Why would democrats, who have busted our butts dragging this refuse into our republic just so they can stuff the voter rolls with them, ever allow this bill to be passed in the senate?

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Just a guess, but there may be more to this immigration than voter rolls. Coincidence it's happening in Europe at the same time? A nation that will not enforce its laws has no claim to the respect and allegiance of its people.

Ambrose Bierce

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Try to put the Demonrats on their back foot and in fear. I don't expect unanimity from Rinos either. This raises the flag on this The optics of voting against this would not look good, but I fear they are so arrogant they don't care what the optics look like. Prepare for a long hot summer and Fall.

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All for show! It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes.

Joseph Stalin

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I doubt we have had more than a couple Presidents since Teddy Roosevelt that weren't selected. Ever so. Trump won in 2016 because everybody "knew" there was no possible way he could win, so they didn't cheat hard enough. It got by them but they are trying to make sure it won't happen again.

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SPOT ON! We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

George Orwell An opportunity squandered!

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I would go one step further. Pass a test on how are Constitution works. Never happen! Sadly.

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Did away with testing decades ago in the south.

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In one election I actively provided handouts for a candidate for a State slot. I was horrified to see some of the "voters" workers brought in evidently from local custodial homes. Heads down led by the hands of the workers. Of course it would provide a valuable education/reminder of our reasons of leadership.

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Back in Okla. City in the 50s candidates for city office would round up drunks from Broadway where they hung out and take them to vote with a bribe of a pint of rotgut. Democrats will always be democrats

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Philidelphia slimey demons sent busses into Trenton, Camden, and a few more of our lovely shithole cities, loaded them up, drove back to Phily, had them vote, drove them to other voting districts, and continued throughout the day, eventually bringing them back to their respective shitholes. All were gifted money cards, lunch, smokes and booze.

I watched the videos of the process on Telegram

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Can't like that. But being originally from Chicago can very well understand it. Have a better day

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Thank you, I will.

Considering I can be a real "mother", at times, I'll be celebrating Mother's day today.


Happy Mothers day, to all !

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I've wanted to see considered a requirement to pass a citizenship test before being allowed to vote; the same test that naturalized citizens are required to take (I'd like to see it required for graduating from high school, but somehow this seems like an easier hurdle). How fair is it to naturalized citizens that they have to take this test, but citizens don't, and can be more grossly ignorant of our country than they are! There have been some surveys of this in recent years which have reported that about 20% of *citizens* would pass this test today! I took it a few years ago, and passed easily. I think what it really demonstrates is that so many citizens weren't taught our history, nor have had a civics course.

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Spot on!

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There would have to be a 2/3 majority to over ride the veto.

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If this Schumer controlled senate passed that law there certainly would be a 2/3 majority

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I'm not convinced the RINO party wants to be a majority any more. With the economy dependent on massive debt increases for growth, they can't even be economic conservatives if they're in power. The way it is now, they can pretend to be an opposition party without ever passing a single conservative bill.

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The last time they acted like they wanted the majority (because they had important things to do) was when Newt had the leadership.

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Makes sense. Maybe back then they hadn't yet agreed to abuse the petro-dollar to the point of destroying the international economic order. I'm of the opinion that they think they can use climate change hysteria to get enough people to go along with owning nothing so the debt doesn't have to be paid back in full. All I can say is, "good luck with that." The BRICS countries are already showing they want fossil fuels regardless of what the maniacal "West" wants. I see nothing but increased decline and violence ahead as long as the reins of power are held by such mad men.

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I like your opinion.

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That bill is RACIST !!!

Black people wouldn't be able to vote, because according to Nancy Piglosi, "blacks are too ignorant to have any sort of govt ID."

Which somehow is still required to buy cigarettes or alcohol. I guess blacks (according to Piglosi) can't buy either

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Do not miss that harridan.

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Well, not unlike herpes...

If you do not maintain your immmune system, She will be back, and it could be painful

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"Some say that non-citizens wouldn’t dare register to vote in federal elections..." As one who lives in California, where modern-day election fraud was born & raised, I can assure you this is NOT true.

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Recently, I read that a Chinese citizen was put on the election board in San Francisco. They couldn’t find a US citizen? The USA article below corrects the claim that she was an “illegal alien.” Instead, it says she has a “US visa” (since 2019) as she was a student studying here. That still means Wong is not a citizen of our country. Yet she can serve on an American election board??


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Suspect has outstayed her visa

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That sounds soooooo Wong, to me

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I'm here in California, too, and you are SO right!

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Democrats will never go for this. One of the main intentions of their open borders is to get votes since they've lost the American vote.

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I wonder in how many countries we could go and vote for their elections. It's crazy that we even have to talk/write about it.

