The governmental dismissal of the expertise demonstrated with this article is, in part, how I knew that something wasn't right with the Covid vaccine narrative when it was first introduced. Had the Fauci's of the world simply stated that they disagreed with Dr. Malone, I most likely would have concluded that their differences were simply of professional opinions. But I knew something was up when they portrayed Dr. Malone as a nut. He's clearly a world class expert on vaccination. Their portrayal of him as a nut has cost them all credibility in my eyes.

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It's a dead giveaway these days when the person presenting a different point of view is not answered but is immediately vilified and "canceled."

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Several generations have now been indoctrinated to expect, and demand, "safe spaces" to shield them from adversity. That inevitably undermines society.

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People who do not nudge back undermine society.

Anyone who talks to me about “security” and “safety” gets my “no such thing as a risk-free life” speech, complete with my eye-rubbing after I wipe my sniffly nose with my unsanitized fingers.

Nudge back, People.

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Interesting correlation.

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Oh, the correlation is much deeper than that. Its genetic. We cull the best stock from our nation's gene pool via endless wars, leaving us with what? Its not like the Romans didn't do the same thing to themselves and look what happened to them....

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Another great correlation.

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Not to change the subject, but look at what is happening to Tucker Carlson just because he had Tulsi Gabbard on to discuss Victoria Nuland’s Senate under oath testimony about US bio labs in Ukraine.

Nuland said the labs were so dangerous that they were worried they could fall into Russian hands.

So Tulsi said the labs and their research should be destroyed and Sen. Mitt Romney said she was guilty of treason!

Idiots on The View said the military should arrest Tucker Carlson for treason!

Tulsi is fighting back and she said today that “Romney should deliver evidence of his charges or resign from the Senate.”

Gabbard is a Lt. Col. in the Hawaii National Guard for 20 years after Mitt got four deferments during the Vietnam War.

Tucker is the last honest person standing at Fox.

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I watch Tucker every night and got a subscription to Foxnation to support him. I am a big fan. The Left has been going after Tucker for a long time. Remember he had to move from DC because a Left mob broke into his home and terrorized his wife.

The Left is terrifying because they want a totalitarian regime. We aren't that far away from it if you consider how politicized the FBI and DOJ have become. Those January 6th people they have been holding in jail in DC for over a year, in horrible conditions, with no bail, are political prisoners by any definition.

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whaaaaaat?! How about Jesse's World?!

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I climate science, the go-to phrase is, "he/she is not in the mainstream."

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I am hoping that the expertise of Dr. Malone and other of his equally brilliant and ethical colleagues will wind up costing the criminals that perpetrated this atrocity their freedom.

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Me too, but I’m not counting on it.

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Hope for the best and plan for the wor...well, plan accordingly.

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The fascists currently control nearly the entire media (including FOX News). Not only has Dr. Malone been slandered and maligned, consider how doctor Scott Atlas has been treated. Vladimir Zelenko, too. Consider all the front-line doctors who made YouTube videos of their knowledge of COVID-19 that were banned from the Internet. And the President of the United States.

It is not too late to return control of our country to the people; but at the moment, the oligarchs, the criminals, the CIA, the FBI, and the rest of the military-industrial complex are calling the shots.

God help us if a Russian missile accidentally lands in Poland or if a NATO rocket creates a false flag that leads us into WW III. Remember the Maine. Remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Remember 1/6/2021.

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Remember 9/11!!!

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How did the wings evaporate and disappear from that "airplane" that smashed into the Pentagon? Why did Tower #7 collapse? #Where'sFauci? #WhatAboutHunter'sLaptop?#WhoIsAskingBrandonAboutHisSurrenderofAfghanistan? #WhyIsSaudiArabiaNowTradingOilForChineseYuan?

So many questions. So many liars.

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I never questioned anything about 9/11 until all the lying about Covid and now Ukraine. It makes me truly ill if that was also a psyop.

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Yeah, me too. I wished I cared more about college basketball so that I could forget about all I've learnt in the past 2 years.

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Well said.

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Of course, the smallpox vaccine didn't lead to the eradication of smallpox, and in fact led to repeated outbreaks of it. In a remarkable precursor to our times, the 19th Century British government mandated it, which led to a mass anti-vaxxer movement, particularly in Leicester, where protests and riots meant that the mandate couldn't be enforced - instead, sanitation and quarantine of the sick (not the healthy), the so-called "Leicester method" resulted in an effectively zero death rate there. Unfortunately, it took a while for the rest of the country, who were still "following the science" to catch up. For anyone interested, there's lots more detail here.


