Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For those of us who follow you and have studied with you, there is no need for an explanation. For anyone who doesn't know, Dr. Malone is right at the top of people I trust and you can trust him too. A great big THANK YOU to Dr. Malone for not backing down, no matter how he's attacked. We will make it home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laR3JoyPdm4

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Amen, I also agree with you. Dr. Malone has been transparent, giving real data & facts, & I agree with him- The Truth Will Set Us Free! God Bless you & Jill Dr. Malone for standing strong for us! Thank you both!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched the Darkhorse podcast last year with you, Steve and Bret. I knew you were genuine then and I still know it. I’m sure millions share that view.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

ABSOLUTELY! I was so impressed at how measured and precise he was to explain things clearly, ethically, like a true scientist.

I could see that first time what a huge step forward this was for him, literally into the unknown. I'm sure there were many days and nights of meditation, preparation, and discussion with his dear Jill, before he took that momentous step.

Dr. Malone, I will be eternally grateful for your courageous, tenacious, compassionate, and honorable fight with this venomous enemy. I pray for you and Jill for Divine Strength and encouragement, provision and protection, for you surely need it. You are both greatly loved.

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To me, there are two kinds of scientists - the intellectually curious scientists and pseudo scientists.

When asked questions:

The first are clear, joyful, excited, and open. They're often playful and happy.

The second group hedge with vagaries and, when pressed, get angry.

It doesn't matter the question - their responses are often enough.

One more tip off - Like honest politicians, real scientists rarely make a fortune.

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I became a paid subscriber a few days ago specifically to aid in a small way with your fight against the global demons. It is my privilege to do so.

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That indeed, was my intro to the real deal of RWM as well.

Uncanny was the allure and intrigue. And rings the bell of honesty as loudly today.

So if I have been "brainwashed", I can leave this earth knowing it was the best damn kind.

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Exactly, and he had the patience of a saint during that discussion!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please don't walk away just yet. Although I can understand your feelings on this, the work is not yet done. There are millions of us who are in the background and who support your work.

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I’ll second that emotion! I wouldn’t blame you, if you walked away, but praying you don’t just yet. Prayers to you and Jill. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💕

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You have been chosen.

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All of us here have!

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, the "friendly fire" attacks may well be originated by the government. There's nothing they won't do. I put nothing past them.

In the kind of war we're fighting, with no well-defined, well-understood chain of command, there's unfortunately going to be back-biting by some who want to elevate their stature at the expense of others. Especially when the battles are fought in public. By tearing you down, they make their own dim bulb shine brighter.

Wish I had some constructive advice, but I don't. All I can offer is, it may be tempting to give up, but we just cannot afford to do that. The stakes are too high.

You've been very effective. Please keep doing what you're doing.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for all you’ve done and continue to do for society. I will send you energy every day to keep up this fight!!!

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same here!!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm soooo disappointed in the Breggins. I was ready to admire and appreciate them (esp with Peter McCullough's embracing their book) but...well, this is disappointing. Dumbasses. Friendly fire is STUPID. Friendly debate is not. They should have the courage to openly discuss and debate their concerns or accusations, rather than hiding in the bushes lobbing ad hominem attacks.

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The Breggins have shown a disappointing level of professionalism and discernment, and a close-mindedness that we cannot afford to tolerate in this fight.

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I don't get the Breggins. Their complaint reads like Edelman, Danya, Air (one of our propaganda contractors) drafted the attacks and paid the Breggins to sign it. They deliberately misinterpret the obvious.

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Where did you read their complaint? Yeah, they'velost their minds.

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Oh My God, he is DISTORTING an incredible amount. Unbelievable. Malone and Desmet are collaborating together to say Peter and Ginger and whoever else are mentally disturbed all in an effort to stop the conspiracy theories? Are you kidding me? What planet does this man live on. He's pretty footloose and fancy free with the facts. He just throws out any statement that makes him feel warm and fuzzy all under, I guess. Well, I was prepared to really like his book but if he's that cavalier about making statements, he's now lost a lot of credibilty. I wouldn't even trust now, I DON"T even trust now, what he says about the "other side". He's more interested in insulting and dismissing and distorting to argue a point than he is in objective truth. Sorry, I like people who are objective and honest. Oh, and Malone made ALL this money? And Desmet is blaming the victims? All a lie. I don't know if he knows he's lying or not. He's distorting. Probably feeling in competition with Desmet and Malone since he's been at this longer, so he says and wants to be the forerunner on this.

