This is quite a dilemma for young parents and pediatricians alike. On one hand, the CDC and FDA instruct pediatricians to give many vaccines very early on. Then, when parents bring their child back four days later due to high fever and listlessness, they ask if it was the vaccines. The pediatricians are told that it is not the vaccines; the child was likely exposed to someone who is sick. I work with several pediatricians and I see this every day.
I certainly hope that this changes with the new administration. Nobody wants their children or grandchildren to be susceptible to a grave disease, but parents should be informed about the reality of the diseases they are trying to prevent so they can decide if the toxins are worth it.
I was fortunate to have a stay-at-home Mom who took care of us through measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, mumps, and everything else that came with going to school.
I see children getting 5 toxins in one shot alone, and often other shots on the same day.
It is very concerning to observe this happening to so many children.
I survived chicken pox and measles, one of my fiends didn't. My older brother had a friend that died of polio. I still recommend the older vaxes, but not the mrna ones.
Interesting. I manage to miss all the childhood bugs but mumps. The measles jab came out when in the Air Force and I asked a flight surgeon ifI should take it. His response was to ask if I was a pregnant woman. How the worm has turned in 60yrs
I continue to believe the story you have told. For readers its hard to know how best to support your narrative. Most of us are not scientists or especially activist. We just know that what you are telling is the true story.
Most of us our people who did not buy into the Covid narrative, and are glad to be alive without the MRna pieces floating around in us. You are often responsible for our better condition. Thanks for all you do, all the bases you cover, your amazing heart which has always led your only slightly less amazing brain.
Well written and well stated Dr. Malone. Closer to 80 than 70! No thank you to all “vaccines “! Please take care of your babies! We didn’t do this in 1968 when I was in OBGYN for 8 weeks in nursing school! Please! Parents! In case you wonder, it was a wonderful hospital school of nursing. Intense! I’m happy with my diploma, thank you! Take good care of your newborns! Natural immunity works that told us! God given immunity! Thank you again, Dr. Malone!
Amen! I also believe our natural born immunity is the best route possible for many of the aches & pains I went through during my years- and my thought is/has always been, “we are what we eat”!
Let's see someone mess around with what you have referenced and contort the facts. First you are an "anti-vaxer" and then you are recommending vaccines. Even your knowledge and serving on large Federal grant and contract study sections addressing RSV vaccine development, most likely can and will be used against you. Personally, I gain comfort in your knowledge and opinions. Thank you for caring enough to stick your neck out once again.
This is the worst example of our corrupted healthcare industry. Infants, children so incredibly vulnerable with no capability to make such important choices. That industry would use the pretense of safety and improved health to inject children, not because these drugs are safe and beneficial, but simply for sales is horrific. There should be nothing automatic or assumed in injecting these young developing bodies with toxins. While the toxins are dose and titrate calculated to not result in harm, they remain toxic. I'm at a loss to understand why the fact that our ancestors had no injection access is ignored. Also the Amish, as an isolated unvaccinated example, do not experience the dreaded disease manifestations targeted by the injections any more than vaccinated groups; likely less. I'm not proposing all vaccines have a negative risk / reward ratio. I'm asking that we give these innocent children more protection against presumed beneficial injections. I believe all child injections should require signed document requests by the legal parent or guardian, never assumed. That would cause those responsible to consider, God forbid research, the risk and benefit of these injections.
Oh, how funny, here I am hopefully in the last stages of recovery from (self diagnosed) RSV and this article crosses my desk(top). When I’m less mentally tired I’ll probably read thru again.
Unfortunately, being one of those (senior) adults who may fall into the higher risk grouping, gonna have to pay more attention to what becomes available. I can easily see how the effects of this virus could be dangerous, now, for those compromised. I only missed one day on the erg but there were a few short workouts and in a single hour+ session I may have to stop for coughing/phlegm removal a couple dozen times. UNREAL.
On the positive side: it’s been a great core workout - after more than a week of this my abs are no longer sore.
Had the same problem around the middle of August this year when it was so freaking hot. Took a road trip to Knoxville, TN to pick up an RV and caught some kind of creeping crud. It didn't stop me but man, I was miserable 'til the end of September and to be honest I'm still coughing up crap. When asked what I thought it was, walking pneumonia is the exact term I used to describe it.
