It is difficult to believe that watershed Rogan appearance was only a year ago as it feels like such a distant memory considering all that has occurred since then. We are both further along in the journey toward freedom and awakening than I could have hoped and still painfully far from our destination. We are getting there, though. Dams are bursting every day.

I want to comment on the use of the phrase, “If there is risk, there must be choice.” Leslie Manookian wrote an incredibly important article on why this seemingly innocuous phrase is ultimately so dangerous, and I encourage everyone to read it and be cautious about using such framing:

• “Where There Is Risk There Must Be Choice?” (https://lesliemanookian.substack.com/p/where-there-is-risk-there-must-be)

As I stated in my comment on that post:

“Thank you for pinpointing the crux of the problem with that statement. Who, after all, is determining risk? The State says the injections are ‘safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective!’ So that statement does nothing to defend us against the forced injection of an experimental product they claim has no risks.”

There must be choice PERIOD—regardless of risk or the authorities’ perpetually fluctuating definitions of risk.

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I actually don’t disagree

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Thank you, Robert. I thought you would resonate with that sentiment—I actually didn't think about the implications until Leslie pointed them out so wanted to share that realization with others as well.

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There is another common phrase that often folk agree with, that upon reflection is, IMV, not correct. The quote… “ Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

To my own surprise this is not correct. Both Dr Malone and Margret Anna Alice are very articulate warriors in this battle against tyranny. Their voice is far larger, and more articulate than mine. Yet I very much hope they and you consider this article articulating the assertion, and MORE important, a suggestion of two primary solutions.

The title is “Does Power Corrupt?” The Subtitle is “What The World Needs Now. “


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I think it was Lord Acton who gave us that famous observation.


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Robert NYS Governor Kathy Hochul is about to appeal a NYS Court decision from July 2022. Case had to do with the 'quarantine camp' amendment to Public Health Law Section 10 Regulation 2.13 (which has since been removed from public purview. In this link you'll see interview with the attorney who won the original case now under appeal. In video description box you'll find links to two articles pertinent to the case. https://rumble.com/v25wmlk-interview-with-renound-nys-attorney-bobbie-anne-flower-cox-2022-see-descrip.html

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Yes, I wrote a letter trying to stop that amendment last year when Hochul rammed it through before the public comment period had even ended:

• “Letter to the New York State Department of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department)

I follow Bobbie Anne Cox (https://attorneycox.substack.com/) on Substack and hope she will be keeping us updated on the status there.

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Here's the Amendment Gov. Hochul tried to get through under the radar and for which she is appealing to have on the books. https://www.docdroid.net/JwYtPjN/91239-george-m-borrello-et-al-v-george-m-borrello-et-al-exhibit-s-13-pdf

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“There must be choice PERIOD—regardless of risk or the authorities’ perpetually fluctuating definitions of risk”.....absolutely!

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Not “ability” to say no, but the will to do so in the face of coercion or force. We all need to resolve that, when appropriate, we refuse to comply, whatever the personal consequences.


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Everyone has the ability to take any particular course of action - for instance, refusing to comply with any mask mandate at your local market. But will any particular person do so, when faced with confrontation with the manager and or the local police, if called? That takes the courage of one's convictions.

That's what I meant by the statement.

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Indeed we must. If the vaccines had been “Safe and effective “ just as many would have taken them. People do not need laws ti choose to eat food that keeps them alive.

Consider these thoughts on another idea that sounds correct, but upon consideration is not.


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There is so much more change that we need to insist on. CDC, FDA, NIH need to be defunded, disbanded, torn down to the core. And either we abide by the laws of this land (eg freedom of speech) or we concede that the national government is too big to succeed, too susceptible to corruption, and our best path is to decentralize inportant functions at state and local levels. I love what Florida is doing with their own, uncorrupted public health policy.

Where is the political leadership? We need more truth warriors in the political sphere. I wrote about this recently here:


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Excellent point!! It MUST be a PERSONAL individual risk/benefit choice, not an imposed interpretation.

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Children are not mature enough to assess personal risk. But to live in a free society we must assume that adults are.

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Margaret Anna Alice, you make a very good point, as we have painfully learned that we cannot count on being given factual information about the risks of the shots or anything else. I agree also that it is hard to believe Defeat the Mandates was only one year ago. The speakers' statements have been proven to be correct and as more and more info comes out, we can confidently continue to educate others in whatever way we can. I find it extremely difficult to see the evidence of the carnage and realize that so many are oblivious to the disabled and abandoned vaccine injured and the needless deaths due to mistreatment of covid patients and the effects of the gene therapy shots.

