Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

FYI Dr. Malone: A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail invitation to a signing party for Senator Rand Paul's new book, "Deception: The Great COVID Cover-up." Not wanting to wait for the complimentary signed copy, and wanting to be prepared with questions ahead of Senator Paul's appearance at the party, I immediately drove to a local retailer, bought, and began reading. I highlighted and finished the book, typed up questions, and went to the party on Saturday November 4th.

Anticipating a 1-hour drive, I arrived 20 minutes early. The valet urged me to go right into the residence. Senator Paul was standing just inside the door, and I had a chance to chat informally with him as others were arriving.

Senator Paul spoke to the gathering for perhaps half an hour, summarizing his book and current activity. At Q&A, I picked up on his remarks about Missouri v. Biden, and called attention to the fact that, during Fauci's November 2022 deposition in the case, Fauci never really answered the question of whether he had exerted influenced on the virus origin question during the lead up to the Proximal Origin paper.

After he spoke to my remark, he was ready to move on. I said I had a prepared question, which he allowed. I asked/called attention to this passage from his book. My prepared question:

"Senator Paul. On p. 392 of your book, you write:

(QUOTE) 'Meanwhile, the Biden administration signed an agreement with the WHO to subvert our national autonomy and make us answerable to international health edicts. The U.S. ambassador to the WHO announced that America was committed to obeying a new international ‘Pandemic Accord.’ There was no mention of any request for congressional approval before this binding treaty was announced as concluded and in place. So much for democracy.

'Believe me, they will have me and many others to deal with if they try to enforce this agreement.' (END QUOTE)

Senator Paul, could you expand on what recourse you and others have when faced with an executive branch that repeatedly neglects its constitutionally assigned Article II enforcement responsibilities, and repeatedly encroaches on Article I legislative and oversight responsibilities? Is such recourse available with Republicans as a minority in the House and/or Senate?"

I am satisfied from his answer that his heart, mind, and intentions are in the right place.

Afterward, he signed my purchased, highlighted copy. Having a complimentary copy available to me through the party, I asked him to inscribe it to my congressional representative. She is scheduled to receive her copy, along with my remarks inserted, by the middle of today.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was an amazing interview. Very inspiring and thanks for introducing me to another great American patriot - role models for the next generation. Well done and so encouraging.

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Yes, role models for the next generation and warriors for the moment!

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What is really amazing is that the rhino contingent in the House are joined at the hip with the dims and have managed to block conservative legislative measures consistently for the last three sessions I have followed closely were somehow convinced to support this bill. Hall must be a miracle worker to have managed to get this cooperation between both legislative bodies on this critical subject.

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According to Senator Hall, he relies on God to do the miracles! One thing is for sure: He gave Senator Hall the people support he needed, when he needed it. This brings to mind what God ordained for his creatures - "life is a gift from God, what you do with it is your gift back to Him'.

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Its not just "Texas" RINO's "joined at the hip" with the cabal of liberals, progressives, Socialists (and) Communists who ARE the Democratic "party" today - hell bent on turning Texas BLUE - anyone watching the RINO's in the US House of Representatives - up to 100 of them - voting in lockstep with the en masse "NO" votes by the "DemoKKKrats" during the past several days as seen on CSPAN-1 TV - from the House floor - was depressing and absolutely disgusting!

The entire episode was about trying to REDUCE "spending" next fiscal year - back to 2019 levels at treasury and the Biden administration BILLIONS of dollars slush funds. The only floor vote that did pass was on reducing "Pete" Buttwhatshisname salary too $1.00. The RINO's clearly have NO intention to try and even slow down the runaway federal government spending spree.

Unfortunately, trying to get the NAMES of these RINO's via the "public record" is purposefully obscured.

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Totally agree. We can only pay close attention to how our reps behave and vote accordingly. I am pretty happy with ours, Chip Roy. The rhinos need to go.

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I was hoping Chip would try for Speaker - but from what I see so far, Mike Johnson may be the best Speaker of the past half century. His Constitutional background is VERY encouraging.

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Just as Bob Hall attributes his accomplishments to God, I think Mike Johnson does the same. It does seem somewhat like a miracle that we ended up with someone like him as Speaker.

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AHH-MEN to THAT, Anne!

Let's hope his Heavenly Armor is impenetrable by the Collective leftist Devils.

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John Cornyn represents to me a big fat X on the page where the questions of if we have free and open elections. His X is beside the NO column.

If you want to get back control of the nation we will have to take it one county commissioner and School board member at a time. I'm retiring from my first profession soon in order to do that full-time.

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ABSOLUTELY agree (about Cornyn), Deborah!

