Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I used to work as a faculty member (and had an Assistant Deanship) in a US acredited medical school (until I was terminated for not getting "vaccinated" against COVID). I can relate to the section about medical education. I can tell you that I was appalled the last two times I attended AAMC meetings in 2018 and 2019. This organization, which used to be concerned with excellence in medical education, has become a political instrument. They just talk about "diversity", "inclusiveness", "my doctor looks like me"... and similar BS. They do not care if our medical students become competent doctors.

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The cabal's plan is to get rid of doctors as we know them. They want people to provide their symptoms to AI that will then prescribe pills for them. They want to get rid of pesky human doctors, who have souls and morals, because unlike AI, sometimes they push back and refuse to make people sicker and to even kill them with crap like Remdesivir and AZT.

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and nurse practitioners are everywhere and they are mostly diverse and intersectional

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Death Becomes Us

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And mRNA vaccines, Paxlovid, Malnupirivir… and endless war, economic collapse, mob violence, starvation and in the case of the GOP, running unelectable candidates and obsolete social platforms.

I’m angrier with the GOP than I am with the Dems. The Dems are death , but have game. The GOP is handing them a takeover by doubling down on the unpopular and counterproductive extreme abortion restrictions and bans. If the left wants to delete itself from the gene pool, let them. Otherwise they will delete us.

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My daughter’s commencement ceremony was literally ripped from the Communist Manifesto. All the years of intense study, shadow internship, student loans to become a radiation oncologist… in what feels like the Soviet Union redux.

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The “ Special Guest Speaker” made the whole thing about “ equity, diversity , Israel Aparrheid “ and herself. She was finally cut off . It was despicable. My daughter is Jewish , graduated second in her class and had to endure this shit!

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thank you for keeping it real. I'm ready for some truth and Justice.

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Thank you so much for this edition of your substack. I knew of the Netherland farmers plight and have tried to keep my US friends and family abreast of what that means for us and them. We import food from the Netherlands as well. But I had no idea about the Biden "30x30" plan. It makes sense that he is also in lock-step with the WEF to starve the masses and fatten the globalists but it is hard to keep track of the progress threatening the "common people" on all sides and closing in quickly. I have to say that I would have a hard time voting Trump over Biden--but I will do it just to throw a monkey wrench into the WEF plan and because Biden appears to be one of the first Transhuman models--but Rick DeSantis is looking better and better. I could never have guessed--looking back three years--what strange bedfellows I would have coming from a longtime liberal Dem background!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We love DeSantis in Florida.

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He is fabulous, but flying solo. I wish he’d run on a Unity ticket w/ an outspoken, energetic pragmatic female minority. To beat the Dems, you have to beat them at their own game, but with highly electable candidates that appeal across and outside party lines.

I want to cry when the Republicans are shown lined up in Congress. They’re old, homogenous, primarily male,homely, stern, sexless and so obsolete that I don’t remember people with those haircuts or mode of dress in my 50+ years!

Trump had passed a major piece of legislation that actually had bipartisan support. Criminal Justice Reform.Mitch, Cornyn and Barasso formed a huddle in the Rose Garden to announce it( even though they were fighting bringing it to the floor)

Lou Dobbs, in his signature dry sarcasm showed the footage, “ Look at them. Dragging their feet. This is how they express excitement. Like Troglodytes”

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You were doing well until you mentioned they are all male. I'm fed up with diversity hires and placements. I want the best qualified in the job.

I also don't give a damn about bipartisan support because it no longer means much of anything. The real purpose of an opposition it to be able to point out the obvious flaws and potential harm in the legislation or program. That has long ceased to happen. It's all about political jockeying now and spin.

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here all this time, 60 years, I've been thinking we were a meritocracy.

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Nope. Not since affirmative action.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Oxygen and nitrogen are not greenhouse gases,

If there was no nitrogen in the air, humans, animals and plants would all die. Nitrogen comprises 78% of the earth's atmosphere and it is critically important to all life on earth. Nitrogen is an important part of our bodies.

Nitrogen is transferred to plants, animals, and the environment through the nitrogen cycle.

Scientists believe that most of the nitrogen in the air was carried out from deep inside the earth by volcanoes. The nitrogen molecule is heavier than most other molecules in the atmosphere, so it tends to settle towards the bottom.


Oxygen and nitrogen are not greenhouse gases, because they are transparent to infrared light. These molecules are invisible because when you stretch one, it doesn't change the electric field. These are symmetric molecules, made of two identical atoms whose electric fields just cancel each other out.


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The climate alarmists are some of the most ignorant people I have ever seen. They know nothing about anything.

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correction: 'they know nothing about everything'.

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Correction. They know nothing about anything and are proving themselves a useful tool for a self-fulfilling prophecy

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If we get to Carbon Net Zero”, there will no longer be life on Earth. Essentially, the globalist NWO’s end game is near depopulation of all things living by destroying all things that sustain life. Oxygen,nitrogen,,carbon,hydrogen, natural gas, coal, fossil fuel, phosphorous, animals, vegetables and minerals

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Where did this nitrogen thing come from all of a sudden?

