I believe there are 22 state AGs signed on to a letter arguing against the proposed WHO “treaty”. What I have noticed lately is the language from these AGs has become much less polite to the current crime boss resident of 1600. Today Ken Paxton, in a notice about state reimbursement to land owners for damages by illegals, he said the following: “ Illegal aliens crossing the Texas-Mexico border at Joe Biden’s invitation leave behind a trail of destruction that harms Texas agricultural land,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “This program will provide needed relief to Texans whose property is damaged by foreign aliens waved into the country by the federal government. I am glad to help the farmers and ranchers on our borderlands who bear the costs of Biden’s destructive policies.” Not very nice to Don Joe at all.

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May 9·edited May 9

I was glad to see the letter from the AGs. It's a hopeful sign, a sign of movement.

One of the AGs who signed the letter is Dave Yost of Ohio. Last year, in response to one of my Substack comments, someone replied to me with a link to this Rumble video showing Yost at a town hall (?) meeting. A lady stands up, vial in hand, and says Ohioans are dying with these white clots in their blood vessels. Was he going to look into this?

Yost's answer was that he didn't have the authority to look into why people were dying. It was a sobering glimpse at a black cloud of intimidation that hangs over all this. Hoping for the sun to break through.

He didn't want to touch the vial, either physically or professionally. Stunning.


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I saw a blurb some where this morning that Paxton w as going after the NGO's for illegally assisting those invading his state.

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He is. An operator of assisted living center that was using its ambulance service to spirit illegals past border checkpoints

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Ah. So not the big guys them, but still important.

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Don't miss the Documentary that premiered tonight - J Phillips ETV "WEAPONS OF MASS MIGRATION." The UN has signed up a group of countties oncluding the US to organize, pay for and operate the mass migration. They plan the scheme and hire NGOs and cartels to run it. Paxton is going after a significant part of the operation. It can help bring things to light and get the public informed.

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This is an issue that has been discussed by many of late. Glenn Beck revealed many of the NGOS that are assisting like Doctors without Borders, Red Cross, and the International Organization of Migration, which is part of the UN. Michael Yon has been reporting from the Barrington Gap about the NGOs assisting. I'll watch it later. I was watching VDH on ATL in between mowing sections of my lawn.

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I've been watching them and J Tuckers essays.Theyve been downers to some extent. J Phillips rather lights a fire of the need to blow the UN, WHO and WEF along with the Rockefellers completely out of our lives and those of our compatriots. We are the bugs they are working to crush.

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P.S. affiliated with the Catholic church

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Fauci is best friends with the untouchable Hillary Clinton. Everyone should know by now if something is seemingly going our way, it's misdirection. I don't believe one word of it. Intelligence community loves fall guys, and Daszak may get that treatment to keep people from discovering the truth.

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In which case, in 2025, Daszak turns state evidence. Oh wouldn't that be lovely. And with all the blatantly incriminating emails that have been unearthed in the past three years!

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Ask the 2 dead boeing whistleblowers how it worked out for them.

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05/10/24: I hear that there are three dead Boeing whistleblowers. Maybe they'll force Dasnak to fly on a Boeing jet ("make it look like an accident").

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So that means 3 down & 9 more "accidents" to go. The gullible still refuse to see what the establishment does to people that interrupt their cash flow.

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They might have to off every single Boeing employee in 39 countries to get the job done right.

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Spelling error, it is "hellery" as in abomination.

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It is amazing how wherever there is corruption and evil, there is Bill Gates.

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And Hillary Clinton. Both are evil socipaths.

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Can you just imagine the threat hanging over the head of his divorced wife and his children?

I think it would turn our stomachs.

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Oh, I totally agree

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I see a pattern with sociopath criminal Gov employees knowingly, willingly and with intent subverting Gov requirements to use Gov email addresses for official business. I wonder how many Gov employees we could fire for this violation alone; would be a good start to reducing Gov.

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A Dazak might roll on others if squeezed perhaps?

The whole crooked group needs to be chased out of work or jailed

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05/09/24: Did anyone else see "Dr, Birx" blinking furiously as her limited-hangout interview with state-media tool cuomo meandered along? You'd think that she was under oath! https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1788419566810321237

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What I hear is that she was the prime mover behind all the balderdash

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Place there by the IC.

