Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And your strength and perseverance gives us sanity! Thank you Dr. Malone!

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Amen to that.

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RemovedJun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022
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They don't need to implant chips or any of that other nonsense, there are very effective mind control devices that have worked very well for decades - television programming is the best known one. See https://sidawson.org/2011/03/tv-is-heroin-crossed-with-hypnosis - "When you watch TV, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. How much? Research by Professor Herbert Krugman[3] showed that the right hemisphere becomes twice as active as the left, an extreme neurological anomaly.

The crossover from left to right releases a surge of endorphins, which include beta-endorphins (pain numbing) and enkephalins. Endorphins are structurally identical to opium and its derivatives (morphine, codeine, heroin, etc.). Activities that release endorphins (also called opioid peptides) are usually habit-forming. External opiates act on the same receptor sites (opioid receptors) as endorphins, so there is little difference between the two.

Just like any addiction, people regularly overestimate their control over television watching. When people estimate how much TV they watch, their guesses are usually far lower than the reality.


There are further implications of the left-to-right hemisphere blood flow effect.

Further research by Krugman revealed that our brain’s left hemisphere, which processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while we are watching television. The left hemisphere is the critical region for organizing, analyzing, and judging incoming data[4]. This tuning-out allows the right hemisphere of our brain, which processes information emotionally and uncritically, to function unimpeded.

In other words, we switch off our critical thinking abilities and just absorb anything thrown at us. We watch emotionally, not intelligently.

Further to this, psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland found that after just 30 seconds of watching television the brain begins to produce alpha waves, which indicates torpid (almost comatose) rates of activity. Alpha brain waves are associated with unfocused, overly receptive states of consciousness (as with the left-to-right hemisphere shift). High frequency alpha waves do not normally occur when the eyes are open. In fact, Mulholland’s research implies that watching television is neurologically analogous to staring at a blank wall.[6]

Production of alpha waves and the subsequent receptive state are also the goal of hypnotists. They’re both present during the “light hypnotic” state used by hypno-therapists for suggestion therapy."

Schwab and Harari know little or nothing about brain science, they talk a convincing game for the relatively uneducated, but it's a bunch of nonsense - but if they can get you to believe them, it's effective. Another good reference is: https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/ - if you look at what's been going on for the past two years, you'll see a lot of things which match up. BTW, a face mask is an article of clothing... see Part 4 of Behavior Control.

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Television is an extremely useful control device. All four of my remaining Democrat friends robotically replay what they have repeatedly heard and seen on television. Two days ago, my car was vandalized as I was in a local gym. I am having my TRUMP 2024 bumper sticker removed when the damage is repaired. It saddens me to think that even in conservative eastern Tennessee, people who have been subjected to the January 6 Insurrection mini-series are acting out in response to its message. We are in for a long, hot, and violent summer.

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Too bad they win. Maybe get magnets.

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They didn't win. I wasn't changing any votes with that big sticker & I'm keeping the small ones (the decal of Trump's Walk of Fame star and the round one with Biden's face on it & the words "I've forgotten this message").

I've had those on my car for years and never had my car damaged until the Show Trial. I see no point in inviting vandalism when I am not always present to prevent it.

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Understood. Interesting re: Show Trial timing. I’m surprised anyone is watching.

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This is great. Thank you.

A relative of mine who mostly grew up without a TV is convinced that TV ruined the world once it was introduced into the mass household.

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Television, while it gave us the Jackie Gleason show and now allows us to watch classic movies on TCM, was the major force in driving people away from each other until handheld electronic devices and cellphones captured most people's attention and minds. Sadly, there is no going back.

A common complaint these days is how television has modified our values and our thinking. The propaganda and obvious mind-control is 24/7. When was the last time anyone saw a straight white couple in a television advertisement? Gay story lines are included in virtually every new program.

The depopulation experiment is successful.

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I would not lose hope. I have recently seen white heterosexual couples in ads. Yes, more than one. And I rarely watch television!

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You said it best. just requoted you. yes TV. unreal the commercials for programming pain and other issues.. the shingles and itching is just crap. I was talking to my sister who is still bedridden.. I told her to turn the damn tv off.

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It's interesting you'd mention shingles. I got a shingles' vaccine six years ago. Exactly one week later, I came down with shingles. I've had it three times, now, in six years. It's enough to make you wonder.

