
my I-watch just alerted me that my heart rate went above 120 as I recorded the essay. This one was truly from the heart.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Grief upon grief. Your poignant essay brought tears to my eyes. Your question at the end, "But who will be left to stand up and speak for the dead and the damaged?" reminded me, that is why I keep posting truth on Facebook, even though it seems no one wants to see it. I don't know if FB is censoring or if the average person is only interested in recipes, pets and grandchildren. That is why I continue to bring up these issues in conversations. If we do all we can and still lose the battle, at least we will have clear consciences. Your efforts have encouraged many and enlightened many. Thank you.

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I wanted to cry 😭 So many victims from these evil people. They think erasure will wipe truth away. We have all been played, but those who sold out, like the Frontiers have BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

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Here is Sean's dad grieving the death of his son Sean after he secretly took Pfizer so he could play hockey. It's an example of what Dr Malone has spoken about. Lives ruined. https://twitter.com/Answers4Sean/status/1612474970340302848?s=20

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This is Ernesto Ramirez, whose son was the first I knew of to die from the Pfizer vaccine, in April of 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGEOw_bAqkc

Sometimes I don't think I can bear it anymore. This morning I saw this verse and it comforted me. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled." I hunger for people to be reconciled to God so that they will be eternally safe. I hunger for righteous people to rise up and demand a stop to this evil, satanic agenda. If I continue to aggravate people with the truth, maybe some will eventually listen. I'm considering purchasing multiple copies of Ed Dowd's excellent book, Cause Unknown and giving it to any who will accept it. If the data there don't convince people, they are truly hypnotized.

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Amen Anne, I completely agree with you. I try to talk and inform people as much as I can, especially uninformed parents. Thank you for your efforts, you sound like a wonderful person…

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Keep going because I know we are making a difference! My pregnant niece was being pressured by her vaccinated family, including her husband, to get the jab. She had been trying to have a baby for ten years! Because of the things I post on Facebook, she reached out to me and I was able to encourage her to stand firm and refuse. Now she has a beautiful, healthy little boy! I'm not claiming credit for her decision to refuse, but I know I had a part in it. I had a mild case of covid in February and my husband has a mild case now. I delight in telling people we are taking ivermectin. We got suspicious early on when the "experts" started saying hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. We took it for months while in Africa. At first we were just waiting to get the vaccine, but the more we learned, the more we were certain we would not get it. I'm so thankful we found the good doctors and scientists who told us the truth. Now you and I are part of the truth telling community. My husband is the scientist and I am the activist, ha ha. My faith won't allow me to be silent.

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That is so wonderful. Could you please tell your friend that I will say a prayer for her and her family. It’s so nice to hear good news once in a while. My wife is a nurse at a major hospital in Boston. She operates on children and has been forced to take two shots or lose her job. They were going to make her take a third and then, for now, stopped the mandate. At this point we have decided no more. In the beginning it was unknown now we will move so she will not have to take it. I don’t know if you follow Naomi Wolf. She is a huge advocate for women and is how I got on the sub stack road. Politically, in her past life, I never would have known her. She was cancelled by her colleagues and now has a new outlook on people like me☺️, a calloused hand contractor/carpenter. Funny how people get connected these days. I wish you and your family health!!!

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Just went through the series of videos you posted, absolutely awesome!!! Loved Crystia Freeland try to explain her complete theft of 2 billion dollars from the tax payers of Canada. Seems to be the normal evil that has swept through our countries and politicians. Tyranny and greed has taken hold.

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Take care of yourself. We need you. Beautiful article.

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In preparation to meet "ALL" challenges on the New Frontier. A deep reach into the tool box for things you never dreamed you would ever need to survive.

The greatest one having the power of free speech and a greater knowledge of an English language to power greater awareness.

You are indeed tapping into the realms of enlightenment with facts and thoughts such as these. "The force is strong with this one" ! Luvuman!