Speaking of pneumonia, could you please talk about the Prevnar pneumococcal vaccine for infants? It has gone from Prevnar 7 to 13 to 15 and now its up to 20 and that's what they're pushing on my little grandson. I heard Dr. Peter McCullough say that the efficacy in adults in only 9 percent and it appears to have adverse events associated with it. I would greatly appreciate your knowledge on the subject.
That was my first thought, partially ‘cause it had been in the newz so much. I also was concerned I might have aspiration pneumonia from a horrible event a week earlier (food poisoning 🤢). Without going in for a test, it came down to symptoms: biggest being lack of fever - not 100% determinative but sufficient in my opinion, and how the illness progressed.
Sometimes I wonder are any vaccines worth the risk? As a child I had all the childhood communicable diseases. None left me disfigured or resulted in any long term issues. I don’t bother with flu shots or any other shots except Shingrex which I decided a few years ago was worth any risk it may pose. At 69 I’m healthy and work full time running a very busy office. So, I don’t see the need to take meds or shots unless I can see a benefit that far outweighs risks. I hope the incoming administration will stop the flow of cash from Pharma to the CDC, we just need to be able to trust our government agencies and I can hardly wait to see RFKjr get busy with MAHA.
Yep, I’m just a carpenter (orthopedic surgeon) and I recognized this too.
As an aside, was everyone else with a brain shocked that it wasn’t until June 2021 that treating the viral pneumonitis of Covid with steroids rather than a vent became the thing to do?
Hippocrates 2500 yers ago knew more than most doctors today...he helped his patients heal. The last thing he would use would be a drug or inject toxic material into the bloodstream. This financial incentive doctors have received from vaccine manufacturers is criminal. No vaccine is truly safe or effective, People have to be aware that the only thing that belongs in the bloodstream are nutrients from nourishing foods to feed the organs and cells in the body.. Ask doctors exactly what is in these injections? Did they know childhood vaccines contained aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal cells, animal viruses and more? if I had known years ago the toxic elements in them...I would never have permitted the doctor to give my children shots.
Thank you for this review of RSV vaccines for children. It sounds like a very tenuous persuit for a vaccine application where better solutions are available.
The treatment you note, monochromal antibodies, were an early part of covid answers. My recollection is they stopped when the disease evolution outstripped their effectiveness. I noted today that 4 variations stockpiled are finally scheduled for destruction.
My impression is you are suggesting that GSK, Pfizer and Moderna are pursuing vax solutions in hopes of securing participation in the childhood schedule. I hope they are not doing this with grant monies.
Personally. particularly at a time when the efficacy of the entries on the Childhood Schedule are being considered for review, I'd prefer a focus on identifying effective preventative measures and treatments.
As for vaccinations for the elderly, I personally would need a very compelling argument of need, full disclosure of risks and an option to decline. I'm a very hard sell! My Dr. seems to recognize that. No more mentions of the word 'vaccine' passes our lips any more.
Thanks so much for your share and helpful observations!
Repealing the PREP Act (and all similar), removing direct-to-consumer advertising (and, hence, fear mongering), removing all liability protections for vaccines, and either abolishing the childhood vaccine schedule or making it entirely voluntary could solve the problems lickety-split. And it wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a dime.
So what do we do instead of injecting people with questionable substances? We focus on the myriad options for disease prevention through public sanitation, individual “lifestyle” choices, and early appropriate treatment of illness.
In this 'modern medical, global holocaust' we've traversed, global covid, my hats off to brave truth-tellers in medicine, academia, media, in military, who tried to warn, but were silenced, de-platformed, de-monotized, incarcerated. Men like Dr. Malone, RFK Jr., many others tried to wake-up the sleeping to the realities we are living in. As my Dad taught me, follow the money trail and the power trail, you'll always find the beginning of where it starts.
Time is a town-crier that can never be vanquished; real truth always peers through any mask.
My hats off to the noble and brave, many who have/are still waging a good fight against corruption. What the elitist and political and media ghouls who sold their soul for profit haven't yet understood- is that they can't take their riches or power with them. Think of the children, elderly who died needlessly (when proven Rx was viable, but was denied them), many alone, scared. The real scare is for those who die with innocent blood on their hands; for to face THAT judge and jury; who can grasp the finality of that moment
Here in USA where the best Healthcare in the world was the norm, as a nation, we failed the compassion, standard-of-care test. The millions of children whose lives/destinies are destroyed b/c profit mattered more than life, they will win where it counts: before the face God. The Eternal and Just Creator will give them back an eternity of joys and good for all they lost. This life is so very brief, the next one isn't.