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Tarfalgar Group’s national survey ask over 1,000 likely voters in the general election if they support an investigation by Congress into Fauci's "inconsistent testimony about his research leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic" and his "actions in managing the pandemic." 25% didn’t identify with a major party were 56% in favor. Dems made up the largest portion with 39.4% with 25.5% supported - 70% did not. The entire survey group was 53.3% women. 80% GOP in favor 17% not. Overall 52% yes and nearly 46% no. Just over 3% not sure.

The survey was conducted between Jan. 9 and 12, 2023, approximately a week before it was revealed that Dr. Fauci made efforts to shut down theories around the origins of COVID-19, in unredacted emails between himself and the National Institutes of Health.

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Great! I thought the exact same thing when I read that comment. There can be NO regimen that excludes absolute liberty. I don't care who approved it, what glowing praise anything on planet earth receives for it's 'efficacy'! Liberty, individual and irrevocable, must be absolute.

I so appreciate what Robert has done, guiding so many to the realization that courage is the only currency that matters. We have so little time, life is so brief, but what we do here matters, more than we know. This brief beginning of eternity requires we have our wits about us and choose honor from dishonor.

"Cower in place, comply or be guilty of killing others" is the mantra of government; stand tall and quietly speak truth is the way to counsel a disquieted population. Robert (you misfit you), you have absolutely shown many a way forward that makes sense. Your soft spoken demeanor belies a ferocious lion. Keep it up, as you already know, you have an army in prayer for you day and night, and it is a vigilant force. You are the apostle Paul to the medical Herods.

We are family, regardless the colors and philosophies. We are able to heal each other from the confusing patronizing lunacy of government eugenicist policy.

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Well said.

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Agreed, again, Dr Malone & Margaret Anna, and I want to purport that "Where there is risk, there must be choice," is missing an important distinction applied here, as it implies that they [the risk calculators,] were unaware of the devious risks and hidden dangers in these nano-tech killer shots that they fraudulently presented as vaccines against the covid 19 virus, so I suggest, that "Where there are known, hidden risks, fraud, and suppressed & omitted data/facts, there must be prosecution of all of those involved in perpetrating these to prevent increased fraud in the future, and since fraud vitiates everything, the big Ph ma's immunity/indemnity no longer provides protection. [Period!]

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Haha! Yup! Doesn’t quite have the same poetry…

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Well said, my friend in these crazy times. Let us shout from the rooftops.

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Yes, so now we wait for people like Tom Renz to collaborate with other Attorneys to get their lawsuits going and take them all down...


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Yes. Amen. Because, as you say, who is to determine risk? And what risks may appear down the road that aren’t apparent to anyone today?

And all that aside, even if there is NO apparent risk to anyone, there still must be choice.

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I am waiting for the book to appear with the title "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE"!

Talk about two words of monumental warning and outcomes.

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"My body, my choice." = Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. Regardless of which body part, or which political party, it is fundamental to freedom.

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Problem is to get the govt/medical industry to admit there is a risk.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

🙏 Thank you for re-stating the immortal words spoken by patriots and lovers of humanity.

🙏 Thank you for the reminder of that amazing march to Defeat the Mandates in Washington and the second one in Los Angeles. I watched both online and was stirred by the words, the community, and the bravery of all who stood for freedom -- our freedom, the world's freedom.

🦸‍♀️ 🦸‍♂️ The doctors you quoted -- and Joe Rogan -- will be remembered by history as heroes, standing shoulder to shoulder with our greatest American presidents, patriots, and healers. The tyrants also will be remembered by history: As villains, for their cruel, despicable behavior and the egregious harms they caused. Me, I'll be remembered as a grateful friend and beneficiary of the heroes.


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Don’t forget Del Bigtree. That man is a Warrior

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We must focus on what unites us and not what divides us.

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Right? The lexicon handed us by those who rule the air waves is poisonous,. That said, we need to return to the language that always contributed to healing and unity.

I used to have plenty of 'friends', but in the plandemic, which began with me plastering with my van with hand made posters decrying the whole cowardly response to danger (things like "Did Churchill say "We shall shelter in place on the high seas, the beaches, and in the streets?" or "You're going to die no matter what, have the courage to face it in battle, not run and cower in your home", "People who don't fear God fear everything else"... I'm that guy) caused me to realize friends are not always allies. And I found complete strangers to be allies that my friends were not. Nice to meet you fellow allies, now how do we defeat this ungodly all-powerful cabal of evil?

