I'm gonna guess it's because this was never about a virus.

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Of course it wasn’t. This was a global Milgrim/Stanford/Goebbels/Marxist/Maoist/Stepford /Stockholm Syndrome Obedience Experiment of mass psychosis, mass hypnosis, mass formation ripped from the pages of “Brave New World”,”1984”,”Bradbury,, Mathieson, Asimov”Crichton,Mein Kampf”,”””Das Kapital”,””Rules For Radicals,”Cloward-Piven,the CIA Training Manual led by the technocratic despotic globalist monsters of the WEF, UN, NATO,EU corporate multinationals marching is to the Great Reset NWO transhumanist feudalism.

Ironically, we’re reaching the end game.” Soylent Green”. “ The year was 2022. Corporate multinational monopolies and corrupt, power Al , elite politicians rule the world, There is global famine, poverty, misery.” Soylent Green Is People

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2022 update...

"Soylent Green is People!!!" Eat your bugs!

"Let them eat cake!" Let them buy Teslas!

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EXACTLY! Or choose euthanasia if you’re too poor or depressed. Canada just passed enacted voluntarily euthanasia for those reasons. Can’t afford to eat or pay rent? Die. The State will be kind enough to provide taxpayer funded lethal injection, but not food , shelter or medical care

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that is so sick! Bureaucratic reasoning for dummies

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m 75 years of age and a combat Vietnam veteran, who after studying Vietnamese at the defense language institute in Monterey, California, became a psychological operations officer in northern I Corps with the 3rd Marine, the 101st airborne, and the first of the fifth mechanize infantry divisions. I’m also a retired board-certified neurologist. My father was deeply involved in countering the Soviet threat during the so-called “cold war“. I’ve been a student of communism‘s techniques since I was about 13 years of age. About two weeks into the Covid lockdowns I told one of my daughters that the “communist Chinese are laughing at us now; they see how easy it is to get us to shut down our entire society including our economy our social life and our general feeling of well-being.“ I regret that I was correct; it is painful that so few saw this. I believe Dan Bongino when he surmises that much of the destruction wrought on our country has been from the inside & intentional.

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impressive background. Not everyone can read your sort of CV. I can.

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Thank you Dr Malone. I have greatly appreciated your expertise. You are the definition of courage.

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Diana West authored a brilliant book years ago,” The Red Thread” and was excoriated, mocked, named a conspiracy theorist and paranoid.Funny, isn’t it? Jack Welch, Pat Moynihan, Huxley, Scoop Jackson, Goldwater, Eisenhower, Lt Gen Flynn, Snowden, Solzhenitsyn, Bertrand Russell, Wiesenthal, Rod Serling , Kary Mullis,Churchill, Fibonacci, Galileo, Copernicus, Einstein, Salk/Sabin, Pasteur were also considered fringe lunatics.

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so you name some 20, individuals that you claim were accused of being fringe lunatics.

were they?

and was it wrongly?

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No, they weren’t, They were right. That’s what I’m attempting to convey. Just like the mocking, discrediting and belittling of Drs. Malone, McCollough,Zelenko,Atlas,Ionnides, Ladapo,Buttacharaya,Hatfill,Kulsdorf,Levitt,Makary,Gold,Mullis,Paul,Kory,Oswui,Smith,Risch , Weinstein and other long respected and revered medical giants in the field. Ruthlessly discriminated against-absolutely correct.

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No, they are heroes. The “ fringe lunatics” are the elite technocrats running the global government asylum.

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Your amazing background may not actually be the only knowledge base that got you to this conclusion. I believe supporting all of the above knowledge is the fact that you are a critical thinker. Many like you figured out early on that nothing made sense in the directives...for example ... 'fresh air and sunshine' were the number one health directive for eons...meanwhile 'stay in and put on a mask'. 'Social distancing' not 'Physical distancing' was clearly a psych op as social connection is also key to keeping immunity strong. Add in the closure of small stores, where small populations frequent vs. Walmarts that are packed yet allowed to be open and you have just a few of the red flags. With the sudden roll out of not just one 'vaccine' but many!...magically appearing in short order all called 'safe & effective' ...based on what data? ...critical thinkers called BS on the entire operation. Meanwhile, the sheep rushed out to get the jab as their bias to authority was high and their critical thinking skills low. As George Carlin pointed out, 'Don't wait for it...they don't want critical thinkers'. There has been a controlled demolition of western civilization since 9/11...Obama bombing 7 countries in 8 years creating a nightmare for Europe....open boarders here...every foundational working system is being sabotaged including the most basic foundations... women, mother, and a child's basic biological identity. They can't usher in their new world 'order' until they destroy the old world order...and Covid/jab was just another take down in the plan. We are in the end game and the globalists have their cards on the table, because like all evil psychopaths who believe you are securely tied to the chair, their fun is to tell you of their evil plan and how smart they were to pull it off. The entire human race is now collectively tied to the chair and unless the good guys at the top show up soon and eliminate this threat, this 'movie' will not have the amazing happy ending we deserve.

