I believe we need an independent organization, like Underwriters Laboratories, to test for the safety of all pharmaceutical products. For many years, the FDA has been compromised due to 45% of its budget coming from the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA no longer advocates for the people of America. It's now an advocate for the pharmaceutical industry, as has become apparent with the Covid drugs.

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Years ago, the FDA was slow in reviewing drugs. Therefore the companies developing drugs were offered the option to pay for the reviews, speeding things up. Obviously this has not been without problems. Your "independent organization" will face the same pressures. Not that I would necessarily oppose it, compared to what we have now.

Also, before citing Underwriters Laboratories as a model for protecting public safety, learn what happened to their staffer Kevin Ryan. https://www.corbettreport.com/9-11-whistleblowers-kevin-ryan/

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There is no organization on planet Earth that doesn't have its corruption. I think we all need a reliable second opinion on drugs. I started working in the drug business in 1971. The whole medical-pharmaceutical-governmental system has gone over to the dark side.

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I agree that we need "a reliable second opinion." Even lacking resources to conduct their own studies, people can read the reports and point out the problems. The main problem with the scamdemic experience was that reliable, knowledgeable people, perhaps including yourself, were suppressed.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

Big Pharma and the crooked oligarchs are too rich. If they can buy off governments worldwide, they can buy off a pharma UL or sue them out of existence. The US federal health apparatus needs to be completely disbanded for perpetuity, as well as other hijacked federal agencies subverting our nation.. EPA, Education, FBI. The federal branch is involved in too many things that can be used against us

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The United States Constitution grants very limited enumerated powers to the federal government. Health is not among those powers, nor is education along with a long list of other federal alphabet agencies. You are correct that the Department of Health and Human Services and all its sub-agencies need to be disbanded. By the 10th Amendment the states have the power if the people so decide.

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there is a similar problem with aviation and the faa. The problem is that UL was created to serve the insurance industry, and the technically fascist pharma industry has engineered government protection from the harms of their products.

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Testing facilities along with internationally recognized and “independent” code development agencies are heavily influenced by industry and commercial enterprise as well as the insurance industry. Profit can be a strong motivator. Government regulations are often utilized as an enforcement mechanism. It’s not very different from the medical, industrial complex. It can be good and not so good.

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FDA, "a mostly owned subsidiary of the pharmaceutical monopolies." The same can be said of the CDC and NIH.

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No. Don't you think it is best to abolish the medical bureaucracy, Mick?

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You don't have to abolish agencies when you can neuter them....just take away (1) the ability of pharma to fund agencies and (2) do their own testing. That will transform these agencies overnight. If you feel aggressive take away (3) the pharma ability to make campaign contributions. (abolish Citizen's United)

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If you prevent Pharma from funding agencies by statute, they’ll just deposit funds in an offshore numbered bank or crypto account constructively owned by the bureaucrat or politicians or their family members. By all means, bar direct contributions but it won’t stop the payola. There’s too many ways to pay people off.

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It's not going to happen. Back in the 70s, most doctors were independent practitioners. They all worked for themselves. Then, they gave away their freedom for the safety of a steady paycheck. Now, it's just one big mess that can't be untangled.

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Yes however the bureaucracy was not established quickly so abolishing it will not be accomplished easily or quickly. Mick's suggestion can be an intermediate step while the larger objective is being strategized and implemented.

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Better to fix FDA. It became politicized like most of our institutions, but the people in those institutions are mostly competent and honest. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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You can attempt to fix the FDA all you want. I'm just suggesting that we need a truly independent testing facility. A group that's not beholden to anyone. A group to check the regulators.

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Nobody is independent. There people with biases you share, and those who have biases you dislike. Good behavior only comes with accountability. FDA is currently unaccountable. Hire others with the same lack of accountability and you'll have the same problem.

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Sorry, but you cannot use the word "war" to describe the situation and then pretend that all our warriors can and should keep their uniforms spotless. While I agree that it is critical for Dr. Malone to remain exactly what he has been: totally honest, I regard it as moronic to believe that we can win ANY war by having all our warriors act like Dr. Malone.

If we learned nothing else from these past two years, we should have learned that the side that moves the masses wins the war. And NO ONE moves the masses without propaganda. We do not have to tell murderous lies like our enemy but you do have to state your case unequivocally and forcefully, without all the ifs, ands, and buts of an academic. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not know the first damn thing about warfare.

