May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm pretty close to you on the number of turns on the calendar and this latest fiasco opened my eyes completely. First I was kinda heartbroken, my Country was ruled by lies and corruption. Then I was mad at myself for missing these facts. Now, I'm just scrambling to re-invent my future direction to maintain as much personal freedom as I can. What a long, strange trip it's been...

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Same here. I took me ten years 2003-2013 of reading and research to convince myself beyond all doubt that 9/11 was an inside job. That realization put me in a deep depression for years.

So, just like you: Now, I'm just scrambling to re-invent my future direction to maintain as much personal freedom as I can. What a long, strange trip it's been...

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I still don't want to believe man can be that evil!

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What is the nature of such actions. Is the statement; "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Lord Acton, 1887) true?

Surprisingly upon examination it is, IMV, not true. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

This post by Dr Malone is so honest, and so reflective, a sincerity to be treasured, despite the honest sorrow of such revelation I would advise Dr Malone to search the archives of the web site "Conservative Treehouse" as everything in the Durahm report, and a great deal more was all ready known as events were unfolding. Like the Hunter Biden story, much was and still is being surpressed.

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I guess Biden has not been corrupted by power?

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Thomas, please consider to read the linked post. Power just revealed the corruption already present.

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Well done! I believe some are born evil and when they understand Power they become truly evil!

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He chose and daily chooses comfortable corruption.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

Neither do I... Another mind boggling aspect to consider is the huge number of perpetrators who think what they're doing is OK. Seared conscience type stuff.

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Unfortunately, the U.S. govt has been doing the same type of damage as 9/11, and worse, to other people in other countries for all of our lives (to the tune of over $2B/day in taxpayer funds in recent years), and that was OK/accepted by each of us when it was “them”. So we’ve all been those unconscious/“evil” perpetrators! What we’re now experiencing is the universal consequences summed up in “what goes around comes around”. Now that we’re on the receiving end, we can wake up and recognize that all destruction of people and habitat is unconscious, and we can commit to a wiser way of life. Many are leading the way, and that’s where the real party is.

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Man can easily be that evil when he’s sold his soul to the fallen one for gold, glory + girls. The profit motive is not the goal. Steal kill and destroy are the fallen one’s goals since the beginning. Man in Hollywood, DC, Wall Street, Nazi Germany, Ancient Babylon, City of London, the Vatican, and the basements of Masonic lodges…, Epstein Island.. all go back to pagan idol worship, child sacrifice + depravity. Look up adrenochrome. What happens in the basement of the Van d. Built S. State? When depop. is the goal, psychopaths have no problem doing a 9-11 + eating … bay bees. And killing the un burn…The fallen one’s pulling the strings, that’s why this much evil is commonplace now. End times have arrived + Jesus, my friends, is the only Way out. Humbly submitted.

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Close to the real depth... deception. It is coming to an End. Every born human has a final choice. THE CROSS is looming over the Earth.

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Oh, Sir, created humans MADE that move in the Garden 5k years ago. Noah(Biblical) built an Ark on desert for the Salvation of 8 humans+ seed animals. Sodom, Gomorrah ..12 cities destroyed by THE Creator whose Createds chose wickedness. America AND the entire human race has chosen/is willingly choosing wickedness over our Creator's GIFTS . Historically, Biblically and present days...are choosing to 'thumb' their noses against God and His Createds(abortion, murder, Cursing, etc). WE've been warned 5k years. Our arrogant response is every evil we see or don't witness.

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I just found out about the 3rd building. Very sad about it.

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The single biggest asset the government has had to date (though now dwindling rapidly) is the fact most Americans do not want to believe their government would do such things. The perfect cover for the gov't perps hidden in plain sight. And they have leveraged that cover to the hilt. And now jumped the shark with it. And that is a good thing.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

I was attributing the nonsense to incompetence. Haven't we had elected representatives asking if too many people on an island will cause it to tip/capsize?


Now I know it is an organized, criminal, treasonous conspiracy to destroy our Constitutional Republic.

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I never doubted Trump was telling the truth. My question is why the bureaucracy fears him so much?

Obama and Biden were in the meeting when the DNC Russia hoax plan was hatched. Congress set a precedent when they impeached a president after leaving office. The time has come to make them pay for what they did to our nation.

Defund the FBI and CIA. That’s the first thing McCarthy needs to lead on to get this ship righted.

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Why they fear Trump? An excellent question...

The US GEBs (working closely with the European GEBs,) appear to be maniacally desperate to harm Russia precisely perhaps because Putin won’t play their One World GOVERNMENT games. And Trump was a beacon to all nations to also not play their “Rule the World” games, and exercise strong self interest. Keeping Trump and Russia apart appears, in retrospect, to have been the deeper benefit of the “Russia Russia Russia” manufactured attack on Trump. The number one goal was to remove Trump and an independent nationalist USA, and two, aligned with that goal, keep the nationalist US and nationalist Soviet Union apart, punish them, and you crush Nationalism everywhere.