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I agree with everything you wrote. It won't let me "heart" it for some reason.

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You hit the nail on the head. I agree with all you said. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It was easy to see early on.

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"Hearting" your comment was 'sticky' too. Thanks for the thumbs up!

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I wonder how bad things are in China. Did you see the wailing towers in Shanghai, the Chinese citizens doing bank runs and it looks like Evergrande is defaulting?

There are 100 million CCP members that join either with carrot or stick incentives and I hope there are people in the CCP are gunning for Xi.

Eric Schmidt, Central bankers, etc want to impose their evil technocrat system on the West.

The traitors need to be found and put up against the wall.

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There are tanks in the streets

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Really? Wow!

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Horrifying, but the media and dummies on both sides of the aisle but for Tucker don’t cover it

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Very well said! Thank you for true service to your country! I cringe when a politician calls his job "service to this country"! i too am a Veteran - Vietnam era. I knew this "covid" response was all wrong and that the "Vaxines" were a major health problem. I don't know how I knew. Maybe some of that military medical training was nudging me!

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I saw it immediately as well - and I am a conservative housewife in Bethesda MD with a college degree only. But I did have an amazing K-12 education with Catholic nuns who made us read Solzhenitsyn!

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I had a crappy public school education. Later in life got a college degree. I knew something was very fishy early on (though scared enough to give up loved indoor activities for almost a year), but it took until the summer of 2021 to get more of an understanding. The last two+ years have been hellish particularly since coming to comprehend the incomprehensible “EVIL” & disregard for humanity. They think they are Gods apparently. I have renewed my faith too! Satan is for real!!! I strongly believe God is NOT going to put up with continued damaging of the DNA of his creation & the axing of billions with many subjected to long term illnesses and suffering!!!!

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And taught critical thinking!

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Or maybe just common sense, which appears to be in short supply these days. I concur that military experience may expand innate supply. Said by another Nam era vet

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I saw it immediately and all I have are advanced econ degrees. 🤷‍♂️

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

so from, at least, the age of 13 you have subjected to brain washing.

and that brainwash performed so excellently that now, at the age of 75, you still have not found out that you were played....

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As was always the warning

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nuremburg 2.0 is coming. There will be nowhere for these monsters to hide.

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I think the civilized world might skip the trial and go straight to revolution.

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People have a breaking point at which point they aren't interested in "law and order". Witness the farmers. There is only so much pain people will take before flipping out.

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About Nuremberg. Hugo Sperrle was one high commanding Nazi who got acquitted and walked "free". Either he had the best defense lawyer in the History of defense lawyers, or he cut a deal. It must have been a hell of a deal. He was the guy in charge of the aviation. The British would have loved to hang him very high, from a weather balloon.

I wonder what could he possibly offer of more value than his life? Maybe there was no deal. I don't know. It just makes more sense than the official version.

Back to the present. These foes of us must have many potential deals to offer. Don't be surprised if some of them walks free and tries to retire quietly to the mountains or something.

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I hope you are right about the Nuremberg, but why is it taking so loooong??? Someone told me & read the banking cashless system will roll out in Jan., 2023. Not much time left maybe??? Our military, airlines and populations weakened by the jabs!!!

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An incredibly informative stack today Dr. Malone! I am so very thankful for your hard work. You continue to amaze and inspire! Thank you! 💜

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, when you released (I think) the first video about Mass Psychosis Formation (by Dr. Desmit) if memory serves me-the beginning goes something like—paraphrasing- “for those of you who don’t get it and are thinking things are not adding up, etc.,” ….. that phrase has been rattling around in my brain STILL and then I saw Birx being interviewed by Jordan- (how he kept his composer and not jumping over the desk and slapping the shit out of her, is commendable)

But more importantly, Why would anyone self incriminate themselves when they could exercise the 5th amendment? Is this a form of MFP?