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That's why I said that Breggin's attacks read like they were crafted by gov't propagandists Edelman, Danya, Air, etc. They reminded me of the attacks against Peter Duesberg, Andrew Wakefield and Celia Farber.

David Lewis Ph.D. wrote the definitive investigation on the Wakefield case... http://omsj.org/reports/Lewis%202012.pdf

... and their attack on Celia Farber was classic. After Harper's published Celia Farber's explosive report about the NIH murder of Joyce Hafford...


... the usual suspects contrived "56 errors" to attack Farber, Harpers, and anyone else who dared to legitimize her heretical two-year, heavily fact-checked report.

The attack signatories were all Fauci HIV grantees.


Their absurd attack and names were enough for effortless skepticism, which was enough for the propagandists.

So when I read the Breggin report, I recognized the style. No real scientist would go out of their way to write what they claim to have written.

I've grilled plenty of docs under oath and am not impressed with more than a few - especially "virologists" who rely on divining rods like flow cytometry and PCR testing (PCR is real, PCR tests are not) instead of Koch's Postulates or electron microscopy.

I'm skeptical of them ALL, but Dr. Malone and his peers have broken their silence and raised legitimate questions that must be heard as part of their moral obligation to "informed consent". Their modest exposure of that ongoing, trillion-dollar-pseudoscientific-theocratic money-laundering operation (that they all played a part of) understandably challenges the lives, careers, and credibility of thousands of bent pseudo-scientists and universities - the churches, temples, clerics, theologians, apostles, disciples, and mullahs who, if faced with their day of reckoning in this world would not be reputable enough to drive cabs or dig ditches (without watchful direct supervision).

So yeah, Breggin's attacks serve the purpose because the majority of the global population is afflicted by life and characteristics described by Asch, Milgram, Desmet and others - people who are too addled, stressed, and distracted to study the arguments from one side or another. In that cacophony, the noisiest mob wins. Like Duesberg, Wakefield and Farber, casual observers will hear that Malone "was discredited", shrug their shoulders and think to themselves, "well, who really knows?"

Mission accomplished!

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I am equally disappointed in McCullough. Thought he had his head on straight.

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Me too! I can't believe he is thinking this way. I can believe Stew Peters involved thats how he works. Hang in there Dr. Malone. My friends and I have always appreciated you during this scamdemic.

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I don’t know about McCullough’s prior stance, but he stated clearly in a podcast last week that both Breggins’ theory about the existence of an evil cabal, and Desmet’s/Malone’s theory about Mass Formation, have merit and are cohesive. He attempted to bring both sides together by showing how their ideas are compatible and not in opposition. So I don’t think McCullough is siding with the Breggins’ attacks on Malone.

I initially gave credence to Breggin’s argument that the theory of Mass Formation seemed to deflect the blame for unethical behavior. But after reading more of Desmet’s thesis, and after the Breggins began the personal attacks on Malone, I realized they were not only misinformed, they were off the rails.

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Oh, th is is a very helpful summary. Thank you. I was surprised if Dr. McCullough chimed in against. Dr. Malone or Desmet. It seems much more in keeping that he would see merit to both angles, The Breggins and Desmet's perspectives. I imagine both sides would be compatible and not in opposition, so that makes sense. Yeah, I agree that Dr. Desmet's thesis does not deflect blame. Maybe the Breggins haven't even directly read or heard out what he is actually saying and just reacted. But, who knows.

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Unfortunately, there are several others on “our side” who are concerned that Mass Formation could be used as a defense in a Nuremberg 2.0 (an example of their argument is here https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/mass-formation-hypnosis-disorder/comments). But the proper way to address this concern would have been to speak directly with Dr. Malone, not defame him.