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"Thanks to the success of vaccination, smallpox was eradicated, and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since 1977"

Dr Malone or from the CDC?

I was kind of taken aback from this in the doc's newsletter above.

Based on the book Dissolving Illusions, (Humphries & Bystrianyk, 2013) it is made pretty clear that many, perhaps most vaccines in the last 100 years, are ill-timed after deaths were on the downtrend and had little to do with continuing that GOOD trend. In fact, the charts in the book seem very clear that the downtrend was interrupted by the vaccine! Polio, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox-- all get their due in this book with special attention to the Leicester experiment where a single town in England ran their own experiment when they saw "the Emperor Had NO clothes." STOP vaccination! Doom was predicted by none other than the NY Times across the Atlantic. None came.

The book's thesis pivots around the theory(and facts) that reduction in deaths from these diseases had much more to do with public sewage and clean water sanitation.

It is also alleged that polio incidence coincided with DDT's onset of use in ag land. Vaccines, it proposes, are likely one of the worst experiments impressed on fellow citizens by governments and profit seeking Pharmaceutical companies.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

Yes, I was going to add this data as well. From the graphs on smallpox it seems that the case and death rates actually went up with vaccination rates. https://dissolvingillusions.com/graphs-images/

For the book by Roman Bystrianyk & Suzanne Humphries:


An interview of Roman Bystrianyk on the book Dissolving Illusions:


Also interesting is this book: “The Vaccine Watchman”



“Dr. Jenner had only just received the £30,000, when he was obliged to confess to his medical brethren and others that vaccination from the cow

wasofnouse. But he said thatmatter taken from the greasy-heeled horse was a preventative from small-pox. He used it, and served it out to other doctors. Dr. Collins, and many other physicians, have proved that this horrible, stinking, filthy disease of grease in the horse’s heel is always caused by the horse being consumptive. A great many doctors say that the cow-pox, small-pox, the grease, and

consumption, is all one kind of disease. This accounts for so much small-pox panic after so much vaccination, and so many dying in consumption.“

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Wow, the last one was really interesting! WD Stokes, quite a character. His descriptions and concerns made a lot of sense and seemed so similar to what many would say today about the mRNA vaccine.

It really threw me though when he gave out his own miracle cure: Yarrow tea. I have no idea what that is chemically. Still, the parallels of this interesting tome (from around 1890?) can not help but reach deep into your psyche and scream "stop this madness". thank you Sunflower Storms.

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My pleasure! 😊 If you can see the parallels there that give you concern, you should check out Jonas Salk’s book - The Survival of the Wisest. He basically expresses that he thinks it’s just fine to experiment on humans through vaccines and that because we are mutants (mutations of evolution) it’s okay to give us gene mutations through RNA viruses. Notably, one of the first polio vaccines from the 1950’s used vero monkey kidney cells, which contained a virus known to cause cancer in humans. Hmm 🤔, wonder if Dr. Fauci took a page from his book!

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What Do You Know About Vaccination?

Dr Vernon Coleman

You can find the answers to this simple quiz at the bottom of the page.

1. When the first practical polio vaccine was made in the 1950s, monkey kidney tissue was used. It was not realised that one of the viruses commonly found in monkey kidney cells can cause cancer in humans. The American Government was warned of this but the doctor who gave the warning was ignored and her laboratory was closed down. How many people, who were vaccinated in the 1950s and 1960s, are now at risk of developing cancer because of that vaccine?

2. Between 1960 and 1981, nine reports were published assessing the risk of brain damage after the whooping cough vaccination. The reports produced figures between 1 in 6,000 and 1 in100,000. The Government, not surprisingly chose the figure of 1 in 100,000. The Government paid out compensation to large numbers of vaccine damaged children. In the decade after 1979, the figures show that less than 100 children were killed by whooping cough but 800 sets of parents were given compensation because their children were brain damaged by the vaccine. How much compensation were parents given to begin with?

3. What research has been done to measure the effect of the variety of vaccines given to children on their immune systems?