Everyone knows the truth would have eventually come out, but why this way via a book and why now?

It’s too easy and convenient.

Something again —-> doesn’t add up.

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agree. more shoes still to drop

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good at least they are dropping! Ty

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Seems they think the can’t be touched. So far they have been right.

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I would like to see Nuremberg Trials, with the same consequences for the guilty. However, the real dilemma is if there are ANY uncorrupted bodies left to enable this to happen? I sincerely doubt it, as most of these global and domestic bodies are populated by the same people. Our IC is corrupt. Our agencies are corrupt. I haven't figured out if the WEF is a just a blind for Chinese Global Domination, yet. It appears that they, at the least, want the 'China model'. Sadly, they're all just ramping up again to the next 'Emergency', which appears to be the headliner of last 40 years, the 'climate' hoax.

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Or ... the next "Emergency" may well be as Geert Vanden Bossch has predicted: A highly virulent omicron variant that preys mostly upon, and fills hospitals with, vaccinated people of all ages. Especially those who were boosted with 3rd and 4th jabs.

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Certainly a high probability.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Only one double agent in this circle of decision making? My guess is there may have been many.

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I suspect double agents originating from the Obama administration double dipping to destroy Trump and the American people. I have visions of justice one day.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said Dr. Malone. Congratulations to our government and medical institutions. For they have destroyed the trust of the citizens and themselves. Unfortunately, once trust is destroyed it is hardly ever restored.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In addition, the deep state/Biden Administration is complicit. History will look back at March 2020 as the beginning of WWIII. Most feel it in their gut but haven't completely woken up to that reality yet.

You are a hero, Dr. Malone, one of the few courageous enough to take this on.

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Absolutely it’s WWIII- the Biden administration press sec, and Biden said in a past but recent tweet “we are at war” read that again- Biden doesn’t say Ukraine is at war or Russia is at war, he says - “we are at war” and everyone just nods like those stupid dash board dogs in cars when a car stops.

Folks - pay attention as hard as it is to get through the mangled, incoherent, bumbling, alphabet mess Biden struggles to spit out—that stupid SOB is doing and saying something dastardly every single day!!

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read things like this and I'm flummoxed. Because they aren't trying to hide anything or sweep anything under any rugs. They're fine with the past and seem to intend more chaos and death for the future. Have ANY of them resigned in shame? Or said the lockdowns were a mistake? The masks were a mistake? The jabs were a mistake? Halting access to early treatment was a mistake? Witch hunts for physicians was a mistake? More like it didn't work as well as hoped, so we should do twice as much of the same the next time.

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They enjoy rubbing our noses in their corruption, knowing they're getting away with it. Nobody to prosecute, even if they confess. Look at 1/6 and the selection. They. Don't. Care.

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Actually in my area ads are all over TV continuing to promote the jabs, and by hospital corporations! Also newspaper ads!!! Unbelievable !!!

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Yes..or the common excuse I hear is “well we just didn’t know as much as we know now” as a way to brush off the horribleness that has happened to our entire country. I even find myself saying it and I don’t believe it.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As far as Wuhan goes we were in on it from the beginning. Read Sherri Markson ‘s excellent What Really Happened in Wuhan. It details the whole sorry affair. There is evidence that the CCP sent in the PLA in 2019 to ‘take back the Wuhan lab’ because the Chinese became alarmed that they had lost control of it to the Americans. We were the principle financiers from the very beginning and we supplied most of the technology. Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli (the Bat Lady) were joined at the hip inside the Wuhan lab for years, and Shi was a regular at UNC Chapel Hill. The DARPA Biological Technologies Office was heavily involved as well, more so than even than the NIH, although Fauci made numerous trips to Wuhan before 2020. The director of this sorry orchestra was Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance. And this business wasn’t limited to the Wuhan lab. This was going on all over the world, including in Ukraine. Wuhan simply got out in front with GoF coronaviruses. I believe this virus was much more of an American creation than Chinese. The WIV was a contract lab facility to US biomedical and bio weapons research, performed jointly with the CCP.