The real losers are the corrupted, who on that day, will hear the words "Depart from me"....and then it will be too late for them. Is a few years on earth to harm many, worth an eternity of sorrow- for a few billion or a few bucks? It's worthless to one who exhales their last breath.
I find myself asking God to shake sense into ppl's souls - so evil hearts with no regard for their fellow man realize the gravitas - they are gambling away their eternal souls. It's never worth it to lose -where it counts. As Jesus said- "you can gain the whole world, but lose your own soul". Win where it counts. To "even the least of these" - the children - we MUST do better. Every life matters.
My father is still living but has a type of blood cancer. He gets ALL of these jabs. I have an autoimmune disease and, on the advice of my specialized Internal Medicine doctor, I get none of them. My PCP would have me take everything. It is all very confusing.
The World Council for Health does not recommend any vaccines. I also get Dr. Russell Blaylock's monthly Wellness Report. He too, does not recommend any vaccines, including the shingles vaccines. I have decided to follow their advice. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has stated that it is not possible to prevent a respiratory infection with a product that is injected into your arm. The antibodies you generate as a result of this are not the ones that are needed to fend off such an infection. Those antibodies are located in your mucosal tissue - a completely different type of antibody. He explained this in great detail in a video he made about 2-years ago. You may be able to find it on YouTube. He also explained it very well in an article that he published along with his wife, Karina Reiss, PhD & Michael Palmer, MD. The article can be found on Global Research & is dated 11/29/2022. It is titled: "Quo Vadis"? It made perfect sense to me.
My husband has CLL. They are linking that particular one to being exposed to round-up. I researched mRNA technology before the roll-out and found a lot of research being done at Sloan-Kettering on people with CLL having truncated RNA. I extrapolated that to the thought that perhaps the vaccine might not be best for someone with CLL. Not sure, just my gut feeling.
Yeah, talked to my father. It’s CLL. Honestly, I just don’t know if he should have, but the fear is real with a screwed up immune system and other major health issues.
While driving a school bus, I picked up a child about 8 years old who contracted polio from the vaccine as an infant. He had the braces on his arms and legs, and his mother told me not to help him up the stairs no matter how I felt. This was the early 90’s, and my daughter had just received the live virus polio vaccine. My wife and I cut the vaccine schedule short, and never looked back.
I thank God my children did not have adverse effects from the shots they took, but others were not as fortunate.
I just thought about what I wrote earlier. I got sidetracked, thinking of S. Latypova. Projecting into what hasn't happened. The rest of my comment still rings true.
It’s OK to disagree, even strongly, on the science. But ad hominem attacks against others don’t ever hold water for me. I’ve unsubscribed to more than one Substack after the author publicly made snarky remarks about and attacked someone else. Such attacks do not make the attacker more credible or the attacked less so.
Just the facts — not the attacks — ma’am. We must tune out the attackers.
And we must constantly remind ourselves to follow the money and figure out who benefits when trying to assess truth. For example, recent attacks on RFK Jr. have come from people who have financial ties to Big Pharma. Gullible public and senators may fall for these attacks without looking at the motivations for them.
BIG topic. I'm 77. I had all the childhood diseases including polio when I was 2. My mom begged our family physician to let me stay home and she would nurse me. I got over it. No residual complications. Then my kids had the requisite 8 shots and they all had the measles, mumps and chicken pox anyway. I nursed them and did not come down with the ailments. I guess I had natural immunities? So, here's my question in regards to the eradication of polio. If the shots did not protect my kids from the childhood diseases, how did the polio vaccine eradicate polio? I am such a cynic now. I want to share this document that I acquired a few years ago. It raises so many questions about the polio vax. I am open to any and all dispute because I have questions.
Bottom line for me in my early 70s (after regrettably having received every recommended shot up to but not including COVID-19): Do not vaccinate any age group and especially those with compromised immune systems. Everything I’ve read so far indicates that risks of vaccination simply outweigh the benefits.