And how wonderful and encouraging to know you will soon be "in the ring" full time in our literally life and death fight against the cabal of liberals, progressives, Socialists, Communists - and (incredibly) MAOISTS of the Collective Left who INFEST virtually EVERY institution extant in the USA today.

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Same thing in Idaho. RINOS all the way down (with a few notable exceptions, especially in the Idaho Freedom Caucus).

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THAT is not good news, E. I'm going to contact Mike Johnson's Office in DC and see if I can get a list of RINO names who all voted with the DemoKKKrats AGAINST reducing Congressional spending to 2019 levels. Those cockroaches MUST be EPOSED and EXTIRPATED from office.

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If you know a bill number or title (or even the general topic), you can find how each representative voted and you can track a bill. Start with the US Congress website at https://www.congress.gov/ or go to the friendlier Govtrack.US site at https://www.govtrack.us/.

Example, start at Govtrack.US and type HR 79 (WHO Withdrawal Bill) into the search box. You’ll be greeted with sponsors, status, etc. for that bill. Links at https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr79

allow you to drill down into the details.

I didn’t have enough information (or time) to research the exact bill number or title mentioned by Tom Daniel above.

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Thanks, Big E... Your last paragraph get to the heart of the matter... MOST people will not take the time nor pursue the info - including me. Shame on ME!

But many thanks for the LINKS - which I will BOOKMARK!

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So very glad to help! Now you and other readers have the tools to research more quickly.

FWIW, I created a little voter guide while trying to teach myself how the voting process worked, particularly in our new state of Idaho. I was a complete newbie until I began my journey down the rabbit hole in October 2021. The voter guide is here: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-voting-guide-updated-91423

One of my mottos comes from my experience teaching English as a Second Language in 1980s San Diego. We used the Laubach Literacy Method of “Each One Teach One.” Well, now that we have the internet and Substack, the motto has changed to “Each One Teach Many.”

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Senator Hall! Gideon and the 300; one of my favorites! Right up there with the Pharisees asking the blind man if Jesus was a sinner. "Whether he's a sinner or not, I don't know; but one thing I do know, I was blind, but now I see!

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Role model for next generation, thank you Sen Hall and giving credit to God’s will. Perseverance, like Dr. Malone and so many. Love America.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for this inspiring interview with Senator Hall, a fellow Texan, and as you state a patriot!

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Bob Hall is a rock and an inspiration. What a great reflection: “I tried to pray to God thinking, okay, here's what I need. This is what I got to do. I felt like He slapped me upside the head, and He said, ‘You think you're going to tell me what you need?’”

God is waiting for us to make ourselves available to Him. “Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). Our prayers for God-fearing voices in govt have already been answered with people like Senator Hall and AG Paxton (“I am sitting here because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”). Let’s keep encouraging them. Let’s dust off our faith and start thanking and praising God for already answering our prayers.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Uphill battle to rectify the great harm that has been created by those who worship the dollar over good health. I admire all who keep on target and are fighting for the rights and health of Americans.

I salute Dr. McCullough for his tireless efforts to protect the health of his patients and I discovered we have been on parallel paths since 2009. His on a patient basis and I on an educational basis.


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Great interview. It inspired me to look up Senator Bob Hall. One of the sources I found was Wikipedia, which has become totally unreliable and poltitically biased. Here is part of what Wikipedia has to say: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Hall promoted misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines, including the debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines skipped animal testing.[9] He encouraged people to not take the vaccine

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You know he's a good guy if Wikipedia doesn't like him!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A true Texas hero!! Bob Hall

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just saw you on Warroom, in addition to this piece, and upcoming trip to Europe vax conference. Once again, thanks for all you do!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this excellent interview. Brings to mind your Texas testimony and my memories of the Tea Party efforts. For me, It also again brings to the fore Dr AKs Brownstone observation.

He noted Hitler's regime persuaded the physicians to shift their focus from dedication to the health and wellbeing of each patient to doling out medical care based on the greater good. It seems to me this could also describe the direction medical care has been pushed in, in response to Covid. WHO, HHS have been trying to set an 'Ordered Course' for medical care. In the US, rules to be followed, that State Medical Boards and State Health Depts are to require. (A sort of don't waste care under given circumstances). A no transplant without vaccination situation. In other nations if one is depressed, can not afford themselves, can't afford treatment - offer a to assist suicide prescription.

When folks are saying they don't trust Dr's any more is it because they are sensing this sort of change in focus is/has happened? Is this an issue that needs to be recognized and addressed?

Your wonderful interview gives us hope that just and caring professionals still exist and are working hard, even enduring punishments, to support compassionate and just causes. You and Dr Jill standing tall among the Doctors and Senator Hall among the elected officials. You are appreciated! Will be watching and listening Sat.