So what do we make of China and the US slinging mud at each other beginning in March 2020. If it wasn’t such a disaster it would be laughable.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Atlas has the last word. She didn't need to follow Xi and DJT didn't need to listen to the Birx. There are many hidden hands that leaned on weak kneed world leaders and "experts" to implement the dastardly crime. I will never forget it nor let it rest. Sweeping it under the rug will be our complete utter downfall.

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Media boxxed in Trump, seeing this as their opportunity to destroy him. They would not allow anything useful or logical to happen. Period.

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Media doesn't run our lives unless you believe life is just a movie.

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Media still dictates the response of far too many of us in the voting booth. Sad but true

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Their was no greater fawning Birx lapdog than Mike Pence. Seems the impeccable Jerome Adam’s, another Pence appointee is currently raking in the big bucks promoting Pandemic Porn.

I’m so angry and disappointed by Trump’s refusal to acknowledge how harmful the vaccines have proven, collaborating with Gates and Pharma, failure to call attention to Event 201, Bloomberg-Johns-Hopkins School Of Medicine and lack of awareness of Fauci/Birx/Collins/Gates/Bloomberg/Pfizer/Dazsak/Baric’s specious multi-decade history- including the 17,000 HIV/AIDS horrific deaths,Foster Children scandals,”Operation Dark Winter” Clade-X, weaponized anthrax,NC lab leaks, the continued funding of bio labs in Ukraine, globally and throughout the US approved by the NIH and Pentagon,past vaccine disasters, lies, corruption and failure including SARS, H1N1,Zika,Ebola and the FACT Obama ended the GOF moratorium 17 days prior to Trump’s insauguration.

He has not accepted any responsibility, instead, constantly attacking DeSantis, Republicans who dared speak about the vaccine potential for harm, Elon Musk and those exposing the WEF. Trump attended the 2021 gathering, sharing a mutual congratulatory love fest with Klaus Schwab. I nearly passed out

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Trump was one man, who was constantly under attack. Constantly. What do you think will happen if he "admits" the vaxxes we're a mistake? Please. He didn't mix them up in the WH basement, and he said they were available as a choice for high risk individuals so we could open up. He never pushed it on anyone, and tried several times to present alternative treatments, which merely got him ridiculed. DeSantis is no saint, he hasn't come out against the shots for anyone except kids, and he was sure GA was in a suicide pact when Kemp opened GA up first. Trump followed the government 's top experts. Who would have guessed at the time that they were evil murderers? Hindsight is 20/20.

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I'm glad I took the time to read all the comments. I'm not "lettered" or super-educated, but reading and listening to all these "authors" and arm-chair quarterbacks that want to appear intelligent, and that if THEY were in President Trump's position at the time they would have made all the right decisions. Nothing like "kicking a good person when they are down and smashing them in the face"! Yes, this does rile me! Thank you for the post YYR, you said everything I wanted to say.

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Dr Malone, I hope President Trump is listening to you and Dr Atlas now. He will need a great medical administrator to dismantle the whole federal medical complex. I do hope someone is telling Trump how they lied to him and he is finally taking charge. I think Dr Simone Gold should take it over.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I did not support Trump in the beginning, but he earned my support by doing great things, far beyond what I could have hoped.

I find his blind spot on the vaccines worrisome. All the doubters said it would be impossible to develop a vaccine by the end of 2020, and he proved them wrong. He's right to be proud of accomplishing the impossible. Sorry, though. As the subscribers to Dr. Malone's substack know, they turned out not to be what Trump and the rest of us bargained for.

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My money would be on Ron DeSantis and Dr. Joseph Ladapo. They appear to be a good team and Dr. Ladapo is young enough that he could put in the years necessary to undo what Fauci and others have done. I hope that he would be willing to take on the task.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - this latest piece form Mr Senger, in case you haven't seen it yet: https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/matt-pottinger-the-intelligence-agent?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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That was REALLY interesting. Gave me goose bumps.

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This guy couldn't be more wrong. He thinks the virus comijg from a lab is a crazy conspiracy sowed by the Chinese.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Her own words are shocking even though parts are similar to speculation and those great (few) investigative journalists informing those of us that care enough to read them.

Possible even likely the only reason this kind can sleep at night is that they are evil and they like it.

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