there will be a great falling away, and here we are. BUT—God has His remnant, and like in Elijah’s day, God told him that there were 10,000 who did not bow their knees to Baal.

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It has all been documented, both recently and over the long haul and as you note, prophesied in the Bible.

R.C. Sproul of Ligonier Ministries (RIP) and Michael Matt of the Remnant Newspaper are historians supreme and faithful followers of Jesus.

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Spot on! Thank you!

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Pray, lots of deception out there.

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Yes. And what the world really needs is a Jubilee. ❤️

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Aug 24
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Yes. It breaks my heart. 💔

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Great essay Dr. Malone! Thank you🙏🏻

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The Democrats/Uni-Party managed to push Russia and China together. Now Kennedy and Trump. It couldn't be more obvious who the bad guys in the world are at this point. I just hope it isn't too late to stop the devastating path we are on. Historic speech that will only be remembered if we win.

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"The Democrats/Uni-Party managed to push Russia and China together"

Indeed, it was and is the greed of the puppet masters salivating over getting control of the quasi infinite Russian natural resources (fossil fuels, metals, minerals ..) after all Rusia is the biggest nation state on Earth!

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Your “left alone” sentence summarized all the evils that the so-called progressives have been trying to foist on us for generations, with all too much success.

I also thought it was one of the greatest speeches of my lifetime and only pray that the combination of RFK classic liberals and Donald Trump MAGA believers can prevail!

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That "combination has a better chance of prevailing if you stop attacking Progressives which are part of this force that you like, and which I am a part of. Stop dividing us, please.

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Well, if a person supported all the things that the Good Doctor listed in his "left alone" sentence, what word you use to describe them?

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How is "fascist" any less "attacking" than using the label "progressive"? Progressivism is a simply a deft euphemism for Marxism; true progressives are definitely NOT "part of this force that you like." It is the "progressive" Left (read, "Radical Left") that would find a tolerance of, let alone endorsement of, Donald Trump, anathema. As for "dividing us," division is the #1 strategy of the progressive/Marxist! Just read Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals." The strategy is simple. Create class categories and labels for the purpose of civic dissension and conflict. To wit, men vs. women, black vs. white, hispanic vs. black, everyone against Asians, the "wealthy" vs. "the worker," gay vs. straight. On and on. No one is simply an American citizen anymore!

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Thank you Dr. Malone for this message regarding RF Kennedy Jr and political realignment! You have beautifully summarized what I and others have concluded in the past four years.

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I see this globalist push by the American political elite as a horribly selfish way of greatly capitalizing their personal and families portfolio by devastating the goodness of the middle classes noble struggle to better their lives and their families future. In this recent history it started with Bill Clintons treasonous selling off of computer technology, nuclear technology and missile technology to China for political donations helping him secure a second presidential term. There was a man named Chung that frequented the White House dozens of times eventually giving a million dollar donation for the sale of 3 super computers that could pinpoint targets in the US to China. By the time Hillary sold off 1/3 of US uranium production to the Russians for a 200 million dollar donation to the Clinton foundation, the Clintons had selling out the US down to a science. Don’t think many US politicians like Joe Biden didn’t take notice of what the Clintons were so easily able to get away with. This treason that continues to happen because there is no consequence to selling out America. What began as personal gain of wealth has turned into a corrupt scheme to overtake the entire world. I pray that RFK’s plan to push Trump into the White House and puts a stop to this continued selling off of America. I don’t see how if Kamala Harris is able to scam enough phony votes our constitution is able to survive, or America as we know it.

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If she gets in . . . would the Democrats/Uniparty/ Globalists see the need to back off, at least to some degree? Bide their time? Realize that they have overplayed their hand in the last few years and risk unleashing great forces that can wreak untold destruction? Probably not, but it makes you wonder if there is anyone actually sane "on the other side". For a peak into the possibility of such reaction and violence, I would recommend reading "The Men in the Jungle", by Norman Spinrad.