My youngest daughter and her husband chose to not vax their two boys. Both are grown now and aside from occasional colds, flu and one had mild case of covid. they have been quite healthy. Once when the oldest was two and seemed to have strep we took him to doc to verify to get a script of antibiotic. When the doc looked at the record he was visibly shocked to see the boy was not vaxxed. He looked straight at me and said, somewhat arrogantly, "I normally do not allow patients who have not been vaccinated to come into my office or sit in my waiting room." I looked right back at him and asked, "If vaccinations work, why would you worry?" That caught him momentarily then he replied, "You obviously have not been in places as I have and seen the devastation of a measles epidemic." I let him have the last word, we just wanted a prescription and to get out of there.
I know several friends, and one relative, who vaxxed their infants and within a day they went from normal to autistic. Again I am such a cynic now, I struggle to believe anything med science puts out.
Dr. Paul Thomas on CHD’s Pediatric Perspectives is a wealth of compassionate information for parents and doctors who might be on the fence about vaccines.
Once a 100% allopathic pediatrician, Dr. Thomas slowly realized that vaccines and even antibiotics can be harmful (antibiotics can destroy the gut microbiome). Dr. Thomas lost his Oregon medical license for his troubles, but remains as a coach and educator for anyone who need help understanding the vaccination pressures and alternatives they will face.
Re the polio vax...was of course vaccinated in the Air Force. Was mouth pipetting a particularly virulent strain of polio virus culture when the cotton plug failed and got a mouthfull of the stuff. Think maybe that vac did me some good but of course that was an unusual circumstance not applicable to the general population.
This is quite a dilemma for young parents and pediatricians alike. On one hand, the CDC and FDA instruct pediatricians to give many vaccines very early on. Then, when parents bring their child back four days later due to high fever and listlessness, they ask if it was the vaccines. The pediatricians are told that it is not the vaccines; the child was likely exposed to someone who is sick. I work with several pediatricians and I see this every day.
I certainly hope that this changes with the new administration. Nobody wants their children or grandchildren to be susceptible to a grave disease, but parents should be informed about the reality of the diseases they are trying to prevent so they can decide if the toxins are worth it.
I was fortunate to have a stay-at-home Mom who took care of us through measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, mumps, and everything else that came with going to school.
I see children getting 5 toxins in one shot alone, and often other shots on the same day.
It is very concerning to observe this happening to so many children.
I just touched on how all the diseases we think vaccines saved, were already on the decline anyway:
In short, we don’t need vaccines
I survived chicken pox and measles, one of my fiends didn't. My older brother had a friend that died of polio. I still recommend the older vaxes, but not the mrna ones.
Choose wisely.
Interesting. I manage to miss all the childhood bugs but mumps. The measles jab came out when in the Air Force and I asked a flight surgeon ifI should take it. His response was to ask if I was a pregnant woman. How the worm has turned in 60yrs
oh hell, you just reminded me I had mumps too.
I continue to believe the story you have told. For readers its hard to know how best to support your narrative. Most of us are not scientists or especially activist. We just know that what you are telling is the true story.
Most of us our people who did not buy into the Covid narrative, and are glad to be alive without the MRna pieces floating around in us. You are often responsible for our better condition. Thanks for all you do, all the bases you cover, your amazing heart which has always led your only slightly less amazing brain.
Thank you, Thomas. BTW, I have a grandson named Thomas....
Well written and well stated Dr. Malone. Closer to 80 than 70! No thank you to all “vaccines “! Please take care of your babies! We didn’t do this in 1968 when I was in OBGYN for 8 weeks in nursing school! Please! Parents! In case you wonder, it was a wonderful hospital school of nursing. Intense! I’m happy with my diploma, thank you! Take good care of your newborns! Natural immunity works that told us! God given immunity! Thank you again, Dr. Malone!
They told us!!!
Amen! I also believe our natural born immunity is the best route possible for many of the aches & pains I went through during my years- and my thought is/has always been, “we are what we eat”!
Let's see someone mess around with what you have referenced and contort the facts. First you are an "anti-vaxer" and then you are recommending vaccines. Even your knowledge and serving on large Federal grant and contract study sections addressing RSV vaccine development, most likely can and will be used against you. Personally, I gain comfort in your knowledge and opinions. Thank you for caring enough to stick your neck out once again.