Trump’s economic success, and beacon call to rational Nationalism made his removal necessary, made Covid 19 ( almost certainly a man made manufactured crisis) necessary. And Trump’s success was massive and growing! He had China by the short hairs, India was fully aboard, Mexico was cooperating, Asia was cooperating, Eastern Europe was cooperating, anti indiscriminate immigration ideology was growing, bilateral and tri -lateral trade deals were rewriting global trade, with the number one economy and super power in the world, a strong USA. Canada was being dragged , against their will, to the trade table. Even North Korea was bowing to the Trump doctrine. It took Covid 19, two illegal Impeachment attempts, and “Russia Russia Russia” to stop Trump, and the world from getting on board his train of rational Nationalism.

So blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, is simply continuing that Malthusian “Rule the World” attack on Sovereign independence, suppressing Russia, while supporting the US puppet, a corrupt controlled Ukraine. These folk could not care less about populations, indeed, populations are the enemy, strong Nations are the enemy.

Controlling a nation is so 20th century passe, just as corporations are global, ruling the world is so tantalizingly close. Breaking a few eggs to make the One World Omelette, now means destroying National Sovereign ideology.

At anyrate, that is why they fear Trump - rational nationalism.

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David, I believe you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head. The goal is to destroy Trump through a thousand cuts, as he stands between us and the New World Order planners. If only people would ask why they fear him, the answer is there in plain sight. Thank you for sharing this. I’m better armed now when anyone displays TDS symptoms.

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Jesus Christ died willingly for those that would 'hear and obey'. We have but a shorter time

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Excellent summary - thank you!

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They "fear" Trump so much because he's powerful and he's standing in their way. If Arkansas was an "important" State they would have gone after Sarah Huckabee Sanders during her run for Governor. Kari Lake is powerful, you can feel the power in her when you stand next to her. Arizona is important so they did all they could to bring her down. She lost by 17,000+ votes and is now proving election fraud involving 300,000 ballots in Maricopa County. Oh yes, they want her under a bus too. As Trump's poll numbers go higher, watch how much crazier they get out there.

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REPENTANCE Is the only Salvation. Arrogance will not allow a 'sold out' to admit the evil in the choices. Make the one 'Decision' while there's still time.

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I come from that island. When elected officials show that kind of ignorance (but are repeatedly re elected anyway) one really has to start re-evaluatating people who are making decisions and the permanent bureaucracy (aka THE SWAMP) that rules behind the curtain. This propaganda machine is running on all cylinders but I keep hoping the American citizenry still has time to stop the free fall we are currently experiencing. When I first saw the clip about concern that Guam might tip over I laughed so hard; what came to mind was that phrase 'there is no such thing as a stupid question' was just proven to be fake news. And coming from a member of Congress??? Even more mind bending. Sadly it was a snapshot of the total incompetence occurring within government agencies, along with, as we were suspecting, a worsening total disregard for facts and truth.

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Not ignorance. Intentional, deliberate, depraved, incrementally introduced depop + destruction. puppets on the fallen one’s strings. A plan the fallen one’s been patiently working on for centuries. Read Genesis 6. The “aliens” will be the nephilim adding to the great deception. Jesus kept saying: “Do not be deceived.” Hoping for the rapture.

Respectfully submitted, friends.

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Would that it’s just incompetence! That ship has sailed. We’ve all started out naíve. If you connect the dots, all the dots, it’ll curl your hair. Prepare yourself… and RUN to Jesus, CLING to Jesus. All the rest is sinking excrement in the worst way. JD Farag, Celeste Solum, Tom Hughes, Chuck Missler’s report on trans he-man -ism.. Not much time left

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I remember that one. I always wondered how many of his compadres understood the blunder...

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Goebel said of the Nazi persecution of the Jews (not verbatim), "The more we do to them the harder they deny that we are doing it." There will be no wishing this away. As the doctor said in closing, buckle up. The truth hits hard and fast sometimes.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

In my professional career, I embraced the concept that the FDA and the drug manufacturers were truly working to better treat disease states for the benefit of the patient. We have some truly good life saving drugs, but once the Harvard and Wharton MBA graduates replaced the physicians that ran the major drug companies, the bottom line superceded the safety of the patient. Only when a medical crisis affected our family did the smoke clear and did I recognize the dark side of medicine. How the Covid con was managed is just the latest and there is more to come unless we return to objective medical research with good safety guidelines in place. Having leadership that understands this is lacking.

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Physicians have been just as responsible for this as the MBAs. They should have been the first ones to ring the alarms. They and their nursing staffs were only too willing to do the stabs.