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I totally agree. Stew Peters is a warrior in our fight. "Died Suddenly" is tough to watch, but it was meant to be. Some may quibble with the presentation, but the purpose was shock and awe, not an analysis of peer-reviewed medical gobbledygook. If it stops one child from getting a booster, it was worth the effort.

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

You know who puts in a clip of bigfoot while talking about vax adverse events? Or talks about snake venom in the water system? He's like a Pfizer funded Ray Epps.

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PS I don't trust Alex Jones either- that part I don’t agree with.

But I trust Doc Malone. He should be running the country

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Well, Dr. Malone is mainly commenting on the book, The Great Reset, by Alex Jones. have read it and it is quite good.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

This is a scientific information war largely being waged between skeptical experts versus lying psychopathic pseudoexperts in positions of national authority who are supported by the media, national security agencies, Big Tech, and the richest people on earth. It’s a guerilla war and we are massively outgunned.

BUT our biggest weapon is the TRUTH. The truth is on our side. If we deviate from the truth, we lose.

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So well stated!

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Thank you for injecting some sanity and realism here. This spotless ideal is such a trap. So what if someone makes a mistake with film footage at some point - something so small next to oceans of lies. Why assume the worst interpretation? In my opinion, people who have given quarter to the notion of it’s ok to vax the obese, comorbid, and elderly have much more to account for in contributing to CDC and FDA lies that have actually killed people -- that’s right, actually killed and maimed by softening the conceptual ground so the predators could push this bioweapon on the already vulnerable. Whatever Peter’s issues or not, a clip of someone who turns out not to be dead is hardly the equivalent in real damage of ignoring the affirmative rule of DO NO HARM with respect to gene manipulation. It’s been clear for a very long time that the entire information landscape was completely distorted by lies - PCR and distorted case rates w brutal suppression of whistle blowers and hospital greed incentivized, withholding trial data, no package inserts and unwarranted variations in products, NDAs binding nation states to secrecy, assassinations of Leaders who refused vax and NDAs, data falsification to do in repurposed drugs among the most elite journals, the Vaers system of long Ill repute, suppressed early treatment, and on and on. And yet, physicians on our side, in the terrible for of this war, were long delayed to say -- *You cannot use these products that are actually not at all truly tested and carefully surveilled post EUA for safety and efficacy. * But these people, our people, were sincere and also really out of bounds and wrong. Shall we not ask mercy for all? It’s time to stop the bull, but we understand that there has been such a storm of lies, mistakes, and fog -- all mixed together. Dr Yeadon is impressive for both his insight and humility as he describes the realization he finally came to regarding the disjuncture of mechanism -- a shot that does not defend the nasal - respiratory system... but wrecks all manner of other havoc. A great rabbi once advised, “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye”. I affirm the Lord addressed me in this as much as any other. Brothers and sisters, let us be kinder to each other and understand that THE ACCUSER has us all in a frame in this fallen world.

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RussCR5187 is correct: we differ in our understanding of the word "propaganda."

By way of example, if people who employ propaganda are "scumbags" then Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt are in the same class as Hitler and Biden. Watch this short little jewel from 1942, quite rightly called a "propaganda film" in the trade, and I think you will see what I mean:


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I think the word propaganda can be confusing. Officially speaking it can be either helpful or harmful to the target audience. It can consist of lies or well-supported ideas/facts. It can be meant to inform or deceive. In common usage these days it does seem to refer to the more nefarious meanings.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone, for another excellent essay. I completely agree with your assessments of both Stew Peters and Alex Jones.

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Yes I too was glad to see Dr. Malones review and my impression of DS video was "nothing new to see hear" Just a sensationalized version of a topic where continued honest scientific discussion with facts of autopsies and pathology reports on these poor victims are needed. However it may stop some from continued "shots" including their children.

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And that would be wonderful, imho!!!

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Yes. He's spot on, imho.

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Speaking of information warfare; the 19 year old boyfriend of a friend of ours, who is from Nicaragua, is now in the hospital here in NC, where he was visiting. Since he came in legally, rather than across the southern border, he had to be fully vaccinated. The doctors are saying he has myocarditis from a mild virus he had last week. If his worried parents want to come to check on their ill son, they will have to be jabbed also. Maybe the evil ones can kill off the entire family. I am so angry!

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The plan does look to be killing off a significant portion of humanity. Personally I have no doubt Stew got that part right.