4. Why did Edward Jenner (commonly regarded as the ‘father’ of vaccination), not have his second child vaccinated against smallpox?

5. What happened to the incidence of polio in America after the introduction of mass immunisation?


1. 17 million (including me).

2. £10,000

3. None that I have been able to find.

4. His first son, who had the vaccine, was mentally retarded and died at the age of 21.

5. It rose by 50%

Taken from `Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here’s the Proof’ by Vernon Coleman. Available on Amazon as a paperback and an eBook.

Copyright Vernon Coleman December 2021

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What an insane world I have lived in for the last 71 years and never had a clue. substack newsletters have opened my eyes.

SS, you have been a part of that. . . . large knot in stomach. I need to go out in the woods and cut some timber. outta' here.

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This makes so much sense. Thank you for doing the research.

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Have you read Jonas Salk’s book, The Survival of the Wisest?


Jay Dyer review of Jonas Salk’s book - The Survival of the Wisest

+ old recordings of Salk


Shorter version:


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Thank you, very informative!

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One of many good books on the history of smallpox and vaccines in general. Worth reading. “Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History”, Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk. Vaccines aren’t all they’ve been propagandized to be. Hygiene, on the other hand, along with clean water, clean food and good nutrition go a long ways towards making for healthy beings.

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much pithier than my comment! Good one.

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. I referenced your extremely moving previous post in this article, along with a summary of Dr. Ryan Cole's recent discoveries regarding blood clots. Would be honored to hear your thoughts!


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one glance at the government's "food pyramid", and you have all the information you need about whether to believe the government on anything involving your health.

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“The vaccines are safe and effective,”

Not the first time the government has stated that about a vaccine. We went through this is 1976 with the Swine Flu vaccine. Almost the exact same statements and actions. THEN....the shit hit the fan when the proof of MANY MANY severely adverse outcomes became clear.

60 Minutes did an expose on that vaccine as a look back...and I'm sure we will see the same kind of documentary on the Covid mRNA's as well, sometime in the future...if anyone is still alive!

Here is the original show... Watch it and you'll be filled with a eerie sense of Deja Vu!


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If only there were a real 60-Minutes still!

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60 Minutes, like the Sierra Club, like Scientific American, like the Atlantic magazine, is nothing but WOKE lies and propaganda.

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Honestly, I will NEVER consent to an inoculation of any kind by any medical personnel...I repeat, NEVER! I will reluctantly allow the dentist to give me Novocain if necessary but not without inspecting the vial it is drawn from or preloaded syringe or ampule package it comes in. My trust level for establishment allopathic medicine is exactly ZERO at this point. In regard to small pox, since Bill "The Impaler" Gates has floated the prediction that the "next" plandemic might be Small Pox I went and purchased a bottle of Sarracenia purpurea extract and I will be self administering if necessary. No way am I letting the Fauci plague for profit cartel and the legacy medical industrial complex stick me with anything!


And while we're on the topic, Dr. Malone. I am not so sure vaccines are the best way to address pathogens or viruses [poisons] that may be circulating in populations. My eyes have been opened when it comes to the concept of germ theory as opposed to terrain and I am beginning to think that the former was a completely misguided and/or manipulated scam to begin with. Pasteur's released notes on his experiments apparently reveal a not so ethical scientist and some pretty crude methods. There is plenty of evidence that we have been unsuspecting or willing victims to industrial poisons for the past 100 years, since the Rockefellers took over the medical disciplines and chemical companies sprang up onto the commercial markets. Please see Tom Cowan's book, The Contagion Myth.

As for me, I'll move forward with a more naturopathic approach to my own health and well being, thank you very much. Unfortunately, ethical men and doctors like yourself are not in the greater percentage these days.

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I bought some sarracenia extract too.

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Seems like a good idea to get out in front of what Gates and his pharma goons have planned going forward.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

That's what I did with the HCQ/zinc/azithromycin therapy...bought a lifetime supply of it circa March 2020 once it became apparent (to me) that Fauci was deliberately sabotaging the global covid response. So long as these psychopaths remain in a position to unleash scamdemics, pandemics and their deadly clot-shots upon the world, we're on our own and have to take precautions as best we can.

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awww, come on man. Forget the Novacaine, ask for a mask full of Nitrous Oxide-- lots more fun in the dentists chair.


