Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This report should be televised on the giant video billboard in Times Square

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I read A LOT of articles and reports. This is HUGE. I like the Times Square idea.

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deletedMar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023
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Thank you for providing the links. Fascinating interview.

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This report recognizes that chloroquine and ivermectin were known to be effective early on. Yet for some reason, a concerted effort is made to suppress the use of these medications by the FDA and the WHO and CNN and some other media.

Newspaper reports out of Costa Rica in early 2020 show how the head of China's CDC held a video conference with the health authorities in Costa Rica, where China's head of its CDC recommended to them that they use hydroxychloroquine early and aggressively as the best treatment for a patient infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Fauci was on television at the first Presidential news conference about COVID-19 with President Trump, where he said that the evidence that hydroxychloroquine was effective was "anecdotal". He contradicted President Trump's recommendation to the nation to use this medication. More than a million dead American citizens later, and millions more hospitalized from COVID-19, we now have a report confirming these medications were known at the beginning to be effective.

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And Fauci and the NIH did a report, I believe in 2005, that hydroxychloroquine had a 100% cure rate against coronaviruses.

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Indiana Senator Braun sent staff to a nearby city for the purpose of aiding citizens in their dealings with Federal Agencies. I attended the meeting and shared with the staff, the fact that the COVID-19 mortality rate quadrupled during the two week interval during which time the Swiss authorities withheld the dispensing of hydroxychloroquine. When hydroxychloroquine treatment of COVID-19 was allowed to resume, the case mortality rate fell to the previous baseline. The staff took photos of a billboard I had made from a graphic of the event I found on BING images. I also gave the staff a copy of a two part article written by Rafael Castillo, M.D., in which the author detailed the amazing success that Uttar Pradesh in India had against COVID-19 using ivermectin. I pointed out that my own state of Indiana had many more COVID deaths and cases than the hugely greater population of the ivermectin-using Uttar Pradesh. All of us need to push this kind of data to our elected representatives, as best we can.

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Thank you for being a true doctor with integrity. Doctors like you and Dr. Malone are truly my heroes. Also, thank you for putting all of your findings out there. I'm in California, and can tell you from experience, that our elected reps couldn't care less about human lives, nor will they budge an inch from their agenda. One of a million reasons for us to move as soon as we are able!

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H and iver are old decades cheap meds. They knew.

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The mainstream media is the enemy of the American people. They created and enforced a taboo against questioning The Narrative™, ensuring that the lab leak theory was relegated to the fringes. Dismissing and denigrating dissidents and doubters, they declared an unsettled question settled. And when they framed the origin controversy as Trump vs. the China lab, the China lab received respectful and credulous coverage.

Millions of people died, trillions of dollars were wasted, kids experienced years of learning loss, thousands and thousands of businesses were permanently closed, people were needlessly fired, civil rights were trampled, our social fabric was frayed, and now there’s an endemic disease that’ll be here for the foreseeable future.

The truth about how the pandemic started is something everyone should want to know.


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As they canonized that demented dwarf and his crew of liars and psychopaths.

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Add to list of harms: Hasty development of experimental vaccines. Billions of people then took these products, at best because they trusted the claims of "safe and effective." At worst, because they faced varying degrees of coercion. The total harms in crippling disease and deaths will not be known for many years.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for getting this out so we can share. It is damning and you're absolutely correct that criminal charges need to be brought to those responsible for this catastrophe, and the world, by Fauci and his group of Frankenstein-like "scientists". However, given the depth of the corruption of most all the Dems and quite a few Reps, and most all of our institutions, I think they and their deep state allies, with the help of the CCP, are going to fight any investigations and prosecutions hammer and tong. That said, we can't give up or quit: the Republic, and our freedom and health, is in play.

Danny Huckabee

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With US elections now fully rigged--they have absolutely no worries about this ever going anywhere.

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I don't want to think you're right.... but can't help but agree.

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I have had this document in my computer for over a year as a pdf. I've shared with many when it first came out. I don't know anyone in "high places" that I could send it to. They do not open attachments in emails either.

However, in the hands of Dr. Malone this should go far and wide. Still, rumblings for the dis-enfranchised will be seen in that light as most have made up their mind already. Too many still think if NBC, ABC, or CBS doesn't air it in prime time it has not actual substance.

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I follow everything I see on this subject. This is the first I’ve seen of this. It’s hard to understand. I suppose it’s evidence of how effective the psyops and censorship have been.