First I heard of it was a few weeks ago, in connection with the Dutch farmers and the overthrow of the Sri Lankan government.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

They are just using anything so they can to grab power....it has been pointed out that The Greenhouse Effect is caused primarily by Water vapor in the Troposphere and is the most powerful greenhouse gas.......

The ocean plays a key role in this vital cycle of water. The ocean holds 97% of the total water on the planet; 78% of global precipitation occurs over the ocean, and it is the source of 86% of global evaporation................. Why? Releasing heat(IR) by evaporation by using water from the oceans, we call it weather and cooling.

"Nuclear explosions, yearly forest fires and volcanoes have no lasting influences on the global weather patterns."

Earth has a self-balancing, self-adjusting, self cleansing mechanism, or “constant,” that keeps Earth’s greenhouse gases in equilibrium....

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The most basic self-balancing, self-adjusting mechanism of the earth is energy transfer in (from the sun) versus energy transfer out (via infrared heat radiation out into space). To maintain a relatively constant global average temperature, out must equal in. If the average temperature of the earth is going up (as measurements indicate), then it must be that more energy has come in from the sun than has radiated back out into space.

A hotter earth radiates more heat back out into space. You could say that the earth is now trying to find a new in/out balance. That's the physics of heat transfer, and its the self-adjusting part. The question is: What caused the imbalance in the first place? The climate change folks say it's the extra heat-trapping greenhouse gasses we emitted into the atmosphere. I guess each person needs to decide if they agree or disagree.

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Number two: Cause and effect: Chaos theory

There has been a blue air mass trough in the middle pacific off the West Coast the past 7 weeks. It is not natural, but man made............................................cause and effect.

Surrounding the mass is a series vortex clockwise rotation of air mass on the West Coast resulting in a drought and Counterclockwise rotation feeding rain to China and causing China's flooding.

Off the East Coast the same type of vortex clockwise rotation of air mass which is resulting in flooding Europe. The USA weather moisture is being blocked on both coasts from coming on shore by geoengineering.

See for yourself:


52 other countries also engage in cloud seeding and weather modification.


For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please follow the links for full documentation:

1. Geoengineering Programs and Weather Modification Experiments,This article lists active geoengineering programs, proposals, experiments, field trials, and weather modification programs worldwide:


2. Weather Modification Laws in the United States of America:


3. Extensive list of Patents:


Here is your "Real Civil rights issue."

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hello there: I have recently been evaluating the claims of Dane Wiggington along with a colleague who has a physics and computer engineering degree. Do you, by chance, happen to have meteorological experience.?

What bothers me is ..where are all the retired meteorologists who are sitting back watching this and just keeping their mouth shut??? Is this that big of a stick to wave around.. wanting to stop the spraying? All I want is to stop the spraying. Next they are going to come out and tell us that the spraying is from the aliens who have taken over our world.

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FYI: other sources............



Figure 1. Eccentricity, caused by gravitational forces from other planets in our solar system, changes the shape of the orbit on a 100,000-year cycle from a circular to a more elliptical shape. Animation by NASA/JPL-Caltech (public domain

Figure 2. Obliquity is the change of the angle of Earth’s axis, which ranges from 22° to 24.5° from normal, and occurs on a 41,000-year cycle. Animation by NASA/JPL-Caltech (public domain).

Figure 3. Precession, commonly called the “wobble” of Earth’s axis, affects the positions in Earth’s orbit at which the Northern and Southern Hemispheres experience summer and winter. Precession changes on an approximately 26,000-year cycle. Animation by NASA/JPL-Caltech (public domain).

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Thanks. Your references should help those who are interested make up their own minds.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

Two things - Number 1 : Variations in the Earth's eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession comprise the three dominant cycles, collectively known as the Milankovitch Cycles for Milutin Milankovitch, the Serbian astronomer and mathematician who is generally credited with calculating their magnitude. Taken in unison, variations in these three cycles creates alterations in the seasonality of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface. These times of increased or decreased solar radiation directly influence the Earth's climate system, thus impacting the advance and retreat of Earth's glaciers.

Changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun and changes in the tilt and wobble of the Earth's axis can lead to cooling or warming of the Earth's climate because they change the amount of energy our planet receives from the sun.


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oh thank you so much. Watching the shift of the North Pole ... since1900 and it's accelerating, Thank you for pointing me toward the MIlankovitch Cycles.

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Changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun and changes in the tilt and wobble of the Earth's axis can lead to cooling or warming of the Earth's climate because they change the amount of energy our planet receives from the sun.


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Same for me. I first heard of it last week with the Dutch farmers' protest. They keep us off balance by jumping from one thing to another.

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can you please explain to me, in all seriousness because I'm trying so hard to not get brainwashed or mass formation psychotic, but can you please explain for me how the melting of the permafrost is not going to be a problem? https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-methane-eruptions-and-imploding-arctic-ice/

I feel bad for asking, but I have several degrees so, I may be disadvantaged. And you raise CO2 level in a greenhouse to make plants grow bigger and greener? is that not correct?? thanks for your patience.