This is the worst example of our corrupted healthcare industry. Infants, children so incredibly vulnerable with no capability to make such important choices. That industry would use the pretense of safety and improved health to inject children, not because these drugs are safe and beneficial, but simply for sales is horrific. There should be nothing automatic or assumed in injecting these young developing bodies with toxins. While the toxins are dose and titrate calculated to not result in harm, they remain toxic. I'm at a loss to understand why the fact that our ancestors had no injection access is ignored. Also the Amish, as an isolated unvaccinated example, do not experience the dreaded disease manifestations targeted by the injections any more than vaccinated groups; likely less. I'm not proposing all vaccines have a negative risk / reward ratio. I'm asking that we give these innocent children more protection against presumed beneficial injections. I believe all child injections should require signed document requests by the legal parent or guardian, never assumed. That would cause those responsible to consider, God forbid research, the risk and benefit of these injections.
Oh, how funny, here I am hopefully in the last stages of recovery from (self diagnosed) RSV and this article crosses my desk(top). When I’m less mentally tired I’ll probably read thru again.
Unfortunately, being one of those (senior) adults who may fall into the higher risk grouping, gonna have to pay more attention to what becomes available. I can easily see how the effects of this virus could be dangerous, now, for those compromised. I only missed one day on the erg but there were a few short workouts and in a single hour+ session I may have to stop for coughing/phlegm removal a couple dozen times. UNREAL.
On the positive side: it’s been a great core workout - after more than a week of this my abs are no longer sore.
could have been community-acquired pneumonia, most common cause being mycoplasma
otherwise known as "walking pneumonia"
I had that this year. Took WEEKS to clear!
Had the same problem around the middle of August this year when it was so freaking hot. Took a road trip to Knoxville, TN to pick up an RV and caught some kind of creeping crud. It didn't stop me but man, I was miserable 'til the end of September and to be honest I'm still coughing up crap. When asked what I thought it was, walking pneumonia is the exact term I used to describe it.
Speaking of pneumonia, could you please talk about the Prevnar pneumococcal vaccine for infants? It has gone from Prevnar 7 to 13 to 15 and now its up to 20 and that's what they're pushing on my little grandson. I heard Dr. Peter McCullough say that the efficacy in adults in only 9 percent and it appears to have adverse events associated with it. I would greatly appreciate your knowledge on the subject.
That was my first thought, partially ‘cause it had been in the newz so much. I also was concerned I might have aspiration pneumonia from a horrible event a week earlier (food poisoning 🤢). Without going in for a test, it came down to symptoms: biggest being lack of fever - not 100% determinative but sufficient in my opinion, and how the illness progressed.
Sometimes I wonder are any vaccines worth the risk? As a child I had all the childhood communicable diseases. None left me disfigured or resulted in any long term issues. I don’t bother with flu shots or any other shots except Shingrex which I decided a few years ago was worth any risk it may pose. At 69 I’m healthy and work full time running a very busy office. So, I don’t see the need to take meds or shots unless I can see a benefit that far outweighs risks. I hope the incoming administration will stop the flow of cash from Pharma to the CDC, we just need to be able to trust our government agencies and I can hardly wait to see RFKjr get busy with MAHA.
I am just a little old nurse, yet, I knew back in 2021 that kids had zero need for this jab.
In the meantime, I do encourage as many democrats as possible to get more and more jabs.
Yep, I’m just a carpenter (orthopedic surgeon) and I recognized this too.
As an aside, was everyone else with a brain shocked that it wasn’t until June 2021 that treating the viral pneumonitis of Covid with steroids rather than a vent became the thing to do?
this may explain why I had so few symptoms when I got covid in 2021 (after my 1st and only jab, which I wanted since I am a old fat guy with asthma)
I was on Flonase (nasal) and Flonase MDI.
I did not realize I had covid until my son showed me the dead mouse, and neither of us could smell it (he had it too).
Hippocrates 2500 yers ago knew more than most doctors today...he helped his patients heal. The last thing he would use would be a drug or inject toxic material into the bloodstream. This financial incentive doctors have received from vaccine manufacturers is criminal. No vaccine is truly safe or effective, People have to be aware that the only thing that belongs in the bloodstream are nutrients from nourishing foods to feed the organs and cells in the body.. Ask doctors exactly what is in these injections? Did they know childhood vaccines contained aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal cells, animal viruses and more? if I had known years ago the toxic elements in them...I would never have permitted the doctor to give my children shots.
Thank you for this review of RSV vaccines for children. It sounds like a very tenuous persuit for a vaccine application where better solutions are available.