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... or - perhaps - the haccine caught up with you?

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time to feed the horses

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Churchill was absolutely right about a lot of things.

This quote in particular:

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”

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I imagine that brought the pulse & BP down. I'm always helped by our dogs, in this regard.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The $3 Trillion spent in the US on "covid" could have funded a trust account for each and every American baby born over the past three years in the amount of about $275,000 each. Instead we spent it on propaganda, pharmaceuticals that didn't work, PPE that didn't work, lockdowns, stimulus that caused inflation, and so forth.

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And if that trust account only managed an average of 6% annually, it would be worth $966,451.93 when the recipient turns 21... Just imagine that world in comparison to the aftermath of our national covid response debacle and $3T essentially vanished....

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Not to forget the fact that stellar futuristic landscapes of self sustaining eco-cities could have been established on each coastline, to insure wellness and trust to both humanity and the planets continuum for peace and prosperity and abundant answers that solve and not create new problems. Where we test for intelligence, not planned bio-leaked micro-brewed virus.

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Realizing that government doesn't care about you is a hard lesson, but one of the most important ones that people can learn.

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023
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Our enemy is not our government. We need government. We need government to be good.


And since it is not, government is our enemy.

The only solution is to strictly limit government to its Constitutional powers. I will come to the defense of government when it has earned my defense -- I will not defend our corrupt government simply because it might at some point be different in the future (and only if we actually hold it to account and not stick up for it).

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have posted this before. Its a piece of a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1787. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. How absolutely brilliant and refreshing!!!

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Yep. It's been a long time since we've used the tar and feathers, and it shows. Hopefully we learned enough to 'get back to basics' without bloodshed........

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Yes, not sure how this will all pan out. I’m preying for something peaceful and very large to happen. TRUTH

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Government: a necessary evil.

One only has to look back at the 20th century to see how many millions of people were ruthlessly murdered by their own governments, institutions they blindly trusted to protect them. We are fools to think things have changed for the better.

Our federal Constitution grants very limited enumerated powers to the federal government. It has grown into an all powerful monster that needs to be tranquillized, lassoed and caged within the bounds of the Constitution. The WEF is a cult leading the entire world toward Jamestown. While it should be shocking to realize how many world leaders, organizations and citizens have been caught up in this wicked nonsense, it’s really nothing new under the sun. Be prepared for the worst is yet to come!

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I think that George said this to Ben as they were tossing around ideology at some regular large tabled get together in 1775. But don't quote me on that. You nailed it.

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It was a letter from Jefferson to John Adams through JohnAdams son in law. He had received a draft of the constitution (I think revised) and at one point talks of rebellions every 20 years. The tree of liberty statement sometimes gives me goose bumps. The thought of a government truly controlled by the people intrigues me, and what I fear we have lost.

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Government was ordained by God to protect the rights God gave to man via a system of justice. Government is not its employees. It is a framework for establishing restrictions to sustain the liberties of the individual. God also requires man to form only just governments and to disassemble those that are not..

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Government is not an autonomous entity. It is us. We installed it, and individuals among us support it. The real failure is us. The real enemy is human nature, which can't be changed, but can be controlled. We create governments to suppress human nature. Blaming government for our problems doesn't change us, or protect us. It is the direct result of us and our neighbors. We need to change our neighbors to make them willing to demand cooperation, both with government and with each other. It's how civilizations work.without it, civilization will certainly collapse.

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"We create governments to suppress human nature." True - framework to restrict (and punish) those that infringe on the rights of others: human nature being what it is. When Close To The People it works. Far away bureaucracy, by its nature, is problematic to the notion of self-government.. 1926 Calvin Coolidge when president of William and Mary College - "No method of procedure has ever been devised by which liberty could be divorced from local self-government." TRUE. "No plan of centralization has ever been adopted which did not result in bureaucracy, tyranny, inflexibility, reaction, and decline. Of all forms of government, those administered by bureaus are about the least satisfactory to an enlightened and progressive people. Being irresponsible they become autocratic, and being autocratic they resist all development. Unless bureaucracy is constantly resisted it breaks down representative government and overwhelms democracy. It is the one element in our institutions that sets up the pretense of having authority over everybody and being responsible to nobody."

