The lies keep coming, but the accountability never comes.

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But his big payoff will keep coming.

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Above, Dr. Malone asks, somewhat rhetorically I believe, what should happen to a high Federal Official that has patently lied to and obfuscated investigations of Congress. Assuming the Republicans grew some cojones for once and did hold the weasel in contempt, what then? The contempt motion gets passed on to the - U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia...think that's going anywhere?

Did like the graphic of Fauci's ass in a sling as it were...even if portrayed as a rat versus a weasel.

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From Fauci, to Bush, and others, my answer to the rhetorical question (which I think we should discuss outloud) is, what if our government is allowing for this to happen: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/september-11th-and-menticide#details

We've seen this time and time again. Banks are too big to fail. Billionaires donate too much to stop. Do we really think change is going to happen?

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There's two standards of justice in this country.

Even if Repubs grew some testicles and referred Fauci for contempt, nothing would happen other than a lot of grumbling, which our corrupt DOJ can easily withstand.

We can wish and hope for a change of government after the election. But there's a 5 year statute of limitations for contempt of congress.

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The five year limit I didn't know. Well, maybe Congress will be able to keep hauling his lying, shitweasel ass up for more testimony and keep the clock ticking.

Not holding my breath for anything substantial happening to Fauci. He's been there too long. He's a skeleton keeper, Congress will let it slide away into the night.

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Fauci need to be held accountable. Do I think this will happen? No!

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Yes, at our expense.

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If it were only perjury, that would be disquieting enough. But there is credible evidence that Fauci covered for and was in league with the Chinese Communist Party's Covid bioweapon. And that, my friends, smells a lot like treason. A capital offense.

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I had read somewhere awhile back that Fauci was also getting royalties from some of the patents on these bioweapons, although he denied it. Were there equal justice in this country, all their tax returns would be open to the public like they insisted for Trump.

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14 hours with the Fauch. What will come of it?

We might have benefitted from locking him in a room with Rand Paul for 14 hours, and live streaming the proceedings.

For his whole career, Fauci has been one of our scariest bureaucrats.

Who messed this guy up when he was a kid?

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His shortness gave him an inferiority complex that he since disguised by becoming a con-man. He gets an A+ in that regard.

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Napolean complex.

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And “they” always think they are smarter than someone 6’3”. Just saying…

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Think he possibly got hung up by his hoodie on a coat rack when he was in middle school??

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No. If that was the case, everyone would have left him there.

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That’s anti-shortistic!

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Randy Newman started it all, not me. He had a song titled Short People on his 1977 album, Little Criminals. That song made it to top 2 on the charts.

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Interesting how his mismanagement of AIDS rarely gets mentioned. His buffoonery is not new

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I don't think the accountability will ever come. I think it's all part of the facade to do one thing: HOLD THE COUNTRY'S ATTENTION! https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/enjoying-your-enslavement

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If you are going commit murder, go big. If you or I commit murder we would go to jail for a long time. If someone commits genocide they get a promotion, a government contract and will never be held accountable. Fauci is a perfect example of this.

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They are not lies but miss direction to keep the masses from learning the truth that he was just doing his civic duty managing the goals of DOD, Darpa and the CIA! A good soldier!

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Must. Get. Stories. Straight.

Must. Get. Pledges. To. Not. Flip.

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And it NEVER will.

Fauci will continue to collect BIG bucks (courtesy the US taxpayers) till the day he dies.

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Absolutely all his assets including his pension which he won’t need in jail should go to the vaccine injured!!

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OH, would THAT actually happen!

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NIAID has always highlighted when I carp about redundancy. How many bloody agencies do we need to study infectious diseases? CDC was doing a really good job back when restricted to infectious diseases but were mission creeped to a point of obvious incompetence. Our fed gov could be reduced probably by 60-70% if all the redundant programs were conflated

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The CDC quietly started replacing ethical professional staff with "public relations yes men" back in the 1990s in preparation for today's malfeasance.

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These Orgs are like Immigration.....always room to welcome one more.

Applications are very closely scrutinized!

Yours appears exceptional!

I remember your uncle.

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And Robert F Kennedy is just the man to do it!

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Beg to disagree

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Whatever points RFK Jr. acquires on bioweapons, he loses on climate change and other left wing programs he has supported. They are both vehicles designed to facilitate control, and also to extract wealth from the middle class, of course.