The treatment you note, monochromal antibodies, were an early part of covid answers. My recollection is they stopped when the disease evolution outstripped their effectiveness. I noted today that 4 variations stockpiled are finally scheduled for destruction.
My impression is you are suggesting that GSK, Pfizer and Moderna are pursuing vax solutions in hopes of securing participation in the childhood schedule. I hope they are not doing this with grant monies.
Personally. particularly at a time when the efficacy of the entries on the Childhood Schedule are being considered for review, I'd prefer a focus on identifying effective preventative measures and treatments.
As for vaccinations for the elderly, I personally would need a very compelling argument of need, full disclosure of risks and an option to decline. I'm a very hard sell! My Dr. seems to recognize that. No more mentions of the word 'vaccine' passes our lips any more.
Thanks so much for your share and helpful observations!
Repealing the PREP Act (and all similar), removing direct-to-consumer advertising (and, hence, fear mongering), removing all liability protections for vaccines, and either abolishing the childhood vaccine schedule or making it entirely voluntary could solve the problems lickety-split. And it wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a dime.
So what do we do instead of injecting people with questionable substances? We focus on the myriad options for disease prevention through public sanitation, individual “lifestyle” choices, and early appropriate treatment of illness.
And let’s get the toxins out of our food!
Out of our food, air, water, soil, and our bodies! Hear, hear!
In this 'modern medical, global holocaust' we've traversed, global covid, my hats off to brave truth-tellers in medicine, academia, media, in military, who tried to warn, but were silenced, de-platformed, de-monotized, incarcerated. Men like Dr. Malone, RFK Jr., many others tried to wake-up the sleeping to the realities we are living in. As my Dad taught me, follow the money trail and the power trail, you'll always find the beginning of where it starts.
Time is a town-crier that can never be vanquished; real truth always peers through any mask.
My hats off to the noble and brave, many who have/are still waging a good fight against corruption. What the elitist and political and media ghouls who sold their soul for profit haven't yet understood- is that they can't take their riches or power with them. Think of the children, elderly who died needlessly (when proven Rx was viable, but was denied them), many alone, scared. The real scare is for those who die with innocent blood on their hands; for to face THAT judge and jury; who can grasp the finality of that moment
Here in USA where the best Healthcare in the world was the norm, as a nation, we failed the compassion, standard-of-care test. The millions of children whose lives/destinies are destroyed b/c profit mattered more than life, they will win where it counts: before the face God. The Eternal and Just Creator will give them back an eternity of joys and good for all they lost. This life is so very brief, the next one isn't.
The real losers are the corrupted, who on that day, will hear the words "Depart from me"....and then it will be too late for them. Is a few years on earth to harm many, worth an eternity of sorrow- for a few billion or a few bucks? It's worthless to one who exhales their last breath.
I find myself asking God to shake sense into ppl's souls - so evil hearts with no regard for their fellow man realize the gravitas - they are gambling away their eternal souls. It's never worth it to lose -where it counts. As Jesus said- "you can gain the whole world, but lose your own soul". Win where it counts. To "even the least of these" - the children - we MUST do better. Every life matters.
His Light Beacon - Elizabeth
My father is still living but has a type of blood cancer. He gets ALL of these jabs. I have an autoimmune disease and, on the advice of my specialized Internal Medicine doctor, I get none of them. My PCP would have me take everything. It is all very confusing.
The World Council for Health does not recommend any vaccines. I also get Dr. Russell Blaylock's monthly Wellness Report. He too, does not recommend any vaccines, including the shingles vaccines. I have decided to follow their advice. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has stated that it is not possible to prevent a respiratory infection with a product that is injected into your arm. The antibodies you generate as a result of this are not the ones that are needed to fend off such an infection. Those antibodies are located in your mucosal tissue - a completely different type of antibody. He explained this in great detail in a video he made about 2-years ago. You may be able to find it on YouTube. He also explained it very well in an article that he published along with his wife, Karina Reiss, PhD & Michael Palmer, MD. The article can be found on Global Research & is dated 11/29/2022. It is titled: "Quo Vadis"? It made perfect sense to me.
It’s either that or CLL… I know it is the slower of the two.
My husband has CLL. They are linking that particular one to being exposed to round-up. I researched mRNA technology before the roll-out and found a lot of research being done at Sloan-Kettering on people with CLL having truncated RNA. I extrapolated that to the thought that perhaps the vaccine might not be best for someone with CLL. Not sure, just my gut feeling.