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Alaskan Villages Have Been Sinking Into Permafrost For 70 Years.


1954 Shock News : Melting Permafrost Forced Canada’s Largest Arctic Community To Relocate


1927 Arctic Trip Ruined By Extreme Heat, Fires And Melting Permafrost


Understanding Permafrost Melt

Temperatures in Siberia are running thirty to fifty degrees below zero, which represents ideal conditions for a massive meltdown and release of hot air from Doha.


1944 Shock News : Permafrost Melting “as far as the eye can see”


Thanksgiving Week Shock News : Canada’s Largest Arctic City Being Relocated Due To Melting Permafrost - 1954


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The benefits of carbon dioxide supplementation on plant growth and production within the greenhouse environment have been well understood for many years.

Plants need CO2 to live, 1500ppm is a good level used in the Greenhouse industry all the time.

The average level of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 300 PPM (parts per million). If the level decreases down below 200 PPM in an enclosed growing area, plant growth slows to a halt. Through the years of testing and research, the optimum enrichment level of CO2 for plant growth has been agreed to be about 1500 PPM.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential component of photosynthesis (also called carbon assimilation). Photosynthesis is a chemical process that uses light energy to convert CO2 and water into sugars in green plants. These sugars are then used for growth within the plant, through respiration.

The difference between the rate of photosynthesis and the rate of respiration is the basis for dry-matter accumulation (growth) in the plant. In greenhouse production the aim of all growers is to increase dry-matter content and economically optimize crop yield. CO2 increases productivity through improved plant growth and vigour. Some ways in which productivity is increased by CO2 include earlier flowering, higher fruit yields, reduced bud abortion in roses, improved stem strength and flower size. Growers should regard CO2 as a nutrient.

For the majority of greenhouse crops, net photosynthesis increases as CO2radiatio. levels increase from 340–1,000 ppm (parts per million). Most crops show that for any given level of photosynthetically active n (PAR), increasing the CO2 level to 1,000 ppm will increase the photosynthesis by about 50% over ambient CO2 levels. For some crops the economics may not warrant supplementing to 1,000 ppm CO2 at low light levels. For others such as tulips, and Easter lilies, no response has been observed.

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Plants regard CO2 as a nutrient.

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The reason why the CO2 atmosphere theory can never work is that the Ocean-atmosphere interface controls the amount of CO2 in air – a warmer ocean (which holds 50x more CO2 than the atmosphere) emits CO2 and vice versa.

Here is one more good recent example of the CO2 outgassing from the Ocean.

"CO2 concentrations up to 95,000 ppm bubbling out of the ocean floor.

More than 200 times the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (just over 400 ppm)  … and we’re worried about the puny amount that humans emit?

Press release from the University of Texas on 22 Jan 2020:


Science Alert article:


If for some reason the above video doesn’t play, you can also see it here:


1. Arctic Ocean almost totally ice-covered – Map


2. Underwater Volcanoes Heating the Arctic Ocean


3. Methane fountains more than one-half-mile across.



4. Arctic Temperatures Daily Mean Temperatures North of 80 degrees North.



5. Both Arctic & Antarctic Sea Ice Now at Historic HIGH Levels.



6.  Submarines in trouble in the Arctic due to ice.


7. New Antarctic heat map reveals hot spots beneath the ice.

The map was published last week (13 Nov 2017) in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.  


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So glad you answered her. Good work.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Polar Meltdown

The current Greenland warming, while not yet quite matching the temperatures of 70 years ago …..

– Walt Meier NSIDC

“Examination of several proxy records (e.g., sediment cores) of sea ice indicate ice-free or near ice-free summer conditions for at least some time during the period of 15,000 to 5,000 years ago”

– Walt Meier NSIDC

CLEVELAND, Feb. 16 (A.A.P.) Dr. William S. Carlson, an Arctic expert, said to-night that the Polar icecaps were melting at an astonishing and unexplained rate and were threatening to swamp seaports by raising the ocean levels.

Leading Arctic expert from 1953

The glaciers of Norway and Alaska are only half the size they were 50 years age. The temperature around Spitsbergen has so modified that the sailing time has lengthened from three to eight months of the year,”

Leading Arctic expert from 1952

LONDON (A.P.).-The earth is getting warmer. The oceans are getting deeper. The glaciers are getting smaller. Even the fish are changing their way of life.

All this and more is going on because of a vast, unaccountable, century-by-century change, in climate. In his study at Bedford College in London, Britain’s distinguished geographer, Professor Gordon Manley, is worrying about it.

Leading geographer from 1950

Dr. Ahlman urged the establishment of an international agency to study conditions on a global basis. Temperatures had risen 10 degrees since 1900. The navigable season along Western Spitzbergen now last- ed eight months instead of three.

Leading Arctic expert from 1947

it was concluded that near Polar temperatures are on an average six degrees higher than those registered by Nansen 40 years ago. Ice measurements were on an average only 6½ feet against from 9¼ to 13 feet.