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I never heard so many nurses say they just wanted to make some money.

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Innate 'birth defect'. Every person born is given free-will. THAT's where everyone chooses their Path.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The mass media reporting on the Durham report is already white washing the events of persecuting President Trump. FBI is the culprit and has said mia culpa and is already fixing the error of their ways. Really? No mention of the meetings in the Oval office where President Obama was informed of the politicaL ASSISSINATION of Donald Trump that was being developed. I remember early on, when President Trump asked Comey in January of his Presidency if he was on his TEAM. He already knew they were going after him. The corruption in the Federal government is extensive and the Covid crisis is just the latest. When physicians received $250,000 bonus when they achieved a 70% injection rate speaks volumnes of how extensive this Covid scam was. The unfortunate issue is that the injections will

continue without the safe guards to protect humanity. Billions and bilions are being invested in mRNA technology and Moderna is building plants around the world to cash in! Humanity is being herded in the wrong direction and there is no one in authority that is stepping up to say STOP THE INJECTIONS SAVE OUR CHILDREN! Consensus science reins and the true scientists that see the harm are being ignored. Medical science has gone awry! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/publish/post/121590213

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Yup, and despite the CIA sending the FBI all the information it had on the Clinton Plan, the FBI did nothing to vet it or investigate—this, even as they used a part of the Clinton Plan (the Steele dossier) to probe the Trump campaign. It’s clear that the info was intentionally buried at the FBI. Most members of Crossfire Hurricane “had never seen the intelligence before.” Essentially, the bureau wittingly allowed itself to be used by the Clinton campaign.

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When all three branches of the federal government have been corrupted, how will we survive this ordeal and more to come.

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Thee are only two possibilities: 1) the ideas of the founders will be resurrected and the flag will once again stand for freedom and the United States of America will indeed be, and will be a shining light on, not a hill, but a mountain; or, 2) the republic will be subsumed beneath the sludge of corruption, could possibly dissolve into separate regions, and become no longer a player on the world stage - or even become a vassal state.

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messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s book The Return of the Gods speaks to that. YouTube has his explanation too. The U.S. turned a corner in the 60’s when it kicked God + Jesus + prayer out of schools. …a slippery + depraved + perverse slope since then…Let’s repent, humble ourselves + cry out to God, and return to the Way, the Truth + the Life. Let us pray in Jesus Yeshua’s name

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The full text of The Bible tells anyone that is awake the Map is available. Time is rushing.Humans have denied God The Creator and now The Cross.

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Lucky for us we can trust the 4th branch ! ... the Bureaucracy

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I would submit that the Intelligence Community is the fourth Branch of Govt. and is running the other 3 branches and thus the country. NSA has access to everything and the IC has access to what NSA has. IE: they have something on everybody.

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And even if they didn't they could make it up.

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Psalm 91: “He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And I will say of the Lord He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God in Him will I trust.”

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Agreed ... Something on everybody ? ... " uhh, ... not wittingly"

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You are right! The bureaucracy is like a Octopus, and has it's tenacles reaching down into all three branches of the government. If we knew who is the head of the bureaucracy, we could cut it off!

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With a Hydra, cut off on arm and it grows back two.

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Amen, Dr. Tom, great image ! -- like a 3 - headed Medusa & self - sustaining

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In fact one fbi "analyst" actually rewrote a report from the cia entirely changing the meaning of its content. Think got a,wrist slap or something

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

He (fblie lawyer kevin clinesmith) changed a couple of words, to completely change the meaning of an email discussing Page being a CIA and an FBI source. Convicted of a felony, disbarred, no jail time, and rebarred some months later. And he's probably back working at the fblie.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

I blame that on the DOJ. They did the minimum they could get away with.

Clinesmith was one of their own. They weren't going to throw him under the bus.

Although I do think the judge, Judge Boasberg, could have taken it on himself to do more than the prosecutors were asking. After all, he's a FISA judge- it was his court they defrauded.

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Kevin Clinesmith

You can see several articles on him here: https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/?sort=search&search=clinesmith

TL;DR version: he falsified documents in order to obtain the FISA warrant for the FBI to spy on Carter Page during Trump's 2016 campaign. This effectively allowed the FBI to spy on Trump. It was all about trying to catch Trump in criminal activity. When he turned out to not be a criminal they had to make stuff up - enter Hillary, the DNC, and the fake Steele dossier, and the Russia collusion hoax. The Russia hoax has had the added benefit for the deep state of ginning up anti-Russian vitriol to support their proxy war in Ukraine.