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I am a member of As A Mom founded in 2009. Mom's keep track of everything and post it on our website. New AAM post - TET had on Dr. Levi from Israel to discuss mNRA vaxes - "I think that this is going to go down as one of the most, if not the most, public health disasters in history." US Scientist Fraiman, reanalyzed the data from the clinical trials conducted by Pfizer and Moderna in Aug 2022. In Pfizer, excess risk of serious adverse events* after vaccination was 10.1 per 10,000, but reduction in risk for a COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group was 2.3 per 10,000 people. Moderna excess risk of serious adverse events was 15.1 per 10,000, but reduction in hospitalization risk was at 6.4 per 10,000. https://www.theepochtimes.com/colossal-failure-did-this-just-become-the-worst-public-health-disaster-in-history_5083672.html

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Calling it a public health disaster suggests the author is not aware of the reality that this is not a public health operation, or a disaster. That word implies nothing intended. This is bioterrorism. Much darker.

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As are 99% of people in the science and health professions, he is staying in his lane.

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Good point.

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I love that moms are on the lookout.

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If it's government, state/fed or overseas, related we archive it. We have quite the repository.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If they knew Ivermectin worked, why didn’t they save lives?

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Exactly and only. Had to have mail in ballots, to get the one guy actually uncovering the criminality of the us federal government out of office. We get an emergency, we can print fake ballots in the basement!

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But knowing that people would DIE? That is just unacceptable.

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By definition, psychopaths are incapable of having empathy for others and have no guilt or regret for the harms they cause. They reach top positions in part by not caring who they have to run over to get there.

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Amy I’m sad to say that what is happening is far more sinister than most can imagine.

Katherine Watt’s substack documents irrefutable evidence that America (our government) is guilty of global bioterrorism.

The volume and scope of her work is daunting. But if you want to understand it’s there for you.

Dr Malone has endorsed her work.


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People die all the time. So they died a bit earlier than expected. In the great scheme of things its just collateral damage. Thats what a good govt administrator in todays US Govt would say. Hey dont forget Putin is bad.

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Vladimir stopped the wmd labs in ukraine funded by darpa. He did good

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Had trump been in office, you would see the greatest alliance between Russia and America ever in history. And those responsible for the dirty deeds done in Ukraine would be dim memories.

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Darpa and pentagon are not the ones arming ujraine. That seems to be a rockefeller khazarian rothschild thing by state department aka nuland. But this is unearthing america s dark past with paperclip nazis so it is good thing but hard.

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To clarify, eua rrquired that no 9ther treatment be available that was effective.

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The so-called vaccines could not be given emergency use authorization if it was known that there were other effective treatments. So they censored and suppressed and defamed and were content to let people die. Evil.

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Also checks off another box on the globalist elites' list of priorities, that of reducing the world population. Not to mention locking every human being on the planet (their goal) into a global digital ID, tied to a CBDC, so they can be surveilled 24/7 and controlled by these monsters.

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They failed. Hence g guidestones destroyed

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Having arrived at certainty that COVID-WIV was man made some time ago, I've struggled for a long time to reach personal certainty on if was released ON PURPOSE. But the thing is, as Anne and commentors here acknowledge, our govt KNEW the virus could be stopped in it's tracks with Ivermectin, HCQ, etc... but AGGRESSIVELY suppressed it. Hell, I could figure out these treatments were effective just by watching case/death rates in countries using them and some simple web research. Which is essentially PROOF they WANTED the effects of the pandemic....they wanted maximum chaos.. wanted to disrupt Trump's momentum going into 2020... they wanted to get to Vaccine Passports... For me, this is the final piece.. it was all ON PURPOSE, or they would have acted to stop the pandemic instead of suppressing known, inexpensive solutions.

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I just started reading Steve Deace's book. Rise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting Covid Fascism With a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again. I highly recommend it. As Steve often says, "There is no benign explanation for this." (If you aren't familiar with him, he's affiliated with Blaze TV. We don't subscribe to Blaze, but I regularly check out his Facebook page and occasionally check out his podcasts on other platforms.)

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They needed as many deaths as possible to get the fear level high to sell the 'vaccine' that they knew would only make the whole thing worse. The USG is fully captured by the CCP and their goal is total surrender.

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Keep spreading that message. Many American citizens don't know this.

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No money in ivermectin - billions to make on "new" vaccine.