Russian report from 1940

The Norwegian, Captain Wiktor Arnesen, who has just returned from the Arctic, clains to have discovered an island 12 miles in circumference near the Franz Joseph Island, in latitude 80.40. He says that the island previously was hidden by an iceberg between 70 and 80 feet high, which has melted, showing the exceptional nature of the recent thawing in the Arctic.

The Courier-Mail Monday 6 May 1940

By far the largest number of local glaciers in north-east Greenland had receded very greatly during recent decades, and it would not be exaggerating to say that these glaciers were nearing a catastrophe.


In Alaska glaciers had been retreating from 100 to 200 years, the average rate of recession being about 50 feet a year. The Antarctic ice- sheet also showed signs of recent retreat.

“In fact,” said Professor Speight, “no case is recorded of a region of the world in which there are present signs of an advance.

The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 13 January 1939

Glacier Bay was first surveyed in detail in 1794 by a team from the H.M.S. Discovery, captained by George Vancouver. At the time the survey produced showed a mere indentation in the shoreline. That massive glacier was more than 4,000 feet thick in places, up to 20 miles wide, and extended more than 100 miles to the St. Elias mountain range.

By 1879, however, naturalist John Muir discovered that the ice had retreated more than 30 miles forming an actual bay. By 1916, the Grand Pacific Glacier – the main glacier credited with carving the bay – had melted back 60 miles to the head of what is now Tarr Inlet.


Norwegian report from 1923




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Allow me to add that Greenland was once much warmer. It had a colony on it from Norway that settled there. This colony (952-1500) thrived on Greenland during a warming period.


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The Climate is always changing: It has been warming for 10000 years.

The last ice age almost all of Canada, along with parts of  Europe and Asia, were buried beneath one to two miles of ice. At the  same time, sea levels stood 350 to 400 feet lower than today.

Sea levels were so low that the entire continental shelf, at least ineastern North America, was above water. Many states on the eastern seaboard were twice as big as today. New Jersey’s shoreline, for example, stood 60 to 100 miles east of its present location.

Why were sea levels so low? Because that’s where the water came from to create those huge ice sheets. Literally millions of cubic miles of water had turned to ice.

Then, about 10,000 years ago, the ice began to melt and sea levels began to rise.

Glaciers extended over much of Europe during the last ice age...Maps...https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/glaciers-extended-over-much-europe-during-last-ice-age

During the last age, ending about 20,000 years ago, glaciers extended over much of northrn Europe and also over much of Canada and some of the northern United States. This map shows Europe during its last glaciation, about 20,000 to 70,000 years before present, in northern Europe called Weichselian Glaciation, in the Alpine Region Würm Glaciation.



Global sea level during the Last Glacial Period


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Did you mention the Little Ice Age that occurred in Europe and North American during the Medieval period and lasted up to the 19th century.


"Proxy records showed that mountain glaciers grew during the Little Ice Age at several locations—including the European Alps, New Zealand, Alaska, and the southern Andes—and mean annual temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere fell by 0.6 °C (1.1 °F) relative to the average temperature between 1000 and 2000 CE. Proxy records collected from western Greenland, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and western North America point to several cool episodes, lasting several decades each, when temperatures dropped 1 to 2 °C (1.8 to 3.6 °F) below the thousand-year averages for those areas. These regional temperature declines, however, rarely occurred at the same time. In addition, temperatures of other regions (such as in eastern China and in the Andes Mountains of South America) were fairly stable, while still other regions (such as southern Europe, North America’s Mississippi Valley, and parts of Africa and Asia) became drier, with droughts lasting several years at a time.

So what caused the Little Ice Age? It was likely a combination of factors that included long periods of low sunspot activity (which reduced the amount of solar energy that reached Earth), the effects of explosive volcanic eruptions, and drastic changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (the irregular fluctuation of atmospheric pressure over the North Atlantic Ocean)."

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fabulous!! You really are a whirlwind!! Just stopped listening to you LIVE on CHD.TV finding this brilliant substack article!!

For all who didn’t/couldn’t listen to this wonderful interview, here you go, enjoy: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/doctors-and-scientists-with-brian-hooker-phd

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well farming is in my blood. My dad started out renting 25 acres to farm and built it into a large farming production. He was hard working and an honest man. Dad would buy a new car and pay cash for it. He would then drive it until it would drive no more and the buy a new one paying cash. I have put messages out to my nephew who now runs the farm and a friend who has a large potato farm. So when I hear back from them I can give more information on that.

During the recession in 2008 my son in law was a successful mortgage broker. He had a partner who embezzled a lot of money from him. The housing market crashed and he lost everything. His house, his cars , his business . Their family moved next door into our sons house in the basement apartment. My sons wife was disabled from a terrible car wreck. That’s why my son and his family lived next door so that I could help her. I loved having my children and grandchildren around but didn’t love the circumstances . Hard times.