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Good to know, but that doesn't seem like a very good defense to me, since I'm sure mass formation occurred during the Holocaust too. That doesn't mean they didn't suffer the worse victimization conceivable. It just means people get fooled, go into denial, have group think and essentially believe the propanda. PsyOps is predicated on this knowledge. And knowledge of our mass formation process can hopefully help people be more cognizant of this phenomenon and wake up. "it's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled" as Mark Twain said. Desmet's just explaining how it all happens, to my view, but I understand the fear and it's good to know that this is the concern. I agree speaking directly to Dr. Malone and Dr. Desmet would be the way to go.

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There will be no Nuremberg 2.0. The first was possible only because the Americans and Communists wanted it. https://www.amazon.com/Judgment-Moscow-Soviet-Western-Complicity-ebook/dp/B07NTQTRHN

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Thank you, I appreciate the info. It is difficult to keep up with all the info swirling around. That does not excuse me from not doing more homework before I commented.

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Well, what has he said about all this? All I know is he liked Breggins book a lot, which is okay. Hopefully he hasnt' gone beyond that.

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You ask a fair question and I thought I read something wherein he criticized Dr. Malone but, in all honesty, I cannot find it.

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Well, thank you for checking into it. Hopefully he has not.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion! I just want to say thank you for being the voice of truth and reason. You and people like Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Del Big Tree, Dr. Laurie, Dr. Wolf, Dr. Alexander and lots more....all of you are being targeted because you are a threat to some of the most evil players on the board. I'll keep supporting you and the others who are calling out the harm being done by a government out of control. More and more of us are fighting back against them and I believe it's going to reach a tipping point!

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the Torch of Truth and Good in this world nowadays

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That’s the point, isn’t it? Not just to smear you but DEMORALIZE you... to sap your energy (and Jill’s!) in this fight.

Do you think WE care? Your sincerity, your integrity, your intelligence and honesty SHINE THROUGH. To be honest, everyone who attacks YOU this way is persona non grata in my book: they are only hurting themselves. For example, I used to watch Stew Peters and Jane Ruby regularly, but no more.

I learned all this when I saw very smart, very good scientists denigrated and defunded when they questioned the climate change narrative, which opened my eyes and primed me to be suspicious when all the Covid narratives came out.

Okay, so you won’t get consulting gigs anymore. We are here to support you! I personally will contribute as much as I can to any GiveSendGo or other platform you set up to support your work and life.

Does it really matter, Robert? God, the Universe (whatever you believe) has put you here on this earth, at this time and place, for this fight. And, by golly, you are coming through in a BIG WAY. Try to chuckle inside yourself as you get material out there that sets the record straight... but no worries. If it is too draining to do it, then STOP trying to defend. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

WE KNOW... and history will show you to be a true hero in this fight.

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Well said! God works in strange ways. I truly believe things happen for a reason though we may not like it. Dr. Malone was chosen among others in this fight just like I feel God made so many of us to keep our critical thinking skills intact. There’s a lesson to be learned in all of this even if it’s unclear just yet what it is.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I haven't watched this yet, but I did see your post a few days ago about how weary you and Jill are. Let me just say, I am sorry. And. Thank you. I don't think you believe in Christ as your savior, but if at some point you do put your faith in him, I will assure you, crowns in Glory for you. Indeed, God created you for such a time as this and I am sorry for the hateful ways people have attacked you. So you know, The Bible says, We "Wrestle not against flesh and blood" and it's so true that these people who attack you - yes, people - but you must understand that all of this...has been engineered by the enemy of our souls...all marching towards the end of time here. I'm sure I'm not the first to say so. But please know people are praying for you and Jill and thankful for your sacrifice. The enemy of humanity - is himself seeking to destroy you - because ALL TRUTH is GOD's truth...and he cannot stand that. You STAND for TRUTH. Therefore he has to stand against you. Know all of us needed you fighting. From day one - your willingness to stand - risk - speak - has been life to us. REST. Take care of you - but keep an ear to the ground - because you might just need to put your super hero cape back on at some point. in the meantime. Just thanks. I only wish I had a street address to send you snail mail and a box of homemade cookies! ;)

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Yes, ALL TRUTH is God's truth, whether or not it's attributed to Him. And He uses even those that are not yet His to make His heart known.