I studied up on original SARS shortly after COV-WIV came out and found studies where ivermectin and HCQ worked and were used way back then. They KNEW it would work before the first case ever got out of China.

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Always thought of the horrific spread and deaths in India. I heard the government started sending out drug packets that changed the direction of the pandemic in India. I heard the packets contained Ivermectin. Biden went to India shortly after things began to change in India and no one ever found out what was handed out to the public.

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That has been shared far and wide by the FLCCC and others, but it is just laughed off. People ask for evidence, then when it is given to them, they refuse to even consider it because it is not from a "reliable" source. The packets, including ivermectin and other things, were given out in Uttar Pradesh, an area with a population of over 200 million, if I remember correctly. It eliminated the virus in that area, but I don't know what happened later. If Biden went there, I'm sure things went south because he spectacularly fails at every single thing he does. I knew things would get worse with him in office, but I could never have imagined it would get this bad.

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Thanks for that Anne.

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The use of ivermectin (in combination with doxycycline and other meds) in the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh is well documented. Of course it was largely ignored. I wrote about it here.


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Your title was spot on, as well. Now the vaccinated are repeatedly getting sick, if they survive injection. Very interesting that you hypothesized that ivermectin plus low vaccination rates were responsible for the success in Uttar Pradesh. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks Anne. That was quite a while ago. I was speculating of course but it still seems right to me. I don’t know which was the bigger determinant.

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Yes you're right except we DO know exactly what was handed out to each family. You can still buy the packet yourself at a mail order pharmacy in India because it's all non-prescription there. The Ziverdo packets contain: Ivermectin, Zinc and doxycycline now. They did have some with HCQ and D3 also but they can still be bought separately. Pharmacy On Air (.com) or Generic Cures (.com)

After these packets were distributed is when the Uttar Pradesh fatality rate and infection rate dropped to near zero. They distributed the packets to every single family in the country.

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That’s what I had heard, and Biden went there to try to shut them up as to what was in the packets. Really I feel like I’ve entered the twilight zone.

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"An unimaginably dystopian nightmare all around us… while society seemingly carries on as normal." Dr. Pierre Kory

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I think we all do. And every time I think surely they've done the worst they can do something else comes to light that's even worse.

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We have entered the Twilight Zone, after we emerged from One Step Beyond and we are to end up in the Outer Limits.

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I've often said we are living in a real life Sci Fi horror movie.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS















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This is god s apocalypse. The awakening of childish humanity into a maturer role

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember companies taking out full page ads to apologize or recognize some impropriety. This letter should be one of those full page ads in the WSJ, NYT etc

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COVID is certainly a lab creation, but it is not certain that it came from the Wuhan Institute. An equally plausible case can be made that it was an American bioweapon, aimed at China and Iran. The genetic evidence is compelling, but the politics is open to interpretation. Fort Detrick is the premier American bioweapon lab. Remember that it was closed during the summer of 2019, while there was concurrently a series of deaths from respiratory disease in nearby nursing homes. Remember the Wuhan Military Games, October, 2019. https://www.unz.com/page/covid-biowarfare-articles/

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Note that the report specifically mentioned it was also co-created in the USA

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I can't bring myself to like that statement sir. And now in my senior years, I realize we've been the black hats for forty plus of those years. I feel so stupid, and yet I've questioned everything since Vietnam.

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Go back farther than Vietnam. JFK & probably Abraham Lincoln.

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I've only been adulting since nam.

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I feel the same way and knew since Vietnam that our government was full of shit but foolishly trusted our health agencies.

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Nobody told u usa surrendered to 4th reich via operation paperclip?

Hence need to protect nazis in ujraine. Cia did after ww2

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Time to do something about it, well within the constitutional limits of course.

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This is what I'm discovering in the last twenty plus years. For the first twenty I still thought we were great and righteous. We've been committing evil acts across the planet for a long time. I think PDT was trying to change that. It's amazing he wasn't arkansided many times.

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So what is the actual crime here? Treason?

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Much worse.

Global bioterrorism.

Mass murder.

Unless it can be proven the release was purely accidental without negligence, then manslaughter.