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Oxymoronic since everything she orchestrated was….moronic

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The NSC was profusely grateful to Pompeo for letting her leave the State Dept to assists in taking over the country.

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What is "IC"?

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Sorry, wrong substack to use IC - intelligence community. In this particular case it is the NSC, national security council.

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We (NOC) investigated the network behind the creation and release of what is called Covid 19, from 1989 until 2010. Mullis, Wheeler and Ivins were all tied to the investigations. All three also murdered. Fact, Shanghai, not Wuhan was behind the release and so were a group inside the US, Israel, Iran and the Ukraine, all working together against the free world for the one world order revolution. The Strauss network was core.

Our NOC unit and team was involved with investigating the core for 31 years. They were also involved with nuclear and biological weapons programs that targeted Americans. I came from SAC Nuclear and Biological weapons security forces.

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Links and documentation? Just gotta love all the lies within lies within lies. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if there WERE evil Lizard People behind all this!

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WHY, RonaldSisk, have YOU JUST NOW decided to 'come out' ( AFTER "31 years investigation" as a "NOC" unit employee?

And explicitly WHAT actual INFORMATIOn (live links) do YOU have to corroborate your assertion that the US, Israel, Iran and the Ukraine CONSPIRED to create and SPREAD the COVID virus? How is it you do NOT mention COMMUNIST CHINA at ALL?

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China is nothing more then the lap dogs and puppets of those involved. In the 70s I was just one of many who worked for Strauss including an uncle, I was his personal runner in the late 70s. In 79 I helped a group record communications between him and my uncle, Ding Xiaoping came into the picture as was Menachen Begin who was kin to my grandpa’ mother.

Those I helped were looking for ties to the theft of or connections to illegal nuclear and biological weapons programs. At the time I was a kid. I had a large family that at one time were patriots, not so much in my life time unfortunately we had innocent family members being abused by the crap side. As a boy I thought as a boy to change the world. I was wrong.

US national security agencies have been compromised long before I born much less thinking I could make a difference.

Today we still have family members who work at the core and there is no one doing anything that I know of with the intel we gave from 79 until 2010 when my team lead was murdered. If your under the impression that your side left or right is working for you, and they are supporting you in that way, you are welcome to the American dream.

From 81 until the mid 90s we chased laundered billions each year from China and Russia to both parties. Reagan was the only one that I knew and work for that ever tried to stop it.

Who is Nora Volkow?

Who are the Ziff Brothers?

Who is the Strauss center?

Welll doggie!

See most are in the dark because they trust one of the parties, when in reality they are working together with the world revolution.

Trust your “guy or girl” or party and see where it leads.

People who are in the know today are surround by one world Traitors and Trotskyist just like Reagan was when he came to office.

We gave him Granada. They moved to Nicaragua, we gave him that But his own national security and both parties fought him tooth and nail and made it fall on him. Escobar had a black hand, both republicans and democrats especially Biden gave him freedom and a new name.

What ever party you chose The Strauss elite own it.

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So, RonaldSisk, you come back almost two months later - with a yarn that has MANY holes in it - explicitly NAMES and DATES you do not include with your post this date.

And some names you proffer, you do NOT identify as to who they are and what they are involved in and with, such as "the Strauss elite own it"? Please explain.

You do not mention - even ONCE - the "American" wing of the International Socialist 'movement' - the "NGO" known as the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - who at the time Reagan was in office had TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY EIGHT of its members EMBEDDED in his administration - including Reagan's VP. George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Alexander Haig, Casper Weinberger, Frank C. Carlucci, Donald T. Regan, Stansfield Turner, Robert C. McFarlane, General Colin Powell, Paul D. Wolfowitz (World Bank), William Ruckelshaus ( CFR member Richard Nixon made him the 1st Director of the EPA), Lawerence Eagleberger and General David C. Jones - just to name a FEW.

Its a WONDER that Ronald Reagan managed to get ANYTHING done with him SURROUNDED by Un-ELECTED CFR members - who did NOT have allegiance to the Document they all SWORE "to UPHOLD" from "ENEMIES WITHIN WITHOUT" NOR the American people they were supposed to PROTECT!