We the people lost control with our second president - when the third branch failed to nullify the Sedition Act. Thomas Jefferson "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

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Florida proved the value of the 10th amendment. We need more states to assert their independence, and to work to reduce federal authorities. Start with their budgets.

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Absolutely. Manage budget; become sovereign taking increasingly less from the feds; continue to fight Feds in court (my state), protect citizens from ESG (my state), lower income tax (my state 2022), prohibit mandatory jabs, etc.

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023
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A Texas legislator is proposing a law that only requires passing the Bar to practice law in Texas. No law school requirement. I like that for many reasons not the least being that it does not require a law degree to read and understand the Constitution we were gifted. Nor do I believe that it should require a law degree to understand laws passed by our legislators, to read a contract, or understand an insurance policy. I feel that the legal profession has hijacked our Republic. It would be safe to say that today the concept of justice has lost its way in our courts where only the"Rule of Law", i.e. rules written by lawyers, has precedence. And when a SCOTUS chief justice can, for purely political reasons, fabricate from whole cloth a tax in a patently unconstitutional fashion, then hubris indeed is ruling our courts and the body of law has finally been decoupled from our Constitution. This proposed law putting the practice of law, and control of our Constitution, back in the hands of us commoners could be a first step in the people taking back our Republic from its usurpers.

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I think G. Carlin said it pretty well. It's a club...and you ain't in it.

(a case of who you know....never what you know for sure.)

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The same is true for most 'professions', unfortunately.

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Yeah. Mainly law schools teach legalese, a synonym for obfuscation. The greater the obfuscation, the greater the need for lawyers. We do not need any more of that

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We are our government as long as elections are fair and honest.

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Government is a framework established to protect the rights of the people. It is neither citizens or its employees because neither of those are a constant. Each generation has had a positive impact, but lessons learned are forgotten as the government expands and the next generation must ask their representative to fight again. Mike Flynn of https://www.americasfuture.net/ "the government has abandoned its biblical role to punish evildoers and praise them that do well (1 Peter 2:14). In fact, our federal government has inverted this role, as it praises evildoers and punishes those who do well. Another biblical principle that has been inverted is the notion that the leaders serve the people. Now the people are required to give homage to the leaders (1 Peter 5:3)."

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is a sad state of affairs, Dr. Malone, but your voice is being heard now. What a storm you have weathered!

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"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974

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When the odious Chuckie Schumer admitted to Maddow: "L et me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this" you really didn't to hear anything else. If the president should fear the intel "community, "if elected officials must be careful not to "offend" them, then we are talking about Beria territory. And the only reasonable response is to tear them down. To their foundations. And start over with law abiding Constitutionalists, ridding ourselves of the totalitarian clowns who never seem to get anything right - well except spying on and lying to their fellow citizens.

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The shadow government, a criminal cabal organization has hijacked USA. President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2 https://youtu.be/xhZk8ronces

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Thank you for sharing. This knowledge from the past is prescient and applied today more than ever. History, context, all sides discussed is the only path to truth.

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WOW! Nothing like putting it out there. That people can comfortably live in that world is horrifying.

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Yes. Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. 26s https://youtu.be/r5NkAnmhP1w

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“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”— Henry Kissinger

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone,

Great article (as always). To the final point of:

But who will be left to stand up and speak for the dead and the damaged?

Is answered very well by another great speech. See how well it applies to today and today's fight: (please read very carefully)

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

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I memorized the Gettysburg Address when I was a young man . Thank you for the reminder and I wonder if we are now on the precipice staring into the abyss of another war.

