Highly recommend the Matt Walsh movie, "What is a Woman". He shows physicians, psychologists, academics, activists, and others that have totally strayed from any real "science" into their own twisted version of reality (as they see it). Then he juxtaposes a Maasai tribe in Africa and their view of what a woman is. In the end, he brings it back to his own wife, who provides a strikingly simple and elegant response.

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Excellent video!

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Yes! Everyone should watch this video. I read that the real pandemic is one of mental illness. But I can’t make myself feel sorry for the people interviewed. They need to go to prison for child abuse.

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Loved the movie. (I am a huge Matt Walsh fan) and you're spot on. I encourage everyone to watch that one. It's beyond worth the price of admission. SBG for life.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I gained 10 IQ points reading this. Thank you.

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thanks for that, Naomi. Keep on thinking for yourself. This is just a starting point.

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It was once said, I remember reading, that a wise man said he became so only by "unlearning" everything he had been taught or learned in his life prior to becoming wise.

Samuel Johnson was reported to have once entered into an argument with a fellow who was trying to prove that he didn't exist. Allegedly, Johnson then stepped on his foot.

"Beginner's mind" is the flattering term used in Zen Buddhism to describe the mindset of the initiate who has no idea what he is doing in attempting to meditate.

Socrates was said to have claimed to be the wisest man in Athens because he was the only one who "knew that he didn't know" anything. His dialogues (as recalled and probably fictionalized by Plato) are largely attempts to show that nearly all we hold to be "obviously true" is anything but, and that it is well nigh impossible to prove just about anything.

The only exact science is mathematics. Everything else is a matter of debate and subject to constant revision. Therefore everything else belongs in the realm of inexact science.

The true scientist is one who is open about how little he/she knows, and can go on for hours citing study after study proving how ignorant he/she is.

Humility is the soil in which wisdom grows. Fauciism is its antithesis.

Failure to appreciate the inscrutability of the universe, the vast mystery that is life, and the miracle that there is something when there could have been nothing leads to despair and ignorance.

Kudos to Robert Malone for being faithful to the pursuit of truth, which, after all, is the one and only worthy mission of science.

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Socrates was right, in my opinion.

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You should see the propaganda and false information(with no data to back it) …. A lecture on Covid and pregnancy and the need to vaccinate all pregnant women at a lecture at a medical school here in the USA. These young students are being indoctrinated and they are the backbone of future generations of medicine.

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Tragic 😢

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Laura, My son was home from med school and I listened to his obstetrical lecture on zoom the other day, terrible misinformation. He knows but you aren’t allowed to ask questions to question their narrative.

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I think I would have screamed, but what about the Pfizer docs that showed 28 stillborn babies out of 36 mothers followed in their trial. It’s beyond comprehension 😢

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Thanks for listening, very upsetting.

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Of course! We have to continue to lift each other up. I am grateful for this forum.

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I am grateful as well, I would feel like I was losing my mind otherwise. 💟

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I work as a laborist part time and I have seen a more stillbirths as well. Preterm deliveries and abruptions too. A few urogenital and heart anomalies. When vaccines first rolled there were a lot of miscarriages and blood transfusions. It has quieted down recently. There are more cancers and heart attacks and stroke codes now that aren’t part of my department.

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basically teaching soft genocide. . . sickening.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Food for thought! Brilliant paper. By the way, the community and the individual cannot be opposed. Any society that negates the rights of the individual or does not respect his personality is NOT a society. It's a totalitarian mass, an inhuman agglomerate. No more than selfishness and all the other antisocial behaviors do create genuine happiness for the individual.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Humility in the face of our ignorance, not hubris concerning all that a given scientist may know (or think he/she knows)."

With respect to the latter, I suppose we should at least be thankful that Fauci wasn't born in another era with different interests only to become WWII Allied Supreme Commander... His penchant for hubris would have said "We are going to invade at Normandy, and we are only going to use our new amphibious tanks. There will be no air support, there will be no naval bombardments, and there will be no landing craft carrying troops ashore. All of those things have been proven ineffective for invasions on this particular beach." As he thought to himself "Too bad those new amphibious tanks all sink, but hey, as long as I get my contractual cut for demanding their use..."

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once again I will need a couple of reads for this, but I love the background and stories of your training. That you include the spiritual realm is a plus and a necessary one! My personal, numerous experiences with the continuation of life beyond death has given me the proof it exists. (Not scientific proof)

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Great post DD. I'll bet you have read Betty Eadie's book.

