Any nation that won't protect its people, its borders and it culture has no right to continue to exist. And any politician who won't stand for his or her nation's borders, culture or people is a fraud or traitor who needs to slither off to obscurity. Or be tried and punished. The European Union was established for the express purpose of extinguishing these nations and cultures. Finally Europeans are waking up to the threat. Will Americans similarly wake up to the threat of the Democrat Party and feckless Republicans who are also conspiring to end the American experiment in free people, free markets and free speech?

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Take DC down to the studs and restore balance of power and make state rights dominate again!

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down to below the original rat and mosquito infested swamp, and I am onboard.

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Bruce, I think our attention may be better directed at who’s controlling both Democratic and Republican parties. Once we see the role the banks and Federal Reserve play, then we have a chance in changing the tide here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/spiritual-sundays-freedom-vs-slavery

The banks are what chose Democide and Menticide on the populace. They have no entity and are a soulless creation: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

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Franklin? Apparently you are NOT aware (that) a so-called "NGO" - "Non-Governmental Organization" known by its innocuous sounding name - the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATION" is PRECISELY, EXPLICITLY and ABSOLUTELY "controlling" BOTH the Democrat and Republican "parties". TOP TO BOTTOM - for WAY over a half century!

"CFR" members in the Federal Reserve include JANET YELLEN, JEROME POWELL, Glenn H. Hutchins, Richard H. Clarida and Lael Brainard.

"CFR" members - JOE BIDEN - ANTHONY BLINKEN - JOHN KERRY and ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS all get their marching orders from the "CFR".

WE THE SUCKERS are being SOLD OUT from WITHIN - and SUBJUGATED to rule by the INTERNATIONAL "SOCIALIST" movement aka the United Nations.

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Am I behind the curve! Just discovered TODAY (via a C-SPAN 1), a "discussion" regarding NATO by several members of the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS INTERNATIONAL" (which was Founded in 2007)! YIKES!!!!!

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Was the CFO founded in 2007 or is that when they finally came out of the closet and said they actually existed for many years?

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The "American" COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS "NGO" began in 1921.

(They) have been hiding in plain sight all along - ostensibly just a

non-partisan" think tank dedicated to "an end to war" and "peace and prosperity" - but the underlying caveat is that the USA MUST relinquish its NATIONAL sovereignty; and the American people THEIR INDIVIDUAL sovereignty - to become "citizens of the world" - like Barrack Hussein Obama sez he IS. THAT is the ONLY thing he has ever said that I BELIEVE.

The 2007 (international) iteration of the "CFR" co-ordinating with the "American CFR" is a bad dream becoming a nightmare for freedom loving individuals.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Those "leaders" who are failing to protect the people, borders, and culture of the nation are doing so with the express aim of deconstructing that nation. That we should begin to feel it "has no right to continue to exist" is precisely their intention, and this attitude helps them on their way to succeeding in their mission.

Instead, we should be thinking that THE "LEADERS" who won't protect this nation's people, borders, and culture have no right to continue IN POWER.

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A Bloody good question Bruce. It is people like Dr Malone who make us aware of just how corrupt AND how cruel so many of these organisations are in today's world. I have to admit, I was not aware of any of this, and its scares the living daylights out of me, not just for the sake of my beloved Australia, BUT THE WHOLE FREE WORLD.

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Tucker's takedown in Australia of the idiotic press you have there was brilliant. Not that ours are any better.

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Any RINO that doesn't take MOST seriously 1) the pandemic insanity and 2) this war-mongering insanity should be voted out in their next primary. Short of that, I think we're literally doomed to an incredibly dark future.

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The problem is in identifying the buggers. Sadly nowhere enough voters look for nonMSM news sources and so they continue to hide behind a facade of phony conservative claims without media exposure.

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The ones like Durbin who support the status quo and see no evil have to go! Goes for both sides of the aisle!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

No doubt. And I have no idea how we can change that. My approach has been for all of US, as few as we might be, to let our worthless Republican "representatives" (Democratic politicians are already too far gone) know that we will not be voting for them and why. And then all of US speak of them as depraved and/or stupid when explaining their dereliction of duty (which, IMO, ARE the explanations of it).

That might force them to do better or double down on us, which could wake up more people, hopefully. But we need to vote them out regardless.

But almost no one agrees with my approach. I don't believe in speaking nicey-nicey to people who don't care if the deep state kills me. And they're not gods. They call themselves public "servants," so let us speak of them accordingly.

And even if my preferred strategy managed to wake up some more people, we'd still have a very hard fight ahead of us. There is a poly-crisis in play. And that makes things very difficult, politically. If RFK Jr had a chance, I'd feel much less pessimistic about our current situation. But I see no evidence yet that he can pull it off.