Previous to the Reagan Presidency, CFR member ( and TRI-LATERAL Commission CO-FOUNDER - with Zbigniew Brzezinsk and David Rockefeller ) President JIMMY CARTER - and his "Democrat" controlled House and Senate BLEW TAXPAYERS $$$$$$$$$$$like the drunken SOCIALISTS they WERE - and managed to create - for the FIRST TIME - DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION (and )DOUBLE DIGIT INTEREST RATES TOGETHER by 1981 - that virtually STOPPED the US economy in its tracks!

CFR member Jimmy Carter, himself had TWO HUNDRED and EIGHTY FOUR un-elected CFR members embedded in HIS administration.

Yes, no doubt there are many members past and present in the "CFR" who were not really EVIL people - but sincerely believed that by the USA RELINQUISHING its SOVEREIGNTY to the United Nations and - as CFR member George H. W. Bush stated in his STATE of the UNION Address to the Joint Session of Congress in 1991 - to create a "NEW-WORLD-ORDER" - sincerely wanted an "end to war" and "peace and prosperity" for all - NO matter that the USA would NO LONGER be a SOVEREIGN nation; not the American citizens BIRTHRIGHT of INDIVIDUAL sovereignty be FOREVER subjugated to the edicts and whims (of) LIFETIME - UN-ELECTED INTERNATIONAL BUREAUCRATS - at the UN - for the "good of all".

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There are just toooooo many dirty hands.

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I’ve been saying for the past two years that ultimately, the Authorities and politicians would get themselves out of this jam by fingering a ‘fall guy’. I assumed it would be Fauci, maybe with Birks - but I’d be just fine with Dazak. Break out the champagne if it happens!

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May 9·edited May 16

05-09-24: Birk will squish faster than Mike Johnson (Speaker of The House): "Who do I have to finger to get a get-out-of-jail" free card?!"

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He is but one of many who merit prosecution and the death penalty.

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There are thousands of bureaucrats who are complicit in this. I don’t know how the courts would be able to separate the ones truly responsible for vaccine deaths from the ones who were ‘just following orders’. What a circus, right? That’s why ‘they’ have to have a ‘fall guy’ - someone to blame and demonize. Probably no one would actually get the death penalty, but man, I would really like to see a bunch of arrogant murderers like Fauci go down in history as the monsters they are!

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Yes. Up here it was and is the same thing. Only worse. And the corrupt CYSTem is trying to silence the dissenters like me. One I know well was criminally harassed by the OPP for decades over his criticism of the CHRC. All the lies and defamation was based upon the unsubstantiated opinions ravings of a delusional bureauCRAP. The OPP, a fake detective, two JP's, several detachment commanders, another bureauCRAP, and others cooperated to persecute this fellow in the corrupt biased injustice CYSTem where like the CHRC, the process is the punishment. HE spent over $100,000. to defend and all at once the charges disappeared. We live in an oligarchy run by a damned leftist wokist wanker CYSTem.

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Hoping with you, Dr. Malone. Thanks for your role!!

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4 years ago as the “2 weeks to slow the curve” was announced I turned to my husband and said, this virus is intentional, don’t ya think? We stared silently at one another for about 20 seconds, then I said this is about stopping Donald Trump from fixing all the crap Obama broke. My husband isn’t as politically minded as I am, because what I’ve seen in my lifetime is that everything is political. He takes a less call em like I see em approach in life, then he said, I think you might be onto something. I will always believe the release of the virus was no accident.

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By the way, the reason I had to do my own research is because I never trusted government agencies, never, ever.. I was 8 years old when grandad taught me to always question anyone who said, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you. That was when Goldwater was running for potus. Also, the Boston Tea Party was my favorite American history class in elementary school . 😂

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I was going through newspapers from the early 60s yesterday from my location at that time. All the articles were critical of Goldwater. What a game changer it would have been if he had won. He had a good chance until LBJ released the Daisy commercial that ran for a few days nationwide. Dems have been using fear porn since before I was born.

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I was just a kid, I totally respected my grandad and he was a Goldwater man. He believed Barry Goldwater was the finest Republican that had ever been placed in the position to run as potus by the R party. A few years prior to grandads death I asked why he wanted Goldwater to become potus. He replied, Goldwater understands why Americans love America.

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Your grandfather was a wise man.