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Thanks for that. I can't get the link you provided to work, but a somewhat vaguer version is at https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/ex-fbi-lawyer-agrees-one-year-bar-sanction-after-conviction-2021-06-28/

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I tried to send you to a substack search results page, maybe that doesn't work. Here are all the articles from Mark Wauk at Meaning in History. Wauk is retired FBI and very insightful about legal specifics of the whole Russia collusion hoax. We all know illegalities were involved, but his commentary (Clinesmith is mere fraction of what you can find at MiH re Russiagate) is most insightful for explaining not just legal specifics, but FBI procedural norms and how the multi-faceted Russiagate conspiracy flouted law and process, exposed conspiracies, and demonstrates the oligarchy's contempt for both rule of law and the people that they rule.

Truth is, while many of Malone's followers are just now learning that it was all a lie, Wauk's followers have known since 2017. My point is not to boast or criticize, but rather to say that because enough was known publicly to draw these conclusions - with limited disclosures - 4-6 years ago, it follows that Barr and Durham have also known since early 2019, which means that even this damning report is effectively a cover-up. They could have prosecuted many of these actors years ago but chose not to. Long live the deep state!

8/14/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/kevin-clinesmith-pleads-to-one-falsehtml

8/14/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/major-update-on-kevin-clinesmith-pleahtml

8/15/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/clinesmith-and-bigger-contexthtml

8/19/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/will-clinesmith-plead-guiltyhtml

8/19/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/clinesmith-agrees-to-plea-dealhtml

9/1/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/clinesmith-and-big-picture-conspiracyhtml

12/5/2020 - https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/read-thomas-lifson-re-clinesmithhtml

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Been some time ago. Was reported on in several outlets back then..But as I remember a e-mail from cia regarding a source said said was not reliable and this guy deleted not then passed it up the chain.. In any event he totally inverted meaning of information they were sent.

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Hey CIA Page says he is one of your sources. CIA to FBI, Page is a CIA source. Clinesmith's FBI entry - Page is NOT a CIA source.

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Thanks. Knew there was a....not...in there but got it in the wrong orientation

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Dr. Malone, all of which you've mentioned came out several years ago in the Epoch Times. I felt it was the only source of true and factual reporting about this mess. It was censored on social media, blasted as a Q-Anon rag (whatever that is.) I am sorry that so many well-read and intelligent people fell into the trap of believing what MSM and the FBI and other sources were "reporting." But I'm very glad that you, Dr. Kory, and many others who bought into the ideas that disparaged Trump are finally seeing the light of day as to who the real culprits were all along. I never did trust MSM and now add most of the medical practitioners and big pharma to the list.

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That this was disinformation and that from our very own government bureaucracies was clear from the release of the Nunes Memo. The Mueller report was its death knell. Disappointed with the Durham report and its lack of convictions for its lack of conviction of wrongdoers. Took a long time to release what much of America knew.

A Republic, if we can keep it.

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Conservative Treehouse aka, The last refuge" did extensive documented detail on all of this, and much more. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Myself and like minded friends definitely feel the pace of the craziness and corruption has accelerated greatly. It feels like being caught in the middle of a shoot-out with bullets coming from every possible direction. I think the plot is definitely unwinding but the bad guys have embedded themselves in so many governments and bureaucracies around the world that it's going to be messy and it's going to take time. Pull close to your family and friends and take care of them but keep speaking out and keep saying NO, and most importantly No to digital ID and CBDC!

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Sun Tzu ( or maybe Vinny, down on the corner ):

" Don't bring a knife to a gunfight " ... Australia, NZ and our Friends to the North, have all been effectively disarmed ... we can not let that happen here

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It's becoming increasingly clear that the election of Congress men & women who will fulfill their Constitutional duty to complete defund a tyrannical, corrupt federal government is the only real option here. We have allowed the evil parasite that has plagued humanity from the beginning of time to fester into a Godzilla sized beast that is the single greatest single threat to personal liberty in the Western world. Cut off the flow of unearned money and watch them wither & die.

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But how to do this with a corrupted election process?

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We need to clean house. The current regime spies on opponents, uses the intelligence community and law enforcement against dissidents and political enemies, and corrupts elections—all openly, without ever being held accountable for such egregious abuse of power. The elites play by one set of rules, we peasants by another, and the deep state is comprised of Democratic Party loyalists.


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All politicians running for office must do the following! I Pledge allegiance to the flag. I pledge to uphold the Constitution of the Republic that was designed to give voice to our citizens. No public pledge. NO VOTE!