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We've had a mentality for a while of "developing global citizens." If you've paid attention to our education system, it's been talking like this for more than 20 years. Well, this is what that looks like...

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For some reasons, I felt that homeschooling my kids was the way to go, and they have developed very good critical thinking skills.

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None of this matters when the integrity of the vote is gone.

No longer do we have chain of custody in voting. Every step used to require two signatures for every step of the ballot. Now we have electronic voting machines (with secret proprietary software) and mail-in ballots. These ballots now in Washington state anyway, have the voter check R or D on the outside of the ballot next to the signature and phone number for everyone to see. If you don't your vote won't count.

So we have the integrity gone. The separation of ballot and identity required for secrecy of the vote is no longer effective because you are forced to mark it on the outside.

How many postal workers would get rid of a pallet of R ballots?

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I read that PA or perhaps with was WI, were marking mail-in return envelopes during their primaries differently for those sent to register republicans. So many ways to rig the system.

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Shelley, maybe by the POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION 🤔 🙄?

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They certainly were key in 2020. I read that all mail-in ballot are scanned by USPS and it alerts an NGO, tied to the Dem party in each state, the ballot counts every day.

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Mike, so true!

I read somewhere today that a certain state is passing laws that don't require SIGNATURE VERIFICATION for their MAIL-IN BALLOTS!!!

Why in the world 🌎 would they be pushing 🫸 for that law!?!?

I'm also concerned about ballots 🗳 being sent to Post Office boxes 📫 under their STREET ADDRESS which appears as an APARTMENT ADDRESS!!!!

I use the Post Office's 🏤 street address when I'm ordering from someone who doesn't mail to P.O. BOXES 📦 !!!!!

I seem to remember that the US POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION 🤔 is mainly pro-demokkkrat!

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The main concern with mail ballots is they break the chain of custody. They could be coming from anywhere, even from shops out-of-state.

The main fraud takes place inside the tabulators, and over the internet. Then the paper companies that make the ballots kick into gear, and print pre-voted ballots to match the manipulated result, and the ballots are shipped to the counting centers, so they can be mixed into the batches of real ballots, so any recount will give the desired result.

It's election fraud on an industrial scale, in a command-and-control system. This isn't the same 'ole "the same voters coming in to vote as dead people" scheme that used to exist in corrupt locales. This is "cheat anywhere and everywhere," and it doesn't take many people to pull off.

The best answer is get rid of the digital election systems, and go old-fashioned: paper ballots, same-day voting, and one-day counting.

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Thousands. truckloads, I would imagine in 2020

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Done. Though writing our 2 VA Democrat senators is a total waste of time I always do it anyway. Of course they always reply with how important it is they do the opposite. 🙄

In truth, any and all parties should be fully behind ensuring our elections are true and fair. You REALLY have to wonder about anyone who doesn't think ID should be required... It's a big red flag.

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Yes, they should, but they're not. Maybe that's changing with the Republican Party, but both parties have to varying degrees stood in the way of elections we can trust. The best explanation I've heard for this (though, he's not commented on our elections) came from Peter Schweizer, when he said that both major parties are like wrestlers in the WWF: They act like they hate each other, but they're really business partners. Their business is enriching themselves and their interests that support them, at our expense.

Also, I saw another good explanation for this from Floyd Brown, on the Uniparty. The idea being that the idea that we have two parties is really an illusion. They act as one party, with two different faces, two different messages, but in fact, they have singular, identical goals on the most important matters. I think this is what MAGA is changing re. the GOP, and why it's running into stiff resistance from the Security State.


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How did we get this far before anyone will challenge the original argument about it not being legal according to federal law and all they do is continue to not follow the law?

Why is their only answer 🤔 another law that ultimately also will not be followed?!?!?

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It’s like our immigration laws aren’t really laws anymore. The Dems want immigration reform, now I ask myself why? What difference would it make to pass different laws? They don’t need no stinking laws to fly in illegals, assist them to cross our borders which are both criminal offenses in violation of law. Our borders are wide open, come on in, sign up for freebies, here’s your voter registration. Citizens don’t like it, who cares, the DC communists certainly don’t care, they want to hasten the end of the Republic.

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GMoody, Exactly, they're brazenly breaking so many of our laws because they can do it with absolutely 💯 no negative consequences.

We need to hold their feet to the fire! Enough of all of the new bills or laws that they'll ignore 🙄 anyway!!

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Agree. I've gotten the sense that they don't use the law for its intended purpose, but rather as a tactic to control people, "We can do it, because see? It's the law." When they break it, they do it because they know it's either going to take a long time to stop them in the courts, or because they have prosecutors/courts in their pocket.