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I voted for him

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I was too young, but later on was old enough to vote for Reagan. I totally loved Nixon when I was a 13 yr old girl. When I was 17 years old i broke down and cried sitting in front of the TV listening to my president resign from office. I thought the FBI took my vote away. So, even then I distrusted the federal govt must prove the facts, they could not.

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Rarely (ever?) mentioned the notorious “deep throat” was an f.b.i. dweeb who lost his gruntle because he was not picked to replace Hoover.

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If you read the book called "The Code Breaker" you will discover the history of unraveling the genome of man and learning how to manipulate it. The key researcher is Jennifer Doudna, whose name is never mentioned. There were 100's of researchers that contributed to this endeavor. Collins of NIH was in charge of unraveling the genome of man. He should have been the number one gate keeper that made sure the science was controlled and not done on a cavalier basis. I believe they all became enamored with the fact that they were god like by being able to change humans through gene editing. Dr. Malone was a key researcher on the front end, and was not even mentioned in the book according to the index. I believe he is under a gag order because he worked on projects for the DOD and the Bio arm. He got two shots that were a wake up call and has been trying to redeem himself, but there are areas that he can't address. The mass psychosis being self induced is a red herring to shift blame away from the DOD who are deep in this Covid con. It is a very complicated issue and there are many bad actors that came together to accomplish this feat of manipulating humanity across the globe. I don't doubt that many of the bad actors recognized the harm being created but did not have the courage to say STOP. They didn't want to be expelled from the gene editing club like Malone. Odd Man Out! My view.

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There seems to be NO question that BOTH the SARS and COVID viruses originated (escaped) from COMMUNIST CHINA; and the CCP "government" stated the COVID virus originated at the so-called "WET-MARKET" in WUHAN - just a few miles from the WUHAN Institute of Virology.

And HOW CAN IT BE ANYTHING but DELIBERATE that the COVID virus just happened to SPREAD to virtually EVERY country and nation on earth in less than TWO MONTHS?

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How convenient the spread was scheduled to impact 2020 US elections. China was paying billions in tariffs. Xi could not continue to deal with DJT, he needed their puppet Slow Joe installed. They knew Slow Joe would do whatever they demanded, as he was bought and paid for.

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I forgot to add "CFR" member -JOHN KERRY - whom a few days ago, comrade CFR member JOE BIDEN hung the "Medal of Freedom" around Kerry's treasonous neck!

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Convenient even if not deliberate. Saul alinsky said it. Take advantage of every opportunity…and they did

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When I look at the entirety of the Covid 19 bullcrap. I’m convinced my country suffered the worst political catastrophe in our nations history. I’d bet Australia, most of Europe feels the same. We were screwed.

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True, but the "enforcement" of closures and jabbing still reverberates in society in USA as I personally cannot get products (lighting, fabrics, carpet manufacturing process reduced the with on bolts) and many small business could not survive. This Economic crisis restructed our Doctors to submit to corporate consolidation. Farmland production. We have not seen the full fall out as newborns were subject to the Silly campaign that a pregnant woman could protect and save the very life to be born. ETC.

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Ah!!!! You are aware of the root cause of much national instabilities.

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All of the grand plan to mess up our Elections.....and the push for Mail In Ballot campaign (From Mrs O) promoting everywhere. Had the NIH and CDC allowed the medications of the first Sars (Ivermection and HCL), it was a fail safe green light for "Election"integrity AND killing many citizens. Joe was the perfect "leader".

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It seems the fish are not all in the net, YET! Holes in the net have been created so some may escape. Consider the ice berg, only a portion is seen. Consider the ant hill, the underlying tunnels are tricky.

We may be deceived or rerouted thinking by a much bigger web, depriving us ( We The People), of yet more information. Consider the latest Pfizer leaked email.

Wouldn’t we like to know, who all should be held accountable? Who all was involved, yet with held information, and didn’t ring the alarm to prevent pain, suffering, death? Let’s include each and everyone! Wouldn’t you agree? Or do you think the net should have gaping holes so some could escape to live the life of luxury? Are we going to continue on, with blinders? This human demise is unacceptable!!!!

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Deborah, IF actual REAL "justice" existed, EVERYONE responsible WOULD pay in REAL terms of monetary restitution, jail terms and (permanent) 'license' forfeiture.