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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd like to draw your attention to an NEJM article in September of last year, just a few months ago regarding "CHIMs". These are controlled human infection models, that rely on injecting HEALTHY human volunteers with known pathogenic inocula to learn more about a specific disease. In this case it was Hepataitis C. This is now a disease that 96% of cases can be essentially cured with one of three newly developed drugs.

Yet, despite that, and just as you perceptively note regarding CDC's view of all vaccines as 'safe and effective', the vast body of medical researchers view vaccines as 'absolutely essential' to the eradication of disease. ( e.g., the notion of "Zero Covid Tolerance").

This NEJM article begins with the premise that in order to eradicate a disease, a vaccine is absolutely required, and even for a disease which is close to 100 % treatable, a vaccine must be developed - to do what is actually impossible: "eradicate" a disease. Even if a number of humans will inevitably die as a result of the CHIM study .

Add to this the unbelievable irony that the authors of this article begin by bemoaning the virtual stoppage of vaccine research on Hep C due to the moratorium on primate models , which are deemed "unethical". But they conclude that it is ethical, in fact morally undeniable, to sacrifice an unspecified number of humans for the pipedream of 'eradicating' a disease.

Give a child a hammer, and everything looks like a nail.

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"One major reason for pushing annual influenza vaccines is to maintain influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity. “

Now I know a major reason why they nag us every year, even when the vaccine is inefficacious and there is no flu around, like last year. To prop up an industry. The question is whether nagging will turn into coercion.

The article does not take a position on what role smallpox vaccine played in eradication, but this important topic is outside of the scope of one article, which is intended to give some comparative understanding of the "safe and effective" shibboleth.

Very insightful.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

There is coercion for the flu shot. The CDC pressures hospitals to require every employee get a flu shot who has patient contact. I've heard there is a financial incentive involved and this was a provision of the ACA (obamacare). Before covid, there were nurses posting on YouTube every fall, saying they were quitting rather than take the mandatory flu jab.

The health insurance company, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, used to track doctors on certain metrics and post their scores on the physician search page of their website. I don't know if they still do this or not, but one of the metrics was the percentage of patients in certain age groups (older) who have gotten the flu shot. I went in for my annual flu shot exemption note (when I worked at hospital) and the doctor sent a nurse in to jab me without discussing it with me.

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I have been very suspicious of the high volume of modern vaccines for children. I only had a handful when I was young. Nearly every kid got measles. I had mumps and chickenpox. I've heard that recovery from such childhood diseases (which most do) strengthens ones immune system for later in life. Taking all the vaccines as little children, with adjuvants of deadly neuro toxins adding up dose after does seems foolish and dangerous all by itself, not to mention whatever else is in the vaccines and the actual lack of danger to most children from the diseases.

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As noted by FRK Jr (his book on Fauci) and others, 1986 law giving immunity for vaccines given to children, resulted in the explosion of vaccines "needed" by children. Explains why Pfizer etc. want their covid vax approved for kids - when EUA expires they can be sued - unless they're covered under the 1986 law. Nice business model for vax makers. We have not been very good at foreseeing the results of what the law incentivizes.

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I'm for eliminating all vaccines...like a moratorium on all of them just to see what happens.

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What an absolutely fantastic essay!

I love it.

So many new experts are talking about the smallpox and its vaccine, and compare it to Covid and its“vaccine”.

They don’t know what they are talking about but assure you that you don’t understand anything!

I am so pissed off.

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I think pretty much everything happening in the world today is worthy of being pissed off about.

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Good write up....the only issue I see is mRNA injections are not vaccines and Moderna nor Pfizer have ever proven they work using normal 5 to 10 years of testing for a vaccine to be brought safely to market. Of course that means disregarding the fact that our Government medical establishment, of questionable ethics by many, has recently revised their definition of vaccines to now include mRNA as a vaccine. Our Government health organizations had to block the use of proven early treatment drugs to designate mRNA as an emergency approval, which caused the death of 100’s of thousands, which many would consider a criminal genocidal act. The real question everyone should be asking is how many more will die from the poisonous injections already given and investigate the reason for the unbelievable surge in, so called natural deaths, in the US and the World

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A major problem that I have with using mRNA technology for any purpose is how can it be controlled? This is true for -any- use, not just COVID shots. How long will cells produce whatever the mRNA is programmed for? How many cells will be hijacked by the mRNA? How do you control which cells take in the mRNA? This is not a Star Trek episode where a specific number of nanobots are injected and controlled to operate on individual cells. We are decades away (or longer) from that technology.