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From Crises of the Republic, Hannah Arendt, 1972 Harcourt Brace & Company, no longer in business as such and thus reprinted without permission:

p.178: “...In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless we have a tyranny without a tyrant…”

p.180 “:...Kohout added that what the world today stands in greatest need of may well be ‘a new example’ if ‘the next thousand years are not to become an era of supercivilized monkeys’ – or even worse, of ‘man turned into a chicken or a rat,’ ruled over by an ‘elite’ that derives its power ‘from the wise counsels of… intellectual aides’ who actually believe that men in think tanks are thinkers and that computers can think: ‘the counsels may turn out to be incredibly insidious and, instead of pursuing human objectives, may pursue completely abstract problems that had been transformed in an unforeseen manner in the artificial brain.’”

p.182: “ … And just when centralization, under the impact of bigness, turned out to be counterproductive in its own terms, this country, founded, according to the federal principle, on the division of powers and powerful so long as this division was respected, threw itself headlong, to the unanimous applause of all ‘progressive’ forces, into the new, for America, experiment of centralized administration – the federal government overpowering state powers and executive power eroding congressional powers. It is as though this most successful European colony wished to share the fate of the mother countries in their decline, repeating in great haste the very errors the framers of the Constitution had set out to correct and to eliminate.”

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As an aside here - Epoch TV televised today's hearing on Artificial Intelligence. Among other suggestions were a new Tech Bureaucracy to monitor AI matters. That was followed with a recommendation it should be a part of a World Wide Tech/AI oversight operation. Both the open source and industry representatives noted the need for Government rules (responsibility - someone to blame?). The group lauded themselves on their mutual agreement to work together on the issues. What could possibly go wrong?

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And of course we could trust whatever we were being spoon fed by the government and the news from those formally known as journalists. The evolution of AI is indeed a game changer. As if it wasn't hard enough already to determine what was true or false. Now, we can't even believe our eyes and ears. Might be time to unplug. Read books with real paper. Write letters and mail in an envelope. But are we already too far down the road of convenience? Maybe the old Amish have been right all along...

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Censorship and propaganda will not protect 'democracy', they will destroy it"

I'm reasonably sure that is the intent.

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More than likely it was the DNC and Clinton that was the source??????

This country has the most sophisticated surveillance system in the world, and all Durham can say is "More than likely"???

Makes me wonder what the DOJ has on HIM in their byte depositories out in Utah.

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Hi, I would truly recommend reading the CTH with Sundance the Last Refuge. This bs has been uncovered a few years ago when Sundance, as he states went to the badges with evidence in DC. They gave him this bs story why they can not do it. Criminals all of them including Durham appointed by Bondo Barr. Read from yesterday, if you will, well explained on this whole BS report. Thanks Dr. Malone. God Bless.

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We really have no need to read any of the specifics as we know they are ALL corrupt and covering for each other.

Once the dam breaks, however...............

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The report just needs a tiny caveat we will put in there for you. There, done! The same keep your mouth shut tools they use on everyone. Did he shoot himself, hang himself, perhaps both (this happened recently) or was it accidental drowning, car caught on fire, blew up, smashed into a tree, found dead in an alleyway dumpster or perhaps a heart attack like Breibart...

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I find it unbelievably sad that otherwise intelligent people could not (or would not) believe that Hillary "The Commie" Clinton was the one in cahoots with the Russians. I knew from Day One that the Russian collusion stories were fake - and I thought Hillary was likely at the bottom of it.

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I was worried at first, but after I learned in 2017 that the Steele dossiers were funded by Hillary through her lawyers it was obvious that the whole thing was a dirty political trick. Ironically, Trump was investigated for colluding with Russia while the person who seeded the story was the one who sold our uranium assets to Russia in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative.

But just a little reflection and you realize it's quite a lot worse than that: the collusion hoax was playing fast and loose with public opinion regarding a nuclear armed great power.

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Just wondering, do you know what actually happened to those assets in that Canadian company that were 'sold' and made available for equity to the mining and trucking companies for racketeering and providing more funding for the Clinton Foundation? I know they were eventually repurchased by a Texas company, but it's curious which route they took since the Russians never fully closed the deal before paying off the Clintons.

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I did not know that Russia never got that Uranium supply.

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That's part of the problem. It wasn't actually the 'supply' that was being sold to them even though that's how most of the 'press' presented it. It sold more stories and got more click throughs, thus more income for the writers and their employers. It definitely WAS a bad idea and COULD have resulted in some dangerous situations, but it was mainly used to funnel cash around by the Clintons and their foundation and was also used by the Russian oligarchs as leverage in other transactions.

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That part was obvious but I was ignorant of the health establishments corruption since I had little reason to interact with it.

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Yes, it took me a while to realize that the Wu Flu was a concerted effort to push totalitarianism.

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After moving to Oregon in 1979 and entering my sons in school I was informed of its program that gave the pupils regular fluorid treatments and it required parental consent. I said I think not. I had read that fluoride was a waste product and there could be harmful effects from fluoridation in drinking water. I was not leery of the health system per se, or suspicious but was prone to curiosity. Dig a little, find a little. That was not easy to do back then but there were sources (not hounded by the media). More curiosity back then.