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Dannion Brinkley started me off after Edgar Cayce. I have met and hung with Dannion and took his hospice programs. Yup, I have read them all and then some, yet the book knowledge can't beat real experiences. Dreams are very important to me, and I always confirm the information.

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What a lushly packed article with so many brain-tickling rabbit-holes—from the nature of science to cognitive biases to theology to philosophy to psychology and beyond. Makes me want to relish some Oliver Sacks (“Hallucinations” is probably the most apropos for this article’s reflections on the brain’s deceptive perceptions of reality).

If we could simply get the average person to understand the distinction between science (a process) and Scientism (a religion), we’d be a long way toward overcoming the cult of Covidianism.

I can’t help but return to the Carl Sagan quote I cited in my “Letter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature):

“We’ve arranged the society based on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is gonna blow up in our faces.…

“Science is more than a body of knowledge. It’s a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask skeptical questions to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan—political or religious—who comes ambling along.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcD1M9D1b0E&t=4s)

Thank you also for highlighting Joost Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind,” which I listed as my #1 book recommendation in my “Letter to the Menticided” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step). It packs so much propaganda-detonating wisdom into so few pages, it should be required reading for all humans.

I thought you might like to know I wound up publishing my exchange with the contentious commenter I mentioned the other day:

• “Dialogue with a Divider” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-divider/)

Turning lemons into lemonade, I used it as an opportunity to examine the growing divisiveness within the Resistance. I challenged her to undergo some honest self-reflection, shift from a destructive to a constructive role, and join us in punching up instead of sideways. We’ll see if she takes any of it to heart, but perhaps it will help others awaken to their own self-destructive negativity.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow that was deep, but because this writing is so excellent , I actually understood a reasonable amount of this information. I am also grateful that you had such excellent training. I don’t think Mr. Fauci had the excellent training that you seem to have received. 😉 Thank you again. I loved that you brought in faith. Faith has sustained me through many of life challenges.

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Sorry and with all respect, this post is entirely wrong and off target. Malone, you are an honest, well meaning dude who seems to have no concept of evil, criminal sociopaths. Yes, they are outside our perceptions. Yes, they are hard for people like us to understand. But to survive, we must learn all we can about these animals or die at their hands. You are too academic. We are past that. We need police-type sensibilities here. Forget these microscopic dissections. We need an axe.


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you and Steve Bannon seem to be cut from the same cloth. WE need a wide range of perspectives if we are going to win this war. The enemy is well and thoroughly entrenched.

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How do we get organized nationally? We have a few nodes of resistance and activism but we would be far stronger together. Some of the litigation is showing promise. Dr. Malone, we need a unified platform. Ideas?

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GREAT invitation Robert

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Yes, a wide range of perspectives, IOW distribute decision making. Both Florida's and the parents of Loudon County need to be heard and respected. We must fight this at the state (Florida, Nebraska, Missouri, Tennessee), local (Loudon County) and individual levels with whatever tools and skills are available to us.

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Robert, in what aspect do you consider Robert Yoho, who I also follow, and Steve Bannon, 'cut from the same cloth'? Is it because they are less fearful than you are?

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That was not my commebt

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Comment. It was someone else

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I apologize Robert. I misspoke. What is your stance?

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Even if CO2 did result in global warming and it were all Anthropomorphic Global Warming (AGW), the scare mongering about a "runaway greenhouse effect," pending Venaforming and the end of all life on earth can be dispelled by knowledge of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), realization that the PETM was a time of wide biodiversity, and a look at this graph with awareness that the last two data points (for 2050 and 2100) are pure modeling speculation.

Even if both ice caps and all glaciers melt, if sea levels rise 200 feet, and storms make ocean navigation more difficult or impossible, it will not wipe out all human life, let alone all terrestrial animal life. The real danger is thermonuclear war and a resulting decades long nuclear winter, but few are worrying about that.

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The Supreme Court will rule this term, very soon, on the EPA's illegal mission creep into regulating CO2 as a pollutant rather than a nutrient under the Clean Air Act, brought by WV's AG. Pray.


