Even at its most virulent state this virus has never posed enough of a threat to have been classed a national emergency. The Diamond Princess incident told us this in 2020. There oughtta be a law!

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Correct. This has all been grounded in demonstrably false narrative of a highly pathogenic/lethal respiratory virus.

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NIH/FDA/CDC/NAIAD should have the yoke of Big Pharma lifted from their shoulders and only the best and brightest in medicine should be hired !

FDA is now committed to allowing humans to be lab rats after the drug is approved! Before, Big Pharma hide the negative data! No longer necessary!

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In his original modeling of 2.2 million US deaths, Neil Ferguson stated that only one and 10 cases was being detected. By definition, mortality rate would be 1/10 of the estimated 3.4% at the time, or 0.3%.

When the focus was on cases and not prevalence or case fatality rate, the big lie was on so that the mRNA platform could be mainstreamed. Without COVID or the US response to it, mRNA technology would have died on the vine.

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Micheal, this (the Diamond Princess) was studied and analyzed by Zach Bush M.D. early on at the beginning, with the same conclusion. This was one of the first studies I remember reading , before Malone.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, this comment relates to your Brownstone article that I saw through LinkedIn. Due to ongoing litigation, I did not want to comment on LinkedIn. Around the time of my termination, I was made aware that my former employer, who maintained their mandate through December 31, 2022, tracked COVID infection and exposure throughout the COVID period. I have reason to believe that their data collection shows that the rates of infection were higher after their mandate was put into place. I know that they pushed back their return to office plans multiple times, including after implementing their hard mandate. The vaccinated person who signed my termination memo actually had COVID in the timeframe between delivery of termination memo and my termination date. God's will be done. I pray for justice and I thank God that He gave me clear direction when I prayed about vaccination. I lost my career, I lost my love of the practice of law, I lost substantial deferred compensation, I lost my reputation, but I gained a deeper understanding of faith and learned what it means to actual trust that God will provide. Thank you for what you do. We have asked for their COVID infection data collection through discovery. It will be interesting to see what they deliver. God's will be done.

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I'm so sorry you were treated so unjustly.

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I'm sorry for all of the abuse you've endured. But your deeper understanding of faith will bring you more peace and joy than that job ever could. God bless you.

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Prayers for your success, Jennifer.

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I am not a “super” religious person…however 🤬. Very Best, Ed

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Ed, while I was a practicing Christian before this, my faith grew exponentially because of this challenge. God's will be done on justice for me and the so many others. Feel free to follow along on my substack.

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It’s interesting…I grew up in an Episcopalian school as well as Methodiist. I now find myself more closely aligned with Buddhism…Huh. Shakuntala, Ed

Skydivers know why Birds sing.

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Contact Tom Renz, I bet he could use your expertise.

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I would not be surprised if the DOD blocked discovery.

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023

Depose those involved now to get their responses under oath BEFORE they have a chance to provide a prepared answer through discovery.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I am printing your column to take to my appointment this week with my widely published endocrinologist, who annually tsk-tsks me for refusing the jab.

I refuse to be bullied any longer with bull**** and will fight her lies with facts. Much obliged! 👏🏼

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Good luck with that. Many of these are deep in the mass formation psychological process and highly resistant to actual data.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pride and Denial.....often the exact same mindset. Eh?

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Bingo!!! Ed i now just laugh (And, it does break my heart) two friends on “jab” 4-5 that are consistently sick. But Hey, “doctor’s” orders. I don’t say anything. Ed

Edit - One has Parkinsons which has rapidly become more severe. I don’t believe Her Husband will see 2024.Sudden onset of heart issues.😔

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Your doctor gets a poor assessment by his owners if he doesn't check those boxes.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

I’ve had nothing more serious than a cold accompanied with low energy since the only time I supposedly had covid19, a year and a half ago. If they sought to nearly destroy our confidence in the medicinal and jabbie world, they have succeeded. We are certainly primed to reject future interventions. Massachusetts just lost a case to require K-12 grade students to take the flu jabbie. Our bodies are our own when it comes to requiring medical or medicinal intervention, we decided the risks we are willing to take. Maybe they’ll start adulterating supplements? Or perhaps just count on crappy food to shorten our life spans and then push symptom reducing expensive drugs, that cause other problems? I don’t drink or smoke, so whenever God calls me home, it is in His court.

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LDT, see my off topic post here. It appears the FDA will now start overseeing supplements. I doubt it will check will Congress but just use self determination that supplements are in its wheelhouse.