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I honestly never believed, from the beginning, that this was anything but a left wing illegal effort to take down a duly elected president. The democrats and the government interfered in the 2016 election and he still won, amazing. How Trump has been able to continually get punched in the face, stabbed in the back, investigated, phone tapped, emails tapped, text messages tapped, special prosecutors sicked on him (over made up lies), deal with daily lies by the media, the cia, fbi, irs, hls, all after him, and he still dusts himself off and announces he’s going to try to win the presidency for a third time is super human. With all his faults, which we all have, he is the most investigated man in the history of the world. The last thing I will mention is that his business and he personally have lost over a billion dollars and counting, and he never excepted one paycheck, not even a dime. J.Goodrich

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It was and is Treason

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Donald has more funds in his sock drawer than any bank has in all it's Safe Dep Boxes.

He also does not like to lose. His resilience is admirable if not a formidable talent.

Like him or not he is not a quitter. When the USA became run as a corporation not that long ago....I voted for Ross Perrot. A savvy business man. His same style as the CEO of Wallmart!

Folks have no idea what a well run company is. Funny that WALLMART does and has.

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As I keep pointing out you folks voting for perot ushered the clinton crime family into our house at1600

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It could have gone either way IMHO. And either way was the wrong way. I can still see and hear Bush41 talk about the New World Order. Bush 41 gave us Panama and Desert Storm. Willie Clinton we got Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Serbia and the smiling pant suit. Oh well, Bush41 adopted Willie as if a son.

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And that was the biggest initial step into the massive decline we've experienced since.

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Guilty, unfortunately.

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Learning to vote is a bumpy road. My mother who was sharp as a razor and glued to politics and grew up with 4 older siblings during the depression where she recalls her own mother crying in the night as there was no food in the home to feed her family. The commodity (food shelf) ware house consisted of a military overage of powdered eggs/milk/ flour/etc.

She had her way to persuade me that Ross was the better choice for our nation. So that was the topic around our dinner table. Mostly a message to party vote for survival of the struggling middle class families that now resembled her theater as a child. Much has changed in this flip flop via the Democratic business model. Sheer Horrors are certain.

History not well remembered shall be repeated. Where's the door to the space ship? Argh.

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And Impeached by the House twice. Dr. Malone may feel the 'hate' over the last two years but he hasn't felt the prolong out in the open hate shown DJT.

And the Latest from 7 days ago. NYC, the place DJT so eloquently defended against a Cruz slander on the primary stage in 2016. - we have this: The nature of our politically corrupt justice system takes on new clarity today as a jury in New York City decided President Trump did not rape E. Jean Carroll, the crazy moonbat funded by political operatives, but President Trump did defame her in his denial of the accusation. Thus, the jury awards damages to the false accuser, while finding the accused not guilty.

Presumably the position of the jury was that something ‘may have happened‘ because this was not a criminal trial outcome which would be based on “beyond a reasonable doubt” as the standard. Instead, this verdict was based on the possibility that something ‘may have happened,’ albeit not proven, and President Donald Trump was defamatory toward the accuser in his strong denials of the accusation.

The jury awarded $2million in compensatory damages and $20,000 in punitive damages for the battery allegation. The jury awarded $1 million in compensatory damages for the defamation and $1.7million for the repair of her reputation. They awarded another $280,000 in punitive damages for the defamation. (read more)

Keep in mind that New York wrote a new law specifically to provide E Jean Carroll a pathway to file a lawsuit over the allegation that something might have happened sometime in the past, though the accuser could not identify what year President Trump assaulted her. The accuser, a woman of notoriously odd behavior and remarkably unstable mindset, was funded by billionaire LinkedIn founder and very vocal Trump critic, Reid Hoffman.

New York created the new law for Ms. Carroll, Reid Hoffman paid for the legal costs, and Ms. Carroll made her sketchy accusations of something, from sometime, that wasn’t certain to have happened. There were no witnesses to the claimed events, there was no evidence the event took place, there was nothing to indicate Ms. Carroll or Mr. Trump were even in the same place at the same time.

However, the judge in the case permitted the presentation of possibility, then blocked President Trump from speaking about the case, and then instructed the jury to consider that Ms Carroll’s claims may have indeed taken place, at some point – although no evidence exists and no one knows when, not even Ms Carroll.

In any other situation this case would have been thrown out of court for being ridiculous. However, in the modern era where justice is metered by regional public opinion that is based on Lawfare and political motivation, we get this situation.

Posted on The Last Refuge page 5 as of my post here. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/page/5/

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I know this whole law suit was a lie. She was paid as you said by a democrat operative. In a Trump interview he said he has never met her and I believe him. I don’t know if you saw her being interviewed and the things she said. She is cooked. The democrats one institution at a time (or all at once) are destroying everything.