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Those who buy into the "Earth becomes uninhabitable in the next century" fear porn need to read about the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), realize that period had a very diverse ecosystem, take a look at paleoclimatology and understand that the last two data point on the following chart haven't occurred yet and are based purely on extrapolated models and speculation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:All_palaeotemps.svg

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I read the piece you referenced and found it interesting and relevant. I was considering subscribing until I started reading the comments. It seems that all the regular followers use the platform to fight among themselves on a rather personal level. I don't think I want to become entangled in that web anytime soon.

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Jim, my understanding of C02 levels is, if it were not for man made C02 the planet would be entering a new ice age. Is this your understanding?

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They have indoctrinated our medical students Robert Yoho MD… the Covid lecturers have no data to back these professors spewing out false information. Axe ??? We need a chain saw.

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I don't think it's entirely wrong or off topic but I do agree with you too. It's time for 'now what'? The WEF, the federal agencies here and abroad, the leftist parties and half of the right wing politicians, tech companies and the Media are marching in lock step. I'm not sure what we can do to stop it

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Jim, if you check out my comment it also reflects that the ultimate answer is to tell everyone the realities of what is happening. Robert Malone MD is not doing so. Stew Peters says he has two patents pending that he is protecting. I have asked him if this is true, but he has not replied.

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent diagrams. Sounds like you had a wonderful mentor that played a pivotal role in your career. I love that you have noticed "these rare insights which frequently arise from outsiders are often not the product of “logical” thought but seem to often arise from some part of the human brain which is outside of the conscious mind, and strangely often seem to arise somewhat independently in multiple places at about the same time". I believe prayer and dreams can facilitate these insights and God can be involved in us. I always wonder when a scientist gets so proud of their achievements, how do they know for sure that the insight wasn't just given to them by a higher being and they were chosen simply because they were in the right place at the right time :-) Ha ha! It all depends on your world view I suppose, but it is always better to be humble.

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amen to that last comment!

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone - I enjoyed reading this rich and thoughtful essay. Especially appreciated your origin story and honoring of your mentor. Kuhn is such a great subject that I hope we hear more references to him as you progress. I’m glad your soul is is finding freshness in this reflection and philosophical adventure. The philosophy of science and epistemology must be taught as they are at the root, together with the spiritual quests we must all undertake. Really beautiful writing, Dr Robert. So yesterday, Dr Atlas was mentioned and I wanted to add on these thoughts to my honoring of him. Really Dr Atlas challenged the mass formation at its root by enlarging the problem statement and the complex of data and values that formed the problematization. This brought out the long knives because it had the potential to break the tunnel vision focus on the virus, and the image promulgated by the NYC drama. That NYC drama was a falsification of many facets of “the problem”. Respirators, for example, were a highly charged distraction from early tx and repurposed drugs. Who, why, how, what and where a problem is framed is the key to the early definitions that underlie the kinds of perceptions and observations that are collected in the very complex process of data semanticization. Any situation can be observed from multiple perspectives and perspective is what determines the birthing of the perceptual frame and the kinds of characteristics of phenomena recorded in data definition and gathering. Our hypnosis started with early manipulation of the observation frame and semanticization. The hx of vaccine info suppression for decades under the banner of “settled science” contributed later, but so did the complete narrowing (hypnotic absorption to single pointedness) by the inflamed bully press. Atlas fought to expand the problem construction at the heart of madness. Looking forward to more on science philosophy and the mystery. 💜

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is cool. I just wrote a stand up bit about 'what is science'. You've given me more to think about.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like this stack, here are a few choice ideas I pulled form it:

However, often a well designed and interpreted experiment may raise more questions than it resolves.

seemingly endless loop of test/analyze/interpret,

avoid those problems which do not fit within the model.

“force the data to fit the model”

Since a vast majority of scientists work for corporations modeled on fascism, all of these ideas are applied for profit, and therefor none of it is science based. A true result of science is in its benefits of usage, the idea natural spreads without vast marketing (lobbying) divisions and corrupt payments occurring.

In a biological sense there is always adaptation rendering any scientific discovery more a bane than a benefit when compared to the natural succession that has occurred overtime.

By the way, the Earth is not round, with the mountains and valleys, take away the water, and the Earth is one misshapen blob among the non-countable many.

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Great essay Dr. Malone. Timely. Thanks for referencing the other essays also. I'm confident this information will be helpful to guide the bewildered to a better understanding of the times they live in. I also recommend the work of G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis. These were prophets, and have wisdom to share.

I hope you don't mind if I offer my analysis, that I've shared with you previously (minor edits made) which is focused on the spiritual aspect of the crisis. I have nothing original to say. This is merely to offer the perspective in a relatively condensed, hopefully digestable form.