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Senator Dick Durbin from Illinois has been pushing for the control of supplements for several years.

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Why hasn't Illinois supplemented him right out of a job. I'm sure there are major $$s that would flow into the pockets of FDA employees from supplement manufactures.

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We have been fighting Durbin--the Pharma shill--for years with his FDA/supplement putsch. Write you muddle-brained Congresspeople, the crooked FDA, but you might hesitate to ask, "wouldn't you like to know you did one thing good in your entire career to actually help your constituents?" :-)

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No matter what, the FDA can't stop the weeds from which a lot of those supplements are made. 👍

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While that is true, they may somehow detect that dandelion or lemongrass is a toxin.

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They can’t beat the weeds, particularly if “guerilla” gardening is done. And HOAs will be offended. 😎

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I refuse to live in one. A little power, given to unhappy people, is a dangerous thing.

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Weedom could not exist in an HOA. We have such abundance and variety 😁

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That's fantastic news from Massachusetts!

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I had just read about it in a CHD email.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Think I'll use the "statistical adjustment method" on my taxes this year. Wonder how that will fly...

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Ha,ha ha!

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Oh this is perfect! We should all try this!

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Yeah, with their extra 87,000 IRS agents...

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me seven times? Either I'm an idiot or you are a criminal.

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Maybe both?

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Hi Everyone - REACT19 is a non-profit dedicated to helping the vaccine injured get treatment.


Recruitment is now OPEN for REACT’s patient-led research collaboration:




The study will help all of us understand many aspects of what we are experiencing, including treatments that people have tried.

The study is a collaboration between React19 and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We plan to publish the results in top research journals and through our platforms.

Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out.

However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community! You can truly make the difference if you participate.

You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save your progress so that you can continue when you prefer.

Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions.

#Vaccinelnjuries #CovidVaccine

Thank you so much for helping to gather this knowledge!!!!

Take good care of yourselves, and be well.


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FYI Epoch Times has an article today that goes into further details

"New Study Aims to Learn More About COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/health/new-study-aims-to-learn-more-about-covid-19-vaccine-injuries"

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Thank you for posting that link. ❤️

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I have a friend who was injured so badly after a booster in 2022 that she was never able to return to Central America, where the family had ministered for 5+ years. I don't think she would participate in the survey; there was an FLCCC doctor near where she was staying at the time with her parents, but she was uninterested in going to him. Instead, she went to a doctor who recognized her vaccine injury, but did not know anything to do except treat symptoms. I tried and tried to share info with her, but decided she just wasn't interested.

I do know some others who might be willing to participate and I will pass on the information. Thank you for your work.

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I am so sorry that she didn’t try the FLCCC. If she had contacted them early, they have often had really good success in helping people. Take care, and thank you for your interest.


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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yup - this Canadian plans on attending all family gatherings sans mask - armed only with my on-going healthy foods diet and supplements. (and hubby in tow). And will have lots of Kleenex boxes, IF needed. Now off to the dog park trails and checking for ticks upon return! You and Dr. Jill have a great weekend!

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoyed reading this expose' if only for the superb sarcastic take on the methods used. Your level of tolerance for this unconscionable behavior is showing and appropriate! (There is an equally interesting and fact-filled article on SSRI from A Midwestern Doctor)

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

You'd think that engineering and releasing viruses in order to sell "vaccines" would be considered a crime against humanity. But apparently not. Just claim its all for "national security purposes" and you're good...especially once the control freak crowd co-opts you.

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The USG didn't even do that, claim national security. It claimed health emergency and the Supremes said OKAY. This sets the table for WHO's ability (when it completes its new powers) to do the same world-wide.

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Two magic words ‘National’ ‘Security’. The UN and their other creepy arm, the WHO, can take it up with my God, because the answer is still ‘No’.

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I think for the cabal "health emergency" is a subset of "national security".