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What a horrific nightmare our recent past was! I listened to Robert on Joe Malone, and watched the Canadian trucker protest with trembling sobs of hope. I could not believe what I was living! All the more so when my donation was returned to me, against my will. I am ashamed to say I did not donate to the US protests out of fear of the possibility of my accounts being frozen, we we were in the process of selling our house and moving out of CA, and I did not want to take that risk. I did however try to change discriminatory covid policy at my Davos-loving employer. Which worked out, but not the way I hoped.

I have captured the details of my personal experience with the mandates below. I believe it is important to share our stories. I will never forget.




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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I attended the first March, just a few weeks after my mother died from an undiagnosed deadly adverse reaction to the vaccine. I was shocked after attending at the portrayal of the March on CNN. It impressed upon me then, as now....that reality for far too many is what the msm and powers that be decide it to be, and sadly the masses are none the wiser.

Time for another March....this time around, it will be far harder for people to ignore. I’d attend again in a heartbeat and tell my mother’s story to anyone who will listen.

“Stop the Mandates. Time to Investigate.”

And why not a new March at this critical juncture....because we are truly in the sh!t now. Ad while some strides have been made on raising awareness....the madness continues on too many fronts unabated. I dare say it is make or break time.

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The problem I have,with marches is the unbalanced reporting of them. If 50 spoiled brats march complaining about equity or such its message is spread over all media sources. If 100,000 march opposing mandates, either it is largely ignored or more like badly misrepresented by media thatthe bulk(unfortunately) of our 300+ .million population adhere to religiously. Think substscks like this one ultimately have the greater reach

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I see your point. But the substacks could report on a March at this time in the war we are in and the impact of a well atttended March documented in the substacks would go a long way towards helping those on the fence see the magnitude of what has been done.

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Another problem with marches re this subject is that the demographic who has shown to be most receptive are folks who are retired/on social security and simply cannot afford to participate in a d.c. march. My wife suggested that a series of these marches in cities spread out over the country would perhaps garner a bigger total participation and make ignoring them more of a problem to the media

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I love the Global Walkout and Stand for Health Freedom. These are impactful actions anyone can do. Conscious consumerism is so important, especially in banking. The large US Banks are all WEF members. Do not do business with them - there are tons of alternatives including regional banks. Avoiding credit cards and Amazon is harder. Avoiding grocery stores and lines with automated checkouts is reasonably easy - I enjoy the human interaction and will not support robots. And we all need to abandon corporate sponsored MSM, which is happening. I changed my vote from blue to red, and I do see hippies and patriots standing together. Come to think of it, many of us are both. ❤️

My rationale for changing party affiliation:


Lastly, many of us voted with our feet, which is no small thing


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How about an annual “convention” (so to speak) to commemorate the March and mission, provide progress reports, updates on areas that need more attention, support those injured and families of the deceased.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember. There was a lot of fuss in the comment sections day after day about how it would end badly. I went anyway. Awesome event. I wouldn't have missed it for anything.

It seems like a decade ago.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reflecting back on the Joe Rogan Show and the March for Freedom on Washington DC , I am so grateful for the Freedom fighters and that I in my own small way, can be apart of them. We are making a difference! No matter how small we contribute , we are making a difference. I’m grateful for the Malone’s and their willingness to fight for right. Carry on Freedom fighters.

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Indeed, that's how it works, the leaders of the Medical Freedom Movement need the millions that refused the vax or renounced the vax to be relevant, and we need them to keep us together.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And the censorship beat keeps on. My server, Comcast, has effectively blocked my email reception of Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense (another noteworthy forum for freedom fighters here), and now the pictures on Malone’s recent article have been erased! Luckily, the print-of which I intend to print because the article is superb-is still present. I plan on going to the office and insisting that my subscriptions need to be back ‘on’ as they always have been! Very odd times for a country that says its ‘free!’

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Can you change providers, then tell Comcast why? Comcast is one of the worst offenders! Even Wikipedia does not appear to be a fan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comcast). Comcast/NBC Universal also is a partner of the World Economic Forum (https://www.weforum.org/organizations/comcast-corporation and https://www.weforum.org/organizations/nbcuniversal-inc)

Can you use an encrypted email service? None is perfect, of course, but we've been satisfied with protonmail.

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Yes, create an email account with protonmail.com and try using that as suggested by BigE

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Try using a VPN. That way, Comcast will have no idea where your traffic is coming from or going to.

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You know what...mine too. I hadn't noticed in the plethora of mail I am receiving.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of mandates, a lot of people were probably celebrating when Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, resigned. It appears her successor, Chris Hipkins, will be no better. He essentially pledges to hunt down the unvaccinated and give them the "opportunity" to be jabbed.