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So well said! I totally agree! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Ana isn’t it funny how one’s mind works. Not long after Dr. Malone posted this I thought of when I was a child, and my mother, my wonderful mother, would tell me that I could be anything I put my mind to, even president. I thought of how those days are so far in the past. I thought of Donald Trump and the literal hell the democrats have put him through and continue to put him through. That childhood thought that a regular kid could one day be president is so far gone in todays America, I got sad for todays kids future.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The fact that very few people in this country disagree with the trial penalty that the feds use to litigate their criminal prosecutions is disgusting. Furthermore, the fact that the FBI illegally wire tabs perpetrators before they go to a federal judge get to get the wire tap, is also equally disgusting and unfair. Nobody ever does anything about it. They just threw up their hands and go oh well that’s just the way it is.

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I can think of a few times that justice prevailed over the FBI/DOJ but not in time to undo the damage. Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska (Judge Emmet Sullivan undercover the FBI’s malfeasance) and the accounting firm Arthur Anderson (85,000 jobs) during the Enron trials. And the 1967 FBI wrongful indictment of four innocent men in MA. Mueller was an assistant US attorney in Boston in the 1980’s as the imprisoned men futilely tried to get their convictions overturned. Mueller after decades still refused to release exonerating evidence that proved their innocence and would not back their release from prison in 2002. In the Greco family’s 2002 plea for a posthumous pardon, their lawyer wrote:

“Louie Greco died an innocent man, despite numerous unheeded pleas of innocence. His innocence was known prior to trial, yet he was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. Now, the truth is being revealed and those responsible are facing a Congressional and Justice Department investigation. It is time for Massachusetts to officially acknowledge the wrong done to Mr. Greco and his family and remove this blot from his name.”

But after receiving the letter from Mueller saying they still could be guilty, the Board rejected the family’s petition in July 2003.

Finally, in the waning days of his administration in December 2014, Gov. Deval Patrick issued a proclamation laying out the facts of the corrupt frame up by the FBI and Greco’s innocence.

“Any stigma and disgrace,” the governor wrote, “is hereby removed.”

In 2018, even after the facts of the FBI cover up were revealed the FBI continued the cover up with the approval and authorization of Director Robert Mueller III. $102 million was award the innocent or their relatives in a civil case.

And then who can forget Richard Jewell and the leaky FBI at its best. Tom Brokaw, "The speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case."

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All I can do is quote from Alex Kozinski from his foreword in Licensed to Lie, a 2014 book by Sidney Powell who defended those in the Arthur Anderson company. “Prosecutors know that if they fail to produce exculpatory evidence, no one is likely to find out. Even when the evidence is fortuitously disclosed after the defendant is convicted, judges are very reluctant to order a new trial, so they sweep the evidence under the rug as “immaterial” or “cumulative.” Sanctions against prosecutors who violate ‘Brady’ are practically unheard-of and professional discipline is non-existent. As a consequence, there is, as I’ve said elsewhere, “an epidemic of ‘Brady” violations abroad in the land.”

I will also add that judges are people too, scrutinized by that very FBI. And there are the State Bars which say it I up to the courts to find a Brady violation and the courts rely on the prosecutors. And then there is the Office of Professional Responsibility within the DOJ. Sad to say when reading her book, she notes that overwhelming those that participate in this are promoted and rewarded. Weissmann is one of them.

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Given his history you could end that sentence after....charged.

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When did the DNC and the FBI become so deeply corrupted? Simple answer is 2008 when Soros' protege Barrack 0bama was elected. They (Soros/0bama) have been in total control of the entire USG and all its 3-lettered agencies since and up to this exact moment in time. The entire Biden administration are all 0bama insiders so how hard is it to figure it out? The MSM/Tech/Entertainment/Academia sectors easily fell in line when contacted by the USG security state--to do so.

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Agree with everything you said except that corruption goes back much further. The kennedy administration Dr. Malone speaks so fondly of was built on a stolen presidential election centered largely around political (and?) bribes involving chicago and Texas and all orchestrated by a nyc ad agency. And what I have heard of much of fdr's administration fails the smell test. Dems have been perfecting corruption for a very long time.

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Micheal, my brother in thought and conviction, nailed it. And if they don't cheat to get elected they lie - W. Wilson. And again lie for the next election - campaigning on the slogan “He kept us out of war,” Wilson narrowly won a closely contested election so ergo our entry into WWI. Our first real commie Pres who instigated segregation in the military, watched KKK movies in the White House, thought the peasants needed an administrative state and whose 2nd wife ran the nation upon his incapacitation.