I say get out of debt now. As best you can. We have our house payment and my husband had to get a new (used) truck as his old one bit the dust. He is set to retire in January but now we are not sure given the coming circumstances.

People get some food stored as best as you can. Grow a garden or plant pots on your balconies. Use heirloom seed so you can gleen the seeds from the plants.

Store some water. One thing we do is when we use up a jug of juice, we fill it up with water. If you are on city water you have chlorine in it but if you have your own well use a bit of Clorox bleach . Just plane bleach. How can you survive with out power. There is all this talk about blackouts. Do you have a generator and fuel for it. You could get a portable solar system . I made our portable solar system. I just studied about it on line.

In the 80’s , I don’t remember what year as I was young raising my family, there was a terrible drought in I believe Ethiopia. The people were starving. In America there was a glut of wheat and and they disposing of it. That upset me terribly. I did some checking and wrote to my legislature about sending the wheat to Ethiopia. I was checking into transporting by ship or airplane. My legislature wrote back stating that the factions fighting over there would take the food and the people would not get it. I checked with the Growers Association . Nothing! No one would even help and here were people dying. Bureaucrats!

We need to take care of ourselves and not depend on the government. Be independent .

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Thank you for this - great advice.

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I heard back from my nephew. He said in March diesel cost him $33,000 to fill his farm tank. In June it cost him $47,000 to fill the farm tank. They are pushing forward. My nephew said a big problem they are having is finding parts. He needed a part to fix a tractor but the local parts store didn’t have the part. He asked the man in the parts store to phone around to see if there were any places that might have the part. The store owner said no one is selling parts to farmers outside of their area. My nephew asked the store owner to give him a few places to call. The first place said they were not selling to anyone out of their area. He called the next number. That store said he had 2 and would sell my nephew one of them. My nephew told me that he was worried that he would have to drive to Colorado to get a part telling them he had a farm over the hill. Thankfully he was able to get the part. I think the farmers are just trying to do the best they can to produce a crop. What will happen down the road I just don’t know. This is their lively hood . It has been a part of our life for generations. Then you get Gates who thinks he is God. So terrible.

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Know exactly what your nephew is speaking about...Fertilizer overhead this year is epic. Never imagined the current situation and thank God farming isn't the only source of income. GREAT ADVISE. God Bless and Keep You and Yours.

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The Bilderberg Group.

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I almost included this in today's news round-up. But will get these names out - there are some "doozies" on the list this year! https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/press/press-release/participants

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Thanks Dr. Malone. Patrick M. Wood's 'Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order' is an exceptional book of great importance. It is probably the quickest onramp I know of for people trying to get to grips with what we are dealing with. Daniel Estulin's The Bilderberg Group, while depressing, is also invaluable. It provides many answers. These globalist groups are all connected, of course, but I have come to believe the Bilderbergers are closer to the center of it than the WEF. Curiously, one can find the fingerprints of Henry Kissinger and the late David Rockefeller almost everywhere. As always, thanks for all that you do.

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Have hated the Rockefeller name ever since the 1964 election. He, Javits, Romney and Keating were the original RINOs

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Rockerfellow foundation owns chemotherapy patent. You want to know why there is no cure for cancer at least non that people can get. There is your answer.

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Dr. Malone, I'm sure it was a mundane conference, where our betters simply discussed the best way to cull the herd of dairy men after they cull the dairy herd.

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If the CIA is at the meeting…

…it is a CIA operation

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Why was Henry, Mary Kay (USA), International President, Service Employees International Union there?

CIA in a meeting with SEIU, what could go wrong?

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Kinda like Uranium One, Pfizer, Moderna, Tik-Tok,Raytheon, Better Than Meat , Soylent Green, Josef Goebbels and Klaus Schwab

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Kim Iversen of “ Rising” named names in a podcast during this year’s Bilderberg event. When Krysten Sinema was uncloaked, I felt gutted. She was seemingly the last Dem holdout. Nary a single major media outlet or elected official has made any mention!

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And it’s newest member… drumroll… the “ moderate”Krysten Sinema!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I keep thinking that there will be “the shot heard around the world” and the revolution will spread like the Spanish Flu. We can see it, do something, come together. Unfortunately I think the revolution will not be displayed on tv or any other accessible media platform. If the revolution is happening as we speak, we are not being informed, nor can we talk about it with one another. We are right now in a media blackout.

I noticed something when watching the news in the years beginning in roughly 2000. In my childhood, teen years, young adults I could turn on the main tv stations at 6pm and each would have a different top story of the day, what they thought was important. In the 1990s things started changing. The stories were the same on all the stations, it was just a switching of positions of the days headlines. I began to focus more and more on the videos presented. One every channel they were the same video. At the time tv was cutting costs, and news agencies were cutting to the bone to remain afloat. When you have various reporters covering an event you would expect the videos to be different. The media setup in the same place and do an introduction then the video would come on. The video was the same on ABC,CBS,NBC. To me it meant a couple of things, laziness by the media, getting a message about what to cover, how to cover it and what video supports your stance. I started pointing out to my husband as we flipped channels during the news. Another thing, commercial run the same time on all channels.