Addressing the spiritual

Many people have been jarred into some level of spiritual wakefulness in the past two years including intellectuals and thought leaders. Many express a new found awareness of serious ill in the world and hint at the possibility of a spiritual aspect. It helps me to see others acknowledge and confess truth instead of doing what most in our society have done - double, triple and quadruple down on dishonesty.

But many of the leaders who are resisting the agenda thrust upon us in earnest beginning in early 2020 express an inability to make sense of it. They express bewilderment at what has happened and the failure of humanity at large to recognize and correct the obvious fraud and grotesque malfeasance occurring openly everywhere. It shouldn’t be surprising or perplexing. It is predictable. I feel that anyone familiar with God's word should be able to see and understand what is happening.

All of what we perceive happening and have cataloged so well, related to human entrapment, enslavement, debasement and destruction, is the work of one entity. Satan. The entire enterprise is best described as the antiChrist agenda. I use the phrase "antiChrist agenda" because it is the most accurate and concise. I don't know that it is necessary or helpful to debate the fine detail of what the term "antiChrist" means. Instead, it's enough to acknowledge that the antiChrist is a spiritual reality. Scripture explains that it is Satan that is the sum and substance of the spirit of the antiChrist. He seeks to usurp the authority and position of God.

There is a truism that states that power doesn't tolerate a vacuum. Scripture states that the world we live in is comprised of spiritual forces. If those statements are accurate, then it follows that there will be no spiritual vacuums in the world of men. As one spiritual force recedes, another advances. To the extent that God is loved by men, the world is a place of truth, faith, hope and love. To the extent that God is denied, lies, suffering, hate and destruction prevail. If God is diminished, Satan is gratified. His aims are advanced. He succeeds in separating man from God. Although we do not and cannot see spiritual realities exhaustively, we can perceive enough to understand the basics, if we are willing.

The banishment of God creates a spiritual vacuum in the world. In modern times this banishment began with the rise of Darwinian ideology. This ideology bloomed into the cult of naturalism. While purporting to eliminate spirituality, in truth this ideology merely offered an alternate faith based metaphysical construct. It sold as rigorous, honest, objective study of the space time continuum in which humans exist and claimed to provide verifiable answers to the most important questions. Instead it delivered it's own sets of myths and just so stories, dressed up in technical language. As with all cults, philosophical naturalism amounted to nothing more than a series of unverifiable superstitions. Naturalism was a lie that came from the source of lies, Satan. It gave corrupt mankind the cover he sought to push God out of the picture. As man rejected God, evil grew. Philosophical naturalism devolved into scientism. In the world today, there is one global unifying religion. Scientism. Scientism is the religion of modern man. God was out. Scientism was in. Since man is finite and cannot exhaustively understand anything, yet (because of God's wiring) is possessed by a need to explain his existence, he will necessarily always live by a faith of some sort. Since humans are spiritual creatures first, and physical beings second, they will always behave spiritually. Man will always gravitate to the metaphysical. His nature and limitations predetermine that he will exist in some philosophical framework that cannot and will not be defined exhaustively by evidence and observation. He will always seek meaning. He will always engage in causes. He will always worship someone and or something. The fact that a man may fail to acknowledge these realities (he lies about them) is irrelevant. These realities persist. Even a man believing himself a god and worshiping himself does not escape his spiritual nature. Such is the modern man. Such is Davos man. Regardless of whether Davos man believes himself to be aspiritual and atheistic, he still serves his spiritual master. Regardless of his delusions, he remains a spiritual slave to some spiritual entity as all human beings are and always have been. A few Davos men may acknowledge and embrace their master, openly worship him. Most would deny his existence. Regardless of their understanding or awareness of their master, he also persists. He is Satan. It is Satan that controls them. It is Satan that guides them. Scientism is the religion. This the advancement of the agenda we see. Since deception is his modus operandi, Satan's agenda is not dependent on his followers understanding of it. It is enough that they deny God. The vacuum is created. From there Satan influences and instructs. His followers, irrespective of their cognizance of him, do his bidding. Even as they imagine themselves aspiritual, they do spiritual work. Evil work.