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Thanks. Yes wilson. You have heard me rant about our "elitist" europhiles and wilson leads the list. I suspect his eagerness to involve us in what was patently european war was to set the table for shoehorning us into his stinking league of nations, i.e., the socialist claptrap our senate was wise enough not to engage us in and those in the new deal era stupid enough to do

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Wilson had a heavy hand in redrawing Europe's nations based on ethnic groups which were accepted by the Allies after WWI while the Brits and French used their Sykes/Picot plan to rearrange the Ottoman Empire. Folks should look at the pre/post maps! The Treaty of Versailles awarded Shandong to the Japanese even though it was part of mainland China. As a result, China refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles. This clause was one reason the U.S. Senate opposed and ultimately did not approve the Treaty.

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Yes, so glad you mentioned Wilson. He may have been our first presidential traitor.

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Agree. We must also not forget that Barack Obama is a Communist who used the color of his skin as a cover for his ideology. Call him out? “You’re a racist!” Until people are willing to ignore the racist accusation Barack Obama will not be properly held accountable. Durham’s report would suggest that Barack Obama should be in prison.

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Amen. Keep hoping the real story gets told about his alleged education and why pepperdine has put his records behind a barricade like I never heard of before

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This is why the groundswell march madness ensued. Grassroots forcing a change of guard in Congress. Oops, still too many go-alongs.

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Yes, and he enjoyed doing it.

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Actually the dems been playing games with race for some time. Remember the attitudes back when l.b.j.'s great society was rolled out with bussing kids all the heck over long trips to really dangerous schools. Heard a L A gang cop actually admit what I long expected, i.e., that this bussing was the main reason drug use moved into the general population by giving the black pushers a new, much richer clientele in their new schools.. Then things finally cooled down--again, and along comes another round of race baiting by a dem pres. It is a pattern.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The inevitability of the pendulum swinging back to sanity is thanks to you and those like you who are forced to suffer this and yet can still see and have the tremendous courage it takes to speak the truth. Forever grateful.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have never voted for a democrat, however this democrat may change my mind.

If you haven't already, listen to this 18 minute explanation of the Real Origins of the C-19 virus by RFK jr. who also wrote "the Real Anthony Fauci".


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He’s still a member of the party of slavery and Jim Crow: the Democrat Party of Strom Thurman, Robert Byrd (KKK) and Joe Biden. If you think Robert has a chance in this leftist racist corrupt party, you need to read more.

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If he continues to chip away at the Dem Establishment's votes, then I hope he's hired his own personal Praetorian Guard. And has food tasters. The Dem Establishment does not take kindly to heretics.

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Indeed true. Some crazy would savor taking out another Kennedy. I was a young man when Oswald killed JFK while we were watching the motorcade traveling through Dallas. A terrible day I shall never forget.

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I do agree if RFK jr. doesn't become or isn't a tool of the deep state he may be taken out. I wonder why the deep state did not take Trump out as he disrupted their plans.

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I believe they would never allow Trump to take office again. He's too much of an unpredictable loose cannon at a critical stage in the development of CBDC and Digital IDs. I think "they" feel like they can't afford any more serious disruptions.

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What happens if Biden doesn’t make it. I think this maybe why RFK Jr. entered the race.

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And ted kennedy

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Yes, the mastermind behind the chain migration from Mexico Congress dumped on us back in the day, actually almost 60 years ago.

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We know the end of the story and Who wins. The Spirit of the Antichrist Vol 1,2 by J. B. Hixson does a great job of explaining the process we are in. Sometimes when I am angry about what is happening to our country, I forget Who is in charge.

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Indeed. Who benefits from this chaos? I would say China does. The UN does. The WHO does. The Leftist NGOs. This is one reason why my faith is so important. The nations shake their fists at God and build their Statist ‘temples’, He sits on His throne and hold out His hand to those who will take it, still.

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Which one? It’s all a HYDRA.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Thank you, I had not seen this. So they get cheap labor, people who have no understanding of the history of this nation… nor the importance of our Republic and its Constitution. They’re just happy to be out of hell they came from…and happily vote for whomever they are told to be grateful to. There are other things going on that I cannot see yet.

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Intentionally so...

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Excellent article & welcome to the club. Over the course of my time on this earth I was blessed with being married to functional alcoholic. I say blessed because it led me to Al-non, which between it & its parent, AA, was one of the single greatest organizations ever created if for no other reason than it’s core fundamental premise-- before you can solve a problem you must admit the problem & you are IT. Hi, my name is Sheila Barkofske & I have drunk the kool aid for my entire life. I vividly remember Jonestown & incessantly wondered how it happened; how do you get people to do something that patently contradicts what science tells us is the first law of nature & commit mass suicide? I understand everyone’s deep desire to find a way to “fix” this. But when you come to the realization that what you are seeing now with your own eyes is just the tip of the iceberg, the only question all of us red pilled folks have to ask is how far are you willing to go. Your previous article on what passes for ‘art’ these days, is just a sample of the depravity that is in store.

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