Media began treating the population as children not capable of understanding the complex relationships whether in jobs, schooling, businesses, war, and so on. Instead of heroes in our own lives we became victims. We were victims, of our environment, our schooling, our communities, of the government state, local and federal. Road blocks by state, local and federal governments were implemented to stamp out families, social interaction, communities, and resourcefulness. Edict from the government made us more dependent on them and less on ourselves. Now when someone does something different, unique, thinking outside the box, they better be willing to take the bump and bruises. They better be able to handle being de-platformed and have their audience follow them wherever they go.

My current rules of the road.(I live in the country and I am retired.)

If you are thinking of retiring maybe go part time. Lots of retired people need that part-time job. Whether because their retirement isn’t enough or because they need the mental stimulation.

Volunteer in your community if you can.

help kids in schools, whether it is stopping by and paying for a week of meals, buying a t shirt to support the band, or see what they need.

Stay fit, find an exercise that you like and do it. Get DVDs from the library for a change. Look into the YMCA or community center for classes.

If you are a lot younger and lack support from family it is going to be harder, and more difficult. There are a lot of people out there who are doing the best that they can with what is in front of them. They may have a lot of sorrow, pain, anger, rage within themselves that they are barely hanging in there. A kind work or mutual joke can and does make a difference.

What you see on tv is not real for a majority of people out there. They are trying to sell you something telling you it will be better if you have XYZ. It doesn’t and puts you into debt. You are going to have to determine for yourself what is a want verses what is a need. You need to pay rent, no the stiletto heels are not going to help you make money. And why are fashion houses trying to make women all vulnerable and look like hookers? Explain that?

We are all losing ground. Politically, financially, socially, education wise, work wise. No one has any idea of how to stop it. And maybe, the powers that be want it that way.

If you can find good friends, a decent job, health insurance, a second income, a smart way of looking at the world, stock up on food, water, wool blankets, help others on occasion, do it.

Life is not fair. We don’t need participation trophies, we need to up our game. Take personal responsibility, work, find something we are really good at and do it. Playing video games is a distraction. It is not all day work.

Get outside.

Get a trade rather than a degree. Once you get that trade, you can go anywhere and make money, be self sufficient, and travel if you so desire. You know that fly over part of the USA, really nice people, lots of common sense, good folks, very interesting, so are some of the smaller southern towns.

Have a savings account, a backup for your computer, iPhone, tablet. Have a get out bag, get a container to catch rainwater. Check out second hand stores, used equipment, not everything needs to be new. (Yes to new underwear)

Is it going to get rough, yes, will I make it? I don’t know, no one does. Do I see everyday people scaling way back on extras, yup. I am thinking xmas this year to be only for kids, not adults. Chip in when you can. Learn to cook. Enjoy reading.

Most importantly a good laugh and a good cry never hurt anyone.

We will get through this, and what stories will we be able to tell.

Much love to you all.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. One of the best things I ever did for my mental health was to stop watching the evening news, especially on the traditional mainstream platforms. It's mostly sound-bite style propaganda and commercial advertising, neither of which is pursuing an agenda that's good for us, in my opinion.

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It’s awful. The MSM spews it’s CIA/Corporate Fed Echo Chamber Propaganda and Fox/Newsmax spews it’s version of limited, often incorrect and truncated nonsense back at them. What’s missing from the entire scope of theatrics is actual news, factual, complete news and expose’, global events minus the stupid, counterproductive ideological dogma.

Never imagined Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Kim Iversen, Bret Weinstein, Neil Oliver, Drs Malone, Risch, Ladapo, Buttacharaya,McCullough,Kory, Epoch Times, Naomi Wolf,Glenn Beck, Daniel Greenfield,Asra Nomani,Lex Friedman, Revolver, RION and Uber-abrasive Michael Savage would basically exposing the whole damned system in perfect, factual alignment

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Great post - thank you.

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Excellent! Golden Rule should be paraphrased too: don’t do anything to anyone that you wouldn’t want them to do to you. A corollary I learned early in my working life: if you make dog food, you must eat it too. And finally, do not spend other people’s money!

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent review.

Several observations:

1) Rutte (Dutch PM) is the reincarnation of Anton Mussert. The similarity is striking. Anton ended in front of a firing squad. Rutte and Trudeau are the "chosen men" of techno-fascist, Klaus Schwab, and they were obviously chosen to implement more of Davos Man's Great Rest;

2) It is too late to save the medical education system - indeed, the entire health care system - IMO. Complete collapse is close and the good news is that building anew may allow the profession to return to its pro-Human origins (it has become an ANTI-Human force in my time). Sadly, with its unswerving commitment to agendas OTHER THAN actual healthcare - "wokeness", "evidence-based medicine", pharmacentric therapies, corporate and government manipulation, and disease creation and maintenance - it is doomed (as are many, many of the patients it purports to serve). The fact that all (most) of academia and their oh-so-trusting students and colleagues are continuing to "boost" themselves into oblivion may be our salvation;

3) Beware of DeSantis. He is as manipulative as DJT, but much younger and brighter, IMO. Should he make it to DC, you will see a huge increase in funding for the Military Industrial Complex, Police, Prison Industrial Complex, and our good friends in Israel (to where he traveled and promised enduring fealty and funding when he first began his term). He would undoubtedly continue the foreign policies of the Empire and the Administrative and Corporatist States;

4) The largest polluter on the planet is the US military (the entire MIC complex). There is never mention of that nor move to address it. Of course, this will never happen as long as existing corrupt institutions continue as they are today.