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now that this is an older post. I just saw that I can't like it anymore but I can respond. :) learning all the time. Charles. :) yes don't watch those commercials. I turn them off. :)

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Get tested for Vit D deficiency!

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Thanks for the tip; but I take 2,500 IU of D3 daily. I think I simply have a morbid personality and look on the gloomy side of life.

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Klaus doesn't know sh*t about neuroscience, he's an economist, one of the "social sciences". I've done evoked potentials EEG research, I've seen what is the state of the art now, and it's just impossible to do what he's talking about - and it's probably beyond the limits of computability to do it on a massively parallel processor - or a warehouse full of them - let alone on a single implantable chip. You're looking at an interface between the aqueous chemistry of the brain and silicon - not just for a single neuron, which has been done, but for lots and lots of them - billions in fact. And then you have to figure out the encoding of sensory input - significant work has been done there, but it's nowhere close to being fully specified in any sort of general sense...

Mind control via TV - and virtual reality, see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2925392/ - is much more doable using present knowledge and technology.

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“ not just for a single neuron, which has been done, but for lots and lots of them - billions in fact.”

Mother Nature is awesome indeed!

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I'd say you're engaging in projection - and citing youtube videos as proof is laughable. How about some journal references instead?

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Why can’t these chips be removed?

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Why can’t we get early stage Covid treatment & why do “they” make it difficult to get hcq and ivermectin prescriptions for prophylactic use?

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From what I have read, the only way they got the shots approved was under an emergency use authorization. The EUA had to stipulate there were no other remedies. So they prohibited IVM and HCQ.

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That's the whole point - Same reason nefarious actions are involved in other govt-denied behaviors. This is absolutely not the first time this sort of corruption has taken place. It's been going on for literal decades - at the very least since Fauci arrived on scene in the late 70's or early 80's

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RemovedJun 27, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022
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Why did they pick you?

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Weird. Not sure why.

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Do you think this is why they are allowing these millions of illegals in - so they can chip them and use for experiments?

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No. They want them voting Democrat. That's their ONLY reason. Who would be MORE willing to cheat for them?

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of course: a group of dems caught off mike

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I got an email video.. where the discussion was about turning migrants into voters. but that is not possible right now.. more pipe dreams on left wing nutwing side. just remain focused and in prayer. :)

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RemovedJun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022
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Hello. EC.. I have been on .. deleting email and taking my own advice.. needed to soak in Magnesium salts and take a break from being on line. I hope are finding out more information I will be back on Substack in a day or so. I need to rest my eye and rejuvenate: it has really hot here: hmm what is going on with Substack I don't write Streamfortyseven's Newsletter. hmm. Tucker in Brazil and Rio . take care of yourself. talk soon.

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Writes streamfortyseven’s Newsletter

15 hr ago

They don't need to implant chips or any of that other nonsense, there are very effective mind control devices that have worked very well for decades - television programming is the best known one. See https://sidawson.org/2011/03/tv-is-heroin-crossed-with-hypnosis - "When you watch TV, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. How much? Research by Professor Herbert Krugman[3] showed that the right hemisphere becomes twice as active as the left, an extreme neurological anomaly: excellent point. I don't have to say add anything.

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What’s does switching from the left to the right hemisphere do?

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I posted that for you. sorry I am back to working on the phone with the medical issues with regard to my sister. :) and other stuff.. you can figure that out.. if not I can find more.. info tomorrow that is simple explanation.. but there is a lot to know, Elaine H.

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https://www.healthline.com/health/left-brain-vs-right-brain.. this explains brain hemisphere functionality... take a look: I am working on other things.

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This is a great post...the point about China stealing the OPM files from the US Government is exactly right--and so far as I know, nobody has been punished for this...what kind of message does that send? Meanwhile, Assange is being extradited to the US for providing The New York Times, Washington Post and other establishment media with news stories they published on their front pages--yet they won't defend him. The world has truly been turned upside down. Of course the FBI spied on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well...so maybe it's a badge of honor?