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I am concerned about him being the camels nose under the tent with the Kennedy name acting like a irresistible pull on many who claim to have changed spots but maybe not entirely.

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Fauci is the Michael Corleone of our time. Michael (played by Pacino in The Godfather) told his girlfriend that in five years his crime family would be "legitimate" and operating within the law. Their children could be "senators or governors" and they would pull the puppet strings using laws instead of guns. Fauci aimed even higher and became the head of NIAID where he pulled the puppet strings of the senators and governors and lied to their faces about his crime syndicate.

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Appropriate with the don of a crime family residing at 1600

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Yuuz guyz scratch my back... I'll scratch yourz

Kapeesh 🤨👍

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And they just thought his nose was out of joint.

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Fauci's best buddy is Hillary Clinton. Need I say more.

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A match made in heaven! No wait.. it's the southern hotter location it was conceived in.

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Lock him up!

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I hold out little hope that the perps will be held accountable. We have been taken over by corruption at every level. Seems to me we are in the critical stage of the fourth turning, which is when a civilization either fails completely or rights itself in the most painful of ways. I recommend spending an hour and watching Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein. The first 30 minutes is basic science, the last 30 minutes is revelation/prediction based on facts that are unfolding daily. Then prepare in the best way you can.


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Perhaps naively, I hope that mid level and below is honest, that the corruption is within the upper portion/elites.

I second the recommendation for the Carlson Weinstein interview. Recall that Bret hosted the original Darkhorse podcast with Malone and Navarro that catapulted so much of the search for Coronavirus truth. And the original Tucker-Bret Weinstein Fox interview when Bret was being railroaded out of his position as a biology professor at Evergreen College. Predates the Corona mess by several years.

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While I do not hold out hope those who have usurped power and have no good intentions for the rest of us will be outed, I am not defeated. I was born to be a free thinker and I've maintained that for 76 years, which means I am always looking for workarounds, for alternate solutions. I will not go down meekly and I do believe that we can hope for Divine Intervention, though I can't predict what that means or how much suffering might have to be experienced. One thing I know for sure - the morons who think they are gods and indestructible, will indeed be held accountable, if not in this world.

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M, I too hope for Divine Intervention as this swirling cesspool goes faster and faster.

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"Perhaps naively, I hope that mid level and below is honest..."

Don't want to ruin your day Ivrapplestock. But the FBI has what, 40k employees? Only a couple of whistleblowers have surfaced to, well, blow the whistle.

Under the rubric of "hope for the best, plan for the worst," you'll be better off accepting, almost all federal employees are corrupt.

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I'm tempted not to reply, in that the # of whistleblowers is low. But...you are painting with the broadest of brushes with "almost all" are corrupt. In order for whistle blowers to come forward, they need several stars to align. That people are given access to damning information. That they believe their information is meaningful, that they have the receipts to back their claim, that they and their family won't be ruined ie is there any real protection any more? Finally there is the concept of blue pilled-many folks cannot see down the rabbit hole, that they truly believe their superiors, but are not corrupt.

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This is a case where both are right. You describe probs of whistleblowing. But the rot at the top ultimately reaches the roots and a former upper echelon f.b.i. guy recently informed how the bureau is being destroyed by d.e.i. recruitment.

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"Fauci knowingly lied to Rand Paul under sworn testimony. If Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are to be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify against their former boss Trump, what should be done with a senior Federal Employee who knowing lies during testimony under oath to a US Senator?"

Fauci, COVID, and the jabs were -- and are -- responsible for the greatest genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.

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How to imprison.a population; teach them to know lies. Repeat. If challenged resort to a bigger lie.

- there is no evidence that...

- you don't know what you are talking about

- I represent the science

- vaccines are safe and effective

- vaccines cannot cause autism

- a mask protects you from disease

- there is no cure for...

Just as we teach an elephant they cannot break the rope, lies are effective tools of control.

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In the beginning was the Word.....them came along a Wuhan BIo Lab in China.

Time to change the definition of words became a highly gospel mission.

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They'll need one hell of a straight edge to keep Fauci's lies separated from the truth.

The man is crookeder than a pan of guts.

The really sad thing is that there are thousands of "loyal and dedicated" federal bureaucrats with even fewer scruples than he.

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Both Fauci and Collins need to be dragged up to Capitol Hill and face charges of lying to Congress (and the American people) and if guilty, sentenced to jail time. They funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab and then lied about it. They don’t need to go to jail for a long time. BUT they need to be sentenced and serve some time for what they did to the World and we (the American Taxpayers) paid for.