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Dr. M. have read your Lies My Government Told Me. Was a very good read. However I think the title a bit abbreviated. Maybe The Lies an International Cabal of the Very Rich Told Me???

This faux emergency has been nothing else but.

Lie #1. This is a very dangerous virus. We were assailed by worldwide reports of people dropping dead in the streets. Not so and we knew that as early as Jan. 2020. The Princess liner incident told us all we needed to know regarding the limiting features of any threat that was posed.

Lie #2. There are no treatments for this bug. This again was reported from all over the globe and pushed by the WHO. Well yes there were and real doctors who treat real patients soon discovered and prescribed them in contrast to lies from the pseudo docs who sit on their butts in Atlanta/DC.

Lie #3. A vaccine the only way to corral this bug. This was a really big lie since first, their proposed vaccine was not really a vaccine and ultimately forced the liars of CDC to redefine the word. Second, the jabs did not halt the spread as promised. As we now know they actually promote its spread. And third, they lied by omission, performing every trick imaginable to hide just how dangerous their precious jabs really were.

This is really an abbreviated list. We know it is much longer. And all of those liars were buttressed by an international cabal embedded in social/mainstream media. In short, our Republic was put in the crapper by a confluence of the worst of the world's uber rich so that they could become even richer.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since this was all tied to the DoD, I wonder how much of what we have experienced is tied to the IC, domestic and foreign?

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Who gets rich off of wars? Remember Ike's warning us about the militay/industrial complex? Seems it has metastasized into the pharma/medical field.

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The world is but a playground for the few who have for numerous centuries utilized religions, emperors and royal families to gain unseen power and domination. Over time their arsenal and mechanisms grew with the printing press and other achievements of those they despise. The people are not just targets but tools to obtain more power and wealth. They are few, their power is immense and they regenerate their own legacies through the generations using sophisticated cult-like worship ceremonies. Taylor Caldwell’s many books alluded to this, as have others. There are reasons we find throughout history writings about the Masons, the Illuminati, etc. They are not myths. They are profuse replicators of their kind whose lineage must surely go back to Cain.

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Yes, and they manage to get away with this because they operate in secret under the pretense of "national security"

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They operate globally and their foundations reek havoc worldwide while their henchmen protect their turf from wannabes who die in chartered plane crashes, suicide in and out of prisons, and other such manner. World governments protect the lot because those in it know they'd better...

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you are not just saving lives, you are making history. You and all of the doctors that spoke truth and took abuse for it are true American heroes.

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I had forgotten the quote about 40% Trump supporters and 60% hippies in drum circles, but these disparate groups represent real Americans with much the same view of just what Freedom means!

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So 0% for other people? I don't believe this at all.

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This is rhetorical, not based on a statistically rigorous opinion survey.

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Let us pray that the words of our history in America, will continue forever endowed into the minds of all generations, of all races, of all creeds, to insure it's ability to "thrive" and survive the Darkest Days. Other nations look to us for vision and leadership. We have let them down.

It has been said this is the greatest test to a collective task the world has been cast into.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everyone who reads this, and most of all, those who don't, owe you and everyone who speaks Truth to Power, putting yourselves at risk, all owe you a debt of gratitude that cannot be expressed in words. God Bless you all, and Thank You. Thank You.

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It’s basically unanswerable, but I’m curious what percentage of global MDs aligned themselves with the totalitarians, simply out of fear. Doctors Malone, McCullough , et al, are truly knights who place “…character above riches, speak the truth at all times…” and remain steadfastly loyal to “first doing no harm.” We can honor their courage by continued prayer, thoughtful discourse and—this may be the difficult part for some—forgiveness of/for those who seek it. The truth will always prevail.

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It’s time to do it again, en masse. To bring what we now know to light. It could be massive

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Personally, I think our only way out at this point is nonviolent civil disobedience that is both massive and sustained. All of the traditional democratic institutions of change, such as elections and a free press to name just two, have been captured and are tightly controlled by the big-money boys.

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Massive, sustained, unrelenting non violent opposition to this tyranny is the way. AND NEVER EVER FORGET WHO THE PERPS AND COLABORATORS WERE.

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Seems like a lifetime ago. I marched. I cried. I felt supported by the thousands of individuals who fought for freedom peacefully.

The last 365 days have seen progress and more darkness and I remain as determined as ever to look to the future through the eyes of my two young adult daughters and what I wish for them is: there must always be choice. (Thanks for the clarification MAA. I couldn’t agree more. If we allow the risk to be determined by someone else, we’ll remain prisoners to Big everything.)

And to Dr. Malone and every speaker and attendee and supporter of freedom that day and all of the days since, thank you.

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