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Thank you so much for reminding me of this resource! I've alienated family by speaking out so much on social media and don't know that I would have any influence, but I may have to try again. The young man won't get the truth from any of the three major hospital systems in our area. Their websites contain absolute lies about the "vaccines."

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A conspiracy of lunatics or a conspiracy of intelligent criminals?

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How about psychopaths? Intelligent, evil, and crazy.

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Regardless of their state of mind they are not gods and are vulnerable to the power of truth when used to expose their evil conspiracy.

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Now think of how many people you know of that get the flu shot because they don't want to be inconvenienced by a cold or flu?

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Sad to say I did for many years, but stopped several years ago.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fighting fire with fire is a human response. Taking a higher road is admirable, and necessary to overcome the crime of the Century.. I would like to see a discussion on the study that indicated a 7.7% adverse reaction rate to those who have been injected, which negates any rationale for getting the injection..

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I have seen other videos of people dropping over supposedly from the jabs. Some of those people I was rather certain did not receive the jab. one had locked knees and had been standing for quite some time, and she was not of the age that would have been jabbed. Locked knees can cause you to pass out and fall over like a board and that is what this person did. She was some minister or government official in one of the northern Europe countries.

I do think there there are enough examples out there of people we know have been jabbed that you do not need to add questionable images. It defeats the purpose.

Integrity needs to be totally on board.

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Only Jesus can wash our sins clean!

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone! Your post goes right to the heart of all that is worth living and dying for, whether in times of COVID or the vagaries of a normal and hidden life. I made my lonely choice a long time ago, but " je ne regrette rien".

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“Furthermore, these types of errors become weapons which will be deployed against us by our opponents in this unrestricted information war battlefield.”

This is almost verbatim what I said when expressing concerns about this piece and stating that we need to hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and accuracy—not only because our opponents will use errors to discredit the larger message and movement but because it is our integrity and commitment to seeking the truth that distinguishes us from them.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've come to the conclusion there is an information warfare tactic that is somewhat like a honey trap. A person who seems sincere ("heart in the right place" is often used to describe them) energetically rides forth to do battle, but proclaims things which are easily debunked. People dismiss this as minor flaws, but the real purpose is to fatally undermine the entire battle and any soldiers who have signed up. It's not really controlled opposition - it's more like opposition with hidden land mines. Most distressing is when these individuals cloak themselves in religion. So many people assume if someone says they believe in God or Christ or whatever, they can't possibly be lying and are actually psychopathic.

You are a much better person than I. I see Peters not as a carnival barker but perhaps as someone who is compromised and has been turned into a double agent. A kind of honey trap. But, the person I'm most curious about, though, is Karen Kingston. She has been saying some amazing things - are they true? Has she been suckered into the Peters web, or is she complicit?

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Different scene and playing different parts but belong to the same employer. The script doesn't matter. Covid 19, or Global Warming. Pick a topic. Same producer, same scripty writers and same acting coaches.

Those who don't know the enemy would judge you a "conspiracy theorist" for saying it. But obviously Greta Thunberg is no longer Studio A material. Center Stage COP 27 gala was reserved for instant celebrity Sophia Kianni.


Sophia is only too happy to wear the proverbial Covid mask as did Greta before being transferred to studio B propaganda studios.

Our new House Speaker in Congress hasn't spoken a word about the UN being a problem big enough to get the US out of it! https://thenewamerican.com/freedom-index/legislator/m001165/

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I agree with your analysis being the most likely, and I also have the same question about Karen Kingston.

Dr. Malone?

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd like to commend my friend and colleague Robert for speaking the calm complete truth. While it may seem expeditious to use hyperbole as a weapon, but the problem is dishonesty. Tyrants aren't causing our representative governments to abandon us using honest elections and sincere governance structures, but by lies and hyperbole. We can never win a fight permanently using hysterical, thoughtless distortions. They will always be better at that than we are. We only win when it is inconceivable and unsafe to lie and distort the truth.

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I am always grateful for Dr. Malone's clarity...

I am, however, a little uncomfortable with the language used to demonize an individual who's heart is unknown to us... I understand Mr Peters made several mistakes in the production, "Died Suddenly", which is incredibly unfortunate for this entire effort... However, Dr. Malone himself acknowledged that he, too, made such a mistake early in this "movement", and I would have been just as put off had someone referred to him as a "carnival barker"....

We must respect all even though we vociferously disagree.

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Nasus, the difference being that Dr. Malone did what he could to rectify his error. His ego is kept in check by his commitment to honesty. Respect is earned, not to be given easily.