As ALWAYS happens, a (very) few - usually just ONE individual - gets "thrown under the bus" so to speak - and that is the end of it.

Factually, the "Collective Left" which like virtually EVERY institution extant in the now U.S.S.A., has over the past half century - actually a bit longer than that - infiltrated, usurped and convoluted the "justice system" to conform to warped, twisted Marxist notions of "social justice" that permeates so-called "law"- which HAS become an instrument of PLUNDER.

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Pfizer a driver also made many elites millions. Now that damage is done, they play the healer with new generation cancer drugs.

Sickening, but prosperity continues.

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no coincidence. The election had to be interrupted. We still have many innocent J6 While our high roller elite left raked in the $$. No, No Pelosi definitely was not operating with

"insider trading". Egregious.

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What is - and has been - happening WITHIN the USA for over a half century can be summed up in ONE word: COMMUNISM.

The resulting USSA will continue to implode and finally DISAPPEAR into the hell-on-earth of COMMUNIST tyranny on a GLOBAL scale - exactly what Karl Marx was preaching for, that being a never ending "revolution" to attain "utopia" ( an ancient Greek word meaning "NO-WHERE") - resulting in total annihilation of humanity.

Absolute equality is an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY.

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Now if the pharmaceutical companies that conspired to coverup the morbidities associated with their vaccines could be charged under RICO……

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Thank you for sharing this with us! With the release of Bariks deposition last week, in addition to the Dazlak interview, the party is getting interesting.

Offing to my sitting assignments. Maybe more when I get a chance to read this in more detail.

Bestest Plus! ♡♡♡

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Not nearly enough have ever heard of them. Precisely why I maintain we no longer have anything resembling a free press and think it would be a good thing for their special privileges to be recanted.

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Up here in "Canuckistan" we have the liars and whores of the mainstream media who have been bribed with taxpayer dollars to censor any news critical of trudope. Proposed new laws will kill what is left of free speech.

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Hope springs eternal - yup.

Fauci does spin and gaslight and he is also an infamous liar.

Brad Wenstrup's JBS score is a lousing 62% and Speaker Johnson is 73%.

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Wake up calls are amaking. Wake up or get a real job

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It really shouldn’t be about chasing the ‘best way to get him’, which may be within the loci surrounding lab origins and GoF. It should be about righting the wrongs done against the people in the form of bad science, bad health policy, bad regulators, and bad publishers (springer and elselvier). The latter route will benefit the people and will undoubtedly provide many pathways to ‘get him’ if diligently and aggressively chased. The former pathway leads nowhere of interest or benefit for the people.

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Those in congress are being 'allowed' to put on this 'show' perhaps to help with their re-election? They always need to 'look' like they are 'doing something'.

Bold, they are not, that's why they are there. They all (most) serve a purpose and for about 30 years it has been to bankrupt their country and send money overseas. Between the end of 2008 and two years ago the Fed Reserve passed to the world banks 30 trillion dollar.

They were all exempt from the vax mandate as were the judiciary.

I now suspect the C virus was released by multiple players in multiple locations globally. China was chosen to put on the Hollywood theater to freak the masses everywhere.

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So, what made the Feds and the Judiciary’s immune system different?

Maybe Pfizer could have offered up a special cocktail for them as they did their own crucial staff...

Maybe their respiratory systems didn’t spew out dangerous and deadly ( 6 ft) of separation type contamination either... how foolish that was!!! Did the idiots not know, that when the space, previously occupied, is still contaminated, the contamination didn’t move, with the person occupying the space.... idiots!! Not scientists!!!

Exemption for thee and thee and thee!

If just everyone had said No, to the crazy. And if greedy murderers were not at large. And those who knew how deadly the mRNA technology had screamed / shouted: NO. And billionaire billy wasn’t bored. We wouldn’t be in this mess.

The tunnels for the ants continue. The fishing net is not being repaired quick enough.

There should never have been a need for exemption in a free society!

A free society, gets to choose what is best for themselves, no healthcare “mandates” for freedom loving people!

Open borders = disease ridden people coming through... hummm ? Mandates?

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I never thought about it that way before. Thank you.

There should never have been a need for exemption in a free society!

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