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Indeed. And even draw them to him. My prayer for Malone and others in this fight.

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We're ALL His - we were His from the beginning. One needs only to open their heart.

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Jesus and my kids/grandkids were all that kept me from leaving this world early. I now see that I have much left to do. I'd also say that perspective is EVERYTHING. Having lived or traveled widely, I know there are billions of people around the world who would gladly chainsaw one of their legs to suffer the injustices that we're privileged to suffer. As rough as times have been for me, my life and experiences have been a WONDERFUL adventure that I wouldn't trade for anything. God bless!

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Amen. And thank you for your service sir. Sorry so many do not appreciate it or the blood sacrifices of so many to earn the very freedoms they take for granted and now want to see erased.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The friendly fire is just annoying but this attempt by the government to cancel you and what they've been able to do is terrifying. It's also so obvious. Tucker Carlson won't have you on? That surprises me. He would seem to be very sympathetic to your issues and the abuse of power here. These leftists are saying he's the most dangerous person out there for obvious reasons. Keep your chin up. I was cancelled like you, maneuvered out of my adjunct teaching queue when my son got testicular cancer and I didn't fill out my "self evaluation" on time, and my publisher cancelled me after I'd had two books published--all because I was vocal about "literary theory" and the fact that I believed a public university shouldn't be taking political positions (something the president of the university at the time also believed). My writing career at least in Michigan was pretty much ruined. I'm trying to switch from literary writing to more commercial, but of course even those publishers seem woke. We appreciate what you've done and you HAVE made a huge difference. So many people heard you.

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I have a publisher in Nigeria who may be interested in your work. I'm serious. Let me know if you're interested.

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Huh. Nigeria? I write literary fiction mostly. The last thing my publisher was looking at, a university press (until I was cancelled) was a nonfiction literary memoir thing. Right now I'm working on a Time/Dream more commercial project. But of course all time/dream things have a complicated structure. I'm a year maybe a bit less away on that. What do you write?

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Personally, I write advertising copy. (It's not as easy as you may think. All writers should try it some time.) I own an education business here in the US. Back when Covid hit and nearly destroyed our business here, I took the business where Covid wasn't ... Nigeria. Covid doesn't exist in Western Africa. We're working with authors in Nigeria and elsewhere to build a publish business there.

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Huh. No, I did advertising copy in another incarnation! I published a leisure style magazine in a suburb of Detroit for a few years. And then was approached by some of our advertisers to write for them! It's not easy at ALL! In fact, I think it's the hardest thing to do. I sort of wrote like the J Peterman thing (catalog that they highlighted on Seinfeld) when I was asked to. But I hated it. Very very hard. Hard writing. What all do they/you publish and where is the distribution? What are your publishing goals? My latest project is a commercial type fiction thing?

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Check us out. www. AmeriSTEAM.org. Email me at mick@ameristeam.org

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your video presentations.

I've experienced the same tactics by professional Fauci-funded trolls. Their objective is to push you into "swinging wild" so that they can mount a more focused "lawfare" attack to 1) discredit you, 2) silence you, and if necessary 3)cripple you emotionally and financially.

After 14 years of crippling lawsuits, professional destruction, alienated family, and stress that led to suicidal ideation (that's over with), my advice is to ignore the trolls and stay above it all. Don't get into the mud with them - that's where they want you. Render your opinion, allow others to challenge and attack you, and let your clear voice and written record speak for itself. Thoughtful people can decide for themselves - trolls are gonna troll.

Your record is clear - your career meritorious - and your heart is in the right place. The biggest difference between our experiences is that you've suffered two years of the malevolence I suffered for 14 years. You don't want to endure what I've endured.

