Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent collection of damning evidence against the CDC. Who would ever trust that agency again? I sure won’t.

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I never did 😉

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

CDC has just been a shill for Big Pharma and their laser focused drive to push nano drug injections as their new dominant cure for Ill health! Ignoring the massive number of ADR’s and deaths due to the injections is criminal and we can blame the FDA And the CDC for not stopping the injections! Mea Culpa is not going to cut it!

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If it was just an issue about adults without #InformedConsent it would not trouble me so much, after all we're a nation with 90% #MetabolicDysfunction (which IMHO includes #BrainFog.)

But, the #plandemic and #BigPharma's #CYA pursuit of indemnity (cf. 1986 Act) turned into a #MengeleExperiment on hapless children. This is unforgivable!

#Faucism lives in #Amerika.

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This seems like an auspicious moment for a song parody. We wrote this one for you.

Sayin' A Lie (Stayin' Alive Parody)

Well you can talk all you want about Jonas Salk

Those Pharma fans stretched around the block

The signal’s loud and we've been warned

Been poked and jabbed since we were born

They say it's alright, it's ok

We'll all just look the other way

Somehow try to comprehend

How the New York Times can just pretend

Whether you're an anchor or whether you're a banker

You're sayin' a lie

Sayin a lie

The narrative is breakin' but everybody's quakin'

They're sayin' a lie

Sayin' a lie

Ah ah ah ah sayin’ a lie, sayin’ a lie

Ah ah ah ah sayin’ a lie

Oh around the clock…

The stats go low and the stats go high

But whichever way you must comply

Got a dirty mask stuck on my shoe

And the nurses dancing in the ICU

It's all night, it's all day

You'll never live the same old way

Such a strange new fashion trend

For the new world order's not your friend

Whether you're an anchor or whether you're a banker

You're sayin' a lie

Sayin a lie

The narrative is breakin' but the media’s still fakin'

They're sayin' a lie

Sayin' a lie

Ah ah ah ah sayin’ a lie, sayin’ a lie

Ah ah ah ah sayin’ a lie

It’s germ warfare, but they won’t tell me

No, they won’t tell me

They’re sayin’ a lie…

Well you can tell by the way the agencies interlock

It’s not a simple plan, it’s awe and shock

Panicked crowd and I could have sworn

It was a different world where I was born

But it’s alright, it’s okay

I have got a different way

Listen to whoever’s Twitter-banned

Leave the New York Times in the garbage can

I’m taking Ivermectin, and I’m stayin alive

Staying alive

Whether you’re infected or want to stay protected

You’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive

Ah, ah, ah ah staying alive

They’re not rare, don’t try to tell me

Don’t try to tell me…

Whether you're an anchor or whether you're a banker

You're sayin' a lie

Sayin a lie

The narrative is breakin and when we all awaken

We’re seein’ the lie

Seein' the lie

Ah ah ah ah seein’ the lie, seein’ the lie

Ah ah ah ah seein’ the lie…


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Wow Wow Wow ... I LOVE THIS. Brillo!

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Cannot get this tune out of our heads...beware of writing song parody, for ye shall suffer earworms unto eternity.

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Very very well done!!!!

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Delightfully clever parody that rocks like the original but with a decidedly sharper point.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Safe and effective" is rapidly gathering the same panache as "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." As for the economic utility of academic credentials... well, there isn't any. It's what you accomplish in life, where the rubber meets the road.

These days, the only school I'm interested in is the "school of hard knocks." (But maybe that's just me.)

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I saw this report in the news yesterday, my first thought: Biden team is throwing Walensky under the bus to distance the Democrats from the CDC Covid response debacle before the mid-term elections. This is just my hunch, as a moderately uninformed layman.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Admin State looks after its own up to a point. This particular "rearrangement" leaves the odious Walensky in the driver's seat. It is simply done to demonstrate that TPTB are "doing something" to mitigate their very obvious criminality.

Afterthought: Bet Walensky gets a pay raise from the same Admin State!

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Yes, indubitably. She has performed well for her masters. For public health on the other hand, not so much. But then reflect, perhaps on who is paying her more and you'll find where her loyalties (and royalties!) lie... and it's not with "public health," "disease control," or "prevention."