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Yes, which speaks to his character and following notification from an attorney... I hope Mr. Peters will also humble himself and acknowledge the errors... it has only been a few days since his movie was made public; time will tell :)

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I haven't yet read the commentary you have cited, but I did watch the documentary, "Died Suddenly." I agree that one should judge it apart from any feelings one has about Stew Peters. I have read a lot of personal attacks on him as a way to discredit the film. Clearly, there are a few errors, but I do not believe they were intentional (looking at hours of video clips can lead to errors, God knows there are many videos of people dying suddenly so it isn't necessary to pad the record). In any case, I am very happy that more than 6 million people ( last time I looked) have watched the film, because,overall, I believe it raises awareness of what is clearly a public health disaster the scope and lasting consequences of which we are only beginning to understand. As far as what is "new" in the film, there are many things that will new to people who don't subscribe to this substack and others (I also subscribe to Kirsch's substack) . What has gotten very little attention outside of podcasts like Peters's are the large, white, rubbery, fibrous material that embalmers are finding the likes of which they have never seen before. No other documentary has included such detail as well as video and photographic evidence of such material. Even though I have followed the coverage of such clots I never realized that so many embalmers were on the same page about this. There is a dimension of the COVID "vaccine" harms that many leaders of the health freedom movement have declined to discuss. The abnormalities in the blood of vaccine-injured people such as the blood rouleaux, contaminants in the vials (from stainless steel to graphene oxide) as well as the aforementioned clotting material. In my humble opinion, we should all be calling for thorough investigations of the vial contents of ALL COVID vaccines, as well as autopsies on those who have died suddenly, of the sort Dr. Michael Mörz carried out (in Germany) on the elderly man. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651 If the Peters documentary, which is quite skillfully done, can save lives by alerting people to the dangers then I thank him from the bottom of my impure heart. Why impure? Because, no one is perfect no one is pure, "Died Suddenly" is an impressive piece of work. https://www.rt.com/russia/567231-belarusian-foreign-minister-dies-at-64/ The criminal enterprise continues.

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We should keep in mind that the truth is independent of the speaker. If the author is the most reprehensible human who ever lived, but speaks the truth, then the source doesn't matter, unless its to reconsider the possibility of redemption. Conversely, if the most highly respected media speaks lies, the liecstands on its own, with the side effect of undermining the reputation of that source.

Reviews of statements like Died Suddenly must be based on the material, not the presenter. Doing otherwise is how propaganda works. If there are inaccuracies, seek clarification, not revenge.

We must also remember that information war is war, and just a tactical decision away from violence. Maintaining peacetime principles in war may feel noble, but is also defeatist. When you lose the war with your principles intact, you still lose, possibly fatally. Wars are always ugly affairs, bringing out the worst aspects of human nature. But the only rational basis for engaging in war is to win. If that's not the objective, better to surrender immediately and hope for mercy. Your principles won't survive, but maybe you will. If you win, by any means necessary, you can restore your principles when its over.

We give medals to the most vicious fighters. Perhaps Malone and Peters will both deserve one. Both are likely to contribute to victory.

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Well said.

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Dr. Malone,

I've followed your work on covid from nearly the beginning, and I've shared your writings and posts with many people. Do you know what some of the feedback has been? "He works with the CIA. He's a fed and can't be trusted." Therefore it puzzles me when you attack Peters based on his life but forget that we often ignore your own, in good faith. And you attack him personally in this article.... but do you know what's missing? You do not address the work at all. Do you know how many of us have been watching the past two years and a day doesn't go by without someone having "died suddenly" in their 20's and 30's? But you merely relate a single instance that you shared where someone was assessed as having died suddenly before vaccine rollout. What about the dozens and hundreds of others we are seeing monthly and annually? And now the news is full of morticians from around the world OVERWHELMED by the amount of people with long thick blood clots coming in. But do you address this at all? No, not a word.

Overall, you should have given a much more thorough response than this. It is very inadequate given the fact that we are being bombarded with people dying suddenly and reports of long fibrous blood clots from embalmers, yet you address neither, and brush them off so easily. To me, that seems odd and possibly suspicious. Please research and address these topics and clear the air. Thank you.

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I agree on the truth being my ultimate goal and I am concerned about posting things I may not realize are not true. We must have higher standards and not also cause fear but give helpful information to combat the fears we are exposing. Truth is the best policy.

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