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Dr. Malone, thank you for being on the frontlines in this battle. Please know that we pray for you and Jill daily. This is definitely a battle between good and evil. May St. Michael and all the angels surround and protect you. God bless.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh dear. This is so scary. When you look at the whole story you wonder how can you fight ? I’ve been fighting since 2020 (in my own small way) but I am so isolated - not much of a network around me - I wonder if it would just be easier to acquiesce ? But of course I could not - have been a rebel since 15 years of age, I am NOT going to change now. Dr Malone - take care of yourself just as I am hoping that the GIANT Clarence Thomas is doing the same. All the best to you and your wife, if you are ever back in Paris let me know.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I read your blog faithfully and want to express my sincere appreciation for all that you and your wife are doing to save lives by simply sharing truth. Deep is the deep state (shall I say as deep as hell?) and ordinary people cannot navigate this evil alone. Thank you for sacrificing your reputation, career, health, and personal life in this work. Please know that your courage and good will inspires courage in those of us that love our families, America, and God. God bless you!

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You have kindled the fire of awareness, skepticism and resistance in the minds of millions. Our adversaries can't undo that. Our numbers and our resolve will increase. I feel personally indebted to you. Please remember to take care of RWM. It is a long road we're on. Thank you.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeah when do the people stop this??? It's not going to stop itself

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This nonsense will probably end when the Empire will no longer be able to afford the high costs of indiscriminate surveillance, which will probably be when the US dollar will return the value of its backing: ZERO.

Although needed, I am not exactly looking forward to that moment.

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And this is exactly why smart (aka surveillance) cities will fail. Too fkn expensive.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Besides that, these guy are NOT builders… they have made their fake fortunes by destroying and pillaging… “build back better “ is a joke.

All this nonsense is based on the assumption that they will own the world, and the “vassal” states:

> Russia 🇷🇺 will give them the minerals for free and

> China 🇨🇳 will build stuff for them for free in their industrial bases.

No way Jose?

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I had to laugh. I hear you.

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A dollar is already worth less than a penny, pre-Federal Reserve. Those over 95 might recall when FDR confiscated gold money. Those over 60 might recall when silver was removed from minted coins. Those over 50 might recall when copper was all but eliminated from the penny.

Our overlords are now telegraphing that paper money will be eliminated, replaced with digital, virtual money that is 100% tracked and controlled by central planning "experts" who will have the power to approve or block every single transaction depending on their capricious diktats, but ostensibly for our own "good".

But don't worry. You will own nothing and be happy!

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Yeah i am familiar with all BUT I think many of us would rather fight and die then to live with this tyranny.

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Many are reaching the same conclusion. Brings to mind the Declaration of Independence,

". . .Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.. . ."

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excuse me. You had better fucking believe it.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

In the first place, the people we elect to look out for our interests don't really much care about how these agencies are abusing their powers to spy on us.

In the second place, even if a few of them do, the Deep State has the wherewithal to dig up the dirt and hold it over their heads.

A tiny few of them (e.g. Senators Johnson and Paul) are at least asking the right questions. But as a group, they are well-practiced in giving the excuse, "I'm just one senator/congressman. There are 100/435 of us. At least half of them have to vote for it."

The voting public is going to have to get angry enough to give a few incumbents the boot before anything is done.

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Spot ON!

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God bless you and protect you, Dr. Malone. Thank you for sharing all this information. People need to know and wake up!

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Look at how they are going after Elon Musk, the person who single handedly installed a functioning electric grid in the US, which supports agenda that the far left has to get rid of fossil fuels when he openly called out their censorship.

I wouldn't be surprised if they will do retroactive surveillance on us all, meaning if your dissenting voice gets too loud, like yours, you'll be cancelled. Plus Big Corporations have been playing nasty for the past 500 years if you read economic histories. What would be nice is if there was 24 hour surveillance on all the DC critters that is constantly subjected to public scrutiny.

Is it bad that I sometimes wish a solar flare would burn all the mircochips to ash then humankind would be flung back to the age of disco, paper and analog objects?

Be careful and good luck in Texas today!

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I know he's a technocrat. I read Patrick Wood and I fear them. BUT, like any human Musk's not all bad or all good. My hubby is programming an medical device arm-neural interface for a company, so there are useful, helpful applications too.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Considering what a train wreck the governmental response to Covid has been at all levels, it's remarkable that the Covidian posses continue to demonize THE REST OF US as the crazy ones! Day by day, studies continue to ne released documenting the futility of the lockdowns, the inability of vaccines and boosters to counter the current variant, - and so on and so on, straight down the line. A congressman's teenage daughter dies unexpectedly, and this doesn't even raise an eyebrow? A study shows those who took the vaccines, are at GREATER RISK from the omicron variant and MORE at risk for a severe case of Covid? My neighbor across the street is walking, talking proof - two shots, two boosters, followed by two months in respiratory ICU from which he just got back.