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RFK Jr., may be running as an Independent, but he’s still espouses Democrat policies, like disarming the American people.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Yeah, he's definitely FAR from ideal. And it may be a wash between him and Trump. I don't really trust either one of them. But I think he would shake the federal government up much more than Trump would. Honestly, I think this country is too far gone.

The right succession of leaders might could help us navigate our way back to sanity. But I don't see a leader anywhere near capable of restoring sanity in one term. The poly-crisis we're in makes it very difficult to do for even our most qualified men. And the odds of them getting elected may not even be good.

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Not only had JRB said Shockingly, "Dark Days Are Ahead" early in his term as Pres.

Then he did the Hitler "Stage" with the black backdrop and red accents for good measure.

If you didn't think in that precise moment, that America you once knew now vanished.

It is dissolving slowly in a horrific stealth mode into the NWO GW Bush said it would.

We are but ants on an anthill on a city sidewalk. A precise giant footstep is all it takes.

There can be hope only when the nation stops such radical divisions we are immersed in

Come together...right now....John Lennon

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What if we could end the out of control, corrupt federal government and Amend the Constitution to really bring back the intent of the Articles of the Confereration (via Article V Convention of the States) and go back to real Federalism?

When James Otis was yelling “Taxation without Representation” pre-Declaration of Independence, how likely was it a small colony could rebel and defeat the world’s largest king and army? We did it once, we can do it again!

The “Anti-Federalists” did try to warn us through The-Anti-Federalist-Papers. Perhaps we should review those documents again and look to the Anti-Federalists for wisdom out of this mess? They gave us the Bill of Rights! (Federalist Hamilton said the Bill of Rights was not necessary!!)

Yes, James Madison did write the Bill of Rights and authored many of the Federalist Papers, but he only wrote the Bill of Rights after NY and VA would not ratify the Constitution without a Bill of Rights. Thank you NY and VA.

With threats of another forever war, at what point do We the People say Enough?


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A be careful of what you wish for warning. An article 5 convention of the states is dangerous and if it falls into too many wrong hands the first thing to happen will be abolishing the electoral college. They already have plans for that.

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Yes, they do and I understand that fear, but it would take ¾ of the states to do that. How did the electoral college prevent the 2020 election fraud? It didn’t.

The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself, right? We have to do something or we will be goosestepping into tyranny.

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Right now we have trouble mustering1/2 of state legislatures to get behind a conservative pushback to the progressive steamroller. Think it better for those states who actually mean it to continue fighting the d.c. cabal and as they prosper, as they are, hopefully more states will fall in line

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P.S. look at the number of state legs who have already signed onto a popular presidential election. Getting scarry.

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Elimination of Electoral College

It appears that , like our efforts to initiate a Constitutional Convention, this initiative has been in process for some years. It has not impacted the integrity of our Constitutional process yet, but considering the heat of our opposition I'm very concerned. Is there any way we can attack this before it reaches the Critical level? Or in the alternative get it on our schedule of what to monitor and watch out for?

Last week, the state legislature of Maine became the 17th in the nation to pass a bill that will effectively eliminate the Electoral College

Maine would join 15 states and the District of Columbia to adopt the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact—a pledge that their electoral votes go to the presidential candidate with the most overall votes across the nation.

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Epoch Times covered this twice. Mark Levin covered it on his radio show this week

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And then Klaus Schwab's vision for future elections will be complete -you won't need them anymore because the outcome will be obvious.

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The constitution is not being followed now. COS would put the entire constitution up for rewrite when the rules are not being followed. That is the last thing we want to do.

Enforce the constitution we have now. If you can't do that, you hare already lost.

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That's a good point, but I keep thinking that if we didn't have an Executive and Judicial Branch (eliminating a big part of the central government like the Articles of the Confederation) it might be more manageble for We the People to keep our eyes on the state level better. IDK.

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I think you need all branches of government. The three in the constitution are designed to keep each other in check. The media is considered the fourth branch that informs the people of all the violations that occur. The media is now owned by the deep state that controls the other branches of government. The corruption is the problem. The size is a problem. The unconstitutional power grab is a problem. They all need to be reined in not rewritten. The states were supposed to have all the power (10 amendment) but they gave it up over the years. The 16th Amendment put senators up for election by the people instead of being appointed by the states. All of these are difficult to reclaim but things are so blatantly wrong now, it is easy to prove. Once one person is tried for corruption, the rest will fall. Right now there is a RICO type investigation into Fauci and others that conspired with him. If that comes to fruition, it will cause some huge revelations.