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The vote for speaker took 15 votes, most since 1859 (e.g. just before the US engaged in Civil war.). by that tally, we are nearly as divided now.

We are already at war, but it is a 5th generational war as Dr Malone asserts. Most of the casualties have been those who were needlessly killed by COVID and the vaccines. The civil war cost over 600K, more than all other 3rd and 4th generational wars the US fought, combined.

I fear the casualties in this war, so far, greatly exceed 600K

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Dr. Malone, thank you for your heroic efforts! You have come so far! You have done so much for so many. However,

you can't do it alone....

From the Gettysburg Address quoted above...."that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom..." The key words are "under God".

See Ephesians 6:12

The New King James Version

" For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Faith in God and Providence defined every step in our history. Now the nation largely has turned away from God and Providence no longer guides and protects us. We are mere mortals. Without God, we cannot win

this spiritual struggle. We must Repent ! And Pray!

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The shedding of _your_ innocence maybe.

There were 99% as many reasons before 2020 as there were after to (1) not trust the government and to (2) hold freedom as sacred. No public health reason, or any other reason, should ever have been nor should ever be, regardless of intent and reasonable balance of risks/costs and benefits, allowed to supersede individual liberty.

This is more akin to history repeating itself than something new happening. The new thing is that it opened _your_ eyes. If ever you become a student of history, you'll learn that shadow governments manipulating and subjugating populations towards ends that benefit an elite few at the cost of the many is and always has been the norm, no matter the era, language, or even decade. It was predictable based on history alone.

One could surely write several "lies my government told me" for each and every decade going back millennia.

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And MANY other people were awakened to the madness.

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Exactly. People were worried about if masks or mandates worked, and hardly anybody was saying that government doesn't have the power to put you in masks or make you take jabs in the first place.

The proper role of "public health" is to inform us (truthfully) about the risks and then allow us to make our own decisions. In this case, public health was simply the vehicle that the tyrants used to allow them to slip through regular checks and balances. (How many mandates were executive orders versus actual laws passed via the legislature??)

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I think this is the best written post I have read since I subscribed. Fantastic work!!!! In my eyes this has been an all for profit and power perfect storm that continues and won’t stop because of the powers that be. The layers of evil involved and wrapped in this demonic scam seems to have grown out of control. It’s a magnet of deceit, it seems, that once they have touched it, they are dragged down and never able to confess to their involvement of what has happened to the good unaware public. I can only prey that god is watching and somehow, a miracle like wave of truth washes over the people of this world. I’m not very religious but I do think there has to be a miraculous event to shed light or truth on what has taken place. J.Goodrich

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thank you

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

I can only laugh, prey is appropriate too!

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Dear Robert, if there is one thing 'good' that has come out of all of this, it has been to completely draw back the veil. Evil has been show for what it is. God has given us a 'mirror' to see what this nation and much of the world has become... and it is VERY ugly. Pride, the quest for Power and the love of Money make for very wicked masters. God is HOLY...and because He is holy, He is completely good and trustworthy. He is not a 'better version of ourselves', He is completely 'other'. But He cannot abide with EVIL forever, He is warning us to drop our many idols and turn to Him, alone. Jesus is both my LORD and Savior because He is holy, good, loving, merciful and abounding in grace... but His patience with evil and those who act in accordance with it eventually wears thin. He has told me not to fear, to be kind and gentle with those I minister to and to point everyone to Jesus and His offered gift of Salvation. We are not enough in ourselves to overcome the 'spirit of the age' that is the 'prince of this world''; Jesus told his disciples... "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”-John 16:33 Have faith, there is more than this fallen world. Eternity awaits.