Thanks for all you do, Dr. M!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, I’m a broken record, but for DeSantis, where the hell is the GOP re: WEF, Bilderberg,Atlantic Council, Brookings Institute,Aspen, Rockefeller/Ford/Tides Foundations,Getty/Guggenheim/Teneo/Soros and his myriad “NGOs”, Gates/Apple/BLM/ANtifa,BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet, David Gergen,Larry Summers,Bloomberg -Bloomberg School Of Medicine/McKinsey/Morgan Stanley/,Carlyle/JPMorgan,Deborah Birx, Biden siphoning tax dollars through the UN to fund migrant caravans, “ Catholic Charities”, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood??? Biden’s entire effing admin!

Why are they silent on Brian Deese’s BlackRock history? WEF “ Young Global Leaders” BlinkenNewsom,Castro,Buttegieg,Nuland,Wen,Pritzker,Kendi,Gates,Zuck,BLM co-founder Alana Garza,Pfizer’s Bourla, Moderna’s Bancel,Sanjay Gupta, Hotez,Anderson Cooper, Stephanopoulis,Vivek Murthy,Nikki Haley,Chelsea Clinton ,Fareed Zakaria,Huma Abedin- their foreign puppet counterparts, NZ Ardern,France Macron,Netherlands Rutte, Canada Trudeau and worse still, Chrystia Freeland, EU Juncker,>

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Might the broad nonchalance over these topics suggest that we do, in fact, have a uniparty with two slightly different flavors to choose from?

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The commenters on Dr. Malone’s site are the best of America, regardless of personal or partisan ideology. The best proof of how functional a “ We The People Party” would be. This is a testament to unity regarding a topic affecting us all brings us together.

Had anybody inferred I’d engage w/Russell Brand,Kim Iversen,Jimmy Dore,Krystal Ball, Naomi Wolf, Glenn Greenwald, Brett Weinstein and others who were way left ( at the time), Id have said” stick it!”.

Or I’d have the opportunity to engage w/Gal Saad,Lara Logan,Sharyl Attkisson,Diana West,Dan Greenfield,Asra Nomani,AndrewKlavan,Dave Rubin,Isaiah Washington,Zudhi Jasser,Dave Reaboi,Jim Hanson.. Jordan Peterson, Doug Murray,People I’ve long admired, I wouldn’t believe it.

Had anybody indicated I’d be able to communicate with the most esteemed( prior to the Covid Con) in the medical arts and research community,I’d have replied” yeah, in a parallel universe!”.

Had anybody suggested Joe Rogan,Lex Fridman,Glenn Beck. RION Network podcasts, I wouldn’t have put aside the time.

BUT - had anybody told me not only would I find them all incredibly bright, non-combative and our differences paled in comparison to our agreements and willingness to share our thoughts enlightening. Amazingly, we cut through the morass, unencumbered by partisanship, race, creed, religion, cultural background, sexuality, age and socio-economic bracket.

Imagine what a groundswell movement of open-minded Americans could achieve if we were an organized voice and presence.Insted of the divisive right/left lockstep stagnant idiocy.

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Yearly , working in a hospital, it’s called diversity and equity training . You have to do a mandatory computer module. My son is in medical school , has the same thing . Dr. Malone I’m so glad you are unveiling the corruption. Thanks.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So glad to get today’s substack. With lots of issues I’ve been troubling over too.

The Netherlands Situation is appalling.

The “New World Order” lot are incredibly shortsighted in their lust for Power, Control and (their) Wealth. We (who survive) are to be the transhumans they program and otherwise control to serve their appetites. That we haven’t anticipated and organized to combat this insanity is frightening.

The US Situation

I’m not impressed with the effectiveness of our federal and state (think California in particular) management of Public Lands. They have as I recall placed constraints on grazing, oil exploration, forest management - and more?

I am very concerned about the ultimate goals of the Gates, CCP holdings. Gates seems more interested in population reduction and feeding us fake foods, bugs and larvae than following traditional operations. He says farmers can stay on their land - but under what terms?

An article today “Ranchers Are Selling Off Their Cattle In Unprecedented Numbers Due To The Drought, And That Has Enormous Implications For 2023" implies major opportunities for acquisitions by Gates and/or this Administration.

American’s Financial Condition

Yet another crisis the Globalists and this Administration surely wont let go to waste.

You are so right, chicanery will be the order of the day to keep the public off balance and ignorant of the planned trajectory.