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Have you not seen the latest presentation from Dr. David Martin in which he gives compelling evidence that the "virus" (WIV-1COV) was a deliberately created infectious pathogen engineered in the labs at the UNiversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; they used an infectious clone (sy nthetic) which was put into living animals(in vivo) and this was clearly GOF experimentation and against the law; Martin reveals that this information is available in "published admissions" but has been ignored by government and all politicians; his documentation is irrefutable; he also points to involvement by Chinese virologists such as the "bat lady" and how this work from the US was transferred to Wuhan because it was being done illegally in the US, especially after the moratorium was put on GOF work in the US; there was never a NATURAL ORIGIN!

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Why can't any of our so-called representatives in Congress, even the ones who are good people with good intentions, few as they are, take a look at these things? There is so much documentation to illustrate that this bioweapon-unleashing onto the peoples of the globe was an event of massive planning and massive coordination, with the intent on circumventing civilized law and human decency? I cringe that the mainstream news is only now admitting to the lab-leak origin, when that is not the half of it. It was never a "naturally occurring" virus...never. And it was not even leaked. A true leak would not have precipitated a globalized, simultaneous, lockstep response from countries all over the world. This includes simultaneous loss of specific freedoms, censorship pushes, isolating people, killing off the elderly in nursing homes (which happened worldwide, not just in Cuomo's backyard), internet free speech restrictions, disinformation accusations, racism accusations - a long used CIA tactic for destabilizing a society (typically not a domestic tactic), and pursuit of handing nation states' sovereignties over to the WHO (aka One Would Govt/NWO). All of these things have occurred in multiple countries at the exact same time, with the exact same goals and tactics, and this could not have been possible with an organic lab leak. This was only possible due to widespread coordination, and decades of planning.

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Good question, Bianca! As David Martin points out there has been a criminal conspiracy going on since the 1980s with the willfull misleading of the public; don't expect the Republican congress to investigate what they most likely already know about what Dr Martin has revealed about the lab at the UNC; no member of Congress will deal with it because the political cost would be too high to admit responsibility and in addition to the usual actors involved there are many more who are benefitting at taxpayer cost and enormous human suffering.

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The rockefellers. Rothschilds vatican. Fed reserve. Bank of england and londonium. It all keeps going back further and further.

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Your logic is compelling. Dr Malone does not endorse the intentionality. Because he doubts the ability of those involved to plan in such brilliant fashion.

I agree with him. But not regarding intentionality. I believe it is fundamentally a spiritual battle coordinated by dark forces.

Katherine Watt has meticulously laid out the irrefutable evidence of intent.


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Taken at face value, Maj Murphy's document would seem to suggest that SARS-CoV-WIV was not designed by the global elite specifically to cull the earth's population. Rather, it is bat vaccine development interrupted. Given the globally coordinated propaganda, lockdowns, censorship, suppression of ivermectin, vaccine mandates, and so on, the pandemic response seems more like an application of "never let a good crisis go to waste". In other words, take the opportunity to further develop and deploy the control mechanisms implied by their global takeover program.

On the other hand, there's the matter of that tabletop pandemic exercise suspiciously timed immediately prior to the lab leak. And then there is Maj Murphy's judgement that this precursor-to-a-bat-vaccine virus was made deliberately virulent and humanized. I have trouble discounting the implications of those parts of the story.

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This answered one of my questions. I was wondering if I read it right: the reason they were engaged in gain of function research was to create an aerosolized bat vaccine(?) The plan was to spray it in bat caves in order to prevent future cases of coronavirus(???)


Now that’s an interesting rabbit hole (cover).

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Corruption runs deep in our institutions. Damning testimony given a week ago in front of an Arizona state legislators elections hearing on judges, police and elected officials being bribed by a Mexican cartel and evidence of election fraud in multiple elections including the most recent one that put Katie Hobbs in the governor’s seat. This video describes evidence of multi-state crimes and laundering of money from fentanyl and child trafficking. https://rumble.com/v2auc8c-explosive-testimony-today-at-the-sen.-elections-and-house-osight-hearings-b.html

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So when do we start killing them back?

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Bianca.. you got this exactly right: "A true leak would not have precipitated a globalized, simultaneous, lockstep response from countries all over the world. .." That's what sealed it for me. If it was an accident, they would have neutralized it with cheap anti-virals immediately. Instead, they did everything you highlighted... there is no other conclusion than it was ON PURPOSE.

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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CMSz209wV8g here’s David’s latest video

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And links associated with this presentation:

March 2016: “SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence” (University of North Carolina)


Feb 2023: “Moderna Fourth Quarter & Fiscal Year 2022”


Sept 2019: Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Annual Report “A World at Risk”

https://www.gpmb.org/annual-reports/overview/item/2019-a-world-at-risk (page 30)

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Thank you, Maria!