Take a breath, let your record stand, tell your wife and family that you love them, and keep us posted on the latest as your time and energy can handle. I hope that we meet one day. Mary, Meryl, and many others know me.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

May you continue to find the strength from the Divine to lead your soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Try not to concern yourself about the haters. Your love for humanity will help rise above. You have impacted so many lives with your knowledge and leadership! You have no idea what a blessing you are! With deep gratitude from me, my family and many friends!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone, from a medical doctor, mother of four in Louisiana for all you have done for the kids here. We were so impressed when you showed up at our capitol two times when we were there speaking out on behalf of kids here. You have made a very positive difference in the world. I love the saying from a mother to her son, "What other people think of you is none of your business." Please take a break and feel the love we all have from you here and elsewhere in the nation. We appreciate you and can't wait to see you in Knoxville!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone: The truth is that those of us who discovered you early on, have no time to even read the trolls writing or listen to podcasts. I am trying to write a letter to the editor...my seventh, and sometimes he puts it in the paper, and sometimes not. But I send him a lot of truth. By now he must have moved at least an inch from his hypnosis. Why would we watch your trolls? I even discard any email that appears negative. We must have hope and do our job. I am an 80 year old retired RN, MSN, and I have a whole book of letters and theses about respect for life, etc. I am the only one in my whole town writing the truth and your writings are all printed out by me, and I take notes on your podcasts. Yes, I get negative remarks in a "30 seconds" column which is an embarrassment to our town, all so negative. I read your writings that are morning and night and sometimes in between, but why would all of us that write to you even listen to those trolls? I have the books, read the books and am aware of all the corruption. But as a horse lover, I respect your words, traveling, and am so sorry this brings you down. So many good men and women have been victims of the corruption in the world brought by the evil one. This is a spiritual war,l like the hurricane in Florida ruining a lovely state. We have to stand strong! We answer to God for our actions and our words. All of us. There are many more Drs and Scientists speaking out......this farce may turn around and maybe not. We are in it anyway. Keep on keeping on. Both you and Jill. And love on your horses for me. One of them will come to you and take away your pain.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Big pharma is the number one suspect in my book of who is trying to erase you. Of course they control the aspects of the government who are also going after you, but in the final analysis its them imo. They have everything to lose if mRNA as a platform isn't accepted by the public... Just my 2 cents.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Stew Peters, Jane Ruby, the Breggins (Peter and Ginger), Peter McCullough, Judy Mikovits" - not exactly the most credible set of characters other than perhaps McCullough. I listened to five minutes of Peters once and that was enough to convince me that he wasn't worth my time, Mikovits seemed to be a bit crazy and over the top, Ruby I've never heard of, and Breggins is a clinical psychologist - way out of his field.

What we do know is that the vaccines don't stop infection, they don't prevent transmission - which means that they are worthless in the context of public health, they have significant and potentially lethal risk, and before the first dose was given, the makers and providers were absolutely immunized from any legal liability arising from defective or dangerous products. That's all you really need to know to make an informed decision - especially that last part about legal liability, which is the real deal killer - I'd never counsel a client to use or buy such a product. The rest is commentary, as Hillel said.

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I am saddened to find Dr. McCullough's name among this group.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

I can assure you, after over 250 hours of deep, original-source research on Mikovits, she falsified her data several times, and ruined her own career. And I think she does have some mental illness going on. The idea that she has any credibility or stature to question Dr. Malone is ludicrous.

Same with Tenpenney..Of course, she WILL let you buy a monthly subscription to her heavily-curated anti-vax "library", and sell you tons of supplements. LOL.

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Robert Kennedy, Jr., used Mikovits as a source for his book. All his sources were checked and double checked.

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Your mind would suffer too, if you had gone through what she had. Mikovits suffered and it lasted for years. Of course, she is emotionally distraught. Anybody would be. Have mercy on her and pray for her (if you do that for anybody, do it for her). I am very disppointed by Peter McCullough too. I saw that he was pulling away from Dr. Marik and Dr. Kory in a zoom presentation recently, but I wasn't thinking too much about it, until this was posted and it makes sense, that he is aligning with different people. He needs to rethink this stance as groups do not need to small and select, but BIG! And discussions need to be open.

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