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Mark, I agree 👍

They operate on the premise of: do it now and apologize later!! However lately I've not seen any apologies!!!!

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I haven't heard them say "apologize later." I've actually seen them say, "Let's pass this bill. Let the Supreme Court settle whether it's constitutional or not," basically, "That's not our job." Yes, it is! The Supreme Court is not just there to clean up Congress's mess. Members of Congress swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. They act like it's a formality that means nothing, because, "We're only here to respond to political pressure."

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Hence my statement of: I haven't heard any apologies lately.

You're right ✅️ no attempts of righting any of their transgressions.

You're also SPOT ON about the Supreme Court's job isn't and wasn't designed to perform the: "Cleanup on aisle 13!"

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The bloody SOCUS is why.

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That's a fair point. Something that's been very disappointing to me is the courts have not wanted to even hear cases on election fraud. It feels like what's the point of having election law if the courts don't want to touch controversies around elections?

One rationale that makes sense is courts are squeamish about stepping into election controversies, because they don't want the appearance of preferring one candidate over another, one side over another; they don't want to seem political. However, enough courts have consistently made excuses for why election controversies can't be tried in them that I also think some of them are corrupt. I think that's plausible, given what we've seen with how judges in certain locales have behaved with Trump.

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I have little doubt that elections here were rigged long before I was born. Just more misdirection from the establishment.

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A friend of mine, in her mid 70s, said her mother use to work in a PA precinct when she was young. Her mom said after the poll closed the women would say okay lets see how many votes we need.

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It's gotten a lot more sophisticated now, with digital systems that are networked... As Shawn Smith has said, it's like going from pickpocketing to credit card fraud. I've worked as a software engineer. You can make a computer tell you anything. It's partly a matter of how ethical system developers are. Our election systems are manufactured in China, and the security on them is basically non-existent; extremely easy to hack.

To give people some clue, what you said about "let's see how many votes we need," is why we have early voting, and why some locales "keep counting" for more than a week after an election. It gives the cheaters time to figure out what they need. This is why election integrity experts have said do away with early voting, mail ballots, and do away with the extended counting periods. Just vote on Election Day, and do it in person. Ideally, get rid of the digital election systems entirely. All they're doing is enabling "black box voting," where votes go in, "something happens," and you get a result, but you can't see how it was derived.

We remember when elections were decided by election night, or the next day. Nothing's changed about how fast votes can be counted. Political interests just wanna cheat.

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Sad 😔, but true!

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Lonnie, I agree 👍!

Thank 😊 God that DJT came along to make many of us aware of what has been going on in our country!

I only hope that we go into massive ACTION 🎬 to reverse this situation!

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The outright support of lawlessness in so many areas makes me wonder if America can only survive by an out and out rebellion. The corruption is so pervasive, it will take an all-out shift of consciousness and how will that happen without a lightening strike to the Heart. The people must rise up!

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Wholeheartedly agree

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Thank you Dr. Malone for bringing attention to this and asking for its support.

The Progressive dominated Democrat party will do everything possible to keep this from becoming law. I'd like to have confidence that Mike Johnson will fight against them but given recent events I'm not feeling good about that.

I view the Democrat party and federal bureaucracy as anti-Constitutional Republic and bent on tearing ours down. Destroying confidence in the vote and electoral process is only helpful to that end, at least as related to our current 50-state configuration, so they'll deploy whatever tactics are necessary to frustrate any attempts to make the SAVE act law.

Without an effective opposition party a logical, rationale and consequential piece of legislation of this kind hasn't got a chance.

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Just another America First Bill that will Die on Schumer’s desk. DemocRATs will NEVER vote for a bill that hastens their communist lust for power‼️

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Bills like these House and Senate specimens, were most likely written by Heritage either right after the Bush/Gore nightmare brought us the 2005 Carter-Baker Commission Report, of which Kay C. James was a member and then President of Heritage or in 2021 after the OBiden steal.

It seems that all the C-B report did was identify the many ways the election process was broken and it specifically highlighted mail-in and absentee votes “noted among its many findings and recommendations that because it takes place outside the regulated environment of local polling locations, voting by mail creates increased logistical challenges and the potential for vote fraud, especially if safeguards are lacking or when candidates or political party activists are allowed to handle mail-in or absentee ballots.”

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After seeing what happened in 2020, I'm now more open to the Dems' complaint that Bush stole the election in 2004. I think I now know what they were complaining about. I didn't understand it then, because I never heard them say it was election fraud. It's since come to my attention that there were some Dems complaining about the use of digital election systems back then. I sincerely thought that "Bush stole the election" was about losing the Bush v. Gore case in the SCOTUS in 2000, which halted the recount in FL, and that the Dems were just making political hay out of it, because I didn't hear the complaint until after that decision, and I heard no other explanation for it.