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Thanks for adding those Maria!

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Where do you go to listen to David Martin? I’ve seen a few things from him on YouTube and rumble but I would like to know the best source for him. He’s been on to all this from the start.

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Check out DavidMartin.world and his revelations about UNC Chapel Hill involvement can be seen on YouTube video "Transparently Hiding".....

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Rachel, if you haven't seen Plandemic 2, I'd recommend it. David is the main interviewee. Scroll down the page for P2 https://plandemicseries.com/

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Thank you! I've seen it I just want to know where to follow him to stay up to date with his latest information and lawsuits.

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Try this for lawsuits etc


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I think much of this has been a bridge too far for most people to accept. That is changing.

A link to the story would be appreciated.

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I see links to David Martin provided. Thanks.

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If you missed Plandemic2 - ‘Indoctornation’ you may find it adds to your understanding. David was the main interviewee. I’ll add a link. Scroll down the page for P2. https://plandemicseries.com/

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That idea percolates every now and then. I first heard it as a response from China. It said our military brought it over to China. I have a friend that always thought some dangerous release was going to come from the lab in N.C. because he lived and work not far from it.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the constant reporting of truth

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A couple passages deserve to be emphasized:

"The closer it is to the final live attenuated vaccine form, the more likely that it has been de-attenuating since initial escape in August 2019." Got it? Initial escape in August 2019!

"The work took place at the WIV and AT SEVERAL SITES IN THE US, identified in detail in the proposal.*" So we can't blame this disaster on WIV or China, since the work was originated in the US and transferred to WIV.

"Because of its (now) known nature, the SARr-CoV-WIV's illness is readily resolved with early treatment that inhibits the viral replication that spreads the spike proteins around the body .... Many of the early treatment protocols ignored by the authorities work because they inhibit viral replication or modulate the immune response to the spike proteins.... Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor" So both HCQ and Ivermectin were recognized as "curative" in April 2020, and by Aug, 2021 at the latest, it was well known that early treatment with either HCQ or Ivermectin was helpful, yet the federal government acted in a concerted way to block such treatment and instead encouraged "vaccine" mandates.


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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yow. Thank you.

Btw, I was confused by this in paragraph 2: “this situation meets no goorabort criteria...” I referred to the original text and found it was “meets no-go or abort criteria.”

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The Biden administration will never acknowledge this document as valid. They will coast for at least another 2 years. With most US elections now fully rigged to never allow any opposition party to ever win again they are not worried in the least. Basically they're saying to the American public--'Oh yeah--what are you going to do about it'?

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By "opposition party" do you mean, for example, the party that managed to oust Trump after one term? Or do you mean that from now on the Republican party doesn't have a chance to retake the white house?

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Stunning work - MUST be widely shared. This is incredibly brave and resourced work. Sincere thanks to you, your wife, the Major, and others who are not being silenced. There is a shift, but it is subtle. Thank you for pressing on; we will do our part to broadcast out further. Salut!

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How does this narrative square with the deliberate genocide/depopulation narrative? They knew these vaccines caused great harm, were not sterilizing, that their overuse would make the situation worse and cause more harm(and deaths),and yet they pressed ahead and never looked back. They dissembled and denied and censored and oppressed and doubled down and they are still doing it. This is not “research”! They didn’t intend to attenuate anything. Sorry if I sound a bit confused but there’s too much noise in the signal.

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And if they knew Ivermectin worked in April 2020, why didn’t they let people use it? Why did Fauci and the CDC lie about it?

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EUA rules

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The so-called vaccines could not be given emergency use authorization if it was known that there were other effective treatments. So they censored and suppressed and defamed and were content to let people die. Evil.

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Money and power rules the day. The CCP owns them--lock stock and barrel.

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Not only too much noise, Whiplash as well....semantics and rhetoric=smoke and mirrors....

Ever get the impression we are being led like a mule in circles?

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true, there are too many evidence to support the deliberate genocide. Event 201, The Rockefeller 2010 "Lockstep" document, Bill Gates (pretty much everything he does), etc

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Agreed. My reaction as well.

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Arlie....You would appreciate the work/research of Alison McDowell. See her YT Channel and blog, “wrench in the gears.”