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I wonder if HCQ, Ivermectin or other antivirals work on smallpox?

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You can bet that I will be using them if the situation arises.

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Sarracenia purpurea extract is what the Native Americans used and it was supposedly an effective treatment. I picked up a small bottle of it just in case. It's right in the medicine cabinet along side of my prescribed Ivermectin and HCQ.


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Checks grow the link. As an aside, Lomatium dissectum was used successfully for the Spanish flu but the Washoe tribe. Stephen Buhner has a great monograph about it in his book. Herbal Antivirals for Emerging Organisms

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Wow! I know this plant, and it grows in abundance near my home. Good to know. Thanks.

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According to a physician that was there during the Spanish flu, people on the verge of death recovered fully. It's quite a story. I keep the root both to make tincture or tea, or just blend it in juice or water. Flavor on the less than pleasant side 😏. I've used it successfully for viral "crud" flu like illness. Happy harvesting!

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interesting. It would be interesting if a molecular biologist compared the yarrow plant tea to S. Purpurea. Hey, we need a randomized blind study! ha!

NOTE: I mentioned yarrow tea above in a post regarding WD Stokes herbal remedy for smallpox back in 1890's, re: Sunflower Storms link: https://ia601807.us.archive.org/26/items/b30478637/b30478637.pdf

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Very interesting p-r OG. I saved that one in my herb file. It would be a good comparison to see if it is beneficial for eliminating small pox if used topically. I will be looking for it in on my hikes through the back country this spring and summer. Thank you.

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OK, let us all know some day what your "digging" shows!

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There's a whole lot of nuance that should probably be thrown in to the smallpox history here, esp. regarding the alleged fatality rate, though it wouldn't really alter the core point you are making.

But in particular, the repeated statements that the vaccine should be "credited" with eradication are not supported. Per Henderson, who ran the eradication campaign, the vaccine was at best a part of the larger project which included track and trace, which was feasible only because smallpox is not transmissible in the preclinical stage - https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/49813/WHF_1987_8%283%29_p283-292.pdf

"It became apparent that in all endemic countries there was a need for a specially dedicated and trained professional staff at all levels to decide and coordinate the strategy and tactics of the smallpox eradication programme and to modify its methodology according to local needs, to develop reporting and surveillance systems, to undertake case-detection and containment measures, and to train local health staff in vaccination procedures and the proper preservation of vaccine."

So it wasn't like they just vaxxed everyone and called it a day. Indian states had extensively promoted vaccination for over a century with no apparent reduction in transmission until the eradication campaign added isolation/tracing (https://journals.lww.com/ijmr/Fulltext/2014/39040/A_brief_history_of_vaccines___vaccination_in_India.4.aspx). In the global north, early-20th Century reductions in mandates were not followed by outbreaks. So it seems like a leap to even assume, without better proof, that the vaccine was even instrumental. The history of the virus is very puzzling in a lot of ways, besides.

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I found this on Substack in February, posted by "A Midwestern Doctor." Excellent read:

"USA physician here. I realized what is currently happening with the COVID mandates and protests is nearly identical to what happened 135 years ago with the smallpox vaccine campaigns, where the vaccination made smallpox epidemics worse, the vaccines killed a lot of people, the public refused them and governments responded by harsher and harsher mandatory vaccination laws. Eventually one of the largest protests of the century broke out in 1885, vaccine mandates were scrapped in one area in favor of alternative management of smallpox, and this is what actually ended smallpox. My belief is that this is a very important message to get out to the current protest movement and will do a lot of good if it does. I wrote a 10 page concise but detailed and referenced summary of everything that happened I want to be made available (but I do not want credit for). The entire summary can be found here:


and I would greatly appreciate if you could bring awareness to this issue."

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Here is the link to A Midwest Doctor


"Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across

I have spent the last year working to document this. It is a lot to take in but I feel it needs to be said.

A Midwestern Doctor March 5, 2021"

There are currently 408 responses with many by The Midwest Doctor

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Thank you Dr. Malone I’m one of many many that say thank you. Where would we be without your doctor. Thank you for all that you give us in the world!

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