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Yes, it's a cancer taking over every Western political leader.

It's no longer near enough to become well to do, or even wealthy, it's GENERATIONAL WEALTH these traitors are promised and given (if they deliver) by the Western financial elite in exchange of selling us out.

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Thank you, James Goodrich!

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Aug 24
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Good luck on getting a win.

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PB thank you!! I wish there were thousands more like you!! You sound brilliant to me!! We will never win if no one stands up. Hang in there you’re an inspiration and you may be surprised, best of luck.

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Aug 24
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Thank You P.B. But you are standing up and running for office, that’s a huge step.

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"The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity."

This part of the poem always gets me since I see this happening around me all the time.

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Sorry . . . PB, not RB.

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RB, it is easy to feel alone in the path you have chosen to walk. Equally easy, looking at the wreckage that is America, to think apocalyptically, that things are irretrievable, that "the end is near." And perhaps it is.

But are things any worse now than in medieval Europe (in the wake of the Crusades? I cannot recall exactly when . . . ), when syphilis appeared on the scene, and killed at least 10% of the population over the course of 2 decades or so! This was a time in history when, we are led to believe, piety and morality was observed with a consistency far above that of our age. But think of the scope of infidelity that must have been rampant at that time for this STD to have cut so wide a swath of death. The pious survivors would have been forgiven for thinking that Jesus' predicted, "As it was in the days of Noah" was indeed upon them! But life went on, century after century.

I don't think you really believe "the end is nigh," or you would not be running for office. My hat's off to you.

May I suggest 2 resources?

1. Rick Green's Patriot Academy. His "Biblical Citizenship" short course is a positive effort to teach the Declaration and Constitution, and revive the Founders' imperative that Christian citizens should be involved in the public square. Green's passion is to wake up the passive, rank-and-file Christian who has been misled by his/her pastor, that "politics and religion shouldn't mix," a fear-of-man acedia that was unknown among the vast majority of clergy during the Revolutionary era. He teaches that a strategy as simple as standing up at one's School Board meeting and speaking for the teaching of accurate American history and love of country, and speaking against the placing of pornographic and perverted sex ed materials in the school libraries, if done across the land, would have a seismic impact.

2. There are others who, like you, totally unschooled in the art of politics, nevertheless have stepped out and run for office against a Radical Leftist, because to allow her to run unopposed offended the conscience. Like Patriot Academy, Worldview Academy seeks to equip teens and adults to positively respond to the cultural and political lies that are the conventional wisdom of the dominant culture. I suggest you contact one of their faculty, Bill Jack, who has twice run for state legislature, and neither time made it past the primary. But he understands your impulse to stand up and be counted, has done it twice, and has much wisdom to share with others about what one faces on that path. God bless you for your willingness to make a difference in desperate times.

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Following in the ample footsteps of The Gipper:

“I didn’t leave my party; my party left me.” That’s what Reagan always said!

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Not so sure. My opinion of the dem party has not changed in the 60 odd yrs I have voted. Look the same to me. They have been plugging marxism since wilson...all of them

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Michael, the Gipper said that probably 80 years ago (we both have forgotten how old we have become: this summer I have had my 50th wedding anniversary, attended memorial service of a friend of 60+ years…both statements can be and likely are true.

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Roger Kimber,MD! 80 years? Reagan was 1980. However! I vaguely remember discussions in my youth about FDR meeting with European leaders (?) after WWII. People talking about “we don’t know what he agreed on.” Maybe someone over 80 can tell me. Just thinking out lout to y’all!

I am glad that RFK Jr joined Trump. I like it.