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Their lying is minor to the crimes they contributed to during this fiasco.

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The facts show that Fauci and Collins conspired with Peter Daszak and She Zhengli to create a weaponized pathogen that contributed to the deaths of millions of people. Instead of confessing their crimes and trying to help their victims they obstructed the search for the truth and created a fraudulent "pandemic response" that worsened the outcome. As if to prove their absolute depravity they denied life-saving treatments to their victims and instead murdered them with ventilators and Remdesivir. Then they created and mandated the use of a dangerous and ineffective mRNA technology that will continue the carnage for at least a generation. Maybe Fauci will escape liability for his substantive crimes, but remember that Al Capone (certainly one of Fauci's heroes) was brought down on tax charges. If the only way Fauci goes to jail is for perjury then let's start there.

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Fauci was given an opportunity to recant his statements and he did what he always did, go into “attack” mode. He needs to be taken down.

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They need to be tried for crimes against humanity and spend the rest of their natural lives imprisoned.

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I'm sorry gentlemen but all named are quilts of treason and should be hanged

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What would be worse for these malefactors than jail time? Seize all of their assets - these criminals were all about the money, so take that away from them - house(s) and all, and cast them into the street. They would commit suicide within 24 hours, and we'd be rid of them without having to support them in a country club prison at $100k/yr.

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I have written to the Cornell University Board of Trustees; hard copy distribution to the BoT and Cornell administrators is complete. I have demanded that Cornell (under the power of its bylaws, etc.) REVOKE THE MEDICAL DEGREE OF MR. FAUCI. In my 45-page letter I also invoke on-point precedent from Al-Dabagh versus Case University (In that matter the arguments went all-the-way to the Appeals Court which affirmed medical degree revocation.). Compliments of the undersigned, several revocation demand letter recipients received hard-copies of the Edward Dowd book 'Cause Unknown,' and the Senator Dr. Rand Paul book 'Deception.' Among many others, Congressman Dr. Brad Wenstrup was an open courtesy copy (as was Dowd and Paul). I also wrote a follow-up letter to Congressman Wenstrup which connects my revocation demand TO his 8/9 January 2024 hearing with "America's Doctor." I would be happy to share these with you.

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The two letters discussed above are linked here (with SPODs), the first is a directory; link #3 is cover letter:



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From your 45 page letter to God's ears. We need many of these, without seeing it , I thank you.

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He should come clean and announce that he was just doing his civic duty by working with Barda and DOD and the CIA! They had to get around the Congressional mandate that prevented gain of function being done in the myriad of US bio warfare labs!

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Information continues to dribble in, adding to the voluminous material gathered over the years. In a few days the science fairy will testify to his greatness and avoid answering anything not in his favor.

What I want to see is the guilty department heads strung across the military complex, the NIH, any of their comrades from within our gov and other western nations who had a hand from the beginning, in developing, mentoring, aiding, covering for the entirety of the Covid fiasco. Fauci’s lying about GoF, the Wuhan Lab, his covering up leads us and him nowhere.

He needs to be taken down for everything that happened after the U.S.’s first Covid death. This guy is a murdered by unconventional means. Everyone that knew, like Francis Collins, those in the CIA, HHS, NIS and more all need to serve time.

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These deviants have contributed to making…expert..a dirty word. Climatologists coming in a close second

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Why serve time? They are psychopathic murderers. Hang them all.

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Serving time at the end of a rope?

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This adds to the already incriminating list of e-mails, testimony and outright lies. The evidence is staggering and I can only hope that the people like Rand Paul are able to keep this ongoing charade alive. There have been mysterious deaths over less. No wonder Fauci needs security that we pay for. And, of course, Kennedy doesn't. What a sham, what a travesty.

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What is so very frustrating is that Fauci has been given the benefit of the doubt during all of this when his past actions during the AIDS crisis proved he was less than trustworthy or reliable. How quick our elected officials forget. Also, why is the public not admitted to this hearing on the 8th and 9th? Given the suffering his actions have caused folks should be able to attend and question this man. Things must change in our country and on a very deep level if we are ever going to have our freedoms reestablished again.

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As a follower of Christ, I am appalled that Francis Collins acted as he did. He claims to be a Christian and his lies and cover-ups have been shameful.

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You're not the only one who feels this way.....

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