More shots, for younger cohorts, DESPITE all of the collateral damage from the vaccines?

Say it ain't so. Conspiracy theorists are beginning to look like the smartest people in the house.

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I don't agree that the government response was a trainwreck! It was very well planned and coordinated to kill millions with this man made "virus" and put so much fear into (most) people that they would be duped into getting Vaxed! The bonus was shredding the economy.

We are pretty much where "they" want us. I for one will not give in because I KNOW ... God will have the final say!

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Well planned and coordinated? Might be, but I wonder who's pulling the strings. Who has the knowledge, the expertise to pull it off, and the authority to act - and who has the uncanny ability to bring others to his cause, without tip[ping them off to his true intent? The only thing we know for sure is that it wasn't our president, who can't even understand the simple law of supply and demand. Not even in the oil market, where it's as simple as it gets.

You're not alone in your assessment, I've heard others assert the same. Your theory might be the correct one, I cannot prove it wrong. But the more people in on the conspiracy, the more likely it is that one of them will eventually break ranks and blow the whistle.

Whoever it is that's in that inner circle, it certainly doesn't involve our elected representatives. They're so feckless, I'm surprised they remember to put their pants on in the morning. It's got to be someone else.

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Good thing you’re such a Badass German (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass) 😎

“we do not have any way to know who or for what reason we are being watched”

What about filing an FOIA request to see what the alphabet agencies have been collecting on you? Could make for interesting reading.

Regardless, I hope you and Jill take precautions to protect yourselves. It’s wise to be cautious without letting anxiety overtake your psyche.

Just remember JFK’s famous (nearly-last) words:

“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.”

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

The quadruple murders of the '60's (JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X) sent a powerful message for those with ears to hear, eh? Not only that the government will kill anyone who gets too close to power, but also that the press will be the government's loyal watchdog when crucial state secrets are at stake.

Let us hope it's not too late, and that more people will realize that "conspiracy theorists" have been right all along.

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Indeed, Jerry. One good lesson I think they learned is that killing only makes martyrs out of them and amplifies their messages. That’s why I think they’ve switched tactics to character assassination and smear campaigns (and surreptitious assassinations that can be cloaked as “natural causes”).

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A well-versed friend of mine told me a long time ago to remove all the 'smart objects' from our home and take the apps off my phone. For the most part I have..but I cannot live in that world completely, until I must. We ALL discovered years ago that if your cell phones are with you, while you are in the car or at lunch with friends, you're going to see ads pop up that related to what you spoke of or the businesses you drove or walked by. A faraday cage can solve some of these issues, but not Pegasus. At some point, we will all either self-censor or become like Martin Luther, “Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.”

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I think you're so right. There's no way to hide. Better to stand, brave and proud, if we have the courage, like Dr Malone.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

Lots of thoughts mulling around tonight... I greatly value my right to speak... and to choose when not to speak. My right as a private citizen to not be 'followed' everywhere I go... especially while 'at home'. The idea of being totally (or even often) surveilled makes me angry. I take this whole 'Constitutional Republic' 'stuff' very seriously. There is only ONE who has open access to every thought, word and action... and He died, in my place, for the fallen nature of most of these three. The only thing I absolutely KNOW I should never have any shame before anyone over... is my faith in Jesus. On this I stand.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m undoubtedly on the Wrongthink list too. Anyone who steps out of line can expect that, I think. So disappointing to see it happening here in the U.S. We are not truly free. I really used to think we were. 😢

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I am praying for you and others who put themselves at risk by speaking up and spreading the truth about the virus, vaccines, and other matters. Thank you and your wife for all that you have done for all of us.

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Thank you. Good to put it out there. My rule of thumb is whatever that fact-check, or fact-choke as Margaret Anna Alice says - is likely true. Conspiracy is becoming reality and reality is being seen through as a bunch of lies. Crazy times. Best to you and Jill.

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Fact choke! Love that. Sounds a bit like fat joke.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone,

Thank you for your courage and commitment to the truth that the NIH, FDA, CDC, and the IC continue to hide: COVID was not an accident, COVID vaccines are not vaccines, and Fauci and the MIC are guilty of massive crimes against humanity.

You are a national hero!


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Like Julian Assange, Dr. Malone is an INTERNATIONAL hero.

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