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Actually that was the 17th Amendment. The 16th Amendment created the income tax, thus growing the central government to grow too big! 1913 was a very bad year along with the Federal Reserve Act.

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Yes. All enabled by the sinking of the Titanic by the people who benefited by the Amendments.

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Yes the checks and balances were intended to keep the central government in check with Federalism prevailing. How did that work out? My point is that I believe it's the central government that is the problem. And, when I look at the Articles of the Confederation, with only a Congress from state delegates, that maybe that would be better. No federal election for president, no life long appointment for the supreme court - can you imagine? I know we have national issues but maybe it could be more like Switzerland. IDK, but what we have now is an unsustainable mess.

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You can't have law makers without courts to rule on them.

The problem as you mentioned is about who has the power and for how long. If the states controlled the senators and funding of the government (before IRS) then the power remains with the states. If congress followed the one representative per 10,000 citizens, then we would have more control but they said there weren't enough seats so that is a 'no can do' and suddenly they gained more power.

The people have been asleep too long and let this get out of hand.

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Yes, we need courts but maybe the courts could be a state tribunal type system?

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NY and VA were only able to accomplish what they did because ... information was able to be seen and heard by The People!! "We The People" can't say/do anything until they/we finish the take-back of their/our information system which is in its beginning stages with X and Truth Social.

Hamilton was a deep-cover agent of the Bank of England, whose head told Ambassador Benjamin Franklin... "We will get you back!"

Think about that!!! The nexus of power of the British Empire was (and still is) the Central Banksters!! "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" Whether or not that quote came from a Rothschild... it is still true!! The "money changers" have been running things since well before Jesus kicked them out of the temples!!

Getting back to honest money is the biggest stake that can be hammered into the heart of Fascism!!!

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That seems to be the most unanswered question.

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Jun 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I liked RFK and his brother JFK. They were fearless and went after the military industrial complex, to their demise. There’s no doubt we need to get rid of NATO, abandon the UN and withdraw from the UN and expel them. By the grace of God we will elect the president who stands up for we, people, upholds the constitution and will dismantle the administrative state, brick by brick! It’s time we had a leader who fights for America First, who is not given over to greed nor beholden to the globalist agenda.

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Jun 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Even more respect for you Robert Malone! Bravo!

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Government of the people, for the people and by the people, means the elected are not our authorities but our servants. But what about the unelected letter agencies? It seems our elected servants are more serving to them than us. I have seen polls that say 70% of the U.S. citizens want peace in the Ukraine but even when Putin and Zelenskyy talk of a peace plan Joe Biden stops it. So if we are a true representative government why does this war go on? It’s the president along with the 3 letter agencies pushing this war. We have not been a true representative republic for decades. Please listen to this podcast with Mike Benz on Lou Dobbs, it is an eye opener to who picks our presidential candidates and why Trump was such a target, because the CIA didn’t pick him.


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What we had better start worrying about post haste is how the d.c. cabal is issuing executive orders designed to enfranchise the illegals and we know who will be casting those "votes" in their name.

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I think 70 % of American citizens will vote for Trump, very similar to the American citizens that want these wars to end. But Biden, the CIA and our entire deep state shadow government, I don’t think, will allow an outsider like Trump into the White House again. When he won in 2016 it set their plans back 4 years and now we see what the plan was and is.

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Well said mate. (but Bloody scary). Are you in a position to make a "Guess" (note the capital) as to the outcome? I am one of the many who believes Donald J Trump is not THE ONLY person to save America, I am Firmly of the view that HE IS the only person who can save the world. I am sure He is aware of how much many of us "Aussies" Love him, and I am PROUDLY ONE OF THEM.

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Hi Les, I can only hope that Trump and the American citizen will overwhelm the democrats attempt to steal this election like they did in 2020. I can’t imagine what will happen to all of us if they are able to steal this one. It is frightening, if we “lose” I believe the world and most all populations will quickly be pushed into a new dark age like never seen before.

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We will just have to hope....that and voting just about all that is left

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I was shocked when voters chose Obama for his first term and even more so when voters gave him a second term. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

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Your completely right Jack!! Another frightening twist to this process. There are so many unaware incompetent citizens that year after year unconsciously continue to destroy America.

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Beautifully and perfectly written.

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NATO, the UN, the CIA and all of the rest of the three letter gestapo must be disbanded or reined in.

Pray for this to happen in order to keep our FREEDOM and to assist WORLD PEACE.

One hand of the CIA doesn't know what any other body parts are up to.

This "need to know" insanity allows this to happen.

Another thing that should be stopped is any Presidential EXECUTIVE ORDER that infringes on our Constitution.