The thing I cannot reconcile is the failure of those in the medical freedom movement who hold themselves out as thought leaders and critical thinkers lack of interest in discussing the underlying forces at work beyond the WEF....meaning the longstanding push since WWII for a global one world government and a scientific humanism that is to be birthed from technology. Social impact markets as a means of financing msm engineering his own evolution....or I should say the overlords of the fin/tech elite exploiting and harnessing humanity to pursue their pathological vision for the future. They seek to be god. This is a spiritual battle pitting man’s hubris and arrogance (and pursuit of immortality) against nature/the divine.

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Thanks Laura

I’ll check out Alison.

I think for many, seeing sinister truth is a bridge too far. For a number of reasons.

Comfort is one.

Intellectual laziness is another.

There are always people who take things further than facts warrant. It’s not easy to find the line. It takes time and effort.

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Our government & military is heavily comprised of sociopaths, grifters & cowards. We will deserve better when we demand it.

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I remember that very early on the Chinese military said the virus was created by the U.S. Unfortunately they weren't believed because you can't trust any information out of "official" China. I scoffed at the report. I've since come to be convinced it was/is true. It's horrifying that, thanks to the Deep state, the U.S. has become the "Evil Empire" that "lies, cheats, and commits any crime in the furtherance of its aims."

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The r federation is usually reliably truthful. China military is frank but the other chinese ccp are snakish.

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I would just point out that because, as you say, you can't trust any information out of "official" China, their accusation could have just been a knee-jerk reaction against the "enemy US" that happened to be correct, or it could have been said with true knowledge of the situation. We'll never know.

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Intel analysts know now

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Yes, we know now that the accusation was correct. But unless there are authentic documents or videos documenting the Chinese military's motivation in making the statement at the time they made it, one can never be sure what was going on in the minds of those involved.

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Yes the same applied to russia 2022. I had to go find videos on rumble to see what was going on. In china i usually heard from dissidents like falun gong epoch times. But i also know of the triads and dragon families.

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Interesting. Thanks for the response.

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In summary china has a split between secret societies and factions. Some want to become the new american power house serving as the military arm of the secret rulers. Others wanted to break away from the european handlers and masters. Pretty similar to usa or russia. We have our internal factions and china is even larger.

I suspect one plan was for the chinese to blame usa and launch a first strike. Usa also blames china. Ww3 armageddon.

Instead we got ukraine ww3 instead and r federation is a lot cooler than the face based chinese or the km manipulating xiden. China being authoritarian would have had to strike usa if people actually felt usa had attacked them. Weakness is not good in ccp.

Instead germany took it up the pipe. Europe is a lot easier for nato to sacrifice va chinese losing face and going mad. They tend to do that after ccp got rid of buddhism and confucianism and taoism. All the eastern way of peace teachings. Now their youth believes might makes right. Kind of makes for dodgy politica and war rhetoric.

The lockdown of shanghai and the ports feels more like a secret civil war than the usual antics of a police state.


Here is a great 2000 predictive prophecy from an rpg game of all places. Most of its conspiracies were a disclosure of truth.

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Dr. Malone, one new consideration that "clicked" for me via this article is an answer to my burning question... but did the CCP release this on purpose? Would they really take that risk of geopolitical blowback? Well, with the increasing certainty that Fauci/NIH funded Eco Health Alliance was a funder and collaborator with the CCP/WIV on the creation of SARS-CoV-WIV, the CCP would have known that the US Govt/Fauci/NIH would have to COVER UP the virus' origins, **because they were complicit**. So, the CCP was assured that the USA would move mountains to suppress the truth and protect the CCP from blame. Our government could not point a finger at the CCP without incriminating itself. Checkmate.

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It isn't that hard isn't. Thus rabbit hole isn't that deep. It was done at the behest of the current deep state in charge, to prevent PDT from ever getting four more years. It's so selfish and arrogant, besides the evil black little hearts these gollums have.

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Yes, I have come to the conclusion - it was on purpose to block a 2nd term. Whether it was the CCP or our own deep state, or some of combo of the two is my remaining grey zone. Unfortunately, the same forces seem headed to start a kinetic WWIII in order to prevent any true accounting.

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I used to think that but I do not anymore. Why, because the actors Schwab, Soros, Bergoglio and others have a contract to conclude the take over by 2030. That is a directive from the founding families - the actors had no choice but to speed things up. DJT's first three years truly jeopardized the schedule.

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