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"...a new equity office" will certainly fix things! ROFLMAO! At least we can finally get all of our pronouns correct!

Afterthought: I'm sure that "stake holders" will benefit bigly from this! Bill and Klaus must be orgasmic.

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There is clearly no separation between media and the Administration. Politico cannot and will not write anything contrary to the White house. The answer will be, more money, more power, no matter what. There is an election coming. We must send the message that we are infallible.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“The C.D.C. is a political organization...." Period.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While the Brandon Administration shuffles the deck chairs on the Titanic, billions of "vaccinated" people have these "clots" growing inside them:


What say you, Dr. M?

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They also have hearts whose functioning being impaired by spike protein induced scaring

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If it was just an issue about adults without #InformedConsent it would not trouble me so much, after all we're a nation with 90% #MetabolicDysfunction (which IMHO includes #BrainFog.)

But, the #plandemic and #BigPharma's #CYA pursuit of indemnity (cf. 1986 Act) turned into a #MengeleExperiment on hapless children. This is unforgivable!

#Faucism lives in #Amerika.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

ASPR now an OpDiv! The cancer grows ever larger and ever more malignant. Watch for arming of its employees so they can protect themselves from all the dispossessed rabble.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the update, something I won't get from the Government.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The CDC was instrumental in corrupting Laboratory Medicine with the inappropriate use of PCR testing to determine COVID infection. Now her plan is to have the head of Laboratory Medicine report directly to the CDC Director. This is unacceptable. Her plan stinks to high heaven. Health and Human Services needs to be dismantled. A fresh look at HHS is a must. Take Welensky to court for her evils perpetrated!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I didn't have time to read the entirety BUT I have one comment for Dr. Malone, "Go for the juggler Dr. Go for it!!" I'm with you all the way!!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

42% of people considering monkeypox as big a threat as covid-19. This is actually the correct view, but not in the way the medical industry intended.

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I find the need to restate that the perpetrators of the COVID / VAX abomination have no choice but to double down from here to etrenity. Any other choice would involve admission of guilt and complicity in crimes against humanity.

Top Doc Slams CDC for Not Researching Kids' Heart Injuries

"The fact the US, CDC, NIAID, FDA, etc etc. have to rely on a Thailand preprint for the first prospective study of cardiac biomarkers is mind-boggling negligence. The US and this CDC have shown that either they are incompetent to take safety signals seriously, or indifferent to safety. They earn Grade F. This study should have been done in the USA, by Pfizer 1 month after EUA was granted. End of story,"

But if the proper studies had been done, if clinical trials had been done correctly, the mRNA miracle would have fallen flat on its face, $Billions NOT made and BigPharma subject to collapse through investor selloffs.





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If it was just an issue about adults without #InformedConsent it would not trouble me so much, after all we're a nation with 90% #MetabolicDysfunction (which IMHO includes #BrainFog.)

But, the #plandemic and #BigPharma's #CYA pursuit of indemnity (cf. 1986 Act) turned into a #MengeleExperiment on hapless children. This is unforgivable!

#Faucism lives in #Amerika.

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"What are Dr. Walensky’s prescriptions for curing the CDC of its ailments? More power and more money." Obviously! This is always the answer for the Admin State and its lackeys.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Always this way - not their fault, man! More money, authority, and, of course, the most common BS item that idiots pull out of their rear end when they are discovered to be utter buffoons, more training!

Welensky should be sweating like a whore in church - is she? Hell no. She couldn't work in the organization in which I spent my career, she wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes. She is a political appointee, nothing more.

Also, look at the "reforms" they are suggesting: none of them are really actionable, measurable, or tangible to any significant degree - just more forked-tongue government bravo-sierra. Literally a bunch of Kamala-esque word salad that doesn't amount to a hill of dung.

Any plan that retains the leadership of an organization that has acted so incompetently (or perhaps in the interest of some entity other than the "public") is no plan at all - the fact that the oscar-tango Welensky is keeping her position (undoubtedly with a raise, bonus, and surely a sizable pension) is all I need to see to know that nothing will change.

One more thing I'll add: if something is screwed up beyond all measure you can bet someone from Hahvahd is involved somewhere. Just sayin'...

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Dead on the money!

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