Have a good day!

Bestest ever! ♡♡♡

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can barely write, I am still so shocked and disappointed about the "letter to Robert Malone".(not even Dr.) I did write my feelings to her, as much good as that will do! These interviews you do with people like Senator Hall make more impact than the crap I just read. Pure click bait...

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Author

It is depressing, disheartening and frankly, it is disgusting behavior. From someone I thought better of. Who didn't even bother to email prior. But not a darn thing I can do. Haters are going to hate and a whole bunch of them are looking for any port in a storm to attack me. Which is strange, as I am one of the few who has the chops to be asked to actually testify, edit bills, speak to governments, etc. Which I do freely and I feel like I am actually make a difference. In my opinion, some of this group of chaos agents are actually in favor of the mRNA jabs and mandates - the way they go after me and spread malicious gossip.

A few of them literally write hate filled tirades 2 or 3 times a day now for literally years -1000s of posts, which are filled with fabrications. This is truly psyops at work - brought to you by? More fifth gen warfare.

But my fear is that these people are getting their followers so worked up that it will lead to violence against me or Jill. When I was on stage last week, we had someone come to the front of the stage -screaming and appeared to be ready to do violence. Security removed her. It wasn't fun.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your standing strong, faithful to just and ethical objectives is hugely appreciated! It sets a worthy example to emulate! May Senator Hall's forces support you as well! We are with you as well!

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Role Model

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Malone, put on the whole armour of God, we will continue our prayers for Jill, you and your family, I include your horses, chickens. This is evil for someone to try and attack you while in public, let alone God forbid in private. I fully support all you do, am grateful to have learned of you. Many Canadians also know of you and Dr. McCullough. As my +mother used to always say (in serbian) Boze sacuvaj) translated, God protect. Wishing you safe travels, Gods' wisdom when you speak, are testifying. You and Jill will be just fine, greater, better known for all the works you have done and continue to do. Thank you for keeping us informed, how you manage to do all this is amazing. God Bless!!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have been spending some time writing to a few of her followers, for the same reason you mention, and addressed with her and others about the end result of this letter being the opposite of what she so innocently portrays. I did ask her if she is getting some perverse pleasure from the reactions that support her. Seems like it.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I posted the following comment a couple of places, including here: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/omg-sv40-pfizer-can-be-sued-now/comment/42457040?utm_source=activity_item


Freedom Fighters Should Not Bash One Another


This comment may get lost among the hundreds received, but I wanted to express my deep disappointment that people within in the medical freedom movement are bashing one another. People in this fight have different opinions, different backgrounds, and are learning along the way. Differences in their approaches do not automatically make them "controlled opposition."

One must carefully study each freedom fighter’s ENTIRE body of work. Please do not focus on a few disagreements about scientific approach or claims for credit. Instead, focus on the entire effort they’ve expended and what they’ve accomplished. Focus on what they say and do, not what people say ABOUT them. Focus on their dedication to the mission.

What is the mission? I believe the mission is to explore the available facts and evidence, shun censorship, share truth (which can change as new evidence comes to light), and help everyone make independent, informed choices. For heaven’s sake—don't shoot the messenger! Disagree respectfully, without making personal attacks or assuming motivations not in evidence.

We don't all have to think alike. But those who are doing their best to present truth, selflessly and with honesty and integrity, should be lauded. While some people are working without pay, not everyone has that luxury. So just because someone is paid for their work does not mean they are compromised; of course, they *can* be compromised, but even people who are not financially remunerated may be lured by power and accolades.

I hope this helps! As the amazing Jeff Childers of Coffee & Covid (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/) says often: “Don’t Cancel Me!”

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In Sasha's Oct 23 post, she "liked" two different posts making statements about Dr. Malone and Steve K. as being controlled opposition. And she wonders why Malone has questions about her...

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Hence the reason I posted my comment on her substack. She gave me a LIKE. We’re all under stress and must give one another some grace.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

She may agree with what you said, but continues to create doubt and division about Malone and Steve K. She needs to stop promoting doubt and hatred about these people or there is no grace to give. These are serious accusations and can and no doubt Will lead to violence. This is not just a backyard scrabble.

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You can see our back and forth on her notes. Quite the nasty response.

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Are you talking about the one written from Margaret Anna Alice?

I usually ignore infighting, ignore all chaos and come back with love.

1 John 4:18 ESV

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo! Encore please...in all 50 states.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank heaven. That's real progress.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you; great interview. My state of AL protected state workers from mandates, however,

didn’t take any steps to protect anyone else from mandates. I will definitely be sharing the brilliant Senator Bob Hall’s wise words and encourage them to do the same.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Uhhh…Just WOW!!! Ed

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