Medical Education and the future of the profession

HHS/NIH/Fauci have dealt Doctors a severe blow. The “stand by silent,” when there should have been compassionate early treatment, has severely damaged doctor - patient relations.

Have been reading the book you recommended “First Do No Harm.” It is alarming! Add the Wokeness and it’s a Witches brew for the profession. With Amazon offering medical services and Pharmacists prescribing Paxlovid ugly change is on its way. Got so “ ” I posted my opposition on Gettr. If the lot don’t get back to providing traditional medicine I predict there will be a devastated practice available to them with a greatly reduced clientele.

Trump and DeSantis

I will gladly do my best to support either or both. They love our America, its founding and its people. I’m very satisfied that both would pursue what is best for us. We are lucky to have such great opportunities.

Loved your suggestions and take heart with them. As Ever - Love you and Dr. Jill and am so very glad you are here to facilitate our reflections. Thank You!

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These protected lands will not be “public”…

…unless China decides to open them up

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What we can do, and must do is stop using the products that contain glyphosate. It is so widely used that we are experiencing unprecedented illness across the globe. Again, listen to Dr. Zack Bush as he has been working with farmers all over the globe on how to farm organically. The pesticide levels in the air, water and soil affect everything. Of course we are being pointed in the wrong direction by the lack of integrity substituted by money, power hungry and all out corruption. Hungry is what we will be left with if we don't wake up!

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I find this era all so confusing. So many things I believed in, like saving the environment and helping address racism, now appear to be based on harmful, orchestrated agendas by an unelected body. But aren't those things still worthy of our support? I believe they are but there must be a balance. A lot of it has to do with these decisions and mandates and laws being made outside of public debate. I do believe it's true that people who are racially marginalized are often the poorest with the least access to power or influence, and that their life expectancies are lower because of the stress of always living on the edge and never feeling like they can get ahead. You've raised so many interesting points and I can't address them all here but about the farmers and nitrogen. - I did a little research into carbon sequestration a few years ago. This is a farming method that uses ground cover and diverse crops to build diversity of organic matter in the soil, and crop rotation for better drainage, production, and diversity generally draws down carbon from the air where we don't want it and returns it to the soil where we need it. I can't explain it but I thought the nitrogen-laden fertilizers were harmful in interfering with the natural balance of nutrients in the soil as well as being harmful for the atmosphere. Shouldn't we do what we can to move away from commercial fertilizers and correct this balance? I believe we do need to remedy the harm we've done to the planet and our ecosystem but it must be done with support and democratic transitional planning so that people aren't left in limbo by having their industry decimated on account of other public policies - in this case - environmental policies. For sure I don't want the WEF making these decisions so I guess thats the most important factor to address, and then work to rebuild respectful public discourse to figure out the best way to move through these challenges.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Author

I actually don't disagree with you on much of what you have written. But to think that we can continue to feed the world, while removing 30% of land from agriculture and cutting back fertilizer is a recipe for complete disaster. As what happened in Sri Lanka.

Can we do better? Absolutely - but these agricultural practices were forced on farmers in the 1960s and 1970s (Earl Butts - go big or get out). Now they want to remove the very same practices that drove the family farm out of existence and replace it with systems that don't work for industrialized agriculture. It is crazy.

Just to say it - much of the soil in the midwest was depleted long ago (the dust bowl)- rebuilding that soil will take many decades.

Furthermore, having the WEF and UN make these decisions - including deciding for the whole world what is diversity, inclusiveness, etc. - is the absolute opposite of diversity of culture. It is making all cultures homogeneous.

Deciding what monetary systems, governmental systems, pronouns, gender pronouns, making all nations be responsible for a living wage of all humans for the whole world? That is agenda 2030.

The 100% support of 2030 by the democratic party has me absolutely baffled. The fact that the uniparty (most of republicans) also support it - also has me baffled...

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What I can’t wrap my head around is the absolute silence related to the greatest existential threats we’ve ever faced. And how we are literally teetering on the precipice .

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There has to be a transitional period where we phase out old and harmful ways of farming, and support farmers through the transition. I read the book 'The soil will save us" and learned that we may be able to regererate even very depleted soils and make them productive. In the meantime, I don't understand what the rush is to make sudden and sweeping cuts in our use of nitrogen fertilizers. Even carbon reduction goals of the past 30 years have never been so ambitious.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for giving props to DeSantis!! He is flying solo and is remarkably strong. He’ll need to shift to a more moderate social stance and broaden the tent by leaning Independent to build momentum.The GOP is as much an albatross as Biden. Trump has become an anvil.Note that with all Trump’s attacks, not once has he called out the WEF “ Great Reset” , UN or convergence of global events!

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Farming is a low producer of pollution compared to most industries. Most farming captures Co2.

The Nitrogen hoax: Just a power grab with no science.

Are nitrogen oxides greenhouse gases? Neither nitric oxide nor nitrogen dioxide are greenhouse gases.....


Nitrogen oxides are produced naturally by lightning, and also, to a small extent, by microbial processes in soils.


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