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I couldn't find a date for that quote. Reagan was governor of California for 2 terms 1967--75. That comment was made long before he was POTUS, he likely became a Republican by the early 1950s. So, I was born in 1950, depending upon which Democrat you are talking about, some of the last anticommunist Democrats would be Scoop Jackson, Senator from Boeing, I mean Washington State, 60 years ago is 1964. so In my haste I probably miscalculated, 80 years ago would make it 1944, and he early supported FDR. but 70 years ago would be 1954 around when Hollywood was first discovered to be infested by Communists with the Army McCarthy hearings. Reagan was President of the Screen Actors Guild from 1947-52 & 59-60; he supported Eisenhower in 1952 and Nixon in 1960. All per Wikipedia.

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Roger, that’s fine because when you said 80 years, I too wasn’t born! I’m a 1946er! Oops telling my soon to be age before year ends! Actually I forgot about him being governor. I’m just thankful he displayed red blooded American courage at the Berlin Wall. I was in high school when it was built. American Patriotism was high after the war for quite a few years. I love my country. I am glad people are waking up. It’s time.

I grieve for what happened the last 4 years in the medical field. So glad RFK JR is on the right side! May his family find peace with his decision. Many have had to stand alone.

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Oops! *out loud* Bad proofreading!!

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Maybe the party left him at the time he woke up to what is really was. I think he once thought FDR was a great president.

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Are we both referring to r.f.k. jr.? I was and now realize did not make that very clear.

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I have to agree with you! I’ve only once voted for a democrat in my life and that was for a local council member. I only voted for him because the republican owned a store and was actively trying to reroute the main road to get traffic past his location!

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Same here. Only voted for a dem county judge who was a straight shooter. Interestingly he was the judge who in the 90s explained the new restrictions on septic system installation that has me convinced developers have finagled (bribed?) a state bureaucrat into illegally changing the wording and they are going hog wild now developing plots that were hands off 6 yrs ago

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Aug 27Edited

I just listened to TC’s interview with RFK, Jr…and while I admire some of his thoughts on clean water and soil and fighting corruption, what really struck me was the rather hodgepodge world-earth-spiritualism route he seemed to take.

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I remain unconvinced. Not my cup of tea

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I remain very concerned that we’re all being played for an agenda that hasn’t put all of its cards on the table.

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"Robert F. Kennedy has found common cause with another disaffected former Democrat - Donald Trump..."

I had forgotten that Trump was first a Democrat. I am proud of both Trump and Kennedy for being pragmatic, using both their common sense and their hearts, and not letting their pride get in their way of a Unity that can be so successful.

I was thrilled to see Arizona MAGA patriots expressing their love for Kennedy at the Trump Glendale rally. I think Kennedy was even a little surprised at the degree of support and love he received

by the MAGA supporters. MAGA loves their families right behind God.

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Doctor Malone, you are absolutely right about thus being a major political realignment.

I believe that Our Heavenly Father is on the move and he is answering our prayers.

With the intersectionality of the radicals of the DNC, it is CRITICAL that all of the America 🇺🇸 loving ❤️ groups and organizations join forces to defeat this cancer that has metastasized to stage 4 right before our eyes!!!

It will take ALL HANDS ON DECK with no room for egos!

I will continue to pray and to do my part to make sure that I can say that I wasn't silent when I was needed the most!

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Our Heavenly Father, Son & Holy Spirit are always on the move - we just can't keep up with them. Our prayers should reflect or agree with their plan: "Come, THY Kingdom, be done THY WILL on earth, as it is in Heaven. For too long we have been bowing to those who wanted to take the place of the all-powerful, all-knowing God.

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Profound. Concise. Insightful. Thank you for sharing!

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Wow. That’s all I can say. One of your best ever. Agree with every word.

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I agree. That was a profound piece of writing from Dr. Malone. I'm moved.

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I second this sentiment. Absolutely on target and very well written.

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As usual, well thought out and presented! To start, we need to take back America and then reduce the federal government for what it Constitutionally was meant to be, LIMITED!

Any agency, not specifically enabled in the Constitution needs to be eliminated, as the Constitution states those rights and duties not specifically granted to the federal gov are left to the States!

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