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Oregon auto enrolls anyone 18 that is getting a DL as a voter. The system we have had for years was setup to fail.

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I love Senator Mike Lee, but this is for optics as the US Federal elections approach. Dems and many RINOs will wail and scream there’s no fraud taking place. They will not vote for secure elections.

As long as states allow people to vote without a government issued photo ID, dead people to mail in their votes, drop ballots into unsecured boxes and register to vote online when they renew a drivers license that non citizens can obtain, we citizens will continue to have our votes diluted.

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They are not going to give up power. The 2020 coup was successful beyond their wildest imagination. If this years election were free and fair, which it will not be, it has never been more unpredictable of a winner, given RFKJrs presence on the ballot, assuming he can even get on the swing state ballots. So they will do whatever it takes. Who will stop them?

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Brien, you are on the money. I read a Brownstone article yesterday by Aaron Kheriaty, who was director of Medical Ethics at Irvine School of Medicine until he was fired during Covid, called “The Latent Fascism of Today’s Anti-Fascists.” It was a tough read even after recently watching twice a 35-part lecture series on the Consequences of Idea, which delved into the many ideas of philosophers well before Plato through the 20th century. These two paragraphs summed it up for me though.

“In such a society there can be no shared deliberation rooted in our participation in a higher Logos (word, reason, plan, order) that transcends each individual. As happened historically with all forms of fascism, culture — the realm of ideas and shared ideals — is absorbed into politics, and politics becomes total war. From within this framework, one can no longer admit any conception of legitimate authority, in the enriching etymological sense of “to make grow,” where we also derive the word “author.” All authority is instead conflated with power, and power is nothing but brute force.”

“Since persuasion through shared reasoning and deliberation is pointless, lying becomes the norm. Language is not capable of revealing truth, which compels assent without negating our freedom. Instead, words are mere symbols to be manipulated. A fascist does not attempt to persuade his interlocutor, he merely overpowers him — using words when these serve to silence the enemy or deploying other means when words will not do the trick.”


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That’s where we are, Shelley, and it happened slowly, then all of a sudden, as such things do. There is a whole new and radical reality that is now America. For so many it is ‘hiding in plain sight’, which we are told by the philosophers of tyranny is the best place to hide such things. Judging by the many who would see nothing, they would appear to be right.

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Another salient point Brien.

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To quote Steve Bannon: See 👀 what you see 👀!

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Shelley, it seems that we're at the point of 2 choices.

We either have fair elections or will end up deciding it on the street 🤔 😔 😟!

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I've heard a rare few conservatives talk about this, that what we are seeing is repeating history. So much of what we see happening happened before the battle we know in history as the Civil War, which turned from a cold war to a hot war. There was election fraud, and one side saying that the election was illegitimate. There was usurpation of power, against the will of the people, and in violation of people's rights. What they've said is that every civil war starts with stuff like this. The point where the war becomes kinetic is not when the civil war starts. It's how it ends. Of course, I hope that we find a way to avoid the hot war, but the tragic--and it must be said, realistic--view of history tells us otherwise. If we avoid it, we could rightly call it a miracle.

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The only path to safe and secure elections [as close as we can come anyway...]...is one day voting, no mail in votes, voter IDs, and paper ballots. All under extreme supervision. Exceptions will be needed....I know. But that needs to be the start.

Solutions are easy. Installing them...almost impossible when politics is involved.

What is needed -- People willing to give up their political views and gains, acknowledge their mistakes, and be willing to not take credit for anything.......but just personal satisfaction in getting something close to being right.

So...it will never happen. Remember -- These are the same people conducting our endless war strategy abroad. Good work boys and girls........

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"People willing to give up their political views and gains, acknowledge their mistakes, and be willing to not take credit for anything.......but just personal satisfaction in getting something close to being right." Well said and agree. Humility...how to teach the benefits of humility? Im old enough to remember when liquor stores closed on Election day, at least in some states. Perhaps some kind of incentive for employers who allow ample time off for employees to vote.

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After 2005 I bought a REAL_ID as 85% of Citizens did, as until NOW only Citizens could get these at their DMV. Since my first election I always used my drivers license as Vote ID, and still do. Now states are and have allowed anyone to get one while in PA stating they can’t be used as a Voter ID. I also made myself familiar with the 2005 Census upgrade called American Community Survey which enables us to accurately gauge CITIZENS, NON-CITIZENS AND FOREIGN PEOPLES LIVING IN EVERY STATE, COUNTY AND CITY OR CDP IN AMERICA.




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