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"I received a call from a decades-long colleague employed at a senior level (GS-15) at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) darkly warning me to not discuss Dr. Michael Callahan or his activities in China during 2019-2020, or there would be consequences"... I guess we're getting as close as it gets to the core of the operation. The Wall Street-Washington (Langley)-Silicon Valley triangle. Scary.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My mom is now in the last stages of her life, We kids, are flying in to be with her and say our good byes. Things are ending and beginning. Our truths and perspectives are so very different even though we have the same parents. There is a lot of trauma in my mom’s family, being Jewish first and foremost. Lots of child abuse, poverty, manipulations of parents and children, brother and sisters fighting for attention, love, acknowledgement, and just getting by. Family members succeed and moved on to make lives of their own. When my grandmother’s mom died the family further broke down, split, and were never able to get back together.

My grandmother was extremely damaged. There is for me an illusion of the loving, laughing, joyous grandmother. Supportive, helpful and proud. But I grew up and the illusion took a frightening turn. I became aware of the vindictiveness, trouble, lies, and hatefulness towards her children and grandchildren that was going on. On relating various disturbing instances my mother refused to confront my grandmother. I thought she didn’t see it because it wasn’t done in front of her. It wasn’t that, it was because she chose not to hear, see, or speak out. If she ignored it, the problem would disappear. It did not, it was just covered up.

As I said earlier she is in the last stages of her life. She has 3-6 months at most. My family, sadly is saying goodbye and we realize that we may not meet again. We each have our own lives, friends, and these days life is somewhat hard. As I look at my family crumbling, dying off, moving on, it reminds me of our current situation, the government. Many things are crumbling under the lack of structure, honor and common sense. Large swathes of people are no longer believing what is told to them, they see reality. There are various factions of government with no oversight and responsible to no one. Lots of things are simply façades of normalcy and it is important to understand that.

Maybe our country is also dying in a sense, maybe something will evolve that is better, I understand there is no simple answer, no one solution that will make us all happy, successful, complete. It might also be that the USA breaks down into factions bases upon the society you want, that you work for. Some of us will survive other will not. As one thing ends; schooling, work, raising children, another life begins, one that is real if you choose, or you can hide behind current ideaology. You get to choose, you have a choice.

*please don’t send condolences or anything, she (mom) had the life she had. It was long and healthy for the longest time. She is going forth to whatever comes next. We, as a family, have no sadness in whatever is next.

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Pbr, pay attention to your dreams, only the body dies, the other side is rich and loving and we can do more reflection and healing.

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well I'm too lazy to look up "condolence" definition, but please know I care for you and am praying for you

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Absolutely brilliant, and will stand the test of time. Bravo Doctor!

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You will not believe this : 'PSYOPS Officer': Canadian government lists job for psychological operations

¨"Psychological operations" (psyops) typically refers to military/governmental operations that intentionally mislead or confuse the population, often used as a precursor to law changes or military action. Many would point to "false flag" events or simple misinformation spread by government sources as examples... Those who graduate the program would then be capable of advising "all levels of command" to plan or produce psychological operations and subsequently supervise the plan's execution.¨ Read More https://www.theblaze.com/psyop-job-posting-canada#toggle-gdpr

...This course is open to international students


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Unfortunately, I have absolutely no trouble believing this.

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"I had naively assumed that this process would require months, not years. "

Once I saw that even doctors went along with the insanity, I gave up hope that we will prevail at all. For all I know, we're heading towards nuclear war with people this insane in charge. Nevertheless, we have to defend rationality to the end. It's simply the right thing to do. Who knows how many lives and how much quality of life we may save by doing just that?

Thank you so much for all you do, Dr. Malone!

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

a propensity matched study showed 90% reduction in hospitalization with celecoxib (note you have to go to the supplement to find that it was celcoxib)


note absolute science a non pharma double blinded randomized study for high dose famotidine showed amazing efficacy with statistical signficance requiring only ~50 patients given the magnitude of symptomatic improvement and validated by Il1 biomarkers:


note dr Malone work predates both of these papers by >1 year. how much misery could have been avoided ?

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Thank you, thank you. “Well done, good and faithful servant,” comes to mind. We are indeed blessed to have you advocating for us Dr. Malone!

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