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bottom line is "regulators" and agencies are engaging in nothing more than arm waving speculation about products which are colloquially "snake oil" for the sole purpose of marketing said snake oil... Nothing more, nothing less.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Detailed and clearly explained analysis, as usual from Malone. My take bottom line, relax, don’t sweat it. Let the variants come and go, including HV.1, and don’t take its booster. I like Malone’s wording here: “To the extent that high levels of human “neutralizing antibodies” from the SARS-CoV-2 genetic “vaccines” provide any protection, they seem to “correlate” to reduced disease severity for some period after dosing, but do not prevent infection, replication, spread, disease or death.” In my opinion, a “vaccine”, by any name, cannot produce the “immunity” of our natural system, for “immunity” either is or it isn’t. It’s not something short ranged, by definition, and only the natural has the inherent evolved intelligence to ID and cover the inevitable variants, as part of a ‘designed’ species survival assurance. The level of intelligence of our DNA instructions is beyond comprehension. “Boosters” are more likely to kill you than provide “immunity”.

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Off topic but telling:

50 years is not staying on top of health safety. Vegetable oil modified with bromine has been authorized by the FDA in small quantities to prevent the separation of citrus flavoring in select beverages. Findings reveal the accumulation of bromine has adverse impact on the thyroid, a crucial gland responsible for producing hormones that exert significant control over blood pressure, body temperature, metabolism and the body's response to other hormones. Brominated vegetable oil has also been associated with skin and mucous membrane irritation, fatigue, loss of muscle coordination and memory problems. As a result of these findings, the FDA now deems the continued use of BVO in food as unsafe, a departure from its prior designation as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) in the 1970s.

Just like when bad (avoidable) things happen with lapses in intel/security and new powers and agencies are granted to intel; here to, that’s the answer. The agency says it's in the process of creating an "Office of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements, and Innovation" with the goal of creating a more efficient mechanism for evaluating such additives in the future. Personally, I have little doubt that the FDA is already curtailing either the availability of sources for and/or the manufacturing of the vitamin D3.

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This reminds me of the FDA coming into a health food store to confiscate ear candles. What a terrible, expensive joke.

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Oh no. I have been taking bovine collagen . Does this have the same side effects ?

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Isn't bovine another name for pig? Bromine is a chemical element the internet says is " a deep red noxious liquid, and a member of the halogen elements, or Group 17 (Group VIIa) of the periodic table."

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Bovine is a name for cattle. Also, Shelly, as you are probably aware, the bromination of flours that are added to commercial breads and baked products are a potential source of thyroid dysregulation.

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Thank you. Pig is what came to mind for some reason! You are right and I live next door to a herd of them.

I will have to look that up, bromination of flours!

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Yes that, which I did not know (as usual). I finally flushed it out as swine!

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Great Report Dr. Malone. Honestly, after a very bad response to a flu shot about 10yr. Ago, I certainly was not persuaded to do the Vax. My theory was our immune systems get strong naturally and interfering makes everything worse. Had a 10 bought of Covid, so sick, but refused hospital. No, I did not trust. The agency’s came to mandates and ideas changed daily. Since then, we keep the horse med. (Kidding) Ivermectin on hand and use it as needed for upper respiratory or cough etc and have not needed an antibiotic even for sinus infection.

Rand Paul fought to remind everyone that natural immunity is best. Friends have died or disabled due to that very profitable vaccine. Realizing that some of our mission friends traveled light but Ivermectin and especially HCI

Go as well as anti biotic and / nebulizer. No sure, we stay strong with diet, flccc vitamins and travel w IVM.

The science is clear.

Greed is not good or truthful. Just recall, BLM ran around looting and the rest of us standing on our 6ft. Distance pads in the elevators. They were not required, just as our immigrant population. Now, old viruses are a new uptake.

We do not keel powerless. IVM should be available to all. No money, right?

Never will I trust again. Perhaps, a

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I’m dumb. Read it wrong. I have dyslexia though mild is raises its head once in a while.

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When I first read the article I associated bromine with pineapple which bromelain.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent analysis and reporting of that analysis, Dr. Malone.

The biggest, most important questions regarding the CDC, NIAID, FDA, and all the other alphabet agencies in DC promoting the continued use of the COVID-19 so-called vaccines: WHO IS IN CHARGE? WHO'S MAKING THESE HORRIBLY BAD DECISIONS TO CONTINUE INJECTING THESE INJECTIONS?

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I’d love to keep “wondering if anyone in the decision-making loop at FDA and CDC has any experience at all in immunology and vaccine research,” but I’m compelled to “never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice” (Reverse Hanlon’s Razor).

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this timely review of the present state of our Government's arts. Along with choice reflections. Subtle smiles appreciated. Always helps to have ones elected responses affirmed.

This should be a stimulating and pleasant day down Texas way! Do enjoy.

Safe travels back home!

Very bestest ♡♡♡

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