That insane imposter residing in the White House should have never been elected into his long congressional lifetime of money laundering corruption.

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Jun 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree NATO must be disbanded. NATO , UN WHO, and any other organization that is bent on destroying freedom need to be disbanded. We live in a pivotal time. The powers that be are trying to push Putin into an all out WWIII. War makes money for the bad guys. Putin allowed the deep state to get under his skin so he would start the war with the Ukraine. Trump has been the only President in more than 70 years that has kept us out of war.

I am surprised that my conservative friends still watch mainstream news. That is where they look to see what is happening in the world. What can we as citizens do ? We must talk to people. Help them to think for themselves. We must fervently pray for our country.

Thank you for the voice over. Have safe travels.

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Jun 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your words were true then and ring even truer today. Was this a foreshadowing of your future leadership in the truth and freedom movement to save humanity, post-2020's bioterrorism attack? I submit: yes, it is. We are fortunate to have you as a core leader our fight!

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All true.

NATO is a relic from the Cold War, targeted against the old USSR -- which no longer exists. The UN is worse -- it has NEVER prevented a war, but does often arrive in time to rape the survivors.

Eisenhower warned us of the "Military Industrial Complex." America was been trapped in "unnecessary wars" for decades. Even our top military commanders -- Especially General Flynn, but others privately -- testify to this waste of American lives and treasure.

Right now, our main enemy is China -- which is waging that they call "Unrestricted War," which most here call "5G warfare." Many of our elected officials are taking money from China. Epoch Times (now the #4 paper in America, plus they have a good video channel) reports that, for all practical purposes, China now controls Hollywood.

We have as many Americans dying from Chinese Fentanyl as we lost in WW II!

Check our book -- #1 new book on Amazon last year -- Invisible Treason.


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Globalist leviathan is evil.

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Jun 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I"m in full agreement with you. NATO has to go. It was about 25 years ago you wrote that piece when a grad at Hawaii Pacific University and as we now know, the Military Industrial Complex, the Deep State, and the "group of madmen" now known as NATO, are still alive and well and more powerful than ever. They attacked you then and they attack you now for expressing your opinion and backing it up with facts. Maybe it was calling them "madmen" that set them off. Lol! By 2030 pieces like your honest, well-written op-ed will not be allowed unless a great number of us refuse to "obey". You can't control people who won't allow it.

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There have been so many acts of terrorism by the United States over the last several years that have really demolished any claims that the United States has on any type of moral authority within the confines of this planet. For me it started with Julian assange in his release of the video of US soldiers targeting journalists in Iraq, even if by accident, and has gone downhill from there. After he having seen that, my eyes were opened and I started inspecting other events that had occured over the last several decades. For example, the use of depleted uranium and what it did in Falusia and Basra in Iraq is a war crime that cannot be erased from history, and the assassination of Michael Hastings and many other acts of terror on the part of the United States. There are so many other domestic acts of terrorism by the United States including the spree of assassinations that took place in the 60s in the United States starting with the assassination of John f Kennedy that can not be ignored as well. It's a sad testiment to what happens when ultimate power corrupts ultimately. I frankly do not know what we can do to unwind this I guess we have to take our punishment and move on. What that punishment is is yet to be determined. No country is Free from evil, it is all around us and the best we can do is continue to fight it. Some, like my mother, choose to pray. I, though I do pray for change, on the other hand would prefer to speak out and speak out frequently.

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Book "Covert Regime Change: Americans Secret Cold War"

by Lindsay A. O'Roque

64 regime changes between 1947-1989. How many more since then?

From the statement at Cornell University Press.

"In the book, O’Rourke explores the differences between overt and covert regime change, and argues that conventional focus on overt cases misses the basic causes of regime change. To illustrate her point, she examines the 64 times the U.S. attempted covert regime change—mostly through covert means—between 1947-89, the period encompassing the Cold War era.

U.S. covert operations during the Cold War were unsuccessful more than 60 percent of the time and most failed to remain covert, often resulting in unforeseen, and disastrous, consequences, according to O’Rourke, who found that states targeted for regime change were more likely to experience civil war in the 10 years following intervention."

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For what it's worth, I wish I hadn't edit button.

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There is an edit button. Notice at the lower right corner there are three dots. Click on those and you can edit and save your changes.

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Not from the phone app though.

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Dear Robert

You are right. In 1991 we had to finish the Nato.

Reerect the WEU. USA completely out of Europe.

Now the Mato is a division of the Military Industrial Complex

Make War, earn Money is the motto.

So finish the Nato

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Speak truth to power!

Jason Jones 🙏🏻

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