Yeah, talked to my father. It’s CLL. Honestly, I just don’t know if he should have, but the fear is real with a screwed up immune system and other major health issues.
While driving a school bus, I picked up a child about 8 years old who contracted polio from the vaccine as an infant. He had the braces on his arms and legs, and his mother told me not to help him up the stairs no matter how I felt. This was the early 90’s, and my daughter had just received the live virus polio vaccine. My wife and I cut the vaccine schedule short, and never looked back.
I thank God my children did not have adverse effects from the shots they took, but others were not as fortunate.
I just thought about what I wrote earlier. I got sidetracked, thinking of S. Latypova. Projecting into what hasn't happened. The rest of my comment still rings true.
Ok, just saw Mike Yeadon is now taking shots at me, del, bobby
It’s OK to disagree, even strongly, on the science. But ad hominem attacks against others don’t ever hold water for me. I’ve unsubscribed to more than one Substack after the author publicly made snarky remarks about and attacked someone else. Such attacks do not make the attacker more credible or the attacked less so.
Just the facts — not the attacks — ma’am. We must tune out the attackers.
And we must constantly remind ourselves to follow the money and figure out who benefits when trying to assess truth. For example, recent attacks on RFK Jr. have come from people who have financial ties to Big Pharma. Gullible public and senators may fall for these attacks without looking at the motivations for them.
I'm blocked from his Stack, must have been something I said...
Always something particularly from those with checkered credibility.
BIG topic. I'm 77. I had all the childhood diseases including polio when I was 2. My mom begged our family physician to let me stay home and she would nurse me. I got over it. No residual complications. Then my kids had the requisite 8 shots and they all had the measles, mumps and chicken pox anyway. I nursed them and did not come down with the ailments. I guess I had natural immunities? So, here's my question in regards to the eradication of polio. If the shots did not protect my kids from the childhood diseases, how did the polio vaccine eradicate polio? I am such a cynic now. I want to share this document that I acquired a few years ago. It raises so many questions about the polio vax. I am open to any and all dispute because I have questions.
Health Freedom Institute wrote an excellent article about the history of the polio vaccine (they have so many more!):
Bottom line for me in my early 70s (after regrettably having received every recommended shot up to but not including COVID-19): Do not vaccinate any age group and especially those with compromised immune systems. Everything I’ve read so far indicates that risks of vaccination simply outweigh the benefits.
More resources here:
My youngest daughter and her husband chose to not vax their two boys. Both are grown now and aside from occasional colds, flu and one had mild case of covid. they have been quite healthy. Once when the oldest was two and seemed to have strep we took him to doc to verify to get a script of antibiotic. When the doc looked at the record he was visibly shocked to see the boy was not vaxxed. He looked straight at me and said, somewhat arrogantly, "I normally do not allow patients who have not been vaccinated to come into my office or sit in my waiting room." I looked right back at him and asked, "If vaccinations work, why would you worry?" That caught him momentarily then he replied, "You obviously have not been in places as I have and seen the devastation of a measles epidemic." I let him have the last word, we just wanted a prescription and to get out of there.
I know several friends, and one relative, who vaxxed their infants and within a day they went from normal to autistic. Again I am such a cynic now, I struggle to believe anything med science puts out.
Dr. Paul Thomas on CHD’s Pediatric Perspectives is a wealth of compassionate information for parents and doctors who might be on the fence about vaccines.
Once a 100% allopathic pediatrician, Dr. Thomas slowly realized that vaccines and even antibiotics can be harmful (antibiotics can destroy the gut microbiome). Dr. Thomas lost his Oregon medical license for his troubles, but remains as a coach and educator for anyone who need help understanding the vaccination pressures and alternatives they will face.
Everyone — parent or not — will enjoy Dr. Thomas’ interviews and commonsense advice. Start here:
Dr. Liz Mumper is another excellent pediatrician who is wide awake. Find her work on Children’s Health Defense (search for Mumper: Also on FLCCC with this search:
Re the polio vax...was of course vaccinated in the Air Force. Was mouth pipetting a particularly virulent strain of polio virus culture when the cotton plug failed and got a mouthfull of the stuff. Think maybe that vac did me some good but of course that was an unusual circumstance not applicable to the general population.