Regarding what I refer to as contrivavirus (due to the contrived nature of every aspect of the crisis) and related phenomena, the agenda we perceive, the one that causes bewilderment and despair, is the antiChrist agenda. The essential element of the antiChrist agenda is pride. It is hubris. It is the denial of God's greatness and the promotion of the greatness of man. Davos man believes himself God. In a world from which true God has been banished, Satan prevails. Davos man, the servant of Satan, comes to prominence. Davos man, inspired by Satan, seeks to usurp the position and authority of true God. By scientism he seeks to rule men. His master leads him to pervert God's creation. In his pride he despises God. He also despises God's order. He seeks to destroy it, and remake it. He grants himself authority. This is the hubris of Satan, manifested in his followers, the deniers of God. This is the spiritual state of modern man. This is the world you and I find ourselves in. We live in the midst of a rapidly advancing antiChrist agenda. The acceptance of scientism and the prominence of its gods, Davos men, is the predictable outcome for a generation that denies God. The result of man's banishment of God is the empowerment of Satan. This is the basic spiritual calculus we confront.

I see the concept of Mass Formation Psychosis being popularly used to explain the bizarre and destructive behavior of humanity related to the contrivavirus psy op. While the psychological aspect of all of this may make for interesting academic discussion, Mass Formation Psychosis theory entirely misses the mark. It obfuscates the central issue. Spirituality. The more urgent explanation is that humanity has fallen into spiritual delusion. Satanic deception. This delusion is possible because of man's denial of God. Again the vacuum. Where truth (God) is despised, delusion flourishes. Satanic delusion primes humanity for further subversion. The final aim of Satan and his servant, Davos man, is the destruction of humanity, the crown jewel of God's creation. Pride goeth before a fall. The pride of man leads to his destruction.

Deluded modern man believes he has removed God and has thus achieved autonomy and become a god unto himself. There is nothing new under the sun. A similar deception was foisted on Eve in the garden. The false promises of scientism are not original. Knowledge and godhood were offered to Eve. Then as now, men were taken in by a trick of Satan. Just as Eve did not get what Satan promised, niether does modern man. Removing God did not remove spirituality. It merely perverted spirituality, created more space for evil. Instead of knowledge, there is merely the misuse of technology that further enslaves man, destroys his mind, body and soul.

The cult of scientism, the worship of man and his abilities and accomplishments, faith in man’s evolution, has replaced the worship of God. The antiChrist agenda proceeds.

There is one solution for us if this agenda is to be rolled back. We must turn to God. If that does not occur then evil will prevail. Davos man will continue to reign, with ever tighter control. Man's future will be incredibly dark.

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I believe the Lord will intervene. But we must align ourselves with Him--or being aligned already--spread the good news. His direct intervention will come with a price. It will be impossible to remain neutral in the time ahead. Not that true neutrality was ever an option.

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"It will be impossible to remain neutral in the time ahead"

I think that is going to bear out.

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Excellent tome.

I do believe, however, both mass hypnosis and the turn from God's spirituality have a place and neither obfuscates. Mass hypnosis is Satan's tool, among many others, to cause the result of a turn from God. In a similar vein let's also not be diverted by the CO2 lie(climate catastrophe) any more than mass hypnosis in diverting us from addressing the root cause.

You have named him. Let us now walk out and put him down.

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Hi pretty-red, old guy. Thanks. I'm glad you found it worthwhile. I also agree that mass hypnosis has a place - if understood in the larger context. That being a general condition of spiritual bankruptcy, the hatred of God, and truth. Unfortunately, the leaders of our movement (Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano aside) have seized on the symptom (mass hypnosis) and wave it about triumphantly and act as if they have explained the problem. They have not explained it much less solved it. Until they acknowledge the disease, (hatred of God and truth) discussions about symptoms (mass hypnosis) will be ineffective, ultimately counterproductive. It reminds me of modern health care, more accurately call sick care. Endlessly complex and profitable machinations to treat symptoms, at the expense of relatively simple diagnosis and cure. Mattias Desmet himself acknowledges the vacuum created by loss of spirituality, and how it enables the hypnosis (see his recent interview with James Corbett). Yet he doesn't make the spiritual aspect his focus. He should.

And you are right also, the warming cult is another of Satan's projects to forward the antiChrist agenda. The crackpot Malthus, one of the great prophets of scientism, still holds the world in his thrall. The more he is disproved, the more he is revered. This world is ironic if nothing else.

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent: profound and informative.A truly thought provoking article which has made me realise that I need to reassess so much of what I